Chereads / I killed a Hero / Chapter 4 - Mutatio pace-IV

Chapter 4 - Mutatio pace-IV

DATE:21th of April, the 70th year after the Coronation

LOCATION: Concord Metropolis

Central Hospital?


I was back in the familiar darkness. I hate dreaming, because this is the only place I find myself. My father was once again shouting at me. He stood right next to my ear, as if to emphasize his dominance, but I wasn't listening. Seeing me like that he started beating my body with everything in sight. Even now I am surprised how he takes out such a variety of weapons from the sludge surrounding us. It was almost comical.

By all regards, I was supposed to cower in fear in this Taylor made nightmare of mine, but I have been here for so long...

So many times...

I simply can't care about it anymore.

What was he about to do? Kill me? I am a killer. That is my life. Staying there, bloodied, it seemed like my father also understood the futilely of his actions, and he resumed berating me.

I felt extra bored that time so I even asked him a question:

"Do you... Ever get bored?" He froze for a second or so before becoming enraged.

Sometimes I would run away, but with an endless field of darkness, I am bound to tire out. I never managed to keep away for long. These days I don't even bother.

I started counting a while back and its duration is about one night's rest.

There are only 7 more hours to go.

I wonder if he actually is sentient. Probably not. This repeating nightmare is supposed to be some kind of punished? For my crimes? No, I go here since I was little. Back then it felt much worse.

So if not punishment, is it trauma? I have heard at seminars that childhood trauma can manifest in repeating dreams or nightmares. They say that some people can't forget their abusers even after years of separation.

But is this really the case for me? Sure, I feared my father when I was young, but I get so bored at seeing his face. I don't even react anymore when he hits me. He has become that bland. Could they at least make me a new nightmare?

7 more hours...

I woke up in the hospital with a ringing noise. It sounded like a plane was in the room keeping me company. God, my ears hurt. But the headaches and itching were gone. A nurse called out someone in the distance. I couldn't really feel my body, though I was unsure whether I was under anesthesia or if it was a case of paraliysis. Either way I would find out soon enough.

I wanted to take a nap before the doctor came, but I couldn't get comfortable being so numb so I started looking around.

The walls are a dull, pale color—clinical, almost lifeless. The bed sits in the middle, sheets too white, too perfect. I can hear the soft hum of machines, a rhythmic beeping that blends into the background. My eyes trace over the medical equipment, the IV stand, the monitors—strange objects that have become part of my scenery.

The air smells faintly of disinfectant, clean but cold. I find many pictures hanged on the walls, with inspiring quotes and whatnot. There's a strange stillness in the room, and I can feel it pressing in on me. This place—this room—it's become a strange mix of anxiety. I don't know how I feel about it, but for now, I just stand here, taking it all in. Was it a hospital owned by the boss? No, probably not. Then why-

Through the door enters a black man and a nurse. I think I saw him at the funeral.

"I see you have woken up. That is good." He approached me, coming next to my bed. The discrepancy in our corporal states was obvious. This was was gigantic compared to my body. I could see the muscles fighting to be seen through that sterile scrub.

"I Wasn't sure what state you would be left in because of that bomb." So the explosion was real after all. "How are you feeling?"

"Quite numb to be honest. Have I gotten paralyzed orrrr..."

"No, I don't think that is the case. Nurse Green, please let me talk to the patient." I don't think that is a good idea nurse.

"As you wish doctor" Oh well, I had a good run.

Being alone with the "doctor", I couldn't help but whimper. He was so big, I couldn't get how anyone takes him seriously as a clinical operator. Was he a boxer on the side? Of course, that was sarcastic. It is obvious he is a hero.

" Please do not worry, I am not here to hurt you. In fact the opposite." He took a visitor chair and sat down, still looking at me.

" You may know me as LifeWeaver, the hero of Num'Block. I ask you this as someone sent by HIM." Out of the coat's pocket he took out a zip lock bag full of some kind of fragments.

" I am sure you recognize what this is."

Focusing on the bag, I had no idea what the former object was. Except... The geometry of the fragments... Those shapes...

No.... It was my ID coin received from the boss... Oh this was bad. Sooo bad.

"What exactly was your purpose there, William Carter? I think you can at least tell me that much" Huh? They still think I am Carter? Or was that a ruse to make me lie? Not like I have many options.

" It's really not what it looks like... I have no idea what that thing is!"

" And I am supposed to believe you?" His glare really scared me. I had no way to escape.

" I don't know why it exploded."

" Obviously, we also don't. Tell me, why Were you there?" Not getting out of this easy huh?

