Chapter 24 - Igor

 Lloyd knew he'd hook Anna with this answer. If he was going to be used by unknown parties to pry Alexander away from him, then he was also going to use them to further his goals.

"So why did you buy them?"

 The General, seemingly more eager than ever, decided to ask his question again, which pleased Christopher. The fact that he was this curious indicated that he was at least interested in their venture, and as long as this held true, their alliance would remain solid.

"The reason I nearly fainted earlier was because I activated my skill on the crystal. As for why, it's because I read about refinement this morning. You see where I'm going with this, right?"

 Despite being more honest with him, Lloyd had still opted to keep his other ability under wraps. It was prudent, he believed, to hold a few cards close to his chest until he was certain of his unwavering loyalty. Moreover, his explanation was 'accurate', just not complete. As always, the former King made the connection right away, causing his lips to curl into an amused grin.

"Ohoho... I guess you found your moneymaker, little man."

 The engineer started smiling too, since this was an unexpected boon. He couldn't wait to put his hands to work.

"I think Anna sensed it as well, which is why she gave me a discount. Her instincts are amazing."

 Alexander nodded. Her initial reaction towards him still weighed on his mind, especially since it meant that she had seen people like him before. If true, it pointed to the existence of other formidable beings in Gruzia — a prospect that excited him to no end.

 It didn't take long for the pair to reunite with Alejandro, who had been patiently waiting nearby.

"Did you find what you were looking for?"

"We did. Thanks for bringing us here."

 The guard was pleased and decided to refrain from asking anything else. As long as they didn't cause trouble, he had fulfilled his duty. Just thinking about gate's incident still sent chills down his spine, and he had no wish to relive it in any way.

"Where would you like to go next?"

 Lloyd paused to ponder, unsure. His newly earned ability had thrown his initial plan in disarray, although in a positive way. However, he still needed to make sure he'd leave Gruzia with everything needed, or it'd be a massive failure. After a bit of contemplation, he figured their next step.

"Is there a smithy that sells equipment? Specifically, for mining and refining."

 His request baffled the guard. Most merchants sought weapons, everyday commodities, even slaves... But mining and refining equipment? That was certainly a first, at least for him. Still, who was he to judge his business? He just needed to help him to the best of his abilities.

"I think I know the perfect place."

 Without missing a beat, the trio then ventured further along the strip, where they quickly found another hidden side of Gruzia. As they kept going deeper and deeper, it became apparent that the surroundings were deteriorating into slums, with each shop starting to look more and more abandoned. Consequently, foot traffic dwindled while security grew lax — a situation that Alexander found worrisome.

 But just as they were beginning to get engulfed in the somber decor, they halted in front of a dilapidated structure, one that could be qualified as more of a ruin than a functioning building. It possessed a façade that was made up of decaying white bricks, hastily-applied mortar, and fogged-up windows. The entrance doors, crafted from moldy, brown wood, were also riddled with cracks and had hinges that barely held on. To top it all off, a grubby, poorly-lettered sign read as follows: Johnson's Atelier.

"Uh... Are you sure we've arrived?"

 Christopher wasn't impressed at all. They were clearly in a less than savory part of the city, which was a far cry from where they had been earlier. His only source of reassurance was the plume of smoke billowing from its chimney, meaning that someone at least worked here…

"Don't let appearances deceive you. My family has always bought its weapons here. They're unparalleled and the owner also sells various tools, so you should find what you're looking for."

 Alexander was quick to corroborate his statement. When it came to smithies, the state of the establishment rarely reflected the craftsman's skill, especially in such a wretched state. Back in Macedonia, his late weapons had always been crafted by his official blacksmiths, but it hadn't always been the case. In fact, his favorite ones used to come from shops eerily similar to this one.

 Alejandro didn't wait long before leading them inside, and as soon as they flung open the doors, a tiny bell chimed, followed by a booming voice originating from the back end of the shop.


 Not a second later did a heatwave engulf them, its intensity staggering. Even the former King, who had witnessed the forging process firsthand, found it slightly overwhelming. What exactly was this blacksmith working with that required such heat?


 Alejandro yelled out in response, causing another shout to soon emerge.


 The sound of a heavy metallic object hitting the ground then echoed throughout the room, with a few swear words following suit. Moments later, a concealed door facing them opened, revealing a silhouette against a backdrop of glowing red hues. The scene looked surreal, but not as much as the individual's appearance, which immediately left him dumbfounded. The figure in question was fairly large, very muscular, and came in at about 5 feet tall. His most distinctive feature, however, was the long-braided beard cascading down to his stomach. It was simply unmistakable.

"A Dwarf!"

 The engineer couldn't control himself before loudly blurting out his surprise. This was a real, living and breathing, dwarf! Even if he had prepared himself mentally, it was still an immense shock, and one that forever severed the ties that bound Arcadia to Earth. As for the General, he had quickly gone from stupor to fascination. So, this was the race that technologically surpassed humans... How fascinating!

"Uh? Who are these clowns?! Of course, I'm a dwarf, you moron!"

 Lloyd's genuine reaction had also startled Alejandro, who wondered if it was his first encounter with the species.

 Realizing his faux pas, the scientist immediately fell into a deep bow whilst a waterfall of apologies poured forth. If he remembered correctly, dwarves were very proud, at least based on their depiction of them.

"I'm so sorry. It's my first time meeting a representative of the Dwarven race. Please forgive my ignorance."

 His tone was sincere, making Igor grunt in response.

"It's fine... Why did you bring these two here, Alejandro?"

 The dwarf's gaze had locked on Alexander, who didn't shy away from it since it was obvious that they were both assessing each other.

"Merchant Lloyd would like to buy tools. Can you help him?"

"Tools? Why?"

