Chereads / [DC X Marvel: AU] Pryde: The Red Queen / Chapter 1 - Issue I: META OR NOT?

[DC X Marvel: AU] Pryde: The Red Queen

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Chapter 1 - Issue I: META OR NOT?


Bang! Slamming her fist onto the blaring alarm clock, a young woman wrested her body out of her covers. "Stupid alarm, ugh." Combing her fingers through her curls, she let out a grown. "I need to get a new alarm clock," she grumbled.

Rolling out of bed, she stumbled into her apartment to splash water on her face. Shaking her head, she finally felt awake, and with that awareness gave her a great deal of pain, "Ugh!" Clutching at her head, she groaned at the massive migraine that attacked her.

Fumbling through the medicine cabinets, she pulled out a bottle of Tylenol, gulping a couple down, letting out a pained sigh. Brushing her teeth, she hurried back into the room at the ring of her phone.

Sliding it onto her ear, she moved into the kitchen and pulled some leftover pancakes out of the fridge. "Yello?"

A smooth voice swept through the speakers, "Morning Kitty, where are you?" Her tone showed hints of exhaustion.

Plopping the hotcakes into the microwave, she began cutting up a banana: "Morning Rachel. I'm home, just woke up, and about to eat breakfast. Why?" She put a piece in her mouth.

"I wanted to check if you were on campus yet. Do you want to meet up and head there together?" Rachel asked.

Pulling the hotcakes from the microwave, she plopped the banana slices on top, smiling at the smell. "Sure! We can do that. Wanna meet up at Piotr's coffee shop?"

"I was thinking the same thing, I need something to wake me up." She sighed.

"What? Didn't get enough sleep last night?" Kitty spoke with a laugh.

"NO!" She groaned, "Can you believe it, in the middle of the night Superman and whoever it is that he was fighting had me up all night, I couldn't get a whiff of sleep." a sigh came through the phone, " I just need some coffee."

"Fortunately it wasn't on my street, I heard that Minnie lost her car last night. She's already struggling with a handful of problems, her son stuck in Gotham with it imploding at the Asylum break out has her stressing out."

Kitty frowned, "I know... Do you think we should open up a GoFundMe for her? With everything she's dealing with, I don't want her car issue to add to that stress, especially when she has to go to work and everything."

Rachel hummed, "Maybe, I'll talk to her. Ask what she thinks about it." 

"Right, then I'll see you at the coffee shop."

"Alright, cya."


Returning to the quietness of her apartment, Kitty was left to her thoughts for a moment. The news of everything that happens in Gotham every other day only led to her thanking her parents for their insight into coming to Metropolis, the only thing you have to worry about here is property damage. As long as one of the supes saves you, that is.

However, the only thing that truly matters is that you still have your life and freedom, which is not something that many of those in Gotham can say.

Sighing to herself, she finished her hotcakes before throwing on some slacks and a checkered shirt. After checking her pockets and bag, she was out the door.

Walking down the sides of the street, she bathed under the warm sunlight that took hold of the sky over the city of Metropolis, easily breaking past the tall highrises and spectacular pieces of architecture.

There was a sudden gust of wind above her. Looking up, she spotted something flying fast towards the distance, most likely one of the many superheroes or villains that scour the city.

Returning her sight to the street, she found herself standing in front of a building with a sign that read, Rasputina Caffe. Once inside she stood at the doorway, looking around the shop before she spotted a redhead with neck-length hair waving at her.

"Hey, Kitty. How's it going?" As she sat down, Rachel greeted her with a bright smile, a cup of coffee in hand.

"As well as it can be, you?"

"Better than it was when I called you, I swear that I'll give my life to Joe. He takes such good care of me," She chuckled.

Putting a hand over her heart, Kitty, faked heartache, "I can't believe you! I thought you were going to spend your life with me!" She whined.

"Don't worry, you'll always be first," Rachel laughed while patting her hand. "But I'll have to give a bit of my heart to my coffee. You know how I am without it."

