Chereads / The Path To The Top / Chapter 10 - Arrival

Chapter 10 - Arrival


- After our protagonists finished, Damian revealed that because of his defeat, he and his friends will have to become sailors, which was not received positively.

- But after convincing the two, they went to sleep to wait for a navy ship that was coming.

In the middle of the sea, on a completely destroyed ship, it is even a miracle that it is still floating.

- In addition to the destruction, you can see a man with a V-cut on his face 'looking' at the horizon with a small den den mushi in his hand that begins to play.

- Noticing this, the man answers it.

Ddm: "*catcha* captain Issho?"

Issho: "yes, are they arriving already?"

Ddm: "about that, we are close to your location, but for some reason we are not able to locate you, could you help us by giving a signal?"

Issho: "Sure, just a moment."

- Using his other hand, Issho begins to search his own clothes for something and after a while he finds it, taking out a small stick with a rope and then pointing it at the sky and then pulling the rope, making a red beam fly into the sky.

- Issho: "Did you manage to find it?"

- Ddm: "Wait... a... little... we found it! It should take at most 30 minutes to get there, Captain Issho, I'll hang up *catcha*."

- With the little den den mushi back to sleep, Issho picked up his katana and using its sheath as a guide, he began to walk slowly to the lower floor, where our protagonists were.

After a good 10 minutes trying to find the way and not falling into the holes in the ship, Issho arrives safely downstairs.

- Trying to remember where the three had gone to sleep, but along the way he ends up bumping into something a little smaller than him.

Damian: "Idiot... I can't believe you did that..."

Issho: "Damian? Is that you?"

Damian: "Yeah, it's me... come with me."

- Hearing this, Issho feels his wrist being pulled and having confidence in Damian, he follows him until he apparently reaches a room, then his wrist is released out of nowhere, a strange sound starts near him and then finally... something hits his face full on.

Issho: "Damian... how can..."

Damian: "Stop being dramatic, it's just a wet towel, now clean your face."

- While Issho cleans his face, Damian looks at him with a distressed face.

- Damian: 'I knew this would happen, but still...'

- "This is fucking ugly... you did this last night, right?"

Issho: "Look at that tongue Damian and yes it was yesterday."

- Damian stared at Issho's face and realized that even though he had made the cut recently, he was no longer bleeding.

- Damian: "Issho, how come your face doesn't look like a faucet gushing blood?"

- As soon as he finished cleaning his face, Issho touched his wound, causing his finger to sink into the cut.

- Damian: "So you have a Devil Fruit? Why didn't you use it in the fight?"

- Issho: "Yes, the Zushi Zushi No Mi (Gravity Fruit) and I didn't use it because it could destroy the ship."

- Damian: "... It makes sense, so next time you better use it, I'll wait for that."

- Issho: "I hope so too... Speaking of waiting, the ship I called is arriving, are you three going to come with me or not?"

- Damian: "Of course we're going, we just need to wake up those two."

After that, Issho heard footsteps quickly leaving the room, which came back as quickly as they left.

- Damian: "I almost forgot about you."

- Then Damian grabbed Issho's arm and dragged him to where Mirage and Allana were sleeping.

- Damian: "Let's wake up, sleeping beauties!"

Mira/All: "zzzzzzzzzzzz..."

- Damian: "I didn't think I'd have to use this technique so soon."

- Seeing how lazy his two friends are, Damian simply grabs them by their feet and leaves them hanging upside down in the air.

- Damian: "I... told... you... to... WAKE UP!"

Mirage: "ah?! What?"

Allana: "ahhh! Where!? Who!?"

- With both of them awake now, Damian threw them both to the ground.

- Damian: "The ship is coming, so wake up."

Mirage: "Already? *yawn* I didn't even get a nap."

Allana: "True, I'm still sleepy *yawn*."

- Damian: "Already, then go get ready, you two look like two beggars."

- Hearing the comparison Damian made of them, Mirage and Allana looked at each other and saw each other's appearance:

- Mirage, even though he hadn't taken any serious damage in his fight, the same couldn't be said of his clothes that were greatly burned by the explosion he made on the sharp and his fur was all messed up because of the salt from the sea.

- Allana, on the other hand, was all dirty with her own blood, her clothes (if you can even call them clothes now) were full of cuts and lastly her hair... which looked like three different birds were making a single nest on her head.

Allana: "You look like a 3 year old's stuffed animal."

Mirage: "Yeah, you look like a barbie who got out of a toxic relationship."

Damian: "tcharara, I wouldn't let it..."

- Turning to Damian

Mira/All: "you're not much better!!"

- Looking at Damian's appearance, he looked like a... walking corpse, his face was soaked in dried blood that came out of every orifice of his face, his right ear was practically split in two, his shoulder had a strip that was red from all the blood that had come out of it and in the middle of his chest there was a large scar that went all the way across his back that looked like it was raw, you could even see the blood trying to come out of the wound.

Allana: "At least we don't look like an ashtray."

Mirage: "We have to tell the barbecue that they have to make it well done and not leave the calf still screaming."

Damian: "Everyone is screwed, we already understand, so let's start getting ready."

Mira/All: "Let's go."

- So the three of them went looking for some clothes to wear, Damian went to the slavers' dormitory and there he found a set of clothes that fit him, while Mirage and Allana went to the cell area and after a while searching, the two managed to find some clothes that fit them and Issho tried to go to the upper part of the ship, but almost every step he took he bumped into something.

After the bath

Damian: "I hate cold water..."

Mirage: "Stop complaining, cold water is good for the body."

Allana: "It may even do, but still..."

- As soon as they finished the bath, the three returned to where they had left Issho, finding him sitting on the floor meditating with a wisteria purple aura around him, especially the cut on his face, which made Allana and Mirage pay attention to his wound, something they had not noticed because of sleep and haste.

Mirage: "*quietly* what happened to his face?"

Damian: "Did you forget who he is?"

Allana: "Fujitora... so we... are the reason he blinded himself?"

Damian: "To be quite honest... I don't know... I believe he was already thinking about it, we just saw it happen earlier."

- I have this doubt in the three of their heads, they went to Issho and called him, who reacted quickly and got up and when they were going up the stairs, Mirage asked a question.

Mirage: "Hey Issho?"

Issho: "Yes, Mirage."

Mirage: "Why were you down there? Wouldn't it be better to wait upstairs?"

- When Issho heard this question, he hesitated and almost fell, but Damian caught him.

Issho: "About that... er... I couldn't find the stairs."

Mirage: "Ah... sorry to ask."

Issho: "It's okay, Mirage."

- When the four of them arrived at the top of the ship, they could already see the rescue ship and as soon as it docked, the sailors came out of the ship standing at attention shouting.


Issho: "Inside this ship there are children in critical condition, so do everything for their recovery and also arrest all the slavers, understood?!"


- With the order given, Issho and our protagonists boarded the rescue ship and went to the bridge and arriving there, they found the captain of the ship, who as soon as he saw Issho's face, his expression was surprised, but soon returned to normal.

?????: "Welcome Captain Issho... are these the new recruits you mentioned in the report? Don't they look very young?"

Issho: "Don't worry about it Captain Kadar, I guarantee they'll be great sailors even though they're kids."

- Hearing this, Kadar looks at the kids who were behind Issho, then he remembered what Issho said in the report and lets out a sigh.

Kadar: "If it were any other sailor, I wouldn't believe the report, after all, believing that 3 5-year-old kids would cause so much damage, that's crazy, but Issho... he wouldn't play with something like that... those kids... they're monsters."

Issho: "Did something happen? You're quiet."

Kadar: "Oh, nothing, I was just remembering the report you sent..."

- Kadar then raised his hand towards the kids for a handshake.

Kadar: "It's a pleasure, my name is Kadar, I'm a Navy Captain and you..."

- Hearing his introduction, the three also introduced themselves.

Damian: "It's a pleasure, *shakes hand* my name is Damian, these are..."

Mirage: "Mirage, *nod* nice to meet you."

Allana: "*wave* and I'm Allana."

Kadar: "so Damian, Mirage and Allana, I heard from Issho that you want to be sailors, is that correct?"

Damian: "it was the deal."

Allana: "it wasn't the plan, but if these two go I'll go."

Mirage: "if it will help me realize my dream, I'm in."

- Hearing the three's response, Kadar was impressed by the air they had.

Kadar: "I like you guys, but unfortunately I'm going to have to ask the three of you to leave, after all I have to have a little talk with Captain Issho."

Damian: "slow, but where can we go?"

Kadar: "if you want you can explore the entire ship, just don't break anything!"

The three: "see you later."

Issho/Kadar: "see you."

- After our protagonists left the room, Kadar turns to Issho and speaks in a soft voice.

