Chereads / Amoureax Amant's 101 Poems to BFF / Chapter 60 - Labourer like machine in factory

Chapter 60 - Labourer like machine in factory

By: Amoureax Amant

Labourer like machine in factory,

suffered for family's pale as lily,

for salary's sweet as honey fed bees,

for memory's as street lined chestnut trees.

Labourer like cattle between farmlands,

observed that grains stretched out their golden hands,

that thirsty grains sipped sweat which sipped like tea,

that swaying grains swayed like gold waves in sea.

Labourer like old chestnut tree in street,

fell down pale hair through stone floor underfeet,

through chestnut leaf fluttered like butterfly,

through chestnut branches made shade beneath clear sky.

Labourer like aged father with huge arms,

laughed with family's laughter spread through farms.