Kitty scoffed, "Stop being ridiculous you're great whether you have it or not."

"When'd you become an adorable little kitten? Where'd the fierce cat that broke Richard's balls."

"That sleazeball had it coming."

"No doubt there. Had the gall to hit on you when he has a girlfriend," Rachel shook her head.

"And I'm not adorable. I just want you to know that you're a great and lovable person and I appreciate your presence around me. Honestly, I would probably be alone if I didn't have you. The only person that bothers talking to me. You know what that means right?"

She decided to humor her, "What does it mean?"

"It means you can't abandon me, I won't let you, so you better be prepared. I'll lock you by my side for the rest of our lives." Kitty finished with a grin.

"Oh, whatever am I to do?" Rachel moaned out sarcastically. "I guess we're stuck together, hmm?" She smiled

"Forever." Smiling at her, the two locked eyes before a plate was set on the table with a loud clack.

"As you always remind her." A thick Russian accent broke through their conversation.

Looking at the large man dressed in an apron, Kitty gave him a nod. "What's worth repeating must be repeated."

"As you say." He chuckled, "How you do, Kazerine?"

"Pretty fine, Piotr, you?"

He placed a pie in front of her, "Fantastic, zi business has been great and zat's all one can ask."

"I hope so, but I-" Letting out a groan, Kitty grabbed at her head. Clenching her teeth, she closed her eyes in pain.

Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she opened her eyes to make contact with Rachel's concerned stare, "What's wrong, Kitty? Are you all right?"

"Yeah... Yeah. It's just a major headache. It's been bothering me all day."

"Are you sure you want to go to the university, then? You can go home if you need to."

"No, it's fine. I'll just fight it out. I took some Tylenol before I ate. It should go away in a while. I just need some water." The two women stood up. "Sorry, Piotr. I'm not in the mood for the pie. Thank you, though."

"No vorries, I'll save for you. Come later, or tomorrow." Nodding at the two, he returned to work, while they made their way out of the shop.

The walk was quiet and thankfully uneventful, there were talks of a superpowered conflict on the other side of the city, but since they were going to the university so they would not get up in anything dangerous.

"I saw someone heading over there and they were flying decently fast, no idea who it was though." Kitty sighed while massaging her temples as they entered past the gates of the Campus.

"Probably one of those Super family people, you know Superman, Supergirl, and the like." Rachel muttered, "There are way too many heroes around the city that can fly, I don't even want to guess."

Kitty groaned, "Right, let's move on, I'd rather focus on not wanting to split my head open on the pavement."

"Here, take these." Rachel tossed a pill bottle at her.

Quickly catching it, she inspected the bottle with a raised brow, "Ibuprofen?"

"I usually carry some with me, I get em all the time. Take them before your classes. Maybe it'll get better."

"Don't you need it then?"

"No, no, go ahead. I have another."

"Rachel... are you addic-"

"No!" She interrupted, "I just get pain from time to time and a lot of headaches."

"You sure you don't need a checkup?" Kitty questioned, "It's not good to take so many."

"Yes, I'm sure, now shoo, go to class. I'll see you after, okay?"

"Campus cafe?"


Katherine made her way to her first class of the day, Psychology, her migraine banging at the edges of her skull. The pain only felt like it was intensifying as the day went on. Taking two of the pills, she swallowed them and went about her day, the danger that held over her head went unnoticed by all.


Classes were beginning to wrap up and Katherine had half her body sprawled out across the table, sitting in her emptying lecture hall, letting out groans at the painstaking migraine. "This is horrible," she moaned.

Sending a quick text to Rachel, she decided to head home instead of meeting back up with her, the migraine pounding at her skull with the intensity of a jackhammer.

Sighing to herself, she made her way off campus, walking down the sidewalks of the street that got less and less busy every minute, the presence of other humans.

An unnatural quiet took hold of the street, a tense intensity left in the air. Its pointed fangs closed in further and further, the young woman ever the unaware.

