Before the chaos and seperation, all beings live in one universe. The Gods, demi God's, immortals, mortals and Hellas. But there came a time when the Hellas wished reign over the universe. The Hellas saw the gods as greedy beings who never wished to share their divinity. War broke out with in the universe.
For the gods to protect mankind (mortals) their drag the war between the Hellas and them outside the universe.
God Syn, gave his life to ceil off all beings above mortal hood from the universe
God Geo broke the universe into different realms(9 realms) and kept all mortals on the 3rd realm (Gaia).
Even after allot of sacrifice the Hellas lost the battle. For the Hellas not to be anhilated, Hel sacrifice his life and created a realm (Hell), where all Hellas live.
Till date no one knows where Hell is. The Gods used all they could but the location of Hell is unknown.
Master Goo, what about the gods, did they survived, what happened to them? A little boy asked with full interest
My bad, little Gay I forgot. The gods survived and are living in paradise. Master Goo answered
Master Goo, where is paradise? asked another kid
Oh little Dan, no one knows where paradise is.
Master are we the only mortals?
(frowns quickly) No, we are not, there are more mortals. (quickly continues) It's time to go back to your parents. We shall continue tomorrow.
(all the kids ran away after thanking master Goo)
(Master Goo sighs)
I wonder how the others are doing? I wish I could help.
I have to visit that old man, it has being a while I last saw him.
(Picks up his staff and vanish)