Chereads / Winters Prince / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

The day of Arrius's departure was filled with sadness, tears, laughter, and memories all in one. I truly hope that everything is going to be okay while im gone. I plan to demand a return after some time spent in Mardon. I can't allow the North and my family to go long without me being home, Arrius thought to himself while finishing packing away some more clothes.

Suddenly, a knock echoed at the entrance to Arrius's room. "May I enter?" a deep, groggy voice asked.

Turning around, Arrius instantly recognized his father, the short, skinny, bald man with a dark-haired beard streaked with gray that hinted at his age.

"Of course, Father, you're always welcome. You know this," Arrius replied.

"How is the packing going? I know it's taken some time to get everything together," Joben said, his tone weak.

"Quite well at the moment. I'm just about finished. The only thing left is to make sure I have Cardinal's Wing on my hip, and then I'm all ready to go."

Joben looked down at the floor, a troubled expression clouding his dark eyes. Arrius couldn't help but think that he and Tyrus had the exact same color and shape of eyes.

"I know this is going to be hard. It's hard on me and your mother sending you off, but it's something that must be done. You know this as well as the rest of us. It's something you need to do. Please don't think we are trying to send you away because we hate you."

"Trust me, I would never think that. You are my family; I will always love all of you. No matter what happens, I know you will always be there for me. This is just another step in my life that the gods have bestowed upon me, and I must take this path and follow it until my journey is finished," Arrius spoke with a voice full of pride and honor.

"My son, you are a wonderful person and an even better son. I know this is going to be a great time for you. Please try your best to have fun and enjoy yourself. This is a time for you to find yourself," Joben said, his heart open, and Arrius could see it.

He knew his father loved him; Joben was never a man to hide this, unlike most fathers Arrius had known. His father was kind and loving. Though he could be hard on him and his brothers, but without that, Arrius knew he wouldn't be half the person he was today.

"Promise me this before I leave, my son: you'll be safe, and you'll enjoy yourself. Oh, and I do expect some letters, of course."

"Of course, Father. I'll be safe, and I will make sure to enjoy myself while I'm gone. And don't you worry; Tyrus already asked about the letters. I'll make sure to write everyone whenever I have the opportunity."

"I love you, son," Joben said, a smile on his face.

"I love you too, Father."

Now it was time to finish up and say his goodbyes to everyone, Arrius thought.

Walking through the courtyard of Cardinal's Hold, Arrius felt an unexpected sense of excitement rather than sadness. He knew he'd be back home at some point, but after speaking with everyone and hearing that this was something for him to enjoy, he couldn't help but feel a thrill.

He recalled the training grounds where he and his brothers would practice dueling for hours, as well as archery, trying to see who had the best shot. It was always Arrius, of course—he mostly credited it to being the oldest.

He remembered his mother and sister sitting on the ledge in their chairs, watching him and the boys train while they knitted or gossiped their minds away.

Most importantly, he was going to miss his family. They had always been there for him, no matter what, and he hoped that would never change. But now, he was leaving for some time, and while it seemed hard, he knew deep down that everything was going to be okay. He could trust everyone here to take care of themselves.

Finally making his way to the horses, he spotted them—his family, the ones he had been looking for this entire time.

"Everyone, I've been looking all over for you! Have you all been here the entire time?" Arrius asked, confusion lacing his tone.

"Why would we not be? You think we would see you off and not see you goodbye, my love?" his mother said, her tone soothing.

"Please take this, Arrius. It's something I made earlier today for you, and I want you to hold on to it for me, please." Little Tyrus walked up and handed Arrius a small doll made of wood and straw, painted to look very similar to him.

He's always been somewhat of an artist, even though I think he's better with his sword, Arrius thought to himself while examining the toy.

"I love this, Tyrus. I'll make sure to hold on to this forever; I promise you that." He ruffled the boy's hair and hugged him before moving on to speak with his other brother.

"Did you already forget the promise you made me, Loyce?"

"Something about making sure everyone is safe and protected and how I must learn to take on more responsibilities, am I right?" Loyce replied sarcastically.

He may not admit it, but that boy loves us all deeply. He's got one of the biggest hearts I know, Arrius mused.

"As perfect as you could get it, brother," Arrius smirked at his younger brother.

"If I'm to keep this promise, you must promise me one thing then, Arrius. You'll finally start talking to a couple of the women. They fawn over you, and yet you say nothing. Stop being so humble and try to enjoy yourself; the gods know they will. I even heard the Mardon women can be quite fun."

"You know I can't do that, but we'll see. Maybe I'll find a wonderful woman there whom I'll fall deeply in love with."

"Someone falling in love with you is already a hard step for you; they'll hate your personality!" Loyce laughed. Arrius playfully punched his brother's arm and then hugged him tightly.

"Finally, my sister! How have you been, Alara? I hope your new husband has been treating you well. I told him he must."

"Arrius, I already know what you said. My husband isn't the type to keep secrets from his beloved wife. Why would you do something like that?" Alara replied firmly.

"I just needed to know you're going to be protected no matter what. I won't be here to help for some time, so I needed to know someone else will always be there for you."

With a long smile, his sister finally hugged him tightly. "Please be safe along your journey. I'm so excited to hear all your stories."

"We're going to miss you, honey, so very much," Queen Caryn said, squeezing Arrius's cheeks until they felt like they might fall off.

"I'm going to miss you all too. Trust me, I can't wait to be back home, and I still haven't left!"

"Make sure while you're gone not to get into any trouble; it's going to look bad on me and your mother, you know," Joben said with a calm smile but a stern tone.

"I promise I won't. I'll make sure I'm doing what is expected of me."

"I love you all. I really do. I'll be back soon enough, so don't you forget me," Arrius spoke to his entire family.

With one last wave and a hug for everyone, he mounted his horse, Cardinal's Wing on his hip and the rest of his belongings saddled up. He met Ser Ferick on another horse, along with the rest of the bannermen, ready to go.

"Are you ready, my prince? It's time to move," Ferick asked.


With that, the group headed out of the gate. Glancing back one final time, Arrius made sure he wouldn't forget any of their faces, ready to embrace the next chapter of his life.