My Dear Emperor Mikhail,
As I write this letter, my heart aches for you - for us. Nine years have passed since I was granted this second chance, reborn into our six-year-old body with the weight of our memories, our pain, and our failures.
Now, at fifteen, I wish I could reach out to you across the expanse of time to offer you comfort, and understanding, and to tell you that your suffering was not in vain.
First, I owe you an apology. When I first awakened in this new life, I felt nothing but hatred for your weakness and your powerlessness. I was wrong. I understand now, more than I did before, that your frailty wasn't a choice, but a cruel fate forced on you by those who should have been our protectors and allies.
The constant humiliation you endured - none of this was your fault. You were a victim of circumstances beyond your control. Please forgive me.
I want you to know that I remember everything. Every slight, every betrayal, every moment of helplessness - they are carved into my soul as surely as they were into yours. They serve as constant reminders of why I must succeed where you could not.
In these nine years, I've worked tirelessly to become everything you couldn't be. The weak, powerless boy you knew has been transformed. I stand now as a 3rd Circle Adept Mage and a 4th Tier Expert Swordsman - a combination of powers still thought of as impossible today.
Unlike you, who wore your weakness like a shroud, I hide my strength behind a carefully constructed mask of incompetence. The Court still sees me as the bumbling, useless prince, utterly ignorant of the power growing within me. If only they knew the truth that lies beneath the facade.
Do you remember Gage, the assassin who failed to take the life of the Duke of Terra's son? He now serves our cause with unwavering loyalty. It's almost poetic, isn't it? The man who died by the House of Terra's hand, now works tirelessly to ensure our rise to power and their complete destruction.
Gage leads a small network of spies, gathering information that will bring our enemies to their knees.
I wish you could see the Dungeon Dimension, this secret realm where I've honed my skills and grown in power. It's a place of wonder and terror, of challenges that have pushed me to the very limits of my abilities. I've cleared five levels so far, each one a trial that nearly broke me. Most recently, I conquered a level called The Sunken City, an entire metropolis submerged beneath the waves and teeming with deep water horrors.
Each of these levels pushed me to my limits, and forced me to adapt and grow stronger. The rewards have been substantial - strength, mana, and a deeper understanding of our own abilities. But more than that, they have given me something you never had: confidence.
Our siblings and the Empress, I'm sad to say, still treat me with the same disdain they showed you. Although, it is admittedly nowhere near as severe as what you had to endure.
At official functions, they go out of their way to remind me of our "bastard" heritage, to "put me in my place" as they see it. It's almost amusing, in a way, to see how blind they are to the threat growing under their noses.
As my fifteenth birthday approached, I knew I had to make a show of finally "reaching the 1st circle" of magic. I do still have to play the part of appearing to make progress while still maintaining my facade of incompetence.
I chose to "achieve" this milestone during a private tutoring session, making sure word would spread but without the scrutiny of a public demonstration. If only you could have seen the look of pride on the tutor's face, thinking he had finally managed to teach the unteachable prince a simple Ember Ignition incantation.
On the evening of my birthday, a small celebration was held in our villa. Lydia, bless her loyal heart, had outdone herself with the preparations. Do you remember Lydia? She's proven to be one of our most valuable allies - efficient and discreet.
Bella was there too, yes that Bella - she presented me with a small, carefully wrapped gift, her eyes shone with genuine affection as she wished me a happy birthday. The gift was a finely crafted fountain pen, she must have saved up a lot to afford something like that.
I've continued to investigate the disappearance of our mother, Aurelia. The temporal anchor she left us remains a mystery. Despite my efforts, I've uncovered little about her true identity or her whereabouts. The Dungeon Dimension, her parting gift, has been instrumental in my growth, but it offers no clues about her. My search continues.
Our life in the palace remains as sheltered as ever, but I've made the most of it. Despite the Empress's best efforts to squash us like a bug and ensure we remain an incompetent embarrassment, we've secretly gained considerable power. Her attempts to stifle our growth have only served as a useful disguise to mask our true abilities. I've done all I can to prepare for what's to come, and I feel ready to face the challenges ahead.
Now, on to more difficult matters. I've maintained a careful distance from Aria, attending every betrothal meeting with dutiful reluctance. These chaperoned encounters are strange, and so unlike what you must remember about her. In this life, we are not friends, and we do not share the laughter and joy we once did together. Rest assured, I've revealed nothing of my true self to her or anyone else present at these meetings.
Father, meanwhile, has been consumed with his training and the expansion of the empire. His activities have been kept under wraps by the High Nobles, but I've managed to gain some understanding of where the Empire's vast resources truly come from. It's been enlightening, to say the least, and this knowledge will serve us well in the future.
I want you to know that I haven't forgotten Gregor's sacrifice. His unwavering loyalty, his belief in us even when we couldn't believe in ourselves - these things drive me forward every day. I will become the emperor he always believed we could be. I have avoided him in this life, but we'll run into each other soon enough.
My dear former self, please know that I no longer judge you for your weakness. Rest now, knowing that we will have our redemption. The empire that crushed you will be reshaped by my hand.
Your pain will be avenged. Your humiliations will be repaid tenfold. And the empire that never appreciated your potential will soon learn the true meaning of power.
Rest, and know that your legacy is in capable hands.
With deepest empathy and unwavering resolve,
Mikhail Robinette D'Arcy Ironforge
Fourth Prince of the Tiberian Empire (For Now)