Correct me if i'm wrong... compared to Jack... i bet that you'd win.
"What makes you say that?"
"In a serious fight... it would just be about who can take the first shot."
Are you saying you're equal?
"Not at all."
"But you can't turn your back to any Soncept. They could make quick work of you. That's why Jack works so closely to Elena."
"The Soncept of time before Elena was a close friend of mine, back in the day atleast. If he was here in the modern era, i'd easily rank him as the highest Soncept in their organization. But Elena... she's not utilizing her powers right, she's relying on others too much."
I didnt know you had so much gossip.
But it does tell me something. You used to be decently involved with them before this.
"I dont like the dots you connect. You've been learning to observe and cross roads you shouldn't. That's what happens to a person when they choose to isolate their voice from the world."
You're right in that department. We both chose some kind of isolation. We outgrew others.
"Talk about real kid. So you gonna let me try and be your friend or what?"
I don't do friends, neither do you.
"Watch your wording, pal."
Very funny, Tempada.
You know what i mean though.
We can try to understand eachother, but we dont know ourselves.
"You say that, but you're not saying you wish to change."
Im perfectly contempt spending my entire life doing my own shit, alone.
I look up at the sky, a sunset beginning to form.
Damn... there it goes again. I didnt even catch any sleep.
In the night another day goes by, that's what you said earlier. But i consider the start of the day when the sun determines if i get light or not.
I get up slowly, looking at my phone. 5:59... dont know what i'm meant to do now.
Actually... you still up Tempada?
"Course i am."
Right... you said you split the powers with me. So which seasons did i get?
"You've already discovered autumn... you're getting power from the earth itself. As for the second one... i'm gonna let you figure it out."
You're never helpful.
"I'm willing to tell you one thing though, your powers get a big boost when they are on season. So during the autumn months, you'll be at your best."
I can barely use my powers right now, if i do anything first, it should be that.
"Uh huh, sounds about right."
"You said you wouldn't give in and learn to use these powers, but you caved in pretty fast. What's up with that?"
I realized pretty quickly that you were gonna be sending me stupid places to test me. Not to mention, i truly understood what Jack said. There's gonna be people hunting me if you're actually such a mystery.
Say... what would it take for you to leave me some time without your antics?
"Try and learn to use your powers... and i guess i wont use gimmicks to force you."
"Actually... do scratch that."
That doesn't sound promising.
"West of where you are, there should be a small forest, right?"
Its too small to be called a forest... but sure, there is.
"There's a rogue Soncept in there. I can guarantee you that. I wont tell you their powers or anything about them. But you should have the upperground in that enviroment."
I check back down on my phone, then look up and begin heading west.
On a scale... how dangerous is this Soncept... compared to Dan atleast.
"Stop right there."
What is it?
"You absolutely will lose in your current state."
"Compared to Dan, they are more capable, and you dont have good control of your powers yet."
I look down at a patch of dirt from where some light construction was going on, before finding a small grocery bag and taking some dirt with me.
I'll find a real hotel this time, and practice.
"Bahaha! You're gonna walk in there with a bag of dirt?"
Quit laughing at me. Im not practicing in public.
"Alright, listen here, i give you until monday to get strong enough."
Isn't that too little time?
"Nah... there's many stages to using Soncept powers. With the progress you've shown, you can reach the third stage easily."
And how many stages are there?
So... you really think i can reach that third stage by monday?
"You're a stubborn guy. You wouldn't back down from a challenge."
Alright then, watch me, Tempada.