In the year 0146, a century after the cataclysmic event known as The END Apocalypse, humanity has rebuilt a world more advanced than ever before. Once torn apart by a war between mythical beasts—the mighty dragons and leviathans—the Earth's landscape has been forever reshaped, and monsters born from the rage and negativity of that war continue to haunt civilization.
Peace was briefly restored by a group of elite warriors known as the Pacifiers, who harnessed a new and mysterious form of battle arts beyond human imagination. Their efforts quelled the mythical creatures, but now they face a new, darker challenge: the monstrous creatures that emerged from the apocalypse's aftermath. To protect humanity, the Pacifiers formed global associations, fighting relentlessly to keep these malevolent forces at bay.
Despite advanced technology and progress, the human world is still plagued by the ancient problems of inequality, poverty, and social unrest. Amid this fractured world is Ken, an orphan whose harsh upbringing has left him with little hope for the future. That is, until he encounters Beni, one of the strongest Pacifiers of the current era. With his guidance, Ken's life takes an unexpected turn as he is thrust into a world of battle, monsters, and political intrigue, where he must discover his own strength and purpose.
The balance between peace and destruction hangs by a thread, and the true nature of the monsters may hold the key to humanity's future. In a world caught in a deadlock between hope and despair, Ken must rise above his past and find his way to his unknown future.
1. Battle Arts :- The type of a superpower pacifiers use to exercise monsters by releasing their Circuit energy flowing in their Life Circuit while blending it with martial arts.
Categories :- 1) Elemental Battle Arts
2) Mythical Battle Arts
3) Unique Battle Arts
4) Universal Battle Arts
2. Battle Technique :- Some pacifiers are able to create their own technique based on their mastered Battle arts.
3. Lostbelts :- Referred to the weapons which were created in before apocalypse time. These weapons have their own powers irrespective of the user's powers. Only a human being suitable to these lostbelts can hold them.
4. Reality Marble :- A dimension that pacifiers train their sub-conscious mind to create it.
1. Ken :-
User of Sword Battle Arts, Battle technique - Clash
Dragon Battle Arts, Battle technique - Dragon Dive
Lostbelts - Red phoenix, Voltrix(paired)
(Powers attained by lostbelts i.e. lost techniques :- Red phoenix - Red flames of pheonix. Voltrix :- thunder speed and powers and high speed slashing)(He kept the red phoenix in the form of a katana at first. And it is actually in the form of a ancient red sword in released state)
2. Ren :-
User of Flame Battle Arts, Battle technique - Hydra spears
Sword Battle Arts
Hydra Battle Arts, Battle technique - Venom
Lostbelt - Emeraldite sword
(Lost techniques:- Green emerald flames of very high temperature. Ren combines it with Hydra spears)
3. Mina :-
User of Sword Battle Arts, Battle technique - Dance of 7 swords
Thunder Battle Arts, Battle technique - Storm crisis
Lostbelts - Void slasher and lunar slasher(pair katanas)
(Lost techniques:- void slasher - intense stellar powers. Lunar slasher - power of ice manipulation)