The day went by faster, as the evening came. Raheel has already done laxmi puja in the office as he and Ahmad placed two diyas outside, they were followed by the other employees who each keep the lit diya outside. Nobody realized that the way lit the diyas has actually made an illuminating path.
Everything was ready, all the employees were provided with halloween costume as they were asked before hand in the morning.
The press and guests were yet to come as Raheel did his grandpa's makeup who has actually decided to be the vampire. As Ahmad walked out of the cabin since now it's time for party and he has to welcome some of his special guests.
As everybody is in spooky look enjoying the drinks, music and games. Raheel decided to keep some games for people to play so that they can't get bored. A projector too was placed as it plays the popular horror movies and animes.
Ahmad welcomed his guests as everyone is amazed by the decorations and how amazing the party looks. Prithvi and Rakesh too had parked their car as they were told to walk straight with illuminate path.
Both were mesmerized by the beauty of diyas as they brighten the way in darkness. Both of them have dressed in spooky costumes as Rakesh has chosen the Frankenstein for himself and Prithvi has become an Egyptian mummy. Ahmad welcomed both of them and told them to enjoy the party.
The staffs have seen Raheel for the first time during laxmi puja and they were mesmerized by the guy. Not only he looks handsome and cute, he cares about me genuinely. Now they were curious as to what costume of Raheel will be.
The lights turned dim as everyone watched at the door as a handsome guy is standing. He is wearing a black shirt and black pants a gun visible in his pocket. His black and brown hairs made him look more attractive.
He has a stitch mark on his forehead as the blood stains are there on his fair skinned cheeks. Ahmad who is calm and composed find himself nervous as he slowly walked towards the stranger.
Ahmad welcomed him as the stranger entered the party followed by certain other guys. The lights were turned on and people finally saw who this stranger is.
Rakesh too gasped as he got nervous seeing the guy in flesh. Prithvi who is unaware of the reason of Rakesh's such behaviour asked him, what happened.
Rakesh looked at Prithvi and then pointed towards the stranger as he asked, "Do you not know him?" Prithvi being confused tried his best to jog his memory but he couldn't remember the guy as he replied, "Is he a businessman? Or a famous producer or director."
Rakesh shaked his head as he finally revealed who that stranger is. "He is Vedant Sharma, world's notorious guy, who is also the second dangerous guy in the whole world. His gang is also ruthless."
Prithvi then looked at Rakesh and asked, "What is, he doing here? And how does Mr. Ahmad knows him."
As their questions couldn't be answered they both decided to be quiet and enjoy the party.
Once again the light went dim, and everyone's attention went to the door. As Mick walked in while dressing himself as a joker from IT movie. This time lights weren't turned on as someone walked in.
Raheel has wore a nurse costume who has a syringe in one pocket, and another pocket is filled with candies as his pink colored dress has blood stains or red colored on it.
He gave a gentle smile to everyone. As he walked inside and headed towards his grandpa. The lights were turned on as everyone started enjoying the party.
Raheel walked towards his grandpa as he was satisfied with the arrangement. He picked a spooky drink for himself and his grandpa as both the guys enjoyed the drink.
Mick as usual is next to Raheel wearing a joker costume only this joker doesn't look funny rather it looked scary. As Ahmad and Raheel wished Happy Diwali and Happy Halloween to everyone and said to enjoy the party to the fullest.
Ahmad and Raheel greeted their guests as now they walked towards Prithvi and Rakesh who were drinking spooky drinks as Raheel greeted Prithvi with a casual smile as he asked, "So, enjoying the party?" Prithvi nodded his head as he replied, "You look cute in that costume."
Raheel thanked him for the compliment as Ahmad said, "Please excuse us, as we have other guests to meet too."
Prithvi watched Ahmad and Raheel walk towards Vedant Sharma as he realized that Mr. Ahmad know Vedant properly as he is smiling with him.
Raheel looked at the handsome guy in front of him no matter how handsome this guy look he has the aura which could make one be scared. Raheel looked at his grandpa who is smiling but also scared.
Ahmad noticed Raheel looking at him as he said, "Grandson, meet Mr. Sharma, Vedant Sharma."
Raheel has heard the name and after a moment of remembering he realized who the guy is, the one who made a deal with his grandpa.
Raheel gave a small smile as he extended his hand to greet Vedant. Everyone's eyes were on Ahmad, Raheel and Vedant. As they all were confused as to why Vedant is here.
Vedant shaked Raheel's hand as he said, "I'm glad we are seeing each other again." Raheel got confused as he has never seen this guy before and before he could ask about it. Ahmad said, "Raheel, take care of Vedant, as he is our guest as I'll look after the other guest."
Raheel nodded his head as Vedant gave a short nod to Ahmad. To everyone's surprise, Vedant had a smile on his face. Everyone has seen Vedant but not with a smile he is always being mean in the real and in pictures too.
So, a thought crossed in everyone's mind what is the relationship of Vedant and Raheel?