Manav was walking on a sidepath when he felt a very high speed brain, running in from one distance to enter distance not in thinking.
Manav turned his head to the right and looked at the couple kissing.
When both parted slowly, the woman vanished from everyone's eyes.
But Manav saw a red mess accumulating in the air and suddenly falling on the ground with a man wearing a blue dress, stopping or appearing a few meters away from the boy and looked at the man.
"I can't stop, I can't stop, I can't stop, can't stop, can't stop." After saying this, black man wore his goggles and ran, disappearing again holding a red bag in his hands.
Man whose girlfriend was turned into a bloody mess and he has his right cheek covered in blood and messed up body meat.
"Robin…" saying the man looked down at his hands, which were still holding two hands of his just dead girlfriend.
"So they were Hughie and Robin, I thought a random couple making out on the road." Manav thought, looking at Hughie who was holding Robin's hands till now.
"Robin, Robin! Robin!!!" Hughie screamed Robin's name loudly, his eyes teary.
Manav turned and walked towards the sidewalk from where he walked out of his shop with Robin just like in Webseries.
After walking for a while he saw the only electronics shop in the area.
Manav stepped in and looked at the man sitting behind the counter.
"Gary?" Manav called out to the man.
"Yes? I'm Gary, who are you?" Gary replied and asked in confusion.
"Nothing, Just a prank." Manav says and exit's the shop, leaving Gary confused.
"Really does he think I'm Gary Hinge, ha! Today's youngsters, when Hughie returns, works very little and wants a raise every time, I will definitely scold him when he returns." Gary said to himself.
Manav left the shop and walked to another direction intending to find a place to stay for a night.
Annie was standing near police radio listening to it, trying to find a crime to fight.
Her mom came in and saw Annie standing near the radio.
"Any maniacs out there?" Mother asked.
"No, quiet night like every night." Annie replied.
"That's bad, we could really use the press right now." Mother said.
Annie turns and pours herself food.
"Oh Annie."
"What? I'm hungry, don't worry. I didn't get the job." Annie said.
Suddenly the phone rings, Annie's mother picks up the phone and asks who it was.
"Yes, yes, Annie!" Mother called out Annie and quickly put her hand on the phone's mic and said in low voice that it was vought they called her.
Annie stood up quickly and picked up her phone.
In a rental room a few sections away from Hughie's shop, Manav was taking a bath.
He hasn't taken a bath for a few days.
Manav came out of the bathroom, wiping his body dry, after wiping Manav took out a new pair of clothes, just a cheap pair of a hoodie with a big hood and pants.
"Oh sh*t, I forgot that today is the day Annie will come to new york to join vought seven, but should I save her from deep, like in webseries she was forced to suck off deep's under threat, or not." Manav thought to himself while closing the door of hotel room after exiting the room.
Manav came out of the hotel and signaled his hand to stop a taxi driving on the road.
Taxi stopped in front of Manav and he sat in giving the address to the vought building where Annie will be welcomed by Ashley and taken to a press conference.
After a while the taxi stopped a few meters away from the crowd gathered holding posters of Annie.
Manav paid the rent and stepped outside of the taxi and walked towards the crowd assimilating in it.
Manav used his mind power on the crowd in front of him, so whenever he approached anyone he would give him a way not attracting anyone's attention.
Manav after walking in a crowd for a while came in front of the barricades where he can directly see Annie walking out of the car, which arrived just now.
"Hello, I'm Ashley Barrett, director of talent relations." Ashley introduced herself to Annie shaking her hand.
"So, uh, are all these people here for me?" Annie asked in low voice.
"Who else would they be here for? Honey, we are running late." Ashley replied and signaled Annie and her mother to follow.
'Don't ever say to deep that, you're his college admirer or a secret crush, if you don't want to suck his, fish fucking d*ck and of every male in Seven or any superhero, fight back, show them you're not to be triffled.' Manav conveyed a warning in Annie's head.
Annie suddenly stopped and turned her head and looked at the place where Manav was standing just now.