It all happened in a matter of moments, there was the sound of something charging up with the singing of electricity, and the next moment Katherine was stopped in place as she felt something incredibly wrong.

Looking down she saw what seemed to be a blade of energy going through her stomach.

With a yell of fright, she quickly moved away from the weapon, turning to look at the figure holding the weapon with wide eyes.

Her pupils quaked, and in front of her was a tall man donning sleek black and red armor that glowed with blue energy wings protruding from his back, an energy scythe in hand, his faceless features stared her down.

She was scared witless, "Wh-what do you want?..." The mere presence of the man, no creature before her had her frozen in place, unable to stop her shaking.

The man's mouth creaked open, a gravelly voice shaking within the air, "Shadowkat, Katherine Anne Pryde..." He spoke, "The time has come for a great... Culling, you shall be the first of many Meta-Humans to come."

"Me-Meta-human's?" She stuttered out, "I'm not one!.. I don't know what you're talking about, please leave me be!" With her finding it within herself to shout a plea, Katherine began stepping back slowly in an attempt to flee.

"How foolish..." His wings spread out, "To lie to me!" Flying straight at her, she could hardly catch a glimpse of the man as he raised his scythe. 

Closing her eyes in fear of what was to happen, Katherine heard the swish of something cutting through the air, only for nothing to happen to her. Opening her eyes, she saw the man standing behind her, looking from her to his scythe.

"You have already awakened them?..." He questioned, only fueling the young woman's confusion, "This is... different."

She was lost as to why she hadn't been killed - but taking his moment of inaction she made a run for it.

Hearing the flapping of wings, she didn't bother looking back, she knew the man was coming after her.

Running through the surprisingly dead streets of the city, Katherine navigated through the streets, quickly trying to think of ways to escape as her panic caused her to forget that her migraine had disappeared.

Running through the streets, signs were a blur as she wound a corner only to find herself stuck at a dead end, turning around her breath was caught in her throat, and the man hovered over the ground at the entrance of the alley.

Backing up closer and closer to the wall, Katherine couldn't even find the voice to speak, to beg him to spare her.

Is this how I die? She thought to herself, flares of acceptance beginning to tug at her thoughts, she could only think she would die he, not accomplishing her dreams, experiencing love.

Telling her parents that she loved them one more time.

As the tears fell from her eyes, Katherine tripped over a trash can, only for her entire being to phase through the wall and the ground on the other side.

While she fell through the earth, she could hear the sound of impact and large explosions coming from above her—the strangeness of what was happening to her was only dwarfed by the relief that she was somehow safe.

As her tears fell from her eyes and began to dry up, Katherine wiped her eyes, only for her nose to be greeted by the smell of sewage.

She cringed at the stench, but her thoughts were stopped from going further as she heard more explosions coming from above.

Panic returned, quickly running through the sewer passages, she pulled out her phone, her hand shaking as she dialed the numbers, tears again leaking from her eyes.

"Kitty, you feeling-"

"Rachel! Rachel! Please! H-help!" She sobbed, "Send help please, someone is trying to kill me, I'm going through walls and the ground... I'm in the sewer... just please..." her cries rang throughout the phone, a response of silence from the other side. "Rachel...?"

"... I'm on my way, just hang on and calm down. Be strong, Kitty."

"Wh-what do you-" Katherine was interrupted by the phone line being cut, "Rachel... Rachel...?" She cried out.

The panic shot up in her as she heard the ceiling crumbling behind her, finding a crawl space, she quickly hid herself.

"Calm, calm yourself..." "She whispered, "Be strong, you are strong, you are." Finding some semblance of resolve, she managed to calm herself enough to think. Rachel was coming, hopefully with help, so she needed to help herself first.

Looking around, she found a pipe lying on the ground, "This'll have to do." There was little she could do, the man hunting her had strange technology and his weapon was extremely dangerous, the most she could bet on against him was her swordsmanship training.

