Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

[T/N: OK! if you want to get access to chapter 27 you can get it this month for 25% less than any other time for just $7!]

Skuld couldn't get the events that occurred in the Chamber out of her mind.

Remus was for her the father she always wanted, and for the werewolf, she was the daughter he did not have.

Perhaps that was why fate took pity on them and the man received the opportunity to work at Hogwarts.

He accepted it without batting an eyelid after ensuring that he would not be a danger to the students, but another piece of news reached the house, and Skuld understood it.

Tom explained to her that she should not ignore her crazy imagination.

More doubts reached the redhead.


Summer for Skuld had never been so... Cheerful, warm, dear.

Every morning Remus let her sleep until ten or more if they fell asleep late from talking, or looking at old photo albums of his old friend.

She would like to say that she didn't imagine Remus meeting the same end as her favorite partner and the parents of her brother's best friend.

But every night...

Every breakfast...

She saw him fall limp to the ground after being hit by a spell, and a witch running towards her...

She shook her head and accepted the glass of juice that Lupine handed her with a smile.

'You shouldn't think that.'

But Tom said...


[T/N: b*tch is hearing voices.]

"Today we could go to Diagon Alley " Remus proposed, taking a sip of his latte. " What subjects did you choose in the end?"

" Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmacy " She stole a piece of chocolate donut from her companion.

" Ancient Runes are good too... " She murmured, wrinkling her nose a little.

Yes, Remus wanted her to study that subject just because he did it and he was excited for her to do the same.

Like a father to his daughter.

That's exactly how the werewolf felt about the green-eyed girl sitting next to him.

He rescued her when she could barely speak, took care of her, and protected her. He had watched over her all her life, and he could finally be with Skuld.

He didn't care what she was tied to.

He would prepare her for it, he would be her light in case hers went out.

"I dreamt again," Skuld commented, and Remus almost choked on his donut.

She laughed at his face being red with shock and embarrassment, and drank the rest of her peach juice.

She didn't like orange juice, and she was sick of pumpkin juice.

" What have you dreamt of again?"

Remus watched her attentively, without losing sight of any of her gestures. He wanted to find the mark that indicated she was lying.

"It was strange " She started looking at the ceiling for a couple of seconds and then looking back into Remus's brown eyes " I was crushing a creature with a worm-like tail, but someone appeared and stopped me just before I could kill it."

"Who was stopping you?" he asked, frowning. His friend was dead, it was impossible.

" Ronald."

After that, she seemed to enter her world again, and Remus to his.

This was how they coexisted. They both respected each other's thoughts, their silences have never been awkward and the conversations were usually short or, on special occasions, deep and long, where he told adventures from his past, and she confessed how much she would like to have the same good memories. Like her brothers.

It seems to Skuld that Remus was the bravest, strongest, and most intelligent person she had ever met. The man had the same thoughts directed at the girl sitting next to him.

. . . . .

"We only need the tunic, you've grown quite a bit " Remus commented looking at the bags with books and the list.

" Skuld!"

A boy ran up and stopped two meters away from her.

" Hello, Blaise " She greeted, smiling slightly.

The brunette's grin stretched three times bigger.

"You might already be taller than Daphne!" he mocked.

Skuld rolled her eyes.

"I'm taller than Theo, for sure," she said. "See you in a few days, Zabini."

" Sure, Weasley."

He returned to where a man and a woman smiled at their son, and raised their hand to greet the girl who was always in the anecdotes from their only son.

"Don't tell me I already have to threaten boys," Remus mocked as they entered Madame Malkin's.

"I already have them indirectly threatened " She winked.

Remus laughed, shaking his head.

He loved this redhead.

[T/N: This was much better than the previous chapter, god I was grinning so much during this chapter. If you like this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones! If you want to read some advanced chapters then check out my Patreon.]

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