In an instant, the fox emitted a sharp hiss and bolted toward the shore, swimming with all its might. Just as it neared the land, a colossal wave surged from the depths, bringing with it a swirling mass of water that resembled a spiked, wingless dragon.
The storm fox grabbed the back of Brian's shirt and threw him to shore. Then is turned around and faced the monstrous creature which looked like a wingless dragon made of water. The fox's central tail started zapping with bright yellow electricity zapping out of it.
"It's a water weird. I've never seen one of those before, I've only read about them," said Aria.
A crack of electricity shot out at the water weird and rippled through its body.
The creature squealed and shook then it raised up and dove down shooting hot water over the storm fox. It bounced out of the way and shot another bolt of electricity. Then the storm fox's tail twitched and a different one shot out ice crystals from its tip.
Part of the water weird froze after making contact with the ice crystals and its speed significantly slowed down.
Then the chaos from the battle in the water startled strange giant fish that looked like spotted salmon to come up to the shore, but they didn't stop there. The weird giant salmon-like fish put two front fins on the shore and lifted themselves out of the water. Six giant fish fifteen feet long and four feet wide. They pushed themselves up out of the water and there were five other sets of fins that it used as feet to drag itself out of the water. The one in front looked at Brian with its beady silver eyes and opened its gigantic mouth, full of four layers worth of razor-sharp pointy teeth.
"Ok! Not like a salmon, not like a salmon at all!" Brian said and ran further back.
Paul jumped up and was about to help when he felt an odd sensation, the feeling of her surrounding him and going through his body like a wave. Then he felt the ground catching up to him and a wave of nausea and dizziness filled him. Then he was his normal size again. This wasn't the best time for this, but at least he would to normal size again. That wasn't where it ended though, he continued to shrink, smaller and smaller until he was very worried that someone or something would accidentally step on him. At this time, Aria seeing that her new male was barely bite-size, swiftly picked up Paul and tucked between her boobs. With Paul jammed in her cleavage, she decided to run away from the man-eating fish who could walk on the surface.
"We need to go back and help Brian!" said Paul.
"You can't help anyone right now, what do you think you can do with your new size? Irritate one of the fish's eyes? Annoy them by being stuck in their teeth? I'm doing the best thing I can do for him: lure some of them away to drain life essence. If I get caught in the middle of them, I will die. I won't be of any help to either of you if I'm dead," said Aria
"Hey!" she yelled and three of the fish started following her, while the other three walked toward Brian.
Brian spun around and began scaling a sturdy tree, convinced that the clumsy fish, with their awkward land movements, wouldn't be able to manage climbing up. He was still figuring out what his new abilities did, but so far, they didn't seem to offer any advantage in combat. Typical, right? Here he was, stuck with a power that didn't help him fight in a world where danger lurked at every turn.
Perched high in the tree, he had a front-row seat to the epic showdown between the little fox and the massive water beast coiling around, trying to drag the fox under. But the fox wasn't backing down; it was zapping the creature with bolts of electricity and launching ice crystals.
Below, a few fish were staring up at Brian, making these annoying yips as if that would convince him to come down from the tree. No way! Then one fish had the bright idea to slam its head against the tree trunk, but thankfully, that didn't do a thing. Soon, the other two joined in, and he almost felt bad for the clueless fish as they banged their heads against the tree—almost, because they were still plotting to munch on him if they managed to topple it. Luckily, they weren't clever enough to coordinate their attacks and hit the tree together.
Meanwhile one of the fish monsters approached Aria closely and she turned around and a glowing light came out of the fish and drifted into her mouth. Then the fish started to look like a raisin, it shrank and withered. Then another fish approached close to her and she did the same thing to it. Afterward, her skin looked dewy and her hair looked softer. She changed her legs for her tail and moved faster, twisting back around she took hold of the last giant fish and sucked the life out of that one too.
Brian stared in disbelief at the shriveled walking fish before him. What kind of creature was she? He had heard her claims about herself, but witnessing it all in person was a whole different level of shocking. Maybe now Paul would finally understand that keeping such a terrifying being in his harem was a terrible mistake.