Kadar: "they are quite interesting, aren't they?"

Issho: "yeah, it's a shame I won't be able to see them grow up..."

- Hearing Issho's concern, Kadar stopped with his soft voice and went to a slightly irritated voice.

Kadar: "speaking of which... why the hell did you do that to your face?!"

Issho: "does it matter?"


Issho: "if you say so... I just..."

- after a fucking speech about what justice is -

Issho: "and that's why I blinded myself."

Kadar: "I get it... but how are you going to work like that?"

- Hearing Kadar's doubt, Issho's face looked like a computer with a blue screen.

Issho: "I'm going to have to go to rehab, right?"

Kadar: "It's obvious."

Issho: "This should take at least 1 more year... Can I borrow a den den mushi?"

Kadar: "Who is the call for?"

Issho: "For someone who will be able to handle those three."

... ... ... ... ...

- One year later -

In the middle of a small crater it is possible to see three children sitting with their arms raised high as punishment while someone fights with them.

????: "How many times do I have to tell you that the rest day is for resting and not for training?"

The three: "Sorry, Anya."

- Anya is a 17 year old woman with tan skin, 1.76m tall, a somewhat slender but toned build, shoulder-length golden brown hair, her eyes are like polished amethyst and her clothes are the basic clothes of a sailor, but a little different with black details on her.

Anya: "Seriously... Why did I agree to that blind man's request?"

Damian: "*forced cute voice* because do you love us?"

Mirage: "because you know that no one will put up with us without going crazy?"

Allana: "because y-"

Anya: "I get it, no more reasons needed, let's go back to HQ, tomorrow we will have a very important guest."

- Hearing this, the three became curious, after all it's not every day that someone important goes to their HQ, because they are in the North Blue also known as the most dangerous sea of the four seas, obviously we are not counting the Grand Line or New World, because of that it is very rare to see any superior coming to HQ.

Mirage: "who is it this time?"

Allana: "really, who is it? The last time you said someone was coming it was a nobody."

Anya: "hey don't talk about the finance supervisor like that... but yes, today it's going to be someone you won't believe... who's coming to our HQ is... the Hero of the Navy, MONKEY D. GARP!"

- The three of them were left with their jaws dropped, they couldn't believe it, that one of the strongest marines in history would be there... so close to them, it was a golden opportunity.

The three of them: "WHAT?!!!!!!"

Anya: "I know it's surprising, I didn't believe it either, but Garp himself warned in the den den mushi."

Allana: "But why is he coming here?"

- Anya's face started to sweat when she heard Allana's question.

Anya: "About that... I don't know..."

Allana: "What do you mean?"

Anya: "It's just that when I heard Garp's voice, my brain went crazy, I only remember him saying that he'll be here in a few hours."

Damian: "Which port?"

Anya: "The main one, why?"

- Damian then ran at full speed towards the main port.

Anya: "Wow... does he like Garp that much?"

Mirage: "That's not it."

Anya: "Then what is it?"

Mirage: "You know Damian, he loves fighting strong people and you say that the guy who fought the strongest in this world will be here, it's obvious why he's excited."

- Listening to Mirage's explanation, Anya's face darkened in concern.

Anya: "I should go after him, right?"

Allana: "Yes."

Mirage: "Do I need to ask?"

- With that, Anya ran after Damian, leaving Allana and Mirage behind.

Allana: "What about us? Aren't we going after them?"

Mirage: "We're going, after all we can't leave Dami with all the fun."

- So the two activated the electro and went after Damian and Anya, but on the way the two stopped at their dormitory to change and get a uniform for Damian.

- A while later at the main port -

- Allana and Mirage the moment they step into the port, they feel an enormous tension to the point that the two can see where it is coming from... guess where it is coming from?... yes, it is Damian and Anya who are staring at each other with blood in their eyes.

Allana: "Are those two going to kill each other?"

Mirage: "I don't think so, if they were they would have already started fighting... but even so it is better to stop those two."

- With that said, Mirage and Allana went to the epicenter of the conflict and kicked the two who were arguing in the shins.


- Damian and Anya turned in the direction of the kick, the two were going to yell at whoever had done that, but the moment they saw Mirage and Allana in their uniforms... Anya grabbed them both, lifting them into the air while smiling.

Anya: "My God... How... Cute!!"

- Seeing his friends being used as rag dolls, Damian grabbed them as soon as Anya threw Mirage and Allana into the air, grabbing them both by the scruff of their necks and placing them on the ground and meanwhile Anya stood still in place with her arms raised.

Damian: "When did you guys change your clothes?"

Anya: "..."

Allana: "We stopped by the dorm."

Anya: "..."

Damian: "Why?"

Mirage: "Are you guys really going to ignore Anya?"

- Hearing Damian's question, Allana threw a mirror at him and Mirage approached Anya who almost cried with emotion when she looked at him, so she grabbed him again, but instead of throwing him into the air Anya hugged him tightly.

Allana: "Have I looked in the mirror?"

Mirage: "*choked* help..."

- Looking in the mirror, Damian realizes that besides being covered in dust, his clothes were almost gone because of the cuts and burns he suffered during the sparring.

Damian: "I'm a wreck... did you bring me a change of clothes?"

Allana: "Get it."

Anya: "Mirage?..."

- Allana said, throwing a set of the Navy uniform, which contained white shorts with light blue details and a white shirt also with blue details, but different from the other uniforms, because of Damian's extra pair of arms, so his clothes had to be customized to fit his arms and this one was like that, besides being very elastic.

Damian: "This one is new, right?"

Allana: "Apparently so... I just hope this one doesn't tear as easily as the others."

Damian: "True... do you remember the first uniform they gave me when we got here?"

Anya: "Mirage!?..."

- Hearing Damian's question, Allana closes her eyes while letting out a low chuckle and in the background of their conversation you can see Anya desperate with tears in her eyes and in her arms was Mirage unconscious and if you focus well you can see her soul leaving her body.

Allana: "How can I not remember... you looked like an animal wearing clothes for the first time, all stiff and when you tried to move the uniform exploded like confetti, but forget about that, go get changed soon."

Damian: "Okay, okay, while I get changed go help Mirage before he dies."

- With that said, Damian went to get changed and Allana quickly transformed into her mink form which compared to a year ago... seemed more complete, before the hair from the transformation reached at most her forearm or calf and now it was reaching her knee and elbow, but leaving that aside, after transforming Allana approached Mirage who was unconscious in Anya's arms.

Allana: "What happened, Anya?"

Anya: "I was just giving him a hug and out of nowhere he fainted."

Allana: "Out of nowhere?"

Anya: "*sweating* m-maybe... I-I put a little force in the hug..."

Allana: "*sigh* a little? When you get excited, you can't control yourself... like this is the third time something like this happens... like Dami and I can handle your strength, but Mira... *sigh*."

Anya: "Sorry..."

Allana: "Okay, but promise it won't happen again?"

Anya: "*nodding* yes, I promise."

Allana: "Then excuse me."

- Hearing this Anya left Mirage on the ground and took a step back and Allana went to him putting both her hands under his uniform and delivering a charge of electricity from the palms of her hands (as if it were a defibrillator) and as soon as the impact of the shock occurred Mirage's body jumped making him wake up and stand up as if he were a scared animal looking everywhere.

Mirage: "What?! What happened?! Allana?! Anya?!"

- Before either of them could say anything, Damian came back with a serious face looking at the sea.

Damian: "Breathe Mirage, we don't have time to explain, after all... he's arrived."

- Listening to Damian, the three looked at the horizon and saw a huge ship with an equally large dog's head on its bow, practically docking at the port, Anya seeing the ship changes her posture completely.

Anya: "Alright, behave yourselves until I get back, I have to go tell the others that Garp has already arrived."

- Listening to Anya, the three gave an innocent smile while saluting with one arm and crossing their fingers with the other.

Dami/Mira/All: "Yes ma'am."

- And the moment Anya walked away, the three gave a mischievous smile while looking at the ship.

- On the ship -

- Seeing that they were reaching their destination, most of the sailors began to get ready to dock at the port and those who weren't helping were at the bow of the ship talking to Garp himself.

?????(1): "Sir Garp, who did we come to get?"

Garp: "hmmmm... let me see here... some An... zzzzzzzzz."

?????(2): "who?"

Garp: "An..zzzzzzzzzz..."

*soft static sound*

?????(3): "he fell asleep again huh?"

?????(4): "apparently so."

*sound of statistics increasing*

?????(5): "are you hearing that?"

?????(2): "Listen-"

*Boooooooom* *Zaaaaaaaaaap*

- After that bang, these five young people looked to where the sound should be, but when they were turning around, they noticed three blurs passing over them going to where Garp was...

