Chereads / A painting of us / Chapter 2 - chapter two

Chapter 2 - chapter two

In the early morning of June 27, 1112, while the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Estrevinia were preparing for hunting, a royal envoy went to every part of the kingdom with large packages containing thousands of copies of the national newspaper, directed by an official order from the king to ensure that K No family in the kingdom will have On a copy of that day's newspaper

Amidst the people's suspicion of the strangeness of what is happening, everyone made sure to read the main article on the front of the newspaper.

One of the fishermen sat in the middle of his boat a short distance from the shore. He stopped rowing, then dried his palm by rubbing it against his clothes. He began reading the newspaper article.


In accordance with the directives of His Majesty the King and the approval obtained from the most important nobles of the Kingdom, the Royal Media Commission announces the start of implementation of the Sperl Agreement on the twenty-seventh of June 1112, noting that the agreement stipulates the union of the four kingdoms surrounding the Amathistia Desert The Kingdom of Eastervinia and the Kingdom of Alaxia And the Kingdom of Anthist and the Kingdom of Estrels


In addition to the six countries surrounding it, which are Irvan, Orvan, Norvan, Lirvan, Naivan, and Hirvan, to form one union by gathering all these kingdoms and countries into one empire under the name {Nathelia Empire}, knowing that all of these kingdoms and countries will become only provinces of the empire. Nathelia and all the above-mentioned provinces will work to rehabilitate the Amathistia Desert so that it is fit to become the imperial capital in the future.

This decision was taken by all responsible parties out of a desire to preserve the safety of all members of the people and not to allow any of the rulers to agree to participate in the great war that is currently breaking out between all countries and which is causing human sacrifices in huge numbers. From this day forward, Nathelia will become the largest empire. From around the world without the need to intervene in the war and while ensuring that no countries attack any of the Nathalia governorates again.

This union will bring prosperity to the entire Nathelia and keep it away from the afflictions of the ongoing war, so all the people are requested to obey.

Any objection or disobedience will lead to its perpetrator being brought to trial for attempting to harm other individuals.

Official spokesman for the royal family, Charles Everell


The news spread with great speed among everyone, becoming the most widely discussed topic among the general public. After it had been a great and vast kingdom, Eastervinia became a province.

But none of them could object to that, because the ongoing war had alienated a large number of young men from most families, with an unknown fate that would often take their lives.

With Nathelia away from the war, it would mean the return of their children, so no one could raise any objection.

It was the same for all the kingdoms, so as the agreement stipulated, they started with the next step

Which was to qualify the Amathistia Desert to be the imperial capital, and this was one of the most difficult parts of the agreement, but there was no other option.

Amathistia was a vast desert, almost the size of an entire kingdom, surrounded by four kingdoms that became governorates that were formerly kingdoms. Around these four kingdoms were six governorates that were smaller in size than the four that preceded them. These governorates were formerly small-sized countries.

Since Amathistia was located right in the center, it was the best choice to be the capital, since it was not possible for it to be one of the other provinces, because that would be biased towards it.

Amathistia is also large in size and does not belong to any of the governorates, so it can be said that its status is neutral enough for it to be considered the capital without fear of one of the governorates thinking that this is considered bias.

After the founding of Nathelia, none of the enemies dared to attack any of the provinces again, so the focus of the work was soon changed from war to construction.

The income of construction and architectural engineering workers was raised, providing them with many advantages, which motivated thousands of people to participate in construction.

Over time, year after year, Amathistia became one of the most beautiful districts in the whole of Nathalia

While Alaxa Governorate, north of Amathistia, was characterized by a cloudy atmosphere with constant rain and a lot of fog

In the west, Eastervinia was characterized by many seas, rivers, and an abundance of water

Estrelas, located east of Amathistia, is also characterized by mountains and cliffs

Antheost, located south of Amathistia, was characterized by an abundance of forests and plants

Each of the other governorates obtained its advantages

Amathistia was distinguished by the beauty of its architectural style and the mastery of the arts. From the beginning of Amathistia until its end, it was ensured that every building in the capital had a miraculous appearance.

It is unimaginable that the barren desert that was Amethystia in 1112 was the same imperial capital seen today.



In front of a huge bridge that separates the restricted area of ​​the capital from the rest of its parts.

If you look a little carefully, you'll see that most of the people in front of the bridge are not very old.

Young men and women who have just turned eighteen, and with closer attention it will become clear that all of these people are wearing expensive clothes with a lot of jewelry.

Each of them has a number of servants standing behind them.

