Chereads / GOT:Sothoryos jon snow gamer / Chapter 19 - Sothoryos 19

Chapter 19 - Sothoryos 19

The Wishes of a Stark

Jon raised one of his hands and looked at it as if it were the first time he had seen it. There was no skin or flesh, just a blue and red hand-like shape. He raised his other hand, noticing that it was the same. And then, he realized that it looked like a ghost. He could feel his hair when he touched it, but it was just a transparent form of some kind of energy.

He was standing in nothingness itself, an expanse of bright white ground and the horizon of black. Jon narrowed his eyes as he thought he saw a silhouette in the distance. He tried to move forward, and he did. He took a step forward with little confidence. He didn't know what had happened. He couldn't open the system, and he didn't understand what the place he was currently in was either.

Then, he took a second step. It was there, in that instant, that the colors came to him. His vision blurred with all kinds of colors as he felt himself being pushed forward at high speed. The colors, turned into lines around him. As his head moved to the side, he saw something: a slightly fat man with short ears, but a little pointed at the end. He wore a crown of flowers and vines. He saw a man, killing giants and children of the forest, leaving a lake of blood behind him.

Jon felt a headache and looked away, but another vision flooded his head and mind. It was a Stark-looking man shouting orders while humans and giants worked to raise earth, snow and ice.

Then, he saw battles of all kinds. Cavalry riding with lances. Knights using their swords to cut down the enemy and kings screaming with all their might as they clashed with each other. His eyes saw dragons and their riders. His eyes filled with explosions, fire, smoke, ash and lava, while screams of terror filled his ears. He tried to close his eyes while covering his ears, but still, he kept seeing things.

 Battles... births and deaths... vengeance and justice....

Fire and blood... ice and death... winter... cold winter...

Jon felt so much pain in his head, that he began to scream at the top of his lungs. His head shot up as his eyes widened and his throat became hot from his hoarse screams.

Out of nowhere, everything stopped. The colored lines that had surrounded him like rainbows, turned into a beautifully decorated room.

"Are you okay?" Jon heard a voice as he staggered, trying to stay standing. His eyes saw a man, an old man lying in a bed, covered with a soft, light duvet. To one side, Caelyb sat with an annoyed, but above all, sad expression. Caelyb's hair was golden, but his face hadn't changed too much over the years. The only differences, might be his current wrinkles.

 "You care about me? You're older than me!" the old man said loudly, before starting to cough. "Damn. I hate being old."

"Dying of old age can be considered good luck, Brandon."

"For who? My dick can't even stand up, you stupid overly bright old man."

Caelyb smiled, making a noise through his nose as he tried to contain his laughter.

"By the way, when I die, bury me in your garden. Right under that blue flower tree. They remind me of the blue roses from my homeland."

"I thought there were no flowers in your land?"

"Why wouldn't there be? Tch. I just didn't take them into account, not when I had too much work on my mighty shoulders."

"You're a bad liar. You like them, don't you? Those blue roses...".

 ".... They remind me of a certain woman who..."

"Fine, enough with that. I don't want to hear about your escapades with women," Caelyb sighed a little.

"Won't you even let me tease you a little? I'm going to die man! And I still hold a grudge against you for ripping out my amazing beard."

"Die? I know that too. However, you seem too cheerful to be at death's door, old friend."

"I refuse to die weak and complaining. I'd rather go out smiling. Even better if it's having fun at your expense."

Caelyb snorted before shaking his head.

Jon couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was the moment of the death of his ancestor, Brandon Stark. And not only that. Now that he could think properly, he realized that all those visions were part of the history of Westeros, even some were of Valyria and its destruction. He watched and listened attentively to what both were saying in front of him.

"Hey, you old bastard. Can you leave me for a few moments?"

"What? No. I'll say goodbye," Caelyb frowned.

"Tch, I'm not going to die yet. I have like... thirty minutes left."

"How would you know that?"

Brandon looked Caelyb straight in the eyes. They both held each other for a few moments. The old Stark's almost colorless eyes shone brightly for a moment. Caelyb nodded slowly before getting up, to walk out of the room. Brandon watched him before turning his head to Jon.

 "So... you're here at last."

Jon started, looking behind him, thinking someone else had arrived.

"I'm talking to you, boy. You look a little like me. Just a little. No one can be as great as me."

Frowning, Jon wanted to retort at his ancestor's narcissism. Instead, he decided to sit where Caelyb had been. Despite the surprise that came with Brandon Stark talking to him, he decided to play along. If he was surprised by everything that happened in his life, then he would never stop.

"How can you see me? Caelyb didn't seem to notice me."

Brandon let out a small laugh before raising his hand. Then, he lowered it. Jon watched as a system window appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh, for fuck's sake."

"Bwhahaha! Yeah, that's the expression I was going for."

 "Thanks to this thing, I was able to do many things in my life. At first, I thought it was something evil, but as time went by, I understood that it only existed to help me. It gave me power and ideas that I would never have imagined."

"A few days ago, a window appeared out of nowhere. It wasn't something like a quest. Look..." Jon looked at the window that Brandon showed him.

[What do you want?]

"I didn't understand why something like that question had appeared. I got everything I could ever want during my life. Power, gold, gems, women, adventures, I had seen and obtained everything. So, I thought about living longer. However, I soon realized that it would be boring. What else was there for me to see? I visited Ulthos and the great whole of Essos before coming back here. And before that, I had already traveled Westeros and what was in the west."

