Chereads / [Multiverse] Se’x System in Harry Potter / Chapter 16 - Ch 16 - Trophy Room Discovery

Chapter 16 - Ch 16 - Trophy Room Discovery

Kaguya practiced in front of the mirror several spells that she had learned in last few days, Lumos spell, the one to open doors, among others.

She also used to go and practice Snape's potions, with her cauldrons.

Slowly that place became her secret hideout.

What she liked most about practicing in front of a mirror was that she could see her posture, her bearing, and the way her father watched her proudly every time she did a spell well.

Maybe Kaguya was obsessing over that place, but she didn't care, didn't feel like it was a bad thing.

She gathered her robes and spell book, tucked her wand into her lap, and carefully made her way out of the room to her classes.

She often skipped lunch to practice, or sometimes made an excuse to go to the library.

So far Kaguya hadn't been caught, nor had anyone else entered the room.

She decided not to tell Draco or her friends, as they thought it was just a dream.

She walked a bit around the third floor, until she came across Ron coming out of the trophy room.

She hadn't been in there before, didn't think there was anything she should see.

"Hi, Kaguya!" Ron stood next to her with a small smile, "Where were you going?"

Even after that argument Ron had with Hermione, the redhead didn't stop talking to Kaguya.

And she too stopped hiding her friendship.

"To class, Weasley, and you should too," Kaguya replied, playing to tap a book she was holding with her fingers.

Ron snorted, dismissing it.

"I never even get a spell right the first time, it's very difficult," The redhead complained as he began to walk slowly next to Kaguya.

"Of course not, it's simple."

"For you. You have it in your veins," Kaguya looked at Ron strangely, if it were true, her family must have participated a lot in duels, which is where Charms and spells are used the most, "Did you know that your mother was a duelist?"

"• ? •" Kaguya stopped her footsteps with a question mark. "What now?"

"I think it's pretty obvious that you didn't know," Ron smiled wider and took Kaguya's hand to walk back to the trophy room.

"I found out one day when we were looking at Harry's father's trophy. I wasn't sure she was your mother until Quirrell said your full name in class."

Kaguya tried to stop Ron since they both had to get to class. But the redhead kept going into the room.

"Look," He stood in front of a glass with several trophies.

Kaguya noticed one that seemed to be made of metal, whose description seemed to be made with a knife or something sharp.

'The Marauders declare Priya Ambrose the greatest duelist of her generation.'

"...Ron, something tells me it's fake," Kaguya walked away from that trophy with an amused smile on her face, "In fact, you and I could make one just like that with a piece of molten metal."

"Not that one," Ron turned his face towards another one that looked like it was made of gold, "That one."

1976 Duel Trophy

Awarded to: Priya Ambrose

"...You have the same nose."

Kaguya stared at the photo next to the trophy.

It was a girl holding her wand proudly.

Ron knew they didn't have the same hair color, but those red eyes could not be mistaken, and something about her smile that reminded him of Kaguya's, and by the expression on her face he could tell that she was her mother.

For Kaguya, it was the first time she had seen her mother.

She did not look like her at all, except for the same bright red eyes, certain facial features such as her chin and nose.

"You're prettier," Ron decided to speak when he saw how Kaguya froze.

Black reacted to Ron's words, looking at her mother one last time before smiling at Ron.

"You're a fool, Weasley," she joked, pushing him a little.

They didn't stay there long because if didn't leave now, would be late for class.

Arriving at Charms room, Kaguya took a seat next to Pansy and Theo.

"I know you think he's a pureblood and deserves good treatment," Pansy started talking, referring to Ron, "But he's a traitor and it seems he doesn't bathe....."

"One day you will get along," Kaguya assured her friend, she made a face of disgust and stuck out her tongue pretending to vomit.

That day's class was about the Wingardium Leviosa Charm. 

A charm that made objects float.

First they would try it with feathers, and if it worked out well they could try it on other objects.

As Ron had anticipated, the spell failed even when he nearly hit the feather with his wand.

Pansy laughed at Ron's failed attempt to levitate the feather.

Kaguya looked at him amused, but when she tried to help him, Hermione got in the way very rudely.

"You're going to poke someone's eye out," the brunette warned, stopping Ron's wand, "And you're saying it wrong. It's Leviósa, not Leviosaaa..."

She corrected, making Kaguya snort tiredly at her attitude.

"Do it yourself, if you think you're so clever," Ron challenged her, who was also tired of Hermione correcting him on everything.

"Wingardium Leviosa," The quill rose under Hermione's proud smile, who looked at Ron with an "I told you so" face.

The redhead snorted and turned his head away.

"Incendio" Kaguya said softly, pointing her wand at Hermione, burning the feather she was moving in the air.

Pansy and Theo laughed a little at Black's act, and although Hermione turned around ready to face her with her mouth screaming.

Kaguya moved her feather with such elegance and concentration that no one would believe she had just cast the fire spell.

"I still can't believe you set Granger's quill on fire, just for Weasley."

"I didn't do it to defend him," Kaguya defended herself while walking through the courtyard with her friends, "It's just that I'm tired of her thinking she's the best, even when it's obvious that she doesn't know half of the things she talks about."


Kaguya took some of her hair and arranged it in a messy bun on her head, "I'm Hermione Granger, a mudblood who thinks I'm on the same level as everyone else."

Theo laughed at her bad imitation of Granger.

"She's unbearable, that's why she doesn't have any friends....."

As she spoke the last words, Hermione quickened her pace, bumping her shoulder into Kaguya's.

Who stilled as she saw Hermione walk past her, about to cry.

But Granger didn't go to apologize when she made her cry. Why should Kaguya be nice to her?

'She deserves it!'


This book is more inclined towards Movies, and you will find dialogues very similar to those.

So, I hope you guy's won't mind if pacing is a bit fast. Anyway, pls don't forget to Vote? ❣️

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