"Why did you stop? We're running late, hurry up and follow me." Ashley found that Annie stopped, she turned and yelled at Annie slightly.
Annie waves her hand to fans who were cheering for her and turns back, following Ashley.
She was thinking of the warning which just came to her mind.
"So who was there? Did someone warn me telepathically? Should I stay away from the deep?" Annie thought to herself, warning circling in her brain again and again.
Manav was surprised that just by warning Annie telepathically she found him in a moment of time.
"I have to be careful of supes in future, looks like compound V is not that easy, I have to try to get pure compound V and find few scientists from vought to help me in upgrading this version of compound V." Manav thought to himself, walking out of the crowd.
Manav hailed a taxi and returned to the hotel.
Next day.
Manav after seeing the time on his wrist watch, which was showing 6 o'clock.
"Hmm, now is the time to go." Manav said to himself and walked out of the hotel room, closing the door.
Manav arrived at the sidewalk opposite Hughie's shop and saw hughie working.
Manav just stood there, leaning on the wall waiting for Gary to go and Billy Butcher to come.
Manav took out the mobile given by Kimberly.
"Should I call her or not?" Manav thought to himself, while he was thinking the phone started to ring.
Manav answered the call and put the mobile close to his ears.
"Hello Manav! Where were you? You haven't called for a few days from when you left, you know I was worried about you." Kimberly's voice came from the phone's speakers, manav distances the phone from his ears because of a loud voice coming out.
"Sorry Kimberly, I was on the bus and after coming to New York I was busy, so I didn't have time to call, I was about to call you, but you called before me." Manav replied.
"Okay so tell me, have you found a place to live and eat properly, don't fight head on with those supes, just accumulate the evidence from far away, okay,by the way I heard about the accident or murder caused by A-train." Kimberly spoke.
"Yeah I have found a pretty good hotel to stay and I was nearby when A-train killed Robin, I saw it live and when A-train stopped looking at his situation, I can think that he was definitely high in drugs, not normal one but super drugs though." Manav replied.
Like this Manav talked to Kimberly for a while, when he saw Gary walk out and a man wearing a dark long jacket entered the shop.
"Okay, I have to go now, bye. Yes, I will call you tomorrow morning." Manav cut the call, after saying goodbye to Kimberly.
Manav pulled his hood ahead slightly, covering his head correctly.
Manav didn't move and opened the mobile game and started playing the game and looking at the shop together.
Using his parallel thought ability or multitasking ability.
Inside the shop, Hughie turned and saw a man in a dark long jacket holding a bear toy.
"You interested in a nanny cam? 'Cause we're actually running a special on that. Um, it's a pretty popular bear. There's cameras in the eyes." Hughie said, clearing his throat hands in pocket.
"Tell me, how many nannies shake their babies?" Man asked, turning back to hughie while shaking the baby bear in his hand slightly.
"Uh, I'm sorry?" Hughie was confused and speechless at the question.
"You know, a good hard shake, like, like tryin' to get ketchup out of a bottle. One percent? Less?" Man said, shaking the baby bear in his hand hardly.
"I, I don't really know?" Hughie replied, still confused.
"Funny, that. They sell a billion dollars worth of that shit worldwide. Goes to show you, doesn't it? The bollocks people will believe if you get them scared enough." Man says putting down the nanny cam baby bear.
"Cool. Cool, cool. Um, is there anything I can help you with today, or... ?" Hughie asked.
"I'm not gonna piss you about, Hughie. I heard what happened to Robin." Man said, stepping in front of Hughie, just half a meter away.
"I'm, I'm sorry, who are you?" Hughie asked, confused by who was the person in front of him.
"She wasn't in the street. She was one step off the fucking curb. And you didn't take the pay-off." Man said.
"Yeah. I said, who the hell are you? How do you know that?" Hughie asked.
"Name's Butcher. Billy Butcher" Man replied, taking out his FBI badge and flashing it in front of hughie.