" .... Alright.... I don't have much reason to uphold this information. After the Donn heard of UltraMan's passing, he wanted to confirm it wasn't one of his other temporary disappearances, so he sought someone that was related, found me in a financial struggle sent me to...

Confirm with my own eyes if he died.

But I really was sad to see him gone. I am not some kind of thug!"

" So this is how this meant. But this coin, he only gives out to his closest associates. How come a plain photographer like you received one of them?" It seemed as if he at least partly believed me.

" I.... Don't know... Was it insurance? I couldn't even imagine that these things would have bombs in them..." That is true. " What if it also had a GPS to track my location?" That is also true.

" If Him wanted to track you, he had many other options than this... You underestimate his resourcefulness." I think it is the opposite and you overestimate him. These heroes would be surprised how many corners his operators cut. I wouldn't be surprised if this had been the only check he had on me. Who knew these were bombs? No wonder the bank-lady hurried.

" I... Am not a criminal..." That was false.

" No, I believe you, but..." It seemed like he wanted to continue, but right then came through the door a familiar dainty figure.

"Uncle John, please stop interrogating Will. It is clear he too is suffering!" Good save UltraMan's apprentice!

" No, I don't think he is. This man is an elite of Him." I retract my words, not a good save!

"Please come out a little so we can talk." The moon eyed girl tried to plead to the doctor. He tried resisting, but once he glanced into her eyes it was over and the bear's glare subsided. He agreed, to follow her outside. What is this? Some kind of comedy?

"Uncle John, I really don't think he is a criminal." Do they realize I can still hear them?

"Why? You out of anyone should know what these coins represent." I looked around and found some tea bags and a kettle left by the nurse. I dediced to make myself a "drink" while they talked things out.

"He just doesn't feel like that... Think about it. If Him wanted to confirm the death of UltraMan why would he just kill his sent man? Why would he even sent him with a coin that revealed his involvement?" Granted it was kind of my fault for not leaving it in the car.

"And... When he said his final goodbies to Kevin.... Those tears were genuine. You can't fake something like that!" I feel touched you think that way Alice.

"It does feel strange, I admit."

" Isn't it more accurate that Him wanted to hurt us and sent Will unknowably with a bomb in his pocket?" She is close to the truth, but not quite.

But still, the boss wanted to kill me? This ringing. This damn ringing!

I groaned in pain, clutching my head. I guess the anesthesia was out.

The heroes outside hurried to see me.

John put his hand on my shoulder and the pain subsided. Now that I think about it, if they took me as a civilian, telling me his secret identity was quite dumb, wasn't it? He looked at me with concern while I calmed down.

" I healed you yesterday when you were caught in that blast, but I still do not understand how you survived. I remember you were still stumbling from seeing Kevin, so the coin dropped out somewhere after that, but even still... Had you been even a meter closer you wouldn't be here now."

A meter? No wonder.

How exactly do I tell them I dodged most of the explosion with the help of cocaine? I am supposed to be a civilian.

"Wait uncle, I think I remember seeing him teleport a little away! Do you have superpowers Will?"

"What? Teleport you say?" The doctor looked at me suspiciously.

Is that how it looked for her when I forced myself forward?

"Superpowers? It would be cool if I had any."

"Him? A super? Couldn't midnight have gotten him out of the way?"

" I don't think she has, otherwise wouldn't she mention it?"

" Yes, that is true."

Hello. I am trying to avoid responsibility here. Stop complicating things.

" If he has superpowers, we need to have him be seen by the professor. Alice, keep Will company while I call him"

" Leave it to me!" Noo, I would prefer not. I Wouldn't I get arrested if they knew how my power works? Orr, the doctor could just not find anything. Technically it isn't a superpower. Yes! That will work. And they will leave me alone if they can't find anything. Brilliant!

I was left alone with this elfin girl. We stayed in silence for some time, sheepishly glancing at each other from time to time. She looked at me as if wanting to say something. Perhaps she tried to find the right words.

" You know, I really like your photos."

" I remember you said that. Actually, where is my camera? Did it survive?" Perhaps I could buy some time with it.

" Yes, it is in my car! The plastic is a little burnt, but I think it still works." Why was she so happy about it? Weren't those stock photos?

" Ahh, that is great. Couldn't you bring it to me? I get really anxious when I lose it."

"John would get really angry if I left you alone..."

"Isn't he outside the room? I don't think it's such a problem."

"No, he is a bit farther...." What? Was he calling the professor on some kind of special phone?

"Oh, alright." The conversation kind of died.

Huh, such a thing...

I took the semi-clooled off tea and tried it.