"That God who gave me this blessing had given me too much... ! And now he wants to give me more. I didn't understand it... Until a few hours ago."

 "What did you understand? And who is the god who blessed you?"

"I understood that someone else would need this thing. The system. I have... I had the power of greensight, as well as skin shifting. And I could see what would happen in the future. Wars, death, births... a lot of things. And also, I saw you: a little brat being treated like a bastard when he was more than that. All for insurance."

"Insurance? What are you talking about? Please tell me," Jon shifted forward a little in his chair, gripping his knees tightly.

"Your father, that white-haired brat, had it tough when he sat on the throne. It wasn't enough that he had swords up his ass, he was also surrounded by lords who were suspicious of his reign. He knew his family might suffer because of them. For that reason, and because of how weak your mother was after giving birth, he sent you to Eddard, so that you would live without being surrounded by enemies. And also so that, in case all his other children died, some of their blood would remain in the world."

"Why would he agree? My... uncle, he should have been angry with my father, with Rhaegar."

 "Oh, indeed. But he couldn't ignore Rhaegar Targaryen's request. In front of everyone's eyes, he punished Eddard to never leave the North, while also raising the taxes of the North. However, in private, it was all a game, a ruse. The increased taxes, it was a lie. The punishment? That was that, too. Between the two of them, they talked for an entire night: your father explained to him what had really happened with your mother, while asking him to take you."

"Eddard found himself caught between his hatred for the Targaryens and his sister and nephew. He chose the latter. Boy, that brat really loves you."

Jon felt the threat of tears in the corner of his eyes. He raised his hand and rubbed his fingers lightly.

"How can we talk?"

"How old are you?"


"Tell me..."

"Uh... Twelve? No... I think it's thirteen now."

 "Thirteen..." Brandon muttered before smiling and speaking, "I wish for the system to be passed to Jaehaerys Targaryen, two moons after his twelfth name day, as well as being able to speak to him when he touches my grave. I wish for Jaehaerys Targaryen to be transported to Sothoryos after receiving the blessing of the system."

The window that had been hovering in front of Brandon's face closed as it transformed into a light, almost like a small star. Then, a few seconds later, it shot out, piercing through the ceiling.

"Happy twelfth name day, boy," Brandon told him with a smile, seeing Jon's stunned expression. "Wait, it's thirteen now. Bah, it doesn't matter much."

"Why me? There might be someone else more suitable."

"That's why."


"You don't wish for power, boy. One of the best kings is one who doesn't wish to be one."

"I'm not a king."

 "Hehehe... Maybe not now."

Jon squeezed his eyes shut.

"Please tell me I won't be a king."

"..." Brandon smiled at him, showing his incredibly well-groomed teeth.

"How? Why? I... don't want to... It's absolutely impossible! There... they... Rhaegar... his sons, my brothers. They can have that godforsaken throne!"

"You are the seed of ice and fire. You are destined to be king, whether you want it or not. People will come to you. They will appear, one by one. Then, when winter comes to swallow and engulf everything and everyone, you will fight. You, boy, will rise to fight."

Jon frowned at Brandon Stark's words.

"Those words... you're the third person to say them. What does it mean?"

"Mm... what do you know about history? About what happened eight thousand years ago?"

"Eight thousand... ? That's a long time ago. Or maybe not, from your point of view. Uh... there were the others, then... You definitely have to be joking, you old shit!" Jon shouted angrily, perhaps too much.

"They will come once more. And the prince who was promised has already created the light-bearer. A sword, is not always an object. A sword, can be a man. You are that, Jaehaerys. You have a great weight on your shoulders, I have seen it. And for that, I have given you the system. So that you may live. So that you may survive what is coming."

"I will leave you my weapons. I will tell Caelyb to give them to you when you arrive. Learn all you can from the Elves, you will need it in the future.

 "You ask too much of me, old man. I'm not even in Westeros! And even if I was, who would believe all this? They'll call me mad."

"Jaehaerys... Jon... You don't have to say anything. They'll figure it out in time. Don't speak. In fact, let them kill each other. Let them fight each other. And when they have no choice but to turn their heads toward the danger that creeps through the snow and ice, they will kneel before you. Just live as you wish. Because I know you are not a wasteful person. You are not lustful or bloodthirsty... You are a good boy."

"Travel, Jon. After you have learned all you can of the elves, travel the world. Go to Ulthos, where the dragons are. Walk until you return to Westeros, where you will meet your family. It will be a long road, but it will be worth it, believe me."

Jon looked at the smiling old man who was Brandon Stark, the builder. He let out a long, tired sigh before nodding.

"That's good. Now come, come closer. I'll give you some of my memories."


"Yes, it's magic, Jon. You won't become a swordsman right away, but you'll learn what to do and what not to do. You'll gain knowledge you didn't have before. You'll see many things that will help you on your way."

Jon stepped closer as Brandon raised his hand, touching his forehead with two fingers. He closed his eyes as he saw a glow emanate from his ancestor's fingers.

"Even now, when I'm dying, I still can't help but be amazed by the amazing things that happen. Hmph. Stupid adventuring god," Jon heard Brandon mutter before everything went dark again for him.

The last thing he heard, were the elder Stark's last words.

 "I wish you to become the best man there is. I wish for your well-being and for you to be surrounded by good people, especially women, boy, especially them. You cannot live without a good woman at your side."

"Now, go Jaehaerys Targaryen."