Peeking around the corner, she saw his energy scythe slice through a pillar—maybe not, she completely shook the idea from her head. 

Deciding to sneak through the sewer, her fingers clamped over the bridge of her nose while she trudged through sewage. 

The sound of the man tearing the tunnels apart in his search echoed around her. Katherine squeezed her eyes in focus, praying in silence for what felt like hours before she found a letter leading to the surface.

Her eyes visibly brightened at the sight of the exit, quickly made her way to it, as she was climbing she heard the flapping of wings quickly coming in her direction, a glance down the dark tunnel was all she needed to spot the blue light getting closer and closer.

With haste, she hopped up the latter before clenching her eyes shut in focus and hope before launching herself at the manhole cover. Her hopes came true as she phased right through it.

Landing on a street on the opposite side of town, Katherine found herself at the foot of the Superman statue, meaning she was in the center of the city.

To her fearful joy, there were many people about, spotting an officer, she quickly ran to him, "Sir, sir, please help me. This man is chasing me, he-he has wings and some kind of scythe made of energy, can you... no-"

The officer looked her in the eyes, noticing how they quivered. "Are you alright ma'am?" HE quizzed. "Do you need help?"

"N-no... No, I'm fine... Sorry for bothering you." Running away, she could hear the sound of banging and explosions, after which screams followed.

Glancing behind her, she could see the man, his wings flapping behind him, his faceless features pointed in her direction. Swinging his scythe, the screams were silenced for a moment, the golden statue of Metropolis's hero creaked out a cry as it fell over before making contact with the nearest building.

Not giving the officer firing at him a glance, the man flew out at her. Running as if her life depended on it, Katherine ignored the screams, the collapsing building, and the burn as her feet slammed against the ground.

The only thing on her mind were the man's flapping wings and the thoughts of running. There was no time for anything else.

She could feel him getting closer and closer, he was practically breathing down her neck, tempting her to close her eyes into eternal. Yet as she felt the seduction to do so, the temperature around her spiked and moments later an explosion happened right behind her, sending her tumbling forward.

Turning around in trepidation, Katherine was greeted with a blazing inferno. Fire and smoke were billowing a phoenix taking shape.

Covering her mouth and nose, the smoke began to clear and her eyes widened at the sight before her. In the center of the fire was a surprisingly familiar figure dressed in red, black, and gold, a cape billowing behind her.

"Rachel?" Katherine silently called out.

Turning to her, her hair and eyes flowing behind her in ethereal fire, Rachel gave a dazzling smile. "Don't worry, Kitty. After I deal with this, we'll talk, " she finished.

Before Katherine could say anything, a scythe cut through the fire at Rachel's neck, "Rachel!" she shouted, only for her fears to turn into amazement.

With both hands crossed in front of her, the scythe was stopped mid-attack, its shaking showing how his struggle to make the weapon budge from its place. At the flick of her wrist, the man and his weapon were tugged about in the air before being slammed into the ground over, and over, and over again.

Slamming the man into the ground for the tenth time, his body slumped in a crater, she stopped before summoning a ball of fire in both of her hands, tossing them before they imploded, causing a large explosion.

Rachel hummed before clearing away the fire, the man limped out of the hole, scythe in hand stopping meters away. Silence remained in the surroundings before his gravelly voice echoed around them. "...Askani... Alive?... Yes, alive. Peculiar... Rachel Anne Summers..." He stopped, almost as if in contemplation before he straightened up.

"Your threat is immeasurable and power immense..." His entire body began to glow blue, "I will return to finish the culling." With those final words, he vanished from where he stood, as if he never existed in the first place.

The young women were still momentarily before Rachel rose into the sky with Katherine behind her, "I'll take you somewhere safer."

In the blink of an eye, the two disappeared, leaving behind a streak of fire, gone a moment a man in blue and red arrived on the scene.

 ‹|[|============|]|›Vol 1 : The Meta Issue‹|[|============|]|›