 Igor's reply bordered on the derisive, a clear indication that their request was being dismissed. Unfazed, Lloyd's lips curved into a subtle smile, an anticipatory spark igniting in his eyes. It was time to discern whether the reputed blacksmith was genuinely worth his mettle.

"I'd like to purchase a precision pick, a hammer, a tumbler and a small smelter."

 His list was very specific and peculiar, with its content piquing Igor's interest. For the small humanoid, such a list could only mean one thing: refinement. However, the impression that Christopher projected was worlds apart from the seasoned Refinement Masters he had met in the past. Was this idiot being taken for a ride?

"Why would you purchase that?"

 The engineer couldn't help but grin further. It was a reasonable question, albeit insulting considering it was none of his business. Still, this would prove an excellent litmus test for Igor's proficiency and acumen.

"I'm sure you've already realized it's about refinement, and since I'm a novice in the field, I'd like you to recommend me the most cost-efficient products."

 Alejandro, who had been curious about the purpose of their visit, was taken aback. Refinement??? Had the merchant been scammed by the Galleria?! Impossible… Their reputation was stellar despite their monopoly, meaning that scamming was definitely not in their best interest. It simply had to have been Lloyd's request. At that moment, a barrage of questions swirled inside his mind, but he kept quiet, as interrogating them was far from his purview.

 Meanwhile, Igor's face was a canvas of surprise that slowly transitioned into one of curiosity. This human wasn't as dumb as he initially thought. He was also certain that Lloyd had just challenged him, knowing full well what type of material was suitable for such an endeavor. This was a test of his skill, and his pride would not allow it to go unanswered.

"Interesting... What's your budget?"

"19 gold coins."

"Hmmm... This isn't much for what you're asking. You'll have to compromise on durability for certain items. Is that acceptable?"

"It's perfectly fine."

"Then follow me."

 But before moving, Igor clapped his hands twice, causing light to flush out the darkness and reveal a sight to behold. Despite having a decrepit facade, the interior was clean, meticulously organized and filled with racks upon racks of weapons. Each artifact, particularly the more extravagant ones, was given due prominence on individual stands. Their meticulous craftsmanship also left Alexander and Lloyd spellbound, with their beauty and fabulous finish simply entrancing them.

"Hehe, it really does seem like your first time in a dwarven shop. What you see here is my life's work."

 As they moved through the rows of deadly armaments in constant admiration, they arrived at the far end of the room where a small counter was nestled. The dwarf then disappeared behind it before starting to rummage. Several minutes later, he started to lay out the requested tools on its surface, with each one causing the scientist's eyes to widen in awe. It was time to begin the presentation.

"Starting from the left is an encrusted diamond-tipped precision pick. It's one of my finest creations, and one that's highly regarded by many. While its durability is on the lower side, it can work on the finest raw materials. The pick's head and handle are forged from iron, with an estimated lifespan of around 100000 strikes."

 Christopher could tell from a single glance that it was a beautiful and, most importantly, functional item. Everything Igor had just said was true, down to the very minute detail.

"Very well."

 The small humanoid triumphantly grinned before continuing.

"Up next, we have a steel hammer that is highly compatible with the pick. Its face is made of a harder alloy to prevent wear, while its neck and head are made of a softer one to better absorb the impacts. As for the handle, it's made of oak, a wood that is hard and highly durable."

 Another flawless choice from the craftsman, which made the scientist's heart race. He was the real deal. The General, too, was impressed. These tools were far more sophisticated than those he had seen during his Dynasty, and he had no doubts that many craftsmen would have given a lot for such a formidable arsenal. Now building on his momentum, Igor pressed on.

"This is a rock tumbler I've perfected after years of feedback from various masters, some of whom are the best in Gruzia. However, the device is not as fancy as it sounds. As you can see, there's a small magic stone powering the automatic spinning feature, and a lever, to manually finish the process. The tricky parts to get right were the spinning speed and the size of the cage, which were achieved after a lot of trial and error."

 The dwarf's eyes were shining when he was presenting the device, as were the engineer's. Each word resonated with Christopher's newfound knowledge, making him fondly remember his time on Earth, back to the comfortable cocoon of his research lab. This intense enthusiasm didn't slip under the dwarf's radar, fueling his excitement even further. It had been eons since he'd seen someone's eyes gleam with such passion.

"And finally, my magnum opus: The Refining Smelter."

 At the very end of the counter stood a small, iron vault. To Alexander and Alejandro, it was simply unremarkable in every way, but to Lloyd, it was a symphony of complexities. It was, as Igor had said, a masterpiece. The alloy used, the size of the furnace, the placement of the heat source… Everything synced together like an epic orchestra. It was simply tailor-made for the refinement of magic crystals, with nothing out of place.


 This unexpected compliment from the scientist caught everyone by surprise while sending the dwarf in a fit of hearty laughter.

"Hahahahaha! I never expected to meet someone so interesting today! You've piqued my interest, Merchant Lloyd!"

 His reaction rendered Alejandro speechless. Despite his countless visits to the shop, never had he seen Igor brim with such uncontainable joy. What the hell was happening?!

 As for Christopher, he was ecstatic. This set was everything he needed to successfully begin his venture. But one thing still remained.

"How much?"

 The dwarf's booming laughter gradually subsided, his eyes finally resting on Lloyd.

"Mhm… Ordinarily, this would usually come out at 30 gold coins, but since you told me your budget beforehand, I'll let it slide at 19."

 Igor was massaging his beard while smiling from ear to ear, a reaction mirrored by the engineer, who extended his hand shortly after.


 The dwarf then began to loudly laugh again before strongly shaking it in agreement. In the backdrop, Alexander slightly grinned while muttering to himself.