- Back to the port -

- At the port, you can see three children stretching.

Damian: "So, everyone ready?"

Mirage: "I am."

Allana: "Let's go."

- Being ready, the three began to prepare to get to the ship with style, Damian started doing his dance, Mirage charged her legs with electro and Allana transformed into mink/oni (also known as onnk or mini) and did the same thing as Mirage.

Mirage: "1..."

Allana: "2..."

Damian: "3!"

- And so the three jumped towards the ship, while they were in the air they noticed a strange thing, which were some people around Garp, but they ignored them, even though some looked very familiar especially a young man with white hair...

- The moment the three set foot on the floor of the ship, without even giving them time to think, our protagonists jumped again, passing over the young people who were around Garp and at the moment the three were going to attack him... Monkey D. Garp wakes up.

Dami/All/Mira: "Wake up now!"

- Waking up because of the noise, Garp opens his eyes and sees three children coming towards him to attack.

Garp: "*yawn* shut up you brats."

- Seeing this, Garp didn't stay still and also went after the three and with a quick movement punched each of the three who because of the force of the blow couldn't do anything other than have their faces sunk into the floor of the ship (which surprisingly didn't give in) and lose their consciousness.

??????(5): "Mr. Garp, what's going on? Who are they?"

??????(2): "That's pretty obvious, they're just idiots who wanted to test themselves by trying to attack Mr. Garp."

Garp: "Bwahahaha idiots? Definitely, but also brave, I liked them."

?????(3): "Are they doing well?"

Garp: "They're just sleeping."

?????(4): "Wouldn't it be better to put them in a bed?"

Garp: "True... take them then, and then someone go after someone responsible for these brats."

- And so our protagonists are taken inside the ship.

- A Time Later -

- Inside a sort of infirmary there are three unconscious children and standing near them are two people, a young woman who was bowing in apology repeatedly to a middle-aged man of 287cm, of strong build, his hair was divided into a gray part and another part still in its natural color and lastly the detail that caught the most attention in the man was a scar in the shape of an arch under his right eye.

Anya: "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!... *repeating infinitely*"

Garp: "bwahahaha please, no need to apologize young lady."

Anya: "but what they did was very wrong."

Garp: "but no one got hurt, right? and besides they are still children so it is normal for them to want to test themselves, they even remind me of when I was younger bwahahaha."

Anya: "but Sir..."

- At that moment the three who were unconscious woke up at the same time.

Damian: "Ahh... I can't believe... I fell... with one punch..."

Mirage: "So... fast..."

Allana: "How..."

- Seeing that her protégés had woken up, Anya quickly went to their side.

Anya: "[insert lots of lecture here, because I'm lazy]"

Dami/Mira/All: "Sorry, but no sorry."

Anya: "What?..."

Garp: "bwahahaha, I'm liking you guys more and more."

Anya: "Mister Garp, please don't encourage them..."

Garp: "bwahahaha."

- Getting up quickly, Damian approached Vice Admiral Garp and then saluted.

Damian: "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mister Marine Hero Garp The Fist, I have a question for you."

Mira/All/Any: 'What was that? Did Damian just be respectful to someone?!!!'

Garp: "And what would that be, brat?"

Damian: "Could you train me?"

Anya: 'What's going on here?!!'

Mira/All: 'This guy!...'

Mirage: "Me too!"

Allana: "Don't forget about me!"

- Hearing the three children's request, Garp puts on a serious face as he thinks for a moment.

Garp: "...No Fucking Way!"

Any/Mira/All: "What?!"

Damian: "Ahhh... I should try, can I ask why?"

Garp: "That's simple, I don't want disciples."

Damian: "Tcharara was what I was thinking, en-"

- Before Damian could finish his speech, Garp cuts him off.

Garp: "But I know who can train you... as long as you prove to me that you're at the level to handle that guy's training."

Damian: "Before anything, can I ask another question?"

Garp: "Go ahead, brat."

Damian: "The reason I came to our HQ is to get Marines to take to the main HQ to train with Zephyr, right?"

Anya: "Zephyr!!!!?"

Garp: "*surprised* how did you find out that?"

Damian: "Why else would the great Garp the Fist have so many young people on his ship, when he doesn't want any disciples?"

- Then I didn't see wrong, it was Smorker who was there... jackpot!

Garp: "bwahahaha you get more and more interesting and speaking of which..."

- Saying that Garp takes out a list of names and then he takes a pair of glasses from his pocket and starts reading quietly.

Garp: "... it's not this one... not this one... .... here! Do you know any Anya? She's from this HQ right?"

Anya: "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Garp: "what happened to her?"

Allana: "is that she's a big fan of Zephyr, so I think she got excited."

Garp: "I see... so she's going to come?"

Anya: "YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!..."

Garp: "bwahahaha she's funny, but let's focus on the important thing, what do I do to test you... ah! I know, come with me."

Dami/Mira/All/Any: "yes sir."

- Then all five went out of the ship's infirmary and as soon as they left, Garp called the five young people and explained what happened to them.

Garp: "so let me introduce everyone... I forgot to ask your names, brats, so let's start with you."

- Then Garp stood next to our protagonists and introduced them.

Garp: "this little horned one is..."

Damian: "Damian, it's a pleasure."

Garp: "the little wolf is..."

Mirage: "it's Mirage and not little wolf, mister Garp."

Garp: "the blonde is..."

Allana: "Allana, but you can call me All."

Garp: "and lastly our new member... Zephyr's number one fan..."

- Hearing the way Garp called her Anya turned completely red with embarrassment.

Anya: "Anya..."

- The five young people: "nice to meet you/good/whoa/hello/hi!"

- After introducing our protagonists, Garp goes to the young people's side, but when he was going to start introducing them...

Garp: "this one is... zzzzzzzzzzzzz."

Mirage: "is he sleeping?"

?????(1): "yes... he is... and since he fell asleep... then I'll start, my name is Kalev, it's a pleasure."

- Kalev is a boy who is around 1.70m tall which is a good height for his age (17), his eyes were a dark blue, with fair skin and medium hair that was tied in a bun, his clothing can be described as that of a classic samurai: hakama, kimono and everything else, with a small modification, the shoulder pads of a marine sergeant, on his waist you can see a katana hanging and near it something that you can't see well and lastly the thing that caught his attention the most... a book, but there was something strange about it, it seemed out of place...

Mirage: "cool katana."

Kalev: "thanks."

?????(2): "my turn, my name is Hina."

- Hina is a girl who is quite tall for her age (16) with her 1.77m, pink hair that reaches her back, common attire of a sailor, the only difference being the use of sergeant's shoulder pads.

?????(3): "let's get this over with, my name is Smorker."

- Smorker is a tall boy for his age (18) at almost 1.90m, short white hair almost shaved, his clothes were the standard ones of the navy especially for a sergeant, but what most caught his attention was the cigar in his mouth, which was clearly much bigger than a normal one.

?????(4): "hey, my name is Shanthi and I hope we get along."

- Shanthi, unlike his colleagues, he is not human but a Skypiano, a being of the 'white tide', Skypianos look a lot like normal humans, the main difference being a pair of wings that reach their feet, but leaving that aside and going back, Shanthi is a guy a little short for his age (16) at 1.65m, short brown hair, burnt yellow eyes like an owl, his uniform was also a standard style, but having a small difference which was a space in the back to allow the exit of its wings and near it you can see a bow with carvings in its wood and a simple leather quiver.

Allana: "What beautiful wings."

Shanthi: "Thank you, All."

?????(5): "is it my turn already?! How fast!... well... how do I do this... oh! I know... my name is Esmé and I hope we can be friends."

- Esmé is clearly the youngest of the five (15) and this is also reflected in her height being 1.68m, she has short hair in the color... light blue? Pool, maybe?... (Searching for types of blue...) pool, totally pool, her eyes are some kind of gray and like the others (except Kalev's) her uniform was also standard Navy uniform, the only difference being the way she wears it, which like her colleague Smorker, Esmé wears it open, revealing a sports bra that she wears underneath.

Damian: "tcharara I liked you, I hope you're strong too."

Esmé: "you bet I am."

- After introducing themselves, they started talking a little and getting to know each other better until...

Garp: "*explosion* hmm... did I fall asleep again?... where was I... oh yeah, I was going to introduce the brats to the other brats."

Kalev: "there's no need to do that anymore Mr. Garp, we've already introduced ourselves."

Garp: "already? That's good, that means we can go to the main course."

- Saying that, Garp and the sergeants disappeared from where they were, while Garp reappeared in front of our protagonists, while the sergeants reappeared in separate and scattered locations.

Garp: "Bwahahaha, so? Are you ready?"

