Chereads / As Heavens Divide / Chapter 65 - Chapter 65 - Boozeman.

Chapter 65 - Chapter 65 - Boozeman.

The group was in relatively good shape when they joined up with the caravan. They washed themselves and did their laundry, collected their belongings and gathered around a meeting spot, all riding their horses. There were already several horse carriages there, and a dozen of armoured guardsmen and free labourers.

"Oh, there they are!" A jolly fat man wearing a fancy fur hat spread his arms, as if hugging them from a distance. "All so young, as well! Name's Bai Chao, but you can also call me Boozeman. I lead this caravan."

"Greetings, master. Here are my subordinates, please treat them well." Tu Qiang bowed to him after unsaddling. 

Xin squinted his eyes. Is this man a cultivator? His clothing looks sturdy and not refined at all, he's probably used to hardships of the travels. His business is probably not very big, otherwise he wouldn't run his own caravans. His personal presence probably means that he has something of value to add, so he is likely to be a fighter. Hm…

"Shame about your master, lads. My good friend master Qiang told me the details. Look, the drinks are on me. Boys, the camp followers also provide their services, if you have the coin... And girls, fine girls you are, I don't think you'd need to pay to have your sleeping bag warmed, just chat up one of the guys. Or girls, for all I care! One thing I'm worried about, you're all so young — don't bicker among yourselves or with others, we're trying to uphold a pleasant atmosphere here."

Xin didn't like this man. It made him annoyed when someone was that overtly friendly and expressive. It's like he takes it for granted that everyone is going to like him. Just because he smiles and offers a drink? This sort of people grated the young hunter. And promoting the prostitution in his caravan so openly — what kind of degenerate is he?

"Bickering? We're a sect, not a bunch of mercs. We saved each other's lives too many times at this point, everyone knows each other's worth, and all the unworthy were weeded out. You'll see no discipline breaches from us, I guarantee this." Xin answered resolutely. It was a lie, of course, but he felt a strong need to display unity.

"Emmm... What a serious young man you are." Boozeman Chao looked disappointed by Xin's vibe. "What's your name, kid?"

"Xin, sir. I am an outrider of our squad." He felt an urge to say more, but decided to avoid mindless chatter.

"Good. We're riding out soon, just need to accept a final shipment. Please have a seat." He pointed towards a bunch of cheap folding chairs around the horse carriages.

After everyone sat down, the man left. They instantly pulled the chairs slightly aside, to create their own sector, to avoid interacting with the simple mortals. Xin just nodded towards these people, he didn't want to be impolite, but he didn't want to speak with them, either.

Moments later, a tall young man with luscious black hair and sharp facial features had approached them. He had a strong build and a simple, friendly facial expression.

"Greetings, travellers. I'm Lu Bo." He performed a martial gesture. 

"Hi, Lu Bo! I am Yao Nang, nice to meet you." The girl smiled and also performed a martial gesture.

Xin rolled his eyes. What a whore. 

"Heard you people fought a demonic cultivator. Hope the road is safe. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions."

"Sure. What do you want?" Wu Xiaoyun looked at him with slight suspicion.

Xin got annoyed by this guy. Just like with that caravan master, he was annoyed by overly social people.

"Well, I'm looking to join a martial arts school, maybe even a sect. Some of us up there, too." He pointed at the people seated nearby, silently observing the discussion. "We heard that the Divine Fist sect is taking in new members, heard anything about it?"

In an instant, the air around became uneasy. A strong urge to interject popped up in Xin's mind, making him tap his knees with his fingers. This guy could be a spy, fishing for information. And Lei! Fuck, how do I stop him from stirring trouble?

"Well, if you let me speak." Murong Zhan reacted first. He also threw a quick glance at Lei and Xin, as if expecting something bad to happen. He probably had a good reaction time in such situations due to his background, Xin concluded. " I'm a noble of house Murong, so I know plenty about different sects and schools of our region. Feel free to ask me anything." As he said it, he sounded slightly tense. 

