The story begins 1000 years before the current events, during the final days of the world's first and most powerful civilization, known as The Age of Dawn. This civilization, ruled by the Primordials, was a golden era where humans and ancient beings coexisted, mastering the Primordial Arts that gave them control over reality itself—time, space, and energy manipulation.
The air cracks with the energy of immense, universe-shaping powers as the world's most powerful entities—two Primordials—are locked in battle. Their war rips through dimensions, reshaping time and space, tearing apart the very fabric of reality. Cities crumble as the forces they unleash break the world itself.
In the chaos, a lone figure, Rael's previous incarnation, stands on a desolate battlefield, staring at the cataclysmic fight unfolding before him. He is the last of the Primordial Scholars, those who sought to preserve the knowledge of the Primordial Arts for future generations. Realizing the world is about to end, he transfers all his knowledge into a hidden Legacy Stone—a repository of both the ancient Primordial Arts and the secret history of this dying world.
Before he can complete his task, a mysterious entity arrives and kills him, stopping the final transfer. With his last breath, he whispers a prophecy—"The one who awakens in ash shall inherit the power to reshape all things." The screen of the stone dims as the world collapses around him, and the story flashes forward to Rael's present-day awakening.