Dami/Mira/All: "Always / You can send! / Yes!"

Garp: "The test will be as follows: choose one of the sergeants here and fight them, depending on your performance, I'll take the three of you with me."

- And so the three went after their opponents.

Scene change (Allana)

- Allana had a determined expression as she walked towards Shanthi.

Allana: 'I don't know why... but I have to touch him!'

- Then she reached her destination, Shanthi seeing Allana in front of her, looked a little curious.

Shanthi: "Do you need anything, All?"

- Allana didn't answer, she just transformed into oni and gave a punch at Shanthi, who easily dodged it.

Shanthi: "Don't you feel like talking?... and I thought today was going to be a quiet day... but okay, let's go."

- The moment Shanthi dodged, he grabbed his quiver and bow, and then returned to Allana's front, Shanthi already had her bow loaded, just waiting for the opponent's move.

- Allana still didn't make a single peep, she didn't even care about the bow that was pointed at her and ran towards the Skypiano.

- Shanthi noticing the girl's almost irrational movements, exchanged her arrow for a blunt one and shot it at Allana.

- Seeing that the arrow had no tip, Allana ignored them, but before the arrow hit her skin...

Shanti: "bad idea, Allana... Fūya: Jizō (Wind Arrow: Jizō)"

- As the blunt arrow touched Allana, her body was dragged back by a gust of wind.

- Shanthi, taking a good look at her opponent, finally realized that her appearance was not normal.

Allana: 'What was that? How did an arrow like that push me back? How did he do that? - I want that power too... even if I have to kill him'

Shanthi: 'Is she a user? If so, what is her ability? Let's see... abnormal height, horns and... four arms? She even looks like her friend... what was his name again?'

- Taking advantage of the fact that Shanthi was distracted by her thoughts, Allana ran towards him and tried to throw another punch, which was easily dodged, but this time the blow didn't hit the air... but the ground, causing a dust bomb to rise, leaving Shanthi without seeing where her opponent was.

Shanthi: "Cool idea... but that doesn't work on me! Yasashī Kaze: Jizō (Soft Wind: Jizō)"

- As she said these words, Shanthi flapped her wings, making a gust of air that blew all the dust away revealing... no one?

Shanthi: "Huh? Where are you-"

- In the middle of his question, Shanti felt three things: a big impact, something burning and a feeling that something was stolen in his left chest, when he looked in the direction of the pain... Allana was there punching him, but that wasn't what caught his attention, but rather the girl's appearance that had changed again, now she no longer looked like the giant boy with four arms, she had returned to her normal height and instead of having four arms and horns, her body grew an animal fur and from her hands were coming out... electricity, as soon as Shanthi saw these rays, her memories of a not so distant past came to the surface.

Allana: 'What was that? That feeling? It looks just like when I first transformed into Mink and Oni...'

Shanthi: 'Enel... you bastard.'

- Seeing the lightning, Shanthi instinctively launched a powerful typhoon at Allana that sent her spinning away, only stopping when she hit one of the island's checkpoints.



- Hearing what Smoker said, Shanti realized what he did, so he went to see if Allana was okay... but in the middle of the way, a rock was thrown towards him at great speed, but before the rock could get too close, Shanthi threw it at it, causing it to explode into dust, making it difficult for him to see again.

Shanthi: "Phew~ I thought I had seriously hurt you there... but if you could handle that, it means I can go a little harder."

- Saying these words, Shanthi flapped her wings, quickly rising and flying, Allana who had thrown the rock to try another attack, only managed to hit the air and seeing Shanthi fly, she was confused after all she didn't remember Skypianos could fly.

Allana: "Hey! Can I ask you a question?"

Shanthi: "So you remembered how to say it? But yes you can, what do you want to know?"

Allana: "Are you a Devil Fruit user?"

Shanthi: "Ah! This must be your first time seeing a Skypiano! No, I'm not a Devil Fruit user, my power is closer to that of your little wolf friend, it's something from my race, but unlike him, I command the air."

Allana: "I see..."

- 'Now it all makes sense, this feeling is... me absorbing a race... now I wonder how many times will it take for me to absorb you completely? It was once a...'

- With a plan in mind, Allana returns to her Oni form and begins to throw rocks and rubble with all her strength.

- Shanthi looks at Allana from above, like an owl aiming at its prey, thus realizing that the moment the girl threw the last rubble, she quickly transformed into her Mink form and began to climb the rubble, understanding what the girl was going to do, Shanthi reloaded her bow and shot at Allana while ignoring the rocks, which when they got too close to him changed direction, it seemed like there was a wall of air protecting him.

- Seeing the arrow coming, Allana focused her electro on her legs and jumped to the next platform, but there was something strange... the arrow was still chasing her and was closer than before, finding this strange, she decides to jump to the next platform while keeping her eyes on the arrow, then she saw... the arrow dodged the rubble and changed its direction to chase.

Allana: "Is the arrow following me?"

Shanthi: "Yes and no, the Dōtai (Maestro) works a little differently, instead of the arrow following you, I'm the one controlling it."

- Saying these words, Shanthi moves her fingers in circular motions and the arrow follows the same movements. After demonstrating her skill, the arrow returns to chase our protagonist who had an idea to stop the arrow.

- She stuck her claws in the "ground" and began to energize it. A few moments before the arrow hit the ground, it exploded in a large sea of smoke.

Shanthi: "You like this trick, don't you? But I've told you before that it doesn't work... Yasashī Kaze: Jizō (Soft Wind: Jizō)"

- Using her technique, Shanthi creates another gust of air that blew all the dust away, but just like before, Allana was no longer there. However, this time Shanthi already knew what Allana's plan was, so he managed to find her, coming to punch her in the right flank and rose even higher in the air to dodge it.

Shanthi: "The same blow won't work on me!"

Allana: "Who said it's the same blow?!"

- Hearing these words, Shanthi realized the transformation that Allana was in. She was no longer in her Mink form, but in her Oni form. So when Shanthi tried to dodge, he only dodged one of her arms, but not the other.

- Shanthi managed to grab one of Shanthi's legs.

Allana: 'I got one more touch! A little more and his race is mine!'

Shanthi: 'This feeling again... What is it? Could it be from her akuma?... I think I understand... She must have been absorbing my DNA, if I'm right... Could she copy my race?'

- Shanthi, deciding to see if her thesis was right, didn't attack Allana and let her absorb as much as she needed.

- Allana, wanting to absorb as much as she could, grabbed Shanthi's other leg...

Allana: 'Three!'

- Then Allana used her second left arm to grab Shanthi's leg again.

Allana: 'Four!'

- And with her last arm, Allana did the same thing and taking advantage of the fact that she was holding Shanthi with her four arms, Allana pulled him down with all her strength, throwing him like a doll towards the ground.

Allana: 'Five! Finally! That was the feeling I wanted! It's time to... ah?'

- Having the feeling that she would be able to transform into Skypiano, Allana tried to transform... but she couldn't, instead of transforming, she returned to her human form and began to fall towards the ground.

Shanthi: "Hey! Transform quickly! Or you'll fall!"

- Shanthi, who had been thrown by Allana, managed to stabilize himself before hitting the ground and went to Allana's side to see if she would be able to transform.

Allana: "I'm trying! But it's not going!"

- Hearing Allana's complaint, Shanthi got worried and went to help, but when he got closer... he saw a pair of snow-white wings coming out of Allana's back, as soon as the wings came out, Allana's body stopped falling erratically and began to glide.

Allana: "Ah? Shanthi? Is that you?"

Shanthi: "No, it's not me."

Allana: "So the transformation worked?"

Shanthi: "Did you have any doubts? Like this isn't your akuma? How do you not know how it works?"

Allana: "To be quite honest, this is the first time I've 'absorbed' a race."

Shanthi: "Really? What about your other transformations?"

- 'Could that be the reason for that quiet behavior before? What a strange power...'

Allana: "I don't really understand either, but they already came when I ate my akuma... I wonder if you can teach me how to fly?"

Shanthi: "Sure, let's go... How do I put this... Ah! I know, to fly it would be like moving your extra arms in your four-armed form."

- Listening to Shanthi's instructions, Allana tries to move her new limbs, which to her surprise was easy to do by imagining that her wings were arms.

Allana: "What now?"

Shanthi: "Calm down, let me think of an analogy... Okay, I thought of one, do you know how to swim?"

Allana: "*Hmm-Hmm* I know."

Shanthi: "So think of your wings as if you were swimming and use them to prop yourself up."

- Following the analogy that Shanthi explained, Allana imagined herself swimming, but instead of using her arms, she moved her wings to make the "stroke" and when she did that her body was propelled... but not up, because when Allana propelled herself, she only used one wing, making her do a "do-do" in the air.

