Chereads / Ash: A Pokémon Tale / Chapter 39 - Evolution and New Encounters

Chapter 39 - Evolution and New Encounters

A few days had passed since Ash captured Gengar and began training with his Pokémon. His team had mastered their moves, but what they needed now was experience—battles that would push them to evolve.

However, every trainer in Vermilion City had already been defeated by the Gym Leader, Lt. Surge, and his powerful Raichu.

For now, Ash decided to let his Pokémon relax instead of training. They played happily in the park while he sat on a bench, watching them with a small smile. However, one Pokémon stood out—Charmander. Unlike the others, it was still training, determined to get stronger.

Ash sighed before calling out, "Charmander!"

Hearing his name, the small Fire-type stopped and looked at Ash, tilting its head. "Char?"

Ash gestured for it to come closer, and Charmander obediently approached. As it reached his legs, Ash gently picked it up and placed it on his lap. Charmander blinked in confusion before looking up at him. "Char?"

Ash chuckled softly. "Training is good, Charmander, but sometimes it's important to relax too."

Charmander let out a series of chirps, clearly expressing its desire to grow stronger.

"I know," Ash reassured him, placing a hand on its head and ruffling its scales. "But don't push yourself too hard. You'll become strong, I promise.

""Pika-pikapi!" Pikachu added enthusiastically, chiming in to encourage Charmander.

Hearing this, Charmander finally relaxed, closing its eyes as it enjoyed Ash's gentle petting.

After a few hours of relaxation and enjoying the peaceful moment with his Pokémon, Ash finally stood up. He recalled all his Pokémon into their Poké Balls and was about to leave when, suddenly, one of them popped out on its own.

It was Bulbasaur.

The Grass-type hurriedly tapped Ash's leg, its expression filled with urgency.

Seeing this, Ash knelt down and asked, "What's wrong, Bulbasaur?"

"Bulba! Bulbasaur!" Bulbasaur responded, pointing in a specific direction.

Ash glanced in the direction Bulbasaur was indicating before asking, "Do you want me to follow you?"

"Bulba!" Bulbasaur nodded firmly before turning and beginning to walk away.

Without hesitation, Ash followed. They made their way through the city, eventually reaching the main road. There, Ash saw a long line of Bulbasaur, all walking in unison toward a destination.

Bulbasaur wordlessly joined them.

Ash, recognizing where they were headed, didn't question it and continued walking alongside them.

After some time, they arrived at a clearing where a massive tree stood at the center. Surrounding it were several Venusaur and many smaller Bulbasaur. In the midst of them stood his own Bulbasaur, all of them preparing for something important.

And then, it happened.

A brilliant glow enveloped each Bulbasaur as they began to evolve, their bodies growing larger and stronger. One by one, they transformed into Ivysaur. As the light faded, the newly evolved Ivysaur celebrated their evolution, some even dancing in joy.

However, amid the festivities, one Bulbasaur stood still, its head lowered.

Ash immediately recognized it—it was his Bulbasaur. Unlike the others, it hadn't evolved.

Seeing this, Ash crouched down beside Bulbasaur and gently placed a hand on its head. "Don't be sad, Bulbasaur. I know why you didn't evolve.

"Bulbasaur slowly looked up at him, eyes filled with silent questions. "Bulba?"

Ash gave a small smile and explained, "It's because your flower bud is damaged.

"Bulbasaur's eyes widened slightly before it looked down in disappointment.

Pikachu, noticing its friend's distress, quickly hopped over and cheered, "Pika-pi!" trying to lift Bulbasaur's spirits.

Just then, the Arc Pokédex suddenly floated out of Ash's pocket, its screen lighting up.

"Searching for a cure…"

A few seconds later, it beeped and displayed the results.

"Solution found: Feeding a Miracle Seed will restore Bulbasaur's bud."

Hearing this, Ash wasted no time. He reached into his bag, pulled out a Miracle Seed, and gently offered it to Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur stared at the Miracle Seed in Ash's hand, then glanced up at him. It knew how rare Miracle Seeds were and how difficult they were to find. This wasn't just any ordinary item—it was something truly valuable.

Noticing Bulbasaur's hesitation, Ash simply smiled. "Go on, eat it. It'll help you heal," he reassured. "And don't worry about evolving. I know you'll evolve when the time is right.

"Bulbasaur looked at Ash, then back at the Miracle Seed. A warm feeling spread through its chest—not just from Ash's words, but from the trust and care he had shown. In that moment, one thought filled Bulbasaur's mind:

I'll become stronger for Ash.

