Chereads / Road to glory / Chapter 2 - Getting ready

Chapter 2 - Getting ready

As Nei got to his apartment he wasn't even tired after all of the running around and carrying his team. He got in and went in to take a shower. He took his towel and got in his shower. "Aah soooo relaxing. This water is just the right temperature."

He checked his phone "It's 6 pm, I might go and eat some ramen later. I can't believe I got an offer to go all the way to the Premier League after all I am just 17 years old. Wait what will my girlfriend think. Aah it's fine I'll tell her later this evening." As he finished his shower he wore some new clothes. He wore a Loverpile kit. That was the team he loved the most, ever since he was 4 years old. He dreamed to play for Loverpile one day and the Premier League is just the place because it grabs a lot of attention.

"Ooh that's totally right I out some ramen in the microwave.I hope it's not too hot." He looks at the bowl of ramen with tons of steam coming off it. " Should I wear some oven mits. Wait, it's not like I have any anyways." He grabs on the bowl clearly hot. "Oww oww oww. This son of a..." Suddenly there's a ring on the his apartment door. "Who is that it can't be my mum." He opens the door. "Rose what are you doing here. I know you're my girlfriend but that doesn't mean you can show up whenever you feel like it. "Well I am your girlfriend so I kind of am entitled to it plus remember what your mum told me." "What did she say?" "You don't remember. Of course you don't, you have the memory of a goldfish. "How dare you say that to your boyfriend. So why did you want to come when you decided to interrupt my bowl of ramen for."

"Well I was going to greet you home but I was too busy. After all how was your football match." "Great actually I scored a hatrick and we won 3-2 against your angry ex." "You went up against Chon didn't you, you know he's out for you he's going to seriously injure you one of these days." Yeah you're not wrong but he has to catch me first." "You're so immature." "Oh thank you, it really means a lot to me." "Anyways you said you were going to have some ramen, you don't kind if I have some do you." "Well it was-" "Ooh hi nice of you to let me have it." "No I really don't think you should have it." "Why is there something wrong with it." She has some ramen but is immediately met with the incredibly hot temperature. Her eye starts to tear up."Uuh are you OK Rose.?" "Does it look like I look O K to you Nei?" "Well not really." "That was sarcasm dumbass." "OK calm down it's not that-" "Do you wanta back hand slap on your face right now?" "Well not really but what did I do." "NEVER TELL ME TO CALM DOWN OK NEI." OK calm..I mean OK Rose." "Good."

"All I'm saying is that I told you not to have the ramen." "Shut up Nei." Nei couldn't help but smirk and then bursted into laughter. "What are you laughing at?" "Aah nothing don't worry about it. Anyways it's 6:10 you don't want to go home before it gets too late." "I mean I wanted to spend some more time with you." "Well I was planning to go to the gym afterwards so there is no point of you staying." "But I want to!" "Fine, you can sleep over if you want." "Really? You mean it Nei." "Yes I do." Nei sighs softly. "That's why I love you Nei." "Thanks I guess but you should confirm with your parents. I don't want them getting angry at me." "No worries I already told them I'm staying here with ny boyfriend." So you already knew I was going to allow you to stay here." Rose smirks. "So you guilt trapped me because you made it look like it was my fault that your tongue got a bit burnt by some hot ramen even though i told you before. Some things never change I guess."

"Anyways I'm going to the gym. What will you do.?.""I'll just watch tv." "OK all good by the way I'll get some food on the way back so you can also have some food in the fridge or whatever." "Sure see you later." "Bye Rose." Nei leaves the apartment and hops onto his bike. He spends around 10 minutes cycling to the gym.When Nei goes to the gym he sees a familiar face. "Wait I know that person but I can't remember who he is for the life of me." Some of his friends around him say 'what do you want Chon'. "Wait no way, that's Chon. Ooh of course it is he has it down right now when he normally has it gelled up. Now that I think of it, I can see the resemblance. I can't really afford to mess with Chon off pitch because he's in a biker gang. One of the most infamous the whole of Tokyo."

As Nei tries to exit the gym he hears a couple of footsteps coming behind him. "Ooh noo I'm too late time to head home." "Where do you think your going Nei after you made me get sent off the pitch." "Well it wasn't my fault that you fouled me was it." "Does it look like I care now come here." I try to book it but one of his minions are already blocking the patch "What am I going to do? I could have a chance of beating them if it was bare hands but they have crossbars and pipes. Who carries that kind of stuff." Nei just accepts that he has lost and gets badly beaten up and robbed of his shoes and jacket. As he gets home, Rose is very worried and gets him to a hospital ASAP. As Nei struggles to open his eyes he sees that it is already morning and sees Rose leaning on him. "Where am I and why do I have so much bandages on my hands and chests.?"