Shanthi: "Hoohoo~ I forgot to say that you should always use both wings to fly, sorry."

Allana: "Not cool..."

- With a small frown, Allana tries again, but this time doing the "stroke" with both wings, thus making a downward gust that pushed her upwards, doing it a few more times, Allana began to fly in several directions.

Allana: "hahaha~ I did it, I can fly!"

Shanthi: "hoohoo~ yeah, you can, but let's leave playing for later, I still have one last thing to teach you before we finish the fight."

Allana: "ah... okay."

- So when Allana approached Shanthi, he pulled out his bow and shot at her at a very high speed, higher than the girl could react, but when the arrow was about 10 centimeters from her face... the arrow deflected, but it wasn't Shanthi who controlled it, but rather... something else, it wasn't something instinctive or something Allana did thinking, that was... strange.

Allana: "HEY! What was that?! Do you want to kill me?!"

Shanthi: "*smile* kill you? Of course not, I just wanted to see if you had the natural protection of my race."

Allana: "Couldn't you test that without having to shoot me without me knowing?!"

Shanthi: "No... and I'll explain why."

- Shanthi then begins to make a weak hurricane on her arm, enough so that it could be seen with the naked eye.

Shanthi: "The Skypians have around their bodies a kind of gale, hurricane, typhoon or any other type of strong wind, which prevents most projectiles from hitting them. I, who am from Birka, call this ability 'Yokero (Avoid)', since it's where I came from, we believe that Fūjin himself, the God of the winds, protects us by avoiding all evil that can come through his domain."

Allana: "I understand... but that doesn't explain the surprise attack!"

Shanthi: "Think about it this way, if you knew about the attack, wouldn't you try to defend yourself, even instinctively?"

Allana: "Okay... now it makes sense."

Shanthi: "I guess now, I've taught you everything you need to know for now... so let's get back to fighting?"

Allana: "Calm down, and about this whole 'commanding the air' thing, aren't you going to teach me that?"

Shanthi: "But you're already doing it, just look at your wings... This way of controlling the air is the most rudimentary, but it's also the easiest, so if you want, after the fight I'll teach you more."

Allana: "Don't forget this later!"

- Shanthi takes her quiver and throws all the arrows in the air, but they don't fall to the ground, but instead stay in the air with the tips down.

Shanthi: "I know what I said about getting back to fighting... but I want to end this as quickly as possible, so if you can withstand this attack... you win, deal?"

Allana: "Deal!"

- Then with a single movement of her hand, Shanthi sent that rain of arrows towards Allana, who had decided not to run away, tried something risky... she activated all of her arrows at once.

Allana: "Chimera: Thunderbird."

- With the named form, Allana's body began to transform rapidly, on her head growing a single horn that resembled that of a ram, her teeth turned into sharp fangs, on her back grew a second pair of blood-red wings, which were much larger than the other pair and finally her body was gushing electricity to every corner.

Allana: "Wings of Ramiel."

- Allana channeled all the lightning that was coming out of her body into her wings, then she flapped her wings towards Shanthi, who as soon as she finished the movement, released a huge gust of air that also had lightning stakes flying along with it.

- Shanthi who saw Allana's blow... froze, but not because the attack was scary... but because of the memories of pain that the lightning brought, so when the blows collided Shanthi was unable to maintain her technique, causing Allana's lightning blast to hit him squarely, leaving him unconscious.

- Allana, seeing that her attack had worked, smiled before fainting from exhaustion because of using too much energy to do the transformation and to charge the wings after that, being unconscious the transformation was canceled and she began to fall hard to the ground.

- With the two combatants unconscious and falling towards the ground, a third person saved them, being her... Smoker, who had been watching the fight since the beginning, since he was worried that Allana would get hurt against Shanthi, who had difficulty controlling the strength of her winds, as she was used to the thin air of Birka.

- With the two in his arms, Smoker took them to Kalev.

End of scene (Allana)

Scene change (Damian)

- As soon as Garp finished speaking, Damian began to observe all his possible opponents, but...

Damian: 'How strange... for some reason my gaze is being attracted to these two people... Esmé and Kalev... that in itself is not strange, after all my senses always warn me about strong people... but there is something wrong with them, especially Kalev... that glow that comes out of him... it is not normal... it does not seem like something that could hurt me, but even so there is something that seems mystical about it.'

- Then Damian started walking towards Kalev, ignoring the other person that his senses were warning him about, but in the middle of the way Damian bumps into someone.

Damian: "Sorry, if you'll excuse me."

- Going back to walking, Damian takes a few more steps before bumping into Damian again.

Damian: "Sorry b-"

Esmé: "Sorry my ass! I've been trying to talk to you for ages!"

Damian: "Oh Esmé, sorry, I was focused on something else, what do you need?"

- Looking closely, the feeling she gives off is also strange... but it's very different from Kalev's... Esmé seems like an impenetrable wall.

Esmé: "Let's fight!... Or were you thinking about fighting someone else?"

- As Esmé spoke, Damian watched her expression change from excited to depressed when she finished speaking, Damian looked in the direction Kalev was and saw Mirage with him.

Damian: "Tcharara~ looks like it's your unlucky day, Esmé."

Esmé: "Huh? What do you mean?"

- Damian gets into a fighting stance, in which he lets his upper body relax while doing footwork with his lower body.

Damian: "I'm going to fight you."

- Esmé gives a wide smile and also gets into a fighting stance, which resembles a boxing stance, specifically the peek-a-boo style, since Esmé had her hands very close to her jaw.

Esmé: "How can that be bad luck?"

Damian: "Tcharara~ you'll see!"

- As soon as Damian finished speaking, he approached Esmé, showing the height difference between the two, Damian in a single year grew to 2.57m, being almost a meter taller than the blue-haired girl.

Esmé: "You're pretty tall, huh?"

Damian: "Does that matter?"

Esmé: "Not at all! You'll get beaten up anyway! Heavy Boxing: Bullet And Canon! (Heavyweight Boxing: Bullet & Cannon)"

- With the two being close to each other, Esmé made the first move, she first jabbed with her left hand to Damian's stomach, who twisted downwards due to the impact of the punch, leaving him completely exposed to the right straight to the face, but when the punch connected with Damian's face, Esmé immediately retreated holding her hand with an expression of pain, but with a smile on her face.

Esmé: "*AH!* that hurts! What the hell is your head made of?!"

- Damian, during his new life, has had several experiences that he was never able to feel in his past life, such as being electrocuted several times by Mirage and Allana, being cut and impaled by Issho, but this tingling sensation now... no one has been able to, the closest to this sensation was when Damian danced, but even then it was very different... was that pain?

Damian: 'Those punches... did I feel them?... how FUN!!'

- With curiosity, Damian touched where it was tingling and realized it was his nose... it was bleeding, seeing his own blood, Damian gives a wide smile.

Damian: "My head? The problem here is your hand, what is it made of?"

- Ignoring the questions they asked each other, the two stared at each other for a few moments before starting to attack each other with everything.

Damian: "War Dance: March to Νίκη (Nike)."

Esmé: "Heavy Boxing: Meteor Shower."

- The two began to attack at the same time, Damian advanced with a wave of punches and kicks trying to get over Esmé, looking like a military march advancing to the battlefield.

- Being attacked from all sides, Esmé did not retreat, but instead took advantage of her height being much smaller than Damian's and advanced on him and began to launch several sequences of jabs, crosses, uppercuts and straight punches. Hina, who was watching the fight from afar, for a moment thought that Esmé's fists were creating a "tail" similar to a meteor.

Damian: "Tcharara~ I never thought anyone could handle it Νίκη in a one-on-one, you're tougher than you look!"

Esmé: "You too! I think this is the first time I've put in so much effort in a strength fight."

- Even though the force of these two's blows were enough to start creating a hole in the ground and shatter the air around them, neither of them were retreating or being pushed back, but that changed a few seconds later...

Esmé: "*cough* *cough* what's all that smoke?"

Damian: "*gasp* it's me... I've finally warmed up *gasp* so... second dance?"

Esmé: "I see... so that would be sweat smoke? But why is it red?"

Damian: "No... that's not sweat smoke... it's blood!"

- After performing his first dance: March to Νίκη, Damian's blood flow became so fast that his skin gained a blood red hue... looking like the skin of a demon and to complete this demonic look, red smoke was coming out of all his skin, which was made from the boiling of his blood inside his body that was boiling.

Damian: "War Dance: Road of Βία."

- Unlike the March to Νίκη, this dance was not intended to cross Esmé like in a march, but rather this one was to massacre Esmé in the most brutal way possible, first Damian took away Esmé's vision by enveloping her in smoke, then he began to attack in all directions, using all possible attacks, such as: punches, kicks, headbutts, knees, elbows and others.