Then a loud crash filled the air, Everyone looked over to see that the storm fox had frozen the water weird and bit it dragged it up to shore, and placed it in front of Brian. The water weird made a strange popping noise and then bits of it exploded into a large blue crystal, some scales, a golden fishing pole, some bottles filled with blue liquid, and a scroll piled up next to the remains of the carcass.
"What the heck is this about? This world has boss drops?" said Brian.
"Where you're from the mana in the monsters don't form items once a monster is dead?"
Ah, no," said Brian.
"How strange, are you from the Celestial Realm then?"
"No, we're from somewhere else, but I'm not sure if we can talk about it," said Brian.
A moment later there was another bang and everyone looked up to see that the carriage was pressed up against the crystal dome. Paul became startled and a light flashed, and he started quickly growing. Aria pulled him out of her cleavage and threw him so that he wouldn't be close enough to crush her.
Jayla watched while Amy fought with Olivia.
"You can't keep it," said Olivia.
"Well, no one told me that I couldn't keep it when I found it while coming back to the carriage."
"That's because I wasn't there."
"Well luckily you aren't the boss of me. I found this egg fair and square, it was just lying there helpless and alone. It needs a mommy to care for it and that'll be me," said Amy.
"Isn't it Olivia's turn to have the crazy mommy fever, not you?" said Jayla.
"I take insult to that. Did you just call me old?"
"Well, you are starting to get to the point where you won't be able to have kids even if you want them. I don't mean that in an offensive way, isn't it just common for women your age who don't have kids to freak out?"
"I'll have you know that I am happily married to my work," said Olivia.
"That sounds like some dry sex," said Jayla.
"Alright, let's break it up, everyone's emotions are elevated right now because your superpowers are kicking in. We need to focus on rescuing the guys," said Elek
Pyr rushed out to the furnace in the lounge. "Fin wants everyone to hold onto something he's about to suction onto the crystal dome and use a saw to open the top."
"Won't that make the dome fill up with water? No, because we'll be keeping the water out and then we'll seal it.
Then there was a deep rumbling followed by the most painful high-pitched screech, everyone covered their ears, except Pyr, because it didn't seem to bother him and where are his ears anyway? He obviously could hear but none could be seen.
They watched as Brian and Paul rushed to their watercraft and pulled out their facemasks.
"That explains why we haven't been able to get ahold of them," said Amy.
"Hey hot cheeks," Paul said.
"I can't believe that I'm actually relieved to hear your voice," said Inga.
"Hey, we have a slight problem, Paul keeps on changing his size with no control over it," said Brian.
"Oh that will be an interesting power once he gets the hang of it," said Elek.
"Well, right now it's not convenient at all because he's gotten too big to wear his face mask anymore. It'll be just fine, we can make this work. Tell Paul to raise the rest of you to the hatch at the bottom of the ship and your equipment and then have him stick his head in the hole."
"Huh? You plan to just have him wear the ship like a hat?" said Brian.
"That's the plan, you'll see," said Elek.
Paul began by lifting the watercraft, and as he did, he also hoisted Brandon. The others expected him to poke his head through the opening next, but they were mistaken. Suddenly, a fox appeared—a surprisingly adorable little creature that had returned to its normal size and leaped onto Brian's shoulder the moment it boarded the ship. Shortly after, some treasures were tossed onto the deck, followed by the entrance of a striking woman with long white hair, pale skin, and golden eyes. Brandon backed away from her, prompting the others to do the same until they could learn more about her intentions.
Then Paul popped his gigantic head in, and they were all set to embark. Elek approached and placed his hand on the top of Paul's head, drawing in his magical energy to save for later. As Paul shrank down, Brian and Elek held him steady, and once he was small enough, they pulled him up. Unbeknownst to them, a seed from the Somnus tree had latched onto the bottom of Paul's foot.
Coming Next Time: Menace
And she calls me a troublemaker!