Chereads / The Light Hero: Beacon / Chapter 6 - MEETING ALL MIGHT



The students at Aldera Jr High started to drift back to their seats as the morning bell rung.

Izuku barely made it back to his chair when the teacher walked in with a stack of papers.

"Alright students, I think its time you thought about your futures. That's why I've bought these career sheets" he said while gesturing towards the stack before throwing it up into the air "But we all know you plan on being heroes"

This seemed like a cue as everyone started going wild with their quirks for a solid 5 minutes before the teacher coughed and reminded them that illegal quirk usage was…illegal.

The conversations going on faced an abrupt stop however when Katsuki Bakugo stood up on his chair.

"Oi teach, don't lump me in with these extra's. they'll be d-tier sidekicks at best, but me? Ill be the no 1 hero!"

"Oh yeah" the teacher said "Weren't you planning to go to UA Bakugo?"

Murmurs ensued after that statement.

"UA!? The school with less than 1% accepting rate!?"

"That's right" Katsuki boasted "I'll get into UA, and then I'll be the strongest hero!"

"Oh? It seems Midoriya-Kun also plans on going there."

Everyone became quiet.

"Of course, he will" Bakugo said with a grin as he put his hand on Izuku's shoulder " If I'm a pencil he's my sharpener! Aint that right Izu!"

"I'm going for the support course Suki." Izuku said while pushing off the hand "You know I don't plan on being a hero"

"Why not!?" the whole class yelled out "With your quirk you'd be great"

"I was unaware that anyone other than me gets to decide" Izuku said sharply.

Everyone mumbled before returning to their seats.


Izuku heard footsteps behind and turned around to see Katsuki there with two of his cronies near the door.

"I wanted to return this" Bakugo said while handing Izuku a notebook " Thanks for the notes, i seriously don't get how sensei doesn't get that most of us sleep"

"Yeah , I didn't make these notes during the class either, they're my own"

"That's why I prefer yours to glasses extra"

"Mashiro-san Katsuki. Atleast remember names"

"Pfft. I don't need no names. I also wanted to ask you something"

"No, I'm not changing my mind, no I'm not gonna reconsider it." Izuku said with a frown before packing up his bag and moving past Bakugo " gotta get home now, see ya tomorrow."

Rather than explode like he would have with anyone else who showed him attitude, Bakugo just sighed before going back out with the extras.

With Izuku, approaching the tunnel.

Izuku pondered on what Katsuki had said.

"The hero course huh. As if someone like me could ever be a hero."


"Wha-" was all he could get out before being swallowed by a wall of green slime.

Toshinori 'All Might' Yagi was annoyed, smelly and slightly thirsty.

'The sewers of Mustafu are way too confusing'

He paused when he heard a shout nearby.

'If that slime got to a citizen I'll turn him into a smoothie'

He rushed to the open sewer grate to see a green mass above along with rays of white light.

He burst through the grate to see… the villain crying out in pain?

There was a green haired boy with a glowing arm directing some sort of light directly into the villain's eye.


"Yeah, I noticed" said the boy, but Yagi could tell he was fanboying on the inside.

How did he know that? The boy was muttering.



"Uh, Hi. I'm Izuku Midoriya. This guy tried to take over my body or whatever so.." the boy said as he gestured at the incapacitated villain.


"Uh, since you're here could you sign my notebook?"

"WHY OF COURSE I CAN" Yagi said as he signed with a pen the boy handed him across two open pages. "Well then my boy, I must be off, if you would hand me the villain"

"Uh, I don't want to overstep, but I think you should have something to contain this guy in."

"NOT TO WORRY, I HAVE THIS" Yagi said before downing an entire bottle of soda and stuffing the villain into the bottle.

"That was….disturbing.."

"All right then boy, I'll be off now! Villians don't take a break, and nor will I !"

And then he was off.

What he didn't realize, was that the bottle slipped out of his pocket.

Right in front of a certain spiky-haired blonde boy.

"All right I got the chips, Hitoshi said he'd get the cups and Momo's getting the tv system…?" Izuku said while exiting a grocery shop with a bag in one hand a reading something on his phone with the other.

"She's what?"He heard Itsuka say in confusion.

"Yeah uh, rich people logic I guess"

"All right, I gotta get back to training. See ya Saturday."

"Bye" he said before cutting the call.

He nearly jumped out of his uniform when he heard an explosion accompanied by smoke from a nearby street.

'Might be worth checking out'


Izuku was confused. He knew for a fact that All Might had put the slime villain in a bottle and jumped/flown away.

He was even more confused about why he was running towards said slime villain.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" he heard Death Arms shout behind him.

"NO CLUE" he shouted behind himself while dodging and weaving.

"IT'S YOU AGAIN" the slime shouted before covering its eye to prevent Izuku from flashing him ( the QUIRK way not….never mind)

'If he can't see he's gonna rely on sound or smell'

Izuku leaped back, right beside Kamui Woods, who was frozen for a second before hastily pulling Izuku back.

"Step back kid! This is too dangerous for someone so young to be involved with"

"Kamui-San, sorry to interrupt but small question: if your branches snap off do they grow back?

"Wha-Yes but that's not the poin-"

"I need you to lend me a katana shaped branch-as compact and strong as possible"

"There's no way!" the two looked to see Death Arms marching "Get back NOW kid, that's an order from a pro!"

"Wait" Kamui interrupted "What would you do if I gave it to you?"

"My quirk makes me practically immune to physical attacks, but I can't go on the offensive without a weapon. I trained in swordsmanship to compensate for that, so I can at least get my friend out of there."

Kamui Woods looked searchingly into Izuku's eyes and then around them, probably to find any other solution.

"Hate to say it" he sighed before extending his left arm into a perfect katana shape before using his other hand to break it off. " But you're the only hope he's got. I'll try my best to cover you."

"Thank you" Izuku said with a nod before gripping the sword with both hands, the same stance he had learnt when he was small, the same stance he had the day of the competition and the same stance he held while facing his capturers.

'This won't be like that day. I'll make sure of it'

And he dashed off.

He was like an arrow, released from his bow as he blitzed through the incoming tendrils before slashing through a thicker one.

He then jumped up high, with the sun at his back to not just blind the villain, but to use it's light energy to fuel the blow to end this.

He brought it above his head.

He had come up with two super-moves when he was young.

One he had used against Momo in that tournament.

The other he would use now.


He released a huge slash made of white light, which sliced through the tentacles like they were made of butter.

The attack also cut through the tentacles holding Katsuki.

Izuku landed beside his friend and grabbed his friend.

"BLAST US OUTTA HERE" he yelled.

Katsuki yelled "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" back but used his explosions to get them out of range of the incoming tendrils.

Izuku raised his weapon when he saw that the villain had raised his tendrils when…


Everyone, even the villain turned to see All Might literally appear out of nowhere beside Izuku, like he had teleported.

"DON'T WORRY BOYS, YOU'RE ALRIGHT NOW" he said before turning to the villain.


The villain burst into tiny splatters of slime everywhere.

"He-he changed the weather" Mt Lady said, and they all looked up to see the hole in the sky made by just one punch from the strongest man in the world.