Esmé: 'What am I doing? do I? He's too fast for Heavy, but if I go for Light... I won't be able to take a single punch...'

Damian: "What happened, Esmé? Can't you handle the violence of war?"

- 'She's planning something...'

Esmé: "But what if I try... that?"

- Damian: "That? So she has a card up her sleeve?'

- Being attacked from all sides, Esmé seemed like she couldn't react to Damian's increase in speed and strength, which would be correct if... he was hitting Esmé.

Damian: "That's strange... It's not connecting..."

Esmé: "What happened, Damian? Your blows aren't hitting me anymore? Rihihi~"

- 'I did it! But staying conscious while doing this... is fucking hard! Damn condition of use!!'

- Because of the fog, Damian couldn't see what Esmé was doing, so Damian tries to grab Esmé by the arms, emphasis on *tries*, after all when Damian's hands touch Esmé... they go through her.

Damian: "Wait?! My hand went through your body?! You're a Devil Fruit user?!"

- 'What Devil Fruit could give that kind of ability... Logia? No, if it were... I wouldn't have been able to hit her before...'

Esmé: "*uhum* I'm the user of the Mitsudo-Mitsudo no mi, in other words I'm a density woman!"

'I don't know how much longer I'll be able to take it... being intangible is very tiring and... keeping consciousness on the edge of the unconscious is.... unbearable!'

Damian: "Density... I see... so I know how to win!"

'How broken! But there has to be a disadvantage! Or a time limit... that's it!'

Esme: "Oh yeah? How?"

'He didn't find out... did he? Wait- no, it doesn't matter... I just can't stop thinking, otherwise... I won't be able to return to my normal density later...'

- Damian: "Tcharara~ I wonder which will last longer? My dance or your intangibility?"

- With a plan in mind, Damian continued his dance, but as expected, none of his attacks hit Esmé, this continued for a few moments until the blood smoke coming out of Damian stopped and with it his attack also ceased.

Damian: "Looks like my dance ended first... fuck."

- 'Shit... I'm thirsty... but I don't have time for this!'

Esmé: "So... a draw?"

- 'It's over...? That's great... I wouldn't be able to hold on for another moment!'

Damian: "Tchararararara~ no fucking way! Ending a fight in a draw is... TOO FRUSTRATING!!!"

Esmé: "Unfortunately..."

- 'He still has the energy to continue? What a monster... but he helped me become intangible, so...'


- Even with the two of them screaming so hard and excitedly, it was clear that they were at their limit...

Hina: 'Are they crazy? I don't even know how they're still standing... and are they still going to continue?'

- Watching this fight from the beginning, Hina was a little perplexed, after all the physical and mental state of those two was deplorable. After the end of their last dance, Damian's imposing demonic figure disappeared and was replaced by the image of a pale and dry person caused by the lack of blood in his body, but even with this appearance, Damian still managed to convey a sense of power, perhaps this feeling is coming from the movements of his...

Damian: "Dance... Of... War...: Conquest of Κράτος (Cratos)."

- And just like his other dances, this one was also completely different from the others and its difference was in Damian's muscles, which with each movement grew at a speed noticeable to the naked eye.

- On the other side, Esmé after all this fight, had bruises all over her body, but even so she clearly looked better than Damian, after all... right!? I think it's kind of impossible for someone to look worse than Damian now.

- But leaving that aside... the worrying thing about Damian's health was not in her physical state, but rather in her mental state, which was in pieces because of her Devil Fruit, which in order to activate it, Esmé needs to focus her mind to increase its density or disperse it to decrease its density, so because she had used intangibility, Esmé was almost fainting while standing and could only maintain consciousness through sheer determination.

Esmé: "Heavy Boxing: Great A'Tuin."

- Esmé just raised her guard as she received all of Damian's attacks, such blows that were so strong that they were leaving the mark of their fists and feet on Esmé's body, but even so Esmé was not showing any reaction, she was just waiting while looking directly into Damian's eyes.

Damian: 'Those eyes... I don't like them...'

Esmé: 'Just... a... little... more...'

- Noticing Esmé's eyes full of determination, Damian had a bad feeling about them, so he decided he wanted to finish her off as quickly as possible, so he increased the pace of the dance.

- With the accelerated pace, the muscle growth effect also accelerated and with more muscles... more *power* and this was seen from afar by Hina, who even though she was a considerable distance away from the two, she could still hear the sound of Esmé's bones being broken by Damian's blows.

Damian: 'Does she still have that look? Even with almost all her bones broken? How incredible... now I... want to finish her off!'

- Seeing Esmé's willpower, Damian became even more excited to continue fighting and this made him increase the pace of his dance even more, and this was what Esmé was waiting for...

- Because of Damian's increased pace, his attacks were making him swing a lot and in one of these swings, his head lowered too much, leaving him completely open for a blow... said and done, Esmé who was waiting for a moment like this, did not waste it.

Esmé: "Heavy Boxing: Amaterasu Counter."

- Using all the remaining energy she had, Esmé takes a step to fre-*crack* the moment she takes this step, her leg that was already broken by Damian's blows... bends in an unnatural way, but not caring about it, Esmé continues with her attack, using her broken leg as a base, Esmé throws an Overhand that hits full on but... *CRACK!!* The punch was so strong that the impact broke, not only Esmé's hand, but also the rest of her arm that was fractured by the blows Damian's blows and with no energy left, Esmé falls unconscious to the ground.

Hina: "His head..."

- However, Esmé was not the only one to feel the effects of this punch, Damian who received the punch directly in the face... had his neck completely turned in the opposite direction to normal, but even so he was still standing.

Hina, who was only watching from afar, went to see if the two were alive, first she went to see Damian, after all his fucking neck turned 180 degrees, but when she got to him...

Damian: "Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Hina: "Wa-wa-wait! What are you talking about!? Your neck is backwards!!"

Damian: "Oh right! I almost forgot about that..."

- Then Damian puts his hands on his head *crack* and turns it to the right direction.

Damian: "Before you ask, before receiving the punch, I dislocated my own neck so the bone wouldn't break and now I did the same thing to put it back in place."

Hina: "I get it..."

- 'Bizarre...'

Damian: "Now focus! I need you to take Esmé to a doctor, she has a lot of fractures and broken bones."

Hina: "And you? You're also all finished."

Damian: "Tcharara~ thanks for your concern, but before I go to the doctor, I need to go get some water, after all, burning all the blood in your body makes you thirsty."

- With that said, Damian started walking towards the HQ's water tank and in the meantime, Hina picked Esmé up and took her to Kalev who had already finished his fight and after that also went to report the fight to Garp.

- After a few seconds of walking, Damian leans against a tree.

Damian: "So this is the side effect of using Κράτος? Well... given the strength it provides... it even makes sense, my bones can't take it..."

- In case you, our dear reader, didn't understand, the Dance of War: Conquest of Κράτος, has a side effect because of the muscle growth it causes... Damian's bones couldn't handle so much force and were crushed by the muscles, turning them into shards.

Damian: "So this is what it feels like to have a broken bone... I never imagined that I would only have this experience in my second life... How strange, I thought it would hurt more..."

- Even with almost all of his bones in shards, Damian continued walking towards the water tank at HQ.

Damian: "There's only a little left..."

- And when he got there, Damian climbed to the top of the water tank and tore the roof of the tank, but when he was going to take the first sip of water... Damian's body falls into the tank, the reason?... his body started to melt...

End of scene (Damian)

Scene change (Mirage)

- Mirage didn't even need to think about who he was going to fight, after all, there was only one person besides him who used a sword. and this was...

Mirage: 'KALEV!'

- Having a target marked, Mirage calmly walked towards Kalev and when he reached him.

Mirage: "I want to fight you, and I hope you give it your all if you don't I'll tear your ass in half."

- Hearing this, Kalev remained expressionless, but inside his head a lot of images of angry little animals were passing by.

Mirage: "Are you going to answer or not, huh?!"

- Hearing Mirage's scream, Kalev came back from the moon world.

Kalev: "I'm sorry, I got a little distracted."

Mirage: "So? Are you going to accept?"

Kalev: "Yes, let's get this over with."

- Removing his katana from its sheath, Kalev enters his fighting stance and waits for Mirage.

Kalev: "Come."

- Not holding back, Mirage quickly takes his katanas out of their sheath and tries a vertical slash against Kalev who easily blocks.

Kalev: "What beautiful katanas, do they have a name?"

Mirage: "Name? What for?"

Kalev: "You don't know? And because names give power to things, an example would be my Ortzurugi."

Mirage: "I see... so the names of my katanas are: Stephanie and Judith!"

