A month had passed since the kingdom of Corvus and Arwyna was absorbed into Zyriel's. Now with 356 members, the kingdom's evolution in all aspects had accelerated. Fearing surprise attacks from Areyos and his team, Zayren and Anos spent most of their time training with their respective armies, each consisting of 100 warriors.
Zyriel, on her part, was concerned about the eerie silence from Areyos and his team, unable to locate them even after searching the north. Pondering a plan to trap them, she was joined in her garden by Klaus, landing from the sky with silent grace.
"Hello, Klaus, how are you?"
"I'm fine. Another useless round," he said, his voice betraying a hint of weariness.
"They can't be invisible !" said Zyriel, frustrated.
"I flew over the North, but I saw nothing from above... However, there's a large forest. It wouldn't surprise me if they were hiding there," he replied