Chereads / His only Cure / Chapter 77 - Chapter 77

Chapter 77 - Chapter 77

While the main pair were having a great time in bed, one of the other three had their hands full.

Don, unable to show himself anywhere now, was sitting in his office and coordinating the work of his subordinates.

They had to have a full picture of everyone, and I mean literally everyone of Vasili's people. He knew how dangerous he could become, being able to get very close to them.

But that wasn't the worst of it. The day before, the twins had noticed a few more dangerous people coming into contact with Vasili.

When Zick stepped into action, she learned that unfortunately the man had done the worst.

He had joined forces and now they had to fear more people could start hunting for their lives.

However, Zick was not going to sit by and watch as some old geezer who had hurt her beloved boss, killed them one by one, using some mere pawns.

She had been working nonstop all night since they had found out about it.

Fortunately, Don had no intention of letting his best hacker collapse from exhaustion.

He made sure she had enough food and water throughout the process of 'dealing' with the pawns.

Of course, he personally gave the woman water and fed her with his own hands, putting the food into her mouth.

His subordinates were a little surprised to see their boss feeding one of his men, but after all, Zick had saved their boss's life and was now trying to get rid of a certain uncomfortable problem.

That's why, after a moment of surprise, everyone went back to their own work.

Don decided not to fully implement their plan yet. If Vasili found out what had happened too soon, he could react and prepare for the worst.

They had to hit him in such a way that he wouldn't know when, what, and how.

Zick needed some more time to gain access to all of Vasili's new associates. Since they were all scum involved in the worst crimes, they didn't have to worry that someone would start sniffing around.

They could eliminate them at the right moment and no one would even know about it. They needed to keep Vasili busy so that he wouldn't notice their actions.

So with all the information, access and monitoring of the individual groups, all they had to do was observe and strike at the right moment.

Yawning once again in the last minute, Zick felt that she would no longer have the strength to do anything.

She needed sleep and she needed it now.

Don's meals helped a lot, although she was a little angry at him, because despite her requests, the boss would not even agree to a small sip of energy drink.

Using her like this and not allowing her body to feel the wonderful dose of revitalizing sugar for a moment was unacceptable.

Sulking, Zick looked around the room, searching for Don. Luckily for him, the man had not been located.

Zick dragged herself out of her chair and padded to her room, trying not to fall asleep on the way.

If she just stood or leaned against the wall, she was afraid that her eyes would immediately close and the others would be able to see this incredible sight.

Their best hacker, asleep standing up, his head propped against the wall.

Knowing life, someone passing by would probably take a picture of her so they could make fun of her later.

Shaking her head at the thought, Zick dragged herself to her room with the last of her strength.

She took off her shoes and fell flat on her bed, falling asleep a few seconds later.

Meanwhile, Don was preparing his men for the upcoming action. Everything had to go as quickly as possible. , efficiently and preferably without any witnesses.

Don knew they had to do it at the first opportunity, knowing that the company would be laundering dirty money that would support Vasili's actions.

They had to effectively cut him off from cash and people to cause a sudden 'accident' when he tried to escape.

Around noon, he returned to the main room and noticed the absence of his best hacker. He frowned slightly, looking more menacing than usual.

The twins, seeing the change in the air, glanced at Don and then at each other, nodding. 

"Zick went to sleep" 

"Hhe's in his room" They answered loudly one after another.

Don, hearing their words, left the room in silence. 

"Love" Both twins said in a delightful way at the same time, joining hands.

Smiling stupidly at each other, they went back to checking if everything was okay.

If they missed something, Zick wouldn't let them off easy. Not to mention their boss.

Knowing him, he would hang them upside down on a rope and start lashing out at their beloved equipment that they had bought with their 'own hard-earned money'.

With a baseball bat...

The twins shook off that horrible thought and focused on the task at hand.

Finally, Zick promised them a cut of the money from the gangsters they would wipe out, right before they finished them off.

The thought of the new equipment put them in a better mood again.

At that time Don entered his room but even after checking the whole room he couldn't find his missing hacker anywhere.

Standing there for a moment in thought he headed towards her old room.

He remembered all too well that when she was angry at him for something, she would hide from him in her room, sulking charmingly.

And he wouldn't let her poison herself with the energy drink last night.

Sighing, with a slight smile on his face he quietly entered the room where Zick was sleeping soundly.

He snorted seeing the position she had fallen asleep in, admiring that she had at least managed to take her shoes off.

Don approached her and laid her down properly. He took off her tight jeans and loose hoodie.

The man watched her like that for some time seeing small changes in her figure. Thanks to his systematic feeding her, the woman was starting to get a little rounder in the right places.

Don clenched his jaw, couldn't wait to pat her meaty ass and fondle her soft breasts.

After all, when he started thinking about it, why should he hold back?

Of course, he wasn't going to smack her ass, as that would wake her up, but he could always fondle her wonderful tits.

Sliding his hands behind her back, he deftly unfastened her bra and threw it on the ground.

His hands slowly slid up her bare stomach, stopping at her little boobies.

Don's touch was incredibly gentle. He lightly squeezed and caressed the two peaches.

Zick must have felt pleasure because she began to squirm and purr quietly.

However, she must have been too tired to play with the boss because she began to frown until she finally kicked her leg towards the horny Don.

The man quickly avoided the unexpected blow, shaking off his dreams of riding his woman.

This kick was a visible warning.

Seeing the shadows under Zick's eyes, Don understood that he had to let go today.

At least now while she was sleeping. It would be different when she woke up. Then he wouldn't listen to any protests.

Don needed to be inside his tight woman. He needed to please her, to bring her to more orgasms, to make her scream his name begging for more, to satisfy her lust...

Don wanted to punch himself in the face.

The thought of it made his cock throb with pain, demanding Zick's wet pussy.

He needed a cold shower urgently. Otherwise, he was afraid that his oxygen supply would be cut off and his buddy would fell off.

He hadn't even made it to her bathroom when his phone started ringing.

After receiving the short message, Don was no longer in the mood for play and his buddy went to sleep.

He brushed the hair from the face of a soundly sleeping Zick, kissed her tenderly on the forehead and covering her with a blanket up to her neck, left to take care of another urgent matter.

The area under his rule had recently been coveted by other groups in the city.

After all, everyone thought Don had died and were trying to take over his valuable spot.

No matter how they looked at it, Don had several well-profitable establishments on one of the most frequently visited streets in the city.

His famous casino attracted hundreds or even thousands of people every week.

It was 'practically' run legally, so the authorities had nothing to complain about.

He also had a strip club, a nightclub, a pub, and a coffee shop famous for the best coffee in the area.

So, as you can see, his business was doing well enough and his people had nothing to complain about.

The fact that he was doing a few more big deals on the side was nothing new to anyone.

However, these things could no longer be talked about openly.

When Don heard about another attack on his people, he sent a ready group to defend their territory.

The gangsters fawning over his piece of land had to understand that even after his death they would not be able to get their dirty hands on it.