Kalev: "And what would be the meaning of these names?"

Mirage: "None! But yours must be: I am a know-it-all who has no friends."

Kalev: "It seems you still have a lot to learn, Ortzurugi means Sword of Light."

- Hearing the meaning of the name of Kalev's katana, Mirage takes a look at the sword, especially at its blade, which was pure white with some strange symbols, such as: a golden candelabra with blue flames, a kind of hand with a Star of David in its center and the strangest of all a symbol that Mirage did not know... (but don't worry, your great writer here will tell you what that symbol is... and it is... *drum sounds* an Ein Soph!! Now what is an Ein Soph?... Go look it up for yourself, you lazybones!)

- Now going back to the sword, the grip was made of a dark brown leather that seemed to be a little loose and underneath this leather, there was another symbol that could not be seen.

Mirage: "It kind of matches, but I think it's time to stop chatting, don't you agree?"

Kalev: "Agreed, brat."

- After this little discussion about sword names, Kalev with a blank expression kicks Mirage in the middle of the chest, who is dragged back.

Mirage: "*cough* disgr-"

- Before Mirage could recover from the kick, Kalev quickly advances and slashes at Mink, who barely manages to dodge.

Kalev: "Is that all? You challenge me, but you can barely dodge a simple blow like that? What a disappointment."

Mirage: "Disappointment...? You bastard! I'm going to make you eat those words through your ass!!"

- Normally this kind of provocation wouldn't work on Mirage, but there was one thing that was making him so pissed off and it wasn't the words... it was Kalev's expression, looking him up and down, as if he were an insect... this made Mirage so pissed off that his body started to release electro unconsciously.

Kalev: "Did I make the puppy angry?"

Mirage: "... Ascension: Current."

- Responding to the provocation with Sharp's technique, Mirage advanced like a current of lightning that tried to take Kalev's life to the Styx.

- Seeing the technique Mirage used, Kalev retreated while easily blocking the cuts, but that lasted... after all, the Ascension trick started to take effect, so Mirage's movements started to get faster and Kalev realized this, so...

Kalev: "What an interesting technique, but don't expect it to help you."

Kalev: "הירמתשא (Ishtamariya or Warrior of God):...."

- Before Mirage could finish his technique, Kalev moves away a little further than before, creating a small distance between the two and with this free space, Kalev puts his Ortzurugi back in its sheath.

- Seeing Kalev retreat, Mirage takes advantage of this and tries to attack, but...

Mirage: "Let's see if this is true! Ascension: Cach-"

- The moment Mirage was going to connect his cut, Kalev who was now millimeters from Mirage's katanas... disappeared and in his place a great white glow appeared crossing Mirage's body, this glow only stopped a few meters away from where Mirage was, revealing that this glow was Kalev.

Kalev: "הירמתשא (Ishtamariya or Warrior of God): לארק (Kerael or Cut of God)."

- As soon as Kalev said these words, he finished putting his katana in the sheath and in that moment in the background, Mirage who seemed to be completely paralyzed, out of nowhere on his body, a diagonal cut appeared in the middle of his chest and because of this damage, Mirage's katanas fell to the ground, followed by his body and Kalev thinking he won, started to leave.

Kalev: "It's like they say: ..."

- After receiving a deep cut, Mirage spits blood as he drops his katanas, almost unconscious.

- But Mirage quickly manages to recover from the damage and in a quick movement, Mirage kicks Stephanie (the katana) into the air and catches her in the air, then he turns to Kalev who was walking away.

Kalev: "A dog that barks a lot... doesn't bite."

- Hearing this lack of respect, Mirage energizes himself with electro again and then copies the posture of the blow that Kalev had just made.

Mirage: "*cough* oh yeah... so... woof woof you bastard!"

- Hearing Mirage's voice, Kalev turns to the boy as quickly as possible... but that wasn't enough, when Kalev finished turning the only thing he could see was a light blue glow with purple spots passing through it.

Mirage: "הירמתשא (Ishtamariya): לארק (Kerael)."

- And in the same way that Kalev had finished his attack, Mirage also finished his blow by putting his katana in its sheath, but unlike Mirage, Kalev barely reacted to the cut, he just looked in Mirage's direction, but his expression was no longer stoic, it was a mixture of surprise and anger.

Kalev: "*cough* how? *cough* How?! How did you do that?"

Mirage: "It was easy! Copying such a simple technique is child's play!"

- Hearing Mirage's answer, Kalev was left for a moment with a completely stunned expression.

Kalev: "Simple you say? So you want to know something?"

- The moment Kalev uttered this question, his expression did a 180° and changed to one of pure anger, and then he disappeared from where he was and appeared in front of Mirage.

Kalev: "I don't care if you come to bother me!"

- Quick as lightning, Kalev launched a vertical slash at Mirage, who barely managed to block it, but even so, Mirage's body received a lot of damage because of the force put into the slash, which caused Mirage to be thrown away and hit a wall.

Mirage: "*cough* *cough* disgr-"

- Before Mirage could finish speaking, Kalev again disappeared from where he was and reappeared in front of Mirage.

Kalev: "Either you make fun of me or my sword!"

- Because he was prepared this time, Mirage managed to block this attack properly, but again it wasn't enough for the strength Kalev was using, so Mirage was pushed against the wall he had been thrown against, until it broke... throwing Mirage to the other side of the wall, making an explosion of dust everywhere, leaving Mirage fallen on the ground wrapped in it.

Mirage: 'I can't keep up with him... I need more elec- no...! Wasting energy won't help me at all... I need to get into the flow again.'

- Then Mirage gets up and gets into a basic Ittoryu stance, then he closes his eyes and starts to concentrate on the electro that he had inside his body and different from what he was doing before.

Mirage: 'Like that time... no leaking, just let it flow.'

- This time Mirage didn't let all his energy leak out without control, instead he released it little by little, letting it flow first through his muscles, then through his bones, followed by his blood and nerves and ending in his brain.

Mirage: 'I did it! Now this guy is screwed!!'

- Even with his eyes closed, Mirage was already feeling the effects of the flow, his body as light as air, his muscles seemed like they could break rocks with ease and his senses were even sharper, even being able to hear the unfolding of Damian and Allana's fights, but...

Kalev: "BUT!"

- Hearing Kalev's voice, Mirage opens his eyes and this time he could see Kalev coming, even though he was still very fast, but compared to before, Mirage saw Kalev as if he were in slow motion.


- And once again, Kalev as soon as he finished speaking, he advanced at full speed to launch another attack at Mirage, who this time was perfectly seeing the entire trajectory of Kalev's blow and because of that, Mirage was able to block the blow correctly unlike the other times.

Mirage: "Is it over, Kalev?"

- Realizing that Mirage managed to react correctly this time, Kalev puts even more strength into his Ortzurugi, causing Mirage to be dragged in the opposite direction of the blow.

Kalev: "Is it over? I'm afraid not yet, after all you still have to find out what happens when you disrespect other people's techniques."

Mirage: "Oh yeah? And what happens? A sermon on respect?"

Kalev: "No... Divine Wrath, that's what happens."

- With these words, Kalev places his hand on the blade of his katana, which begins to glow a light green while what looked like vine designs appeared on the blade, wrapping it.

Kalev: "ןידה תנשוש (Shoshanat HaDin - Thorns of Judgment) may God forgive you, after all I will not go!"

- Seeing this chance, Mirage didn't waste it and tried to increase the speed of the flow, - which worked in parts, he managed to increase the power of the flow, but it was too much... Mirage's body began to burn inside because of the voltage and concentration of his electro, but that didn't stop Mirage from testing his new speed.

- In the blink of an eye, Mirage disappeared from where he was, leaving behind what looked like a copy of lightning that was quickly replaced by Mirage who had returned, but now they were with the two sisters (Judith and Stephanie), with them already in the Ascension posture.

Mirage: "Overcharged Electricity Flow: Storm Current."

- 'What's that glow? Akuma...? It doesn't matter, just don't let him use that thing freely.'

- Determined not to find out what the glow was, Mirage like a current of lightning, began to attack Kalev from every possible side, but unfortunately for Mirage, Kalev knew how to swim very well.

Kalev: "You really are very fast but that won't last long, after all the הָנָבֲה (Understanding) of God is with me."

- Receiving cuts from all sides, Kalev speaks these words and as soon as they leave his mouth, his eyes light up in a white flame and after that Kalev, in an almost mystical way, began not only to dodge Mirage's cuts, but also to counterattack these movements, causing small cuts on Mirage (if you paid close attention to the time Kalev cuts Mirage, you would see the vines that were on Kalev's blade, sneaking into Mirage's wounds).