Yup, it was horrible. I kind of expected it.

"I would be really happy if you had superpowers. I mean, the Heart cousins, such a duo!" Except we are not related.

"Meeting the professor, what exactly does it entail?"

"Nothing much, we need to see what you are capable of so that you don't endanger yourself or others. Better yet, if you can control your power I could help you become a hero. That would be so cool!!" She was very enthusiastic about this idea of similarity between us.

" Haha, you want to train me?" Why did she want such companionship between us?

"Well, my teacher is still UltraMan, but I would really look forward to it. An apprentice of my own! Ohh, maybe you can be my sidekick when I go solo. No, partner would be cooler!

Imagine us fighting crime together!" Hold on, do they really not know when to keep theirouth shut? What if I wasn't actually superpowered and she said all this wastefully? No wonder the boss knows so much about them...

The boss....

He wanted to kill me. He actually wanted to set me up, or perhaps eliminate me alondside UltaMan's family... I am in danger. No, even more than that, I am not getting paid! All these concerns came over me, and it was clear Alice noticed, because she grabbed my hand reassuringly.

"Don't worry, I will protect you." Protect me? From who? If a B tier assassin like me managed to kill the strongest man in the world, who will protect me? This frail girl? Or I suppose not frail judging by the grip she was holding me with. I was debating whether to tell her to let go as my hand hurt a little. I suppose this is her way of showing that she cares. Looks are deceiving these days. Haha, even this girl is stronger than me.

"You said UltraMan is your teacher? No wonder.... I am so sorry..." I am in fact not sorry.

"Yes, we lost him once more, but I am sure we will meet again. Sometimes..." So she still didn't get out of her delusions. Or I suppose she was the only one right out of the heroes. Had I not come to his funeral, UltraMan may have recovered. Not anymore.

"Yeah.... He will be missed;" Gosh, isn't the doctor returning?? I need to get out of here before the boss sends another assassin to finish me. Or I suppose I shouldn't call him boss anymore. What did they refer to the boss as? Him? Sounds quite personal.

Like an angel in waiting, The muscular doctor came back and told us to go to his car so we can all travel to "the professor". I left the bend without any care. Apparently I was naked under my untied hospital gown. I am sorry for Alice, she seemed like an innocent girl. It still was no excuse to scream with all her lungs. I shave...

I got dressed in a hurry and followed them to the elevator. The doctor brought me such strange clothing... A shirt and tie suit pants and leather boots, were these what he wears? No, that can't be as the shirt is not too large on me, but I could swim if I wanted to in the coat he usually wears.

"I-I didn't ask b-efore, but how come you are walking fine after all that hap-pened" Seems like she was still shocked. Has this girl not seen a man naked even in her late twenties. I was shocked in return.

"I am also curious. You shouldn't have permanent trauma from my operation, but the pain must be unbearable;" I suppose it does hurt a little, but this is nothing compared to the nightmare I had. Maybe this is how I got so numb at everything...

"It does hurt, a lot. But I can't remain there. If that mafioso wants me dead he will not stop at a hospital door"

"T-hat is true-" The elevator door opened and we dispersed in the underground parking. I didn't think so before, but this was a giant hospital. Was it the metropolitan Central Hospital? So much for serving the community Mr. John. His car was a giant SUV. No wonder. It was the car I stopped before. The paint on its back was peeled off, no, burned.

"What happened to your car?"

"Ah, I suppose you wouldn't know. Beside the coin, it seems like your car also exploded. I need to get this big girl repaired now..." Now that was excessive Mr. Boss. I didn't think he would care about me so much.

" Wait, let me get my camera beforehand!" I need to keep this identity.

"I'll get it for you from my car! Stay here Will" Great, me and the giant. Wasn't that the title of a book?

Me and John didn't talk much, except a remark of his.

"Alice places a lot of trust in you. Do no disappoint her."

If you do..." Ok? It's not like I will act according to his threat. I already have too much on my mind.

A few moments later and I get back my slightly burnt camera. Seems like Alice was right, it still worked. Did she look into it? The battery is halved since yesterday. Probably the heat. Probably.

I entered the back seat behind the driver. Being seen through the window wouldn't do me any help. The steat I was in could easily accommodate two of me. Looking to the right, In Alice's case it was perhaps three.

" It's goofy how big this car is" Oups, I didn't mean to say that out loud.

" I think it's obvious if you look at me, but I don't really fot comfortably in most vehicles." Yeah, I can tell. Now that I think about it, "Big Bertha" does look like it is made into his size.

We then left through the many underground corridors and reached the surface, on our way to this fabled Professor.