With newfound determination, Bulbasaur took the Miracle Seed and swallowed it.

Almost instantly, its body began to glow.

Ash's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow! You're evolving!"

The radiant light enveloped Bulbasaur, its shape growing larger and stronger. The glow lasted for a few moments before finally fading, revealing the newly evolved Ivysaur standing proudly before Ash.

A bright smile spread across Ash's face as he picked Ivysaur up in excitement. "Congratulations on evolving, Ivysaur!"

"Pika-pi!" Pikachu cheered, hopping onto Ash's shoulder with a joyful spark in its eyes.

Ivysaur looked at Ash, feeling stronger than ever. More than that, it felt grateful. This wasn't just an evolution—it was a promise to keep growing, to keep pushing forward, all for the trainer who believed in it.

As Ash, Pikachu, and Ivysaur continued celebrating, a massive Venusaur observed them from a short distance. The elder Pokémon had initially been prepared to help the one small Bulbasaur that had failed to evolve.

However, before it could act, it witnessed something remarkable—Bulbasaur returning to its trainer, the same boy who had come to watch its evolution.

The Venusaur watched closely, taking in every detail. It had seen countless trainers before, some good and some selfish, but this one was different.

This trainer had offered a Miracle Seed—an item rare and valuable—not for personal gain, but simply to help his Pokémon heal. He didn't force evolution; he simply believed in his Bulbasaur's strength and trusted it to grow at its own pace.

And when Bulbasaur finally evolved, the trainer's joy was pure. It wasn't about power or achievement; it was about love and pride in his Pokémon.

With a newfound sense of respect, the large Venusaur slowly approached.

Ash, still caught up in the excitement of Ivysaur's evolution, suddenly noticed the towering Pokémon standing before him. He stopped celebrating and turned to face Venusaur, blinking in surprise.

"Ah… Sorry if we interrupted anything," Ash said politely, scratching the back of his head.Venusaur simply shook its head.

"Venaa-saur," it rumbled, dismissing the thought.

Seeing this, Ash gave a small smile and nodded. "Alright then, we'll be heading out." He turned, ready to leave with Pikachu and Ivysaur, only to suddenly feel something wrap gently around his arm.

A vine.

Ash turned back to see Venusaur extending a Vine Whip to stop him. His expression shifted to curiosity. "Is there something you need, Venusaur?

"Venusaur didn't respond with words. Instead, it slowly reached towards the large bud on its back with another vine. A moment later, it pulled out a gleaming stone—one that radiated a powerful energy—and carefully handed it to Ash.

Ash's eyes widened as he immediately recognized it.


It was the Mega Stone for Venusaur.

He looked at Venusaur in shock. "You… want me to have this?" he asked, holding the stone carefully.

Venusaur nodded firmly. "Venaa-saur.

"Ash stared at the stone for a moment before a grateful smile spread across his face. "Thank you, Venusaur," he said sincerely, bowing his head slightly in respect.

"Pika-pi!" Pikachu chimed in, expressing its gratitude as well.

"Ivy-saur!" Ivysaur beamed, looking up at Venusaur with admiration.

With that, Ash gently tucked the Venusaurite into his bag, making a silent promise to use it wisely. Then, with one final look at the elder Venusaur, he turned and began walking away with his Pokémon

As Ash walked back, deep in thought, he pondered his next move. Now that Bulbasaur has evolved, and I've obtained a new Mega Stone… Should I go and get that Pokémon?

After a moment of consideration, he nodded to himself. Yeah. Now's the perfect time.

With his decision made, Ash made his way toward the docks of Vermilion City. Once he arrived, he pulled out his Arc Pokédex and spoke into it.

"Hey, can you locate Dragonite Island for me?

"The device beeped in response before displaying a search animation. After a few seconds, a small map appeared on the screen, highlighting a tiny island off the coast.

"Search complete. Dragonite Island located,"

Seeing the marked location, Ash smirked. "Alright, let's go—

"Before he could take another step, a small bark-like sound caught his attention.

"Yamp! Yamper!

"Ash turned toward the source of the noise and saw a small, yellow Pokémon bounding toward him, tail wagging excitedly. It circled him a few times, yipping happily before stopping beside Pikachu, who greeted it with an enthusiastic "Pika!

"Ash blinked, recognizing the Pokémon. Yamper…?

He instinctively felt like he had seen this Pokémon before but couldn't quite place it. However, before he could dwell on it further, a familiar voice called out.

"Yamper! Don't run off on your own!"

Ash turned to see a girl running toward them. The moment he saw her face, his memory clicked.

It was Chloe , the daughter of Professor Cerise.