Kalev: "YHWH... judge this heretic who desecrates your techniques, by replicating them without understanding your teachings."

- As he said these words, the cuts that Kalev made on Mirage began to glow, then from the wounds came a kind of tattoo of vines made of light that wrapped around Mirage's body, leaving him immobilized.

Mirage: "*Moving* what is this?! What did you do?!"

Kalev: "I didn't do anything... it was God who did it."

- Mirage: "again with this God talk! What are you? A shepherd?"

Kalev: "No, I am a warrior of God, I am your sword and I am the one who passes your judgment on the battlefield and your truth is..."

- At the end of his monologue, Kalev takes his Ortzurugi that was no longer wrapped in vines, then Kalev stabs his katana into Mirage's shoulder, who just lets out a grunt of pain.

Kalev: "Death."

- As he says this word, the katana that was stuck in Mirage begins to glow to the point that it was basically impossible to look at it without going blind, but that wasn't the strangest thing about this scene, but rather Mirage's body that has been spasming since the katana started to glow and Kalev with a smile looking at him without caring about the light emanating from his Ortzurugi.

- Out of nowhere, Anya appears with her two swords stuck against Kalev's neck, who couldn't even react, he just let go of his katana that stopped glowing and then raised his hands in surrender.

Kalev: "Alright, he's already answered for his heresy."

- After the sword stopped glowing, Mirage's body also stopped spasming and fell hard to the ground. Anya saw this and let go of Kalev and went to Mirage's side, who was completely limp on the ground.

Anya: "Damn... I should have stopped this fight before..."

- Then Anya picked up Mirage and prepared to go to the nurse, but before she could take a step, Kalev: "It won't be necessary to take him to the nurse."

Anya: "What are you talking about? He needs medical attention."

Kalev: "I won't be able to heal her completely, because I've already used a lot of energy today, but I'll do the best I can."

- Hearing the question, Kalev's expression returned to its empty form, then he placed his hands on the blade of his katana, which begins to glow a light green while what looked like vine designs appeared on the blade, wrapping it.

Kalev: "האופר (Refuá)."

- Without saying a word, Kalev just approached Mirage, removed his katana from the boy's shoulder and placed his hand over the cut on the boy's chest. The next moment, Kalev's hand began to glow a golden hue, and as soon as that glow reached Mirage's wound...

Anya: "What?! How is this possible?!"

Kalev: "This is the האופר (Refuá/Healing) of YHWH (God)."

- Anya couldn't believe her own eyes, as soon as that glow left Kalev's hands, all the wounds that had been inflicted on Mirage began to close at a surprising speed.

Anya: "Impressive..."

Seeing Anya's amazed face, Kalev takes a book from his pocket and with a smile on his face, he begins tospeak

Kalev: "Yeah! Isn't it?! If you want, I can-"

Smoker: "Hey Kalev, I have two idiots here who need your help"

Being cut off in the middle of his attempt at religious conversion, Kalev turns to Smoker, who was carrying Allana and Shanthi, seeing this, Kalev just signals for Smoker to put the two near him

Kalev: "What are their injuries?"

Smoker: "Light, just a few scratches, and you? The boy seems to have caught you badly."

Hearing the question, Kalev's expression returned to its empty form, then he placed his hands on Shanthi and Allana's bodies.

Kalev: "האופר (Healing)... he was just lucky that I got distracted..."

Smoker: "That's what you say... but your injuries say something else."

Ignoring Smoker, Kalev, who had finished healing the two, turns to Anya.

Kalev: "Continuing, Anya, do you want to learn the word of YHWH?"

Seeing Kalev's excited reaction, Anya just expresses a small smile.

Anya: "I appreciate the offer, but I have to decline."

Hearing Anya's answer, Kalev's expression returns to its usual empty form and then he uses his power to heal himself, leaving him visually tired, so he just lay down on the nearest backrest.

Kalev: "I'm going to rest a little."

Seeing Kalev lie down, Anya turned to Smoker.

Anya: "Where do you think Damian is?"

Smoker: "When were you coming?" here, I passed by him, he was fighting"

Anya: "seriously? Who was he fighting? Rose or Blue?"

Smoker: "he was fighting Esme"

'Blue? Rose? That's great... another weirdo...'

Anya: "so it was Blue... Damian chose well... she's a Devil Fruit user, right?"

Smoker: "*Surprise* how did you find out?"

Anya: "it was actually quite simple, I just had to look at her 'aura', it was especially easy because she's strong"

Smoker: "what do you mean?"

Anya: "have you never had that feeling? Of looking at a person and feeling an atmosphere coming off them, it's usually easier when the person is strong"

Smoker: "hmm... maybe at the execution of the pirate king"

Anya: "so you met Roger? I'm jealous, but then what was his aura like?

Smoker: "It's hard to explain, but... he looked imposing, even in death... as if nothing could topple his crown."

Anya: "It must have been quite a sight."

Smoker: "And it was."

Anya: "Leaving that aside, do you want to know what aura comes out of you?"

Smoker: "No, instead, tell me how you see this 'aura' so easily?"

Anya: "I think I can be divided into two categories: those who acquire it through experience, I fall into that category, and those who are born seeing it."

Smoker: "Who falls into the second type?"

Anya: "Damian."

Smoker: "Only him?"

Anya: "I think so, after all those two (pointing to Mirage and Allana) never showed that they were able to see the aura."

Smoker: "Interesting..."

Anya: "Leaving that talk aside..."

Smoker: "What?"

Anya: "Who do you think will win? I'll bet five thousand on Damian."

Smoker: "You have a lot of confidence in the boy, don't you? Then I'll cover the bet and bet ten thousand on Esme to win."

Anya: "Deal."

Sealing the bet with a handshake, the two then waited while chatting. After waiting for so long, Anya and Smoker hear a scream from a familiar voice


Smoker: "HINA! HERE!"

Being woken up by the screams, Kalev jumps up and starts looking in all directions

Kalev: "Um... what? Where?"

Having heard Smoker's scream, Hina follows his voice and when she gets there...

Kalev: "What happened to her?"

Hina: "She was fighting Damian"

Anya: "He overdid it again"

The three saw the state of Esme who was being carried by Hina, Esme was full of bruises, broken bones and marks of punches and kicks engraved on her body

Kalev: "I won't be able to heal her completely, because I've already used a lot of energy today, but I'll do the best I can"

Hina: "That's good..."

Then, Kalev began to heal Esme as much as he could, meanwhile, Hina approached Anya and Smoker who were having a small argument

Anya: "Well... I guess I won the bet"

Smoker: "*tsk* here"

Hearing Anya's proclamation, Smoker just clicked his tongue as he took money out of his wallet

Hina: "What are you guys doing?"

Hearing Hina's voice, Anya quickly turns to her, with an expression between worried and angry

Anya: "Hina, right? Can I ask you a question?"

Hina: "Sure."

Anya: "Where's Damian?"

Hina: "Him? Hmmm... he said something about needing to drink water."

Hearing Damian's location, Anya simply started running towards the water tank.

Anya: "Thanks!"

Seeing Anya running, Smoker and Hina stare at each other.

Hina: "So... are you going to tell what you were doing?"

Getting close to the water tank, Anya could already see the hole that Damian made at the top of the structure

Anya: "Thank goodness I won the bet... paying for a new water tank will cost a bit"

Then Anya got to the top of the water tank and inside she saw Damian who was sleeping at the bottom of the tank that was now empty, but there was something strange about Damian... his color no longer seemed that pale from lack of blood, but instead he seemed completely normal, as if he had never used the War Dance, but even so he was covered in bruises

Anya: "sleeping like that, it doesn't even look like he's a devil in the shape of a kid"

With that said, Anya goes down to where Damian was and then she picks him up by the scruff of the neck and then takes him to where the rest of the people were and after leaving him there, Hina, Smoker and Anya went to give a report of the fights to Garp

Garp: "bwahahaha~ I never thought that three kids could cause so much trouble, for the great 'new hopes of the Navy'"

Anya: "So, did they succeed, sir?"

Garp: "A promise is a promise, so as soon as they're on the ship, we'll set sail."

With these words said, the three who went to make the report went to get those who were resting and put them on Garp's ship, thus leaving for the Navy's main HQ.

To Be Continued

In the next chapter

On an island engulfed in war, in a small destroyed city, there is a child with small wings and scales, he is creating a circle full of symbols on the ground

?????: "I hope this time it works!"

At that moment he places his hands on the ground near the circle and when the boy's small hands touch the ground, a glow comes out of the symbols and as soon as the glow goes out, the boy starts to laugh while


?????: "Hahahahaha finally I did it... I did it, dad... I hope you're proud of me, dad."

In the place where the circle was, there was now a small horse made of earth...