"Eh... So, Divine Fist sect, are they fine? Heard their leader Muni was recognized by heavens as a Holy Ascetic, and that they have the strongest martial arts sect in the North!" It was hard to hide the tension in the air as he said this, since everyone in their group had a negative experience with the Fist Sect.

"Eh, you know? Fist Sect are decent, they have good and bad people, just like everyone. Mostly good." Murong Zhan chose to give them face, but also poked at their image slightly. "If you are into asceticism and spiritualism, I guess that it's your kind of place. You know, working out, being just like everyone else — same clothing, same hair. Well, same lack of hair. You'll be able to do a lot of labour, like rebuilding Tealstone or creating other fortifications — sounds like fair work to me. You'll be fed and have a place to sleep, maybe in ten years or so you'll become a recognized master. In terms of Saint Muni, I don't know. Can't tell you anything."

Xin liked this answer. Zhan's intonation was pleasant and as if he was praising the school, but it would also dissuade the common people from joining. And he kept a lot of plausible deniability, not insulting the Fist sect openly. Still, he didn't openly recognize Saint Muni, which would be a massive loss of face for our sect if he did.

"Eh... so you think I shouldn't join it?" Lu Bo asked.

Wait, is he trying to goad Zhan into saying something incriminating? Or is he genuinely like that? Does he even know about the rivalry between our sects?

"Look, our sects' relationships are strained, but we take no part in this. It's up to you, I think you should go for it." Xin said, as he looked at Lei. It seems that his friend understood what was going on and decided to stay quiet.

"I'll go take a leak, be right back, people." Lei stood up and left.

"Didn't have to announce that." Rui Ming scratched his neck. He was carefully observing the situation while acting unbothered. 

"Eh, I'll ask you more on our first break, if you people don't mind." Lu Bo smiled as he scratched his head.

"Just don't invite yourself to our table, it's not in our etiquette to be mingling too much with mortals. Other than this, yeah, we can chat some time." Tu Qiang suddenly took a firm stance. 

"Eh... Of course, master. Forgive me if I broke some rules, I'm just a farm man, don't know how it works." He went back to his group.

After the group managed some privacy and Lei returned, they had a small discussion about this.

"Sorry, I decided to go away for a bit, better to go piss than to sit pissed off." Lei said.

"Everybody got it. A wise choice, brother. It seems you aren't courting death at every step like before. Good." Xin smiled. "But now, let's all just keep quiet. Don't whisper around or make weird faces, just act like nothing happened. It's not a big deal. Got it?"

"I agree with Xin. Let's do what he said." Tu Qiang nodded. So annoying, this guy, could have stayed silent.

"This guy seemed friendly, I think you're overreacting." Yao Nang was confused.

"He could be genuine, could be sucking up to us. Could be probing us. Xin's idea is the safest option no matter the scenario. Let's keep a low profile." Wu Xiaoyun said. 

Is she genuinely smart or is she sucking up to me? Xin squinted his eyes as he looked at her. She smiled at him. 

"What's so funny?" He asked her.

"Nothing." Wu Xiaoyun became serious again.

Thirty minutes later, the caravan master returned, and they departed the outskirts of the city. Their carriages carried many alcohol barrels, mostly liquor and wine, but Xin suspected that Boozeman Chao also had bags of holding with more valuable cargo. 

The next day wasn't very eventful. The caravan pierced the steppe into the direction of Clay Nest. The earth had mostly dried up, and was much easier to traverse. Having horses also helped. Everyone was still alert, anxious about the possible nomad attack, but it was nothing compared to how the group felt about traveling on foot after Riversong manor.

With the dusk settling, the group halted and set up a camp. Boozeman Chao went around and offered everyone a drink.

"Hey, we'll set up a big fire, you're free to come join us." He said. 

"I'll be cooking a stew for everyone, and the others are also helping with stuff. They might come once they are free." Xin replied for everyone. Of course, what he meant was "stay with us, dummies".

"Sure, young man. Look, I've been wondering. You seem very serious for your age, did I not misjudge you? I swear you look eighteen or something, but you could also be fourty for all I know. Those xiandao cultivators, am I right?" Boozeman Chao asked.

Xin smiled as a whirlwind of thoughts swirled in his head. He couldn't track them back, but knew the conclusion. This guy noticed that I'm an informal leader and that the squad listens to me, so he's probing me. Maybe he thinks that I might be a secret high rank cultivator? I should neither deny nor confirm it.

"Well, master, I'm not a simple teenager, that's for sure. I've seen a lot of stuff, even before these past few weeks. I might look a bit grim, but I don't mean it. Having your family eaten in front of your eyes will do the trick." Xin thought that this lie might deter him from digging further. And it was a good idea, unless… someone interjects and decides to "correct" him. Xin's heart skipped a bit.

No one said anything, just looked at their feet. Lei sat down in front of him and hugged him.

"I'm your family now, whether you like it or not. Do you still want to talk about that thing we discussed earlier?" He asked while patting Xin's shoulder, smiling gently.

"Eh... You know, master Chao is here, it would be impolite…"

"Oh, no-no, I'm already leaving, don't worry." He waved his hands in a gesture meant to ease the tension and walked away.

"That was risky, Xin. It could go wrong. Very wrong." Rui Ming rubbed his chin. 

"I... improvised. Yeah, you're right. He could've insisted and started asking questions, someone might have gotten confused and asked 'but I thought your mom left you and your dad disappeared?'. Sorry, I agree. Glad that no one was that retarded."

"Not a big deal, brother. Let's just not force things too much." Rui Ming said.

That advice again... Xin nodded.

In the evening, when everyone set up their tents (Tu Qiang borrowed some from master Chao), some people from the main caravan approached them.

"Hey, dear cultivators, we're here to invite you." A comely looking girl with twin ponytails asked. Xin noticed a big scar on her neck.

"Oh! Invite where?" Lei grinned as he left his tent. Everyone else also listened. 

Xin was taking care of the fire, sitting outside, so he could take a good look at the group. Three women, two men. All somewhat young. Womens' legs are half-exposed, and their linen shirts also display their shoulders, with a somewhat deep neckline on top. The males have their muscular arms exposed and have fancy hair accessories, and even wear a bit of eyeliner. 


"Oh, well, we've set up this tent for the tent followers, and me and my friends are wondering if you'd come. The entry is just a spirit stone, but you can stay all night, have fun, you know?" The ponytailed girl continued.

Xin stared at the girl again. She was certainly attractive enough to lay with, but lacked the refined elegance of a woman he'd want to appreciate on a more aesthetic level. Still, he felt some movement in his lower area. 

"Oh, yeah, I'll be playing guitar and telling stories as well, it's not just drinking and talking, you know. We also do private dances." One of the male dancers said. 

"Why are you looking at me?" Lei stared at him menacingly. "Think I'm a fag?"

"Master, did I insult you somehow? I didn't mean anything like that by what I said." He was taller and more muscular than Lei, but he knew he'd be sliced into pieces in case of a real fight.

"I grew up in Clay Nest, I know who you guys are. I don't remember signing up to being harrassed by some fags at night."

"Master... I was just trying to explain our services, maybe there are women among you that are interested, that's all. If I insulted you, how can I compensate?"

"Such my dick, of course! Just kidding, get lost, fag. You girls can stay."

"Eh, master Chao doesn't allow us to work like this. You'd have to come to our tent. But you're quite a looker, I'll be waiting for you. Eagerly." She tried to sound seductively, but her voice betrayed her anxiety.

"And not just him." Another girl said. "It's like their sect selects for beauty, I am captivated by them all."

Xin was rarely complimented directly like that, he felt this blatant fawning work. Still, he held his composure. If it works on him, what about the others?

"We're fine for now, thank you. We'll let you know if anyone changes their mind." Tu Qiang said. 

The young people left, disappointed. 

"Lei, what the fuck? Can we talk in private?" Xin pulled him away.

"Yes. Whatever, say it."

"Don't you realise how bad this is? You've pissed them off and insulted them, but also showed an interest in the prostitutes."

"And how's that bad?" 

"Shit, do I have to explain this? You're stupid. You're a handsome guy, many women in our sect like you. If word spreads you sleep with caravan followers while on a mission, that's quite a reputation hit. You'll be known as a womaniser, but a bad kind. Unhinged and uncool, paying for sex."

"Eh, I already hired prostitutes before. It's legal, what's the problem?"

"Problem is, if you have to pay for them, it lowers your status. And embarasses our sect. This is not the time and place."

"It certainly isn't, that I agree with. You know what I also think?"

"Wait." Xin raised his finger. "In the tent."

Xin's senses were sharper than those of a regular human, and he didn't display the full extent of his hearing, to make people less alert around him. Right now, he could hear Tu Qiang and Yao Nang arguing. He infused his ears with qi to attune to the sounds.

"What do you mean I can't go? Who are you to tell me?" She asked him. Xin was shocked, is she crazy?

"I'm your caravan leader. And I'm telling you it's not the right moment to play rebel again."

"Well, you're acting like my boyfriend again! Listen, I gave you my virginity, I don't owe you shit now. Get out of my way."

"Hush it, what if people hear us?"

"We're speaking quietly, and Xin's too far. It's fine. Whatever." She lowered her voice again. Xin approached the tent a bit closer.

"Hear anything?" Lei whispered. "I can only hear some mumbling." Xin hushed him.

"Listen, Nang. I know you're still angry at me, but it's not the way to numb the pain. We still don't know if these people are Fist sect spies."

"Don't call me Nang, you bastard. I've endured your controlling attitude for two years now. You made me stop talking to other men, made me take these damn anti-pregnancy pills, and then you send this bitch Tao a romantic poem? How many poems did you write for me, huh?"

Xin was standing there, wide-eyed. This reminded him of his parents arguing, except his parents were faithful to each other and weren't such degenerates. At least Xin hoped so.

"I... listen, Nang. It's over. You ended it, not me. No point in talking about it now. When I did, you shut me down. Told me it's over, you're over it. Now you aren't over it? Fine, but as a caravan leader, I forbid you from doing this. When you come back, you can fuck anyone, even Xin, for all I care." 

"Xin? What? Where did that come from? Did he get under your skin so deeply? Feel insecure around him?"

"Me? You talked about him for two weeks after he beat you up. And Lei, too. It's like these two became our relationship, maybe I became jealous and seeked some attention from Tao... But I never planned to cheat on you, I swear."

"Oh, so that's how you spin it? Apparently being beaten up and humiliated by them two because you were too bloodthirsty is my fault? Rank one, weakest rank one in our squad, for fucks sake. I'll soon outgrow you, too. Your character is weak. You are weak. You aren't a man. End of story." 

"Xin, what are they saying?" Lei was dying from curiosity.

"Shut it."

"Fine, this is over. If you do this, your sect career is over, I promise you. You won't like my report, that's for sure. Now go back to your tent."

"Fuck you, 'wandering hero'. I'll never take you back, remember. It's over! Forever!" She stormed out of his tent.

Lei and Xin came back to the campfire.

"Hey, Nang, you alright?" Rui Ming asked her in a caring, deep voice. "What happened?"

"Ugh! Nothing!" She quickly went into her smaller tent, with Wu Xiaoyun as her only neighbour.

"What happened? You guys heard anything?" Xin asked Rui Ming and Murong Zhan when he returned. 

"Nah. These children can't break up properly, that's all. The sect should ban dating between members, just marry and get it over with. It won't eliminate cheating and drama, but it will be much better." Murong Zhan said.

"Yeah, what a stupid fucking idea. It's not my problem that no one wants to date your sorry ass, so you want to ruin everyone's fun." Lei poured himself a cup of wine.

"You're forgetting that I am a noble and a martial artist. Yes, I'm not a pretty boy like you, but I look fine, I am strong and have refined tastes. You won't shake my self-esteem by calling me a virgin again."

"Sure, virgin. Now what?" 

"Eh, let's get to sleep." 

Xin suddenly stood up.

"Hey guys, I know how it looks, but you have my word, I am not going there to get laid. Me, and me alone. Wait for me here, don't disrupt my plan?" He insisted. While everyone was confused or formulating a response, he already stood up and left.