Tyson, David, Bingo and Moondrop arrive back in the wild empire carrying a large back of goodies that they scavenged and proceed from the vault, including the briefcase.
"I hope you know we're late"
David claimed.
"I know I know, we should have not gone back and got stuff but it's fine"
Tyson replied.
"Yeah now we have all these cool items"
bingo conveyed.
"I'm honestly rather tired, we should probably call it"
Moondrop mentioned.
"Don't worry we will. You guys can head off. I'm going to turn the thing in."
Tyson said.
"I'll take them back to the house,"
David proposed.
"Not a bad idea"
Tyson replied as he looked off to the distance thinking for a bit as he held the briefcase in his hand.
"No no no no no I don't want to go to sleep just yet let me go with you Tyson please"
bingo begged, with a sparkle in his eye just about.
"No you need to rest…"
Moon drop told Bingo.
"But… please…"
bingo continued to beg.
"Moon drop is right, You need to rest, tomorrow's going to be an interesting day and I need you at 100"
David said, finally with a heavy and with an extra dramatic motion bingo gave them looking defeated.
"Don't worry about it kid This is the boring stuff anyway"
Tyson explained hoping this would help Bingo cope.
"If You say so"
bingo replied.
Moondrop gave a nod and a bright smile h
as she gave Tyson a hug, and then grabbed Bingo's hand and took off with him.
David sighed and followed quickly behind
"I had so much to say to you but they're taking off, You need to fix you up and get a better sword, and You still need to pick a apprentice, Plus we need to pay the bill and crap talk to you layer Tyson" David shouted as he rushed after Moondrop and Bingo.
Tyson sighed looking at David rush off as he headed towards a nearby tavern holding the case tightly as his body felt heavy and tired but he continued onward walking into the tavern pushing the heavy doors open with a thud.
"So this is the meeting spot"
Tyson thought to himself.
Tyson walked over to a booth near the end of the tavern he saw a sharp looking guard with fancy looking armor and golden hair, and wolf ears with a big fluffy tail. Tyson recognized the man as sir Gordon, one of the wild kingdoms finest knights.
Tyson sat down across from Gordon, placing the briefcase on the table.
"Tyson You are late"
Gordon stated, with a very stern tone.
"I know I know"
Tyson responded, As he pushed the briefcase over to Gordon.
"You need to be more cautious of time, going to assume that You guys handle the mission extremely easy, if I'm betting man it's probably because you guys raided the vault?"
Gordon asked.
"You know me so well,"
Tyson responded.
"You are a guardian You need the product yourself and in a manner like that of one" Gordon commented.
"Yeah I get it I'm one of the strongest I got to be the best, set an example look I understand, but David did just get that apprentice and the kid needs to relax sometimes"
Tyson replied.
"Yes but you guys are handling a very important mission which you did successfully I do respect that, I'll lay off on you besides, You don't need a lecture from an old man like me, You're probably going to get plenty of those tonight the witch is in a particularly foul mood, and seems to be worried about you, Plus that human if yours is here"
Gordon mentioned.
"Thanks for the heads up I know we don't get to talk, like we used to, but it was good to have a conversation with you Gordon I hope we can have plenty of these in the future take care now I have well I suppose business to handle one would say, Make sure Aaron gets the briefcase and the artifact inside heard it's rather dangerous so keep it close"
Tyson said with a slight smile on his face as he stood up and walked away pushing the chair in as he did so.
"I'll make sure he gets it You just take care of those ladies that one in particular seemed quite upset about something If You want my advice, Just let her talk, anyway I'm going to take this back to Aaron before anything happens, but just understand the witc- Luna does care about you Just try to remember that, everything she says she means because she cares"
Gordon told Tyson.
"I know well I got to get an awkward conversation over so, better wish me luck"
Tyson said as he walked away.
After Tyson left the bar he walked to the streets for a bit taking in the view and scenery he saw the center of the Kingdom, a dead colossal skeleton with a 30-ft greatsword meant for what seem to be a giant plunged inside the skeleton as a reminder of the past wars that burned the lands.
There were other beautiful sights: beautiful pink trees with purple bark majestic and large, birds that were gigantic Ravens with monstrous claws.
Continuing on his walk to what seemed to be his nearby house.
A lot of the other homes were rustic and style made of brick and concrete, the castle in the background was massive and made of mostly iron and stone.
Tyson eventually made his way to a small wooden cabin that was very quaint and quiet. It was made of rustic woods and what seemed to be white wood and other material that was scraped together but it had a very rustic feeling.
Tyson looked at his door for a minute taking a deep gulp as he slowly opened it saying
"looks like I'm home"
Tyson nearly shouted knowing of course there were likely people already in his home due to the information Gordon shared.