Chapter 1: Island Day!
The morning sunlight filtered through Max's window, catching his flame-colored hair as he tried to steady his breathing. The dream had felt more real this time, more urgent. Looking in the bathroom mirror, he studied his reflection - a fourteen-year-old boy with unusual hair that seemed to shimmer like actual fire in the right light. Dark circles under his eyes testified to his late night working on his friend's hydro bike, but there was something else there too - a glimpse of something ancient in his young features that hadn't been there before.
"Chosen one," he muttered to himself, wiping his face with a damp cloth. The words felt strange on his tongue, yet somehow familiar, like a half-remembered song from childhood. The voice in his dream had spoken of Elohim, the God of Creation, and a destiny he needed to accept or reject. But what destiny? And why him?
Through his open window came the distant sound of hydro bikes humming across the waters surrounding Shuratown. On any other morning, he'd be rushing to join his siblings and the Tokyoheim twins, eager to test his latest mechanical modifications. But today felt different. The same dream seven nights in a row couldn't be a coincidence.
As he got dressed, Max's mind wandered back to fragments of memories he could never quite piece together - flashes of a burning city, a dome of flame-colored energy, the sensation of being carried through darkness. He'd asked his parents about these images before, but they always changed the subject, their eyes carrying a weight he couldn't understand.
The voice in his dream had spoken of a "time of reckoning" approaching. Looking out his window at the peaceful waters of Guerrin, it was hard to imagine anything disturbing this tranquil morning. The small island nation had been his home for as long as he could remember, its mixture of American and Israeli influences creating a unique culture that had always felt welcoming and safe.
But lately, even in this paradise, there had been whispers. Stories of Sylverant's growing influence in other nations, of strange occurrences and darker days. His parents tried to shield him from such talk, but he'd noticed how they tensed up whenever Sylverant was mentioned in the news.
A knock at his bedroom door interrupted his thoughts. "Max! Are you finally awake?" It was Colbert, his younger brother. "Everyone's waiting! We're supposed to go to the beach today, remember?"
The beach. Right. It was Friday, and they had plans. Max looked at his reflection one last time, noting how the morning sun made his eyes seem to glow like embers. The weight of the dream still pressed on him, but perhaps a day with his siblings and friends was exactly what he needed to