As happens every year, a man over the age of four comes forward with many badges, some gold and others silver, proudly affixed to his burgundy-colored coat. He welcomes each one of the people standing separately after he checks the documents proving his acceptance to the university.

Of course, he didn't need to check some of them's documents since he knew them in advance.

He had received news of their arrival in advance

Gentlemen and ladies each introduce themselves, indicating their widely known family names, and then hand over their personal identification, often stamped with their official family seal.

After confirming the identity of each of them, he is warmly welcomed as a new student at the Imperial University.

The only university specializing in teaching nobility in the entire empire

Sons of noble families from all over Nathelia flock to study at this university every year, each of them coming from a different prefecture so they look quite different from each other in general.

But at some point, a young man and a girl came forward to be the focus of attention of many people.

Each of them seemed to match the other's features, with many differences between their clothes.

Both of them had hair that rivaled the snow in white. The boy wore a white hat that covered most of his hair, but some of those locks were visible, as the hat was not able to hide his visible bangs, covering most parts of his forehead and some of his eyebrows, while the girl had them Long hair was not It is possible to determine its length because it is shaped like a fairly high bun at the back of her head.

They each had a very strange skin color

So saying that this color was a white polished stone was more logical than saying that it was the color of someone's skin

The color of their skin is the same as the snowy color of their hair

The girl had eyes that were light blue, the color of the sky, while her right eye was the same color as hers, and the left eye was purple.

It was not the nature of their forms that attracted attention, as that was not a matter of interest in Nathelia in general.

What caught attention was only one fact

These two brothers are definitely not nobles

The boy was holding the girl's hand as he walked with her to the man who was receiving the new students. The girl did not seem aware of any of what was happening, while the boy seemed to ignore the strange stares, putting his full focus on keeping his sister close to him.

He raised his hand to adjust the hat's position before reaching where the man was.

When he arrived close to the man, the boy bowed respectfully

"I am the Vice-Chancellor, Count Jonathan Delerac. Could you introduce yourself, young master?"

The man spoke, directing his words to the young man, who answered politely

"My name is Alantal Lin, I have been selected for the scholarship to study at Imperial University."

The man seemed as if he was searching for something in his memory before he spoke.

"Proof documents please"

Alantal handed a number of papers to Count Jonathan, who examined them carefully before adding:

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Len. I assume the girl is Miss Len Alarias?"

He said, looking at the papers to check the names at the last part


Altal replied

"Welcome to the Imperial University. This envelope contains most of the information you will need later here, please."

He said the last part while handing over a white envelope sealed with wax that was engraved with an amethyst flower, which symbolizes the province of Amethystia.

Alantal thanked him, then one of the guards accompanied him to a white car, in front of which stood a girl who appeared to be about seven years old.

"I am Emily, I am twenty-two years old. If you please, stay with me so I can take you to the university building."


The trip to the university building took longer than Alantal expected

During this period, Emily talked to him a lot about her

She repeatedly praised her brother for his hard work in preparing this car to be suitable for her small body.

After they crossed the long bridge, they passed through a dense forest that gradually turned into a fruit farm as they approached the building.

Alantal saw the university towers from afar after some time, and their towering height was shocking to him.

Little by little, the building became clearer before their eyes

With one look at the university through the wide front courtyard, Alantal could tell that this building was more than three times the size of the village he lived near

He was amazed after looking at the wonderfully designed outdoor courtyard. There are many statues spread throughout all parts of the courtyard that represent people enjoying reading in various sitting and standing positions.

The enthal slowly took his steps closer to the building, falling in love with the large amount of detail in its construction

Then, within moments of him standing in front of the giant castle, someone advanced towards him

It was a young man in his early twenties, wearing glasses with a thin, barely visible frame of gold, from the ends of which hung a very thin chain of gold, also with two small pearls on each side.

He wore a beige suit decorated with some simple patterns at the ends of the sleeves. His hair was completely gray, the same color as his eyes.

He spoke in a calm voice full of complete rationality, and at first glance he often appeared to be an intelligent person.

"Hello, may I ask if you are Mr. Alantal Lin?"

"Yes, it's me"

"I am Baron Peter Lasternus, supervisor of your group. Please accompany me to the location of the welcoming ceremony."

" of course"

They entered through a giant gate engraved with gold and precious stones and into a giant hall full of students.

"Please come in, I hope you have a wonderful time, execute me, I will need to leave for now."

The Alantal thanked him, then stood near the wall, observing the ceremony intently

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Hi everyone

This is lana again and I'm here to thank you for reading the chapter until the end

Please let me know what is your opinion

See you soon♡