Chereads / Tomorrow's END / Chapter 11 - Tech and Arms

Chapter 11 - Tech and Arms

"Masks. Get your masks here. Rebuilt with state-of-the-art technology."

"Are you looking for something to listen to or watch, just something to entertain while you work? Well, look no further. We have just the thing for you. Introducing the brand new I-masks."

Every store blared out its advertisements as loudly as humanly possible. I walked around aimlessly. My eyes darted wherever was the most eye-catching. Every store seemed to sell masks. Some were even decked out to the point they were full-blown helmets. There were holograms so lifelike that you'd think someone was standing there. The neon signs had at least two or three translations written beside the English one.

The streets were now crowded with people dressed in fashionable clothing. Or at least that's what I think people in fashion wear. My heartbeat slowed down as I took in everything I saw. Children ran down the street laughing. Couples littered the pavement. The one thing they had in common was masks. Some were vibrantly designed, and some were elegantly designed. My black and green Verdant Canis-issued mask paled in comparison.

The dark clouds blocking out the sun submerged this city into an eternal nightlife. I realized too late that there was a reason and a need for all these vibrant colors. Multiple cultures clash in the architecture of each building's designs.

"Careful there." A voice called out. "Your eyes are going to fall out."

I saw a girl my age lugging around a box of cogs and machine parts. She had fiery red hair amidst the sea of black. Her eyes were emerald green, and she wore a red mask with gold accents, which matched with her goggles.

'She sticks out like a sore thumb'

"Well, don't just stare, stranger." She said, smiling warmly.

"Oh, right. My name's Jake; I'm from Verdant Canis."

"I know," She chuckled. "I can tell my handiwork anywhere. Well, I would love to shake your hand, but I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment." She said as she shifted her weight, barely balancing herself.

"Mind giving me a hand?"

"Oh, right. Sorry." I said as I took the box from her.

Relieved of her burden, she let out a deep stretch. "Whew. Thanks, champ; the name's Ava, by the way, Ava Summers," she said as she patted me on the shoulder.

"Summers? That's funny; I'm supposed to be picking up something from Summers' tech and arms."

"I know, you boys are here for the weapon shipment, right?"

"How did you…"

"Like I said." She chuckled as she tapped my mask. "I can tell my handiwork anywhere."

"You're the owner of Summers' tech and arms?"

"Well, yes and no, Ark bought us out..."

"Right, I forgot."

"You're the new unit, aren't you?"

"How can you tell?"

"It's easy; you don't have the look yet." She said as she pointed to her eyes.

I knew what she meant; almost everyone at Verdant had dark rings around their eyes and a weary expression, like their souls, had been sucked out.

People passed us and gave judgmental stares. Only the clacking of people's footsteps, the incessant advertisement, and their murmurs filled my ears. Some downright didn't look at Ava. They avoided her like she was ridden with disease. But some greeted her like she was a hero.

"What's up with them?" I whispered.

"It's the way things work around here." She paused before continuing. "The people from the inner circle rarely interact with the folks near the wall."

"But I thought Summers' tech and arms were located in the inner circle."

"Yeah, but we were originally from the outer circle. My dad… he was the one crazy enough to set up shop here. He was a dreamer, you know? He always said things would get better."

Her eyes started to glisten as she talked, her voice getting shakier.

"But, uh, he's not around anymore; it's just me, my mom, and my brother. They are all I've got left."

"Your dad, he was a mechanic, right?"

"Yeah, yeah," she sniffed. "He worked for Verdant Canis. He was a fighter and a builder. Best of both worlds."

I nodded.

We then continued to walk in silence. The neon signs and lights became less common until the background blended back to dark. The houses and architecture were still better than the outer wall, but the difference was still clear.

"Thank you; by the way, you're a good listener. You didn't have to, but you listened to a stranger like me ramble."

"I didn't do much, Ava."

"No, I mean it, and don't get the wrong idea. I'm not someone who tells their sob story to everyone they meet. I just felt oddly comfortable around you. So take the compliment, alright?"


The intercom buzzed, and Noah's voice came through.

"Took you long enough. Look in front of you."

Noah stood in front of a store with a broken neon sign that read "Summers' tech and arms." Sitting down defeatedly was the kid from earlier.

"Jaxon?!" Ava called out as she ran to him.

"You idiot! What did you do this time?"

"I didn't do anything. I just... borrowed a few things." He muttered, scratching the side of his face.

"You stole again!? Ughh! You're so unbelievable."

Noah and I stood there like statues, not sure if we should say anything or not.

After a long lecture from Ava, she finally turned to us.

"I'm sorry you two had to see that; can we just pretend this never happened? Oh right, Jake, you can put the box down. I'll have this rascal." She glared at Jaxon. "Carry it inside."

"Look, just forgive Jaxon; he means well, but he goes about it wrong. I'll have the orders out, and we'll call it even, alright?"

I glanced over to Noah and he glanced back at me. Both of us knew we didn't have the authority to do anything about Jaxon, so we just nodded silently.

In a few minutes, Ava came out carrying two black containers with Verdant's wolf symbol on them.

"Thank you so much, guys." She said, and she kept apologizing.


The walk back to the outer circle was silent. I don't think Noah wanted to comment at all, and neither did I.

We loaded the armored vehicle and headed back to Verdant Canis. The officer was confused as to why we looked so weird.