Chereads / As Heavens Divide / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11 - Five Elements Transition school.

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11 - Five Elements Transition school.

Free from the confines of the city, at last.

Xin and Lei were both happy to escape Clay Nest, as the only place they cherished there was that abandoned building where they practised (Xin also liked Jia Li's garden and reminisced about the girl sometimes, but his thoughts were mostly occupied by other matters now.). The pair quickly passed the outskirts of the city and crossed the Azure River through a magnificent stone bridge, albeit having to pay a crossing toll. The sect members don't pay it, though, thought Xin to himself.

The main building of the Five Elements Transition school (which many called "FETS") looked akin to a temple, and was a massive fortified complex that stood atop a tall hill, surrounded by stone walls covered in ornamental enchantments. The complex itself included a massive main building and a dozen of smaller pavilions. 

Underneath the hill, there were several villages where the outer disciples lived, toiling like serfs, tending the land and taking care of various school-adjacent businesses. The outer disciples were very polite and friendly to the newcomers, as they were potential future masters, and led them uphill, into the main building, where all the other candidates gathered. Xin and Lei looked in awe at the statues of the founders of the sect, the tapestries displaying the ancient heroes and generals, the shrines to the river and land gods, and the bustling groups of masters in colorful robes all running about their own business.

What Xin found interesting was that there was no Sect Leader amid the statues, only his disciples. He's been in closed cultivation for ten years now, a renowned rank four master, who was apparently an expert in all five Wuxing elements at once.

A young outer disciple led them through a corridor: "Please leave your bags in the storage rooms and proceed into the inner sparring grounds. Await the masters without causing trouble, please, and may the ancestors guide your vision."

"What do you mean? I mean, I respect the ancestors and all that, but why such weird phrasing?" Lei was curious.

"Well, young master, that's what we say here. We understand that each of our actions is shaped by our ancestors, and being aware of it should... Help us realize our best self."

"And what if my ancestors were evil?"

"Then being aware will help you overcome this influence." The outer disciple looked tense.

"Don't bother the guy, Lei. You may leave." Xin intervened and gestured for the youngster to go away.

The outer disciple bowed politely and left. The pair stored their equipment and headed towards the inner training ground.

It looked like a huge field, akin to a vast arena, with sparring grounds visible from the elevated seats. Finding the seats for themselves, they joined over a thousand others eagerly anticipating the beginning of the tryouts. Usually, the sect tryouts were much more restrictive and demanding, and for most, it would be a one in a lifetime opportunity.

As soon as the pair sat down and looked around, they realized how diverse this crowd was. Mostly men, but it had some women. A few were foreigners, which was unusual, but most were of Clay Folk (people of "normal" ethnicity). There were some thuggish and vagabond-looking people, some almost had "criminal" written on their faces, while many others looked noble and dignified. Most people here were young adults or teenagers, but a rare few were quite old.

Wandering heroes, noble scions, vagabonds and mercenaries — everyone quickly joined up into groups with those that looked like them. 

Lei pulled Xin's sleeve:

"Wanna talk to someone? Meet new people and all that."

"Knowing you, I'd rather sit and wait for the masters. You'll start some shit, that's not what we need."

"What do you think I am, retarded? I thought that maybe we should make some connections, that's all."

"Fine, go. I'll wait here."

"Don't be such a pooper, come on! Let's hang out!"

"I am not holding you, you can go."

"Fine, I'll stay."

Twenty minutes later, several officials, rank one and two masters, approached them to verify their information. They had applied in advance, through merchant guild connections, and didn't need an extensive background check, so they were let into the ground itself pretty quickly.

They could then see some men thrown away, apparently demonic cultivators with unresolved murder or rape charges. Still, they didn't get arrested or given to authorities, just booted. This soft approach was meant to avoid alienating potential powerful demonic cultivators that could be recruited.

Xin observed the crowd, analyzing its people. 

This guy is trying to make a new friend. This young woman is some sort of an alchemist, and this older man is hitting on her. He's got no chance. This maiden is staring at Lei. Noticed me noticing, got embarrassed and looked away. Whatever.

Lei got bored with Xin and decided to strike up a chat with some older man with sunken eyes and short hair, his hairline half-receded, who was smoking herbs through a pipe. He was pale and dressed in worn-out clothing, but looked pretty clean himself.

"So, what's the deal with all these people?" Lei asked.

"You'd have to be more specific, hehe. There are some rank one masters here, and physical cultivators, too, the gossip says. A decent number of qi active mortals who know the basics of cultivation, too. I can already tell." He put his pipe away.

"Those guys are what I think they are, right?" Lei pointed towards a diverse crowd of people, several dozen of them, at least. They acted as if they were in an inn or a gambling house, talking loudly, laughing, swearing, drinking their wine, and overall having a good time.

"Demons, yes. Outlaws, this is their golden chance to put this life behind."

"Can you teach an old dog new tricks?" Lei sat down near this man. He seemed interested in chatting, and Lei also found him intriguing, so he chose to engage with him further.

"You have to kill it first." He replied in a hoarse voice. 

"You can't teach a dead dog, man."

"It's not the kind of killing I am talking about. It's a simple idea, you'll get it pretty soon. Maybe not, eh."

"I am not stupid, I got what you meant, you could have just phrased it better. So, are you some sort of wise man?"

"I've lived a life." He answered coldly. "What's your name?"

"Wu Lei. From Clay Nest. You?"

"Feng Chonglin. And that guy there, drilling holes into everyone with his stare, is he your friend?"

"Yes. Xin. Wait, the tryouts, are you a martial artist?"

"I fought before." Another laconic response. Lei raised his guard. Did I stumble upon some hidden powerful master?

"Yes, but are you a cultivator? Got a rank?"

"Foundation stage, sadly."

"That's... still good. Better than most here. Congratulations."

"What are you congratulating me for? I am an old man with a Foundation stage cultivation, and even that cost me too much." He sighed and coughed into his fist.

"Well, what path are you?" Lei was a brazen young man. In this culture, it was rude to be so direct, especially to those older and higher ranked than you.

"Should I also tell you where I had my first kiss, too? Fine. Poison path. Now you."

"Seriously? That's a rare one. I am a mortal. Dual nature, fire and metal. Xin is metal and wood. No harm in telling you, we'll reveal it pretty soon, anyway."

"Ah, I see. Want to hear some advice?"

"Sure, shoot it."

"They have a path prepared for you. If you rebel against it, you are also in its power."

"I... Think I get it. So what do you think I should do?" As Lei understood it, Feng Chonglin meant that blindly rejecting a set path, you are still giving it control over you. What a weird piece of advice, it came out of the blue.

"You'll figure it out."

"Thanks, weird old man. Hope to see you again."

"You better look up, by the way." Feng Chonglin said, as he stared at his feet.

Lei looked upwards and saw a wedge of cultivators on flying swords approaching. The crowd gave them space in the centre, most people bowed pretty lowly, some pathetic peasants even fell to their knees and started kowtowing. Only the demons stood straight.

Xin was sitting on his seat and didn't bow or stand up, but just kept looking. Lei approached him again.

The man in the front of the wedge, wearing golden robes, waved his palm, and his majestic flying sword slowly dissolved in the air. The other masters stood straight, with stoic expressions on their faces. This golden-robed man was tall, somewhat thin, and looked middle-aged, making him at least somewhat old, as xiandao cultivators aged slower. He had sharp facial features, but a long nose and small eyes, giving him a strict, serious expression.

"Goofy guy," Lei blurted out quietly, only for Xin to hear. Xin smiled. What an idiot, what if the man has a hearing method?

"Greetings and welcome to the Five Elements Transition school. As you people know, the Emperor extended his grace to his subjects, and provided all of you with a golden opportunity in these hard times. Those that distinguish themselves today will be elevated, and those that fail will be parted ways with, such is the way of our school. Meritocracy. My name is Fang Zhi, I am the sect's Grand Elder."

Some people in the crowd gasped. He was second to only the Sect Leader himself.

A guy near Xin whispered to his friend: "Rank three, I know that guy. Wow..."

Fang Zhi's voice was calm, but carried an air of authority:

"I am asking for silence, please. So, the plan is such: you will be given a questionnaire, where you'll input any skill that the school might find useful, and hand it over to one of the instructors. If you can't write, you'll be approached and helped by an outer disciple. After you register, you will be called upon to take part in testing. Don't expect the tests to be equal or fair, we'll test you as we see fit and expect complete obedience. Did I myself clear?"

"Yes, master!"


"That's right, got it!"

Xin kept his silence, but Lei pulled his sleeve again:

"See that girl in the left wing of the wedge, in plate armour? I wonder if her boobs are actually that big or if it's just the armour."

"Shut up, man."

"Don't worry, they won't hear us," he whispered.

Some middle-aged man turned towards Lei, his finger on his lips, and "hushed" him. Lei ignored him.

"So, I've been thinking, the best strategy for being in the sect is getting a rich girlfriend."

"Fuck off. That's stupid."

"Look, that girl in plate armour, for example. She's rich, and if she fancies you, she'll elevate you."

"Yeah, and you'll become her slave. That's the thing with unequal relationships. And she is probably fifty, or something like that."

"But if she loves you, that's leverage! I'll figure something out. And the age thing, I don't care, as long as she looks firm."

"Can you two shut the fuck up?" Someone from behind them whispered annoyedly.

"Fine, fine."

They missed a part of Fang Zhi's explanation with this chatter, but he kept speaking:

"...The sect members are not to discriminate against the outsiders and should treat them like their new family, and the outsiders are to respect the old customs."

"No discriminating against demonic cultivators, as if something like that could ever be enforced. Ha." Xin whispered. Lei smiled.

"After the tests conclude, some of you will be given the rank of an outer disciple, to serve the sect with your labour, learn the basics of cultivation, and participate in outer martial drills."

Serfs, Lei smiled as he thought to himself. Some will be stuck at this stage for life.

"Others will become inner disciples, joining the main school buildings. You'll serve the masters of the sect, obtain advanced cultivation knowledge, and train in the Combat Pavilion. You'll also be able to take part in missions and earn contribution points.

Those of you with a cultivation rank will become external masters and will be integrated after a trial period, after proving your character and displaying merit. Still, you are equal in all rights to the other masters, but some hidden knowledge and opportunities won't be available to you. At first, at least. Did I make myself clear?" His qi enhanced voice echoed through the training ground.

"I have a question, please!" A young ringing female voice called out, somewhere from the middle row. People gave this girl space so that master Zhi could see her.

"Speak, child."

"I am a physical cultivator, can I somehow display my merit enough to join a third group, becoming an external master? I've already beaten Foundation stage fighters in combat before!"

Some demonic cultivator laughed out loud. What a naive young woman.

"Can you see her face, man? Is she hot?" Lei asked.

"Nah, can't see from here. Shut up, seriously."

Feng Zhi answered:

"Please don't laugh at this girl, she asked a good question. Physical cultivators are respected in our school, but you won't progress here until you begin developing your own Golden Core. Without becoming a xiandao master, you won't be able to fully integrate into our sect, thus you'll forever be stuck at the internal disciple stage. Still, we aren't forcing you to create a core, and you can be a valuable sect member even as an inner disciple. Does this answer satisfy you?"

"I... yes. I get it." She bowed.

"Good. That's it! Instructors, please hand out the questionnaires and let the tryouts begin. You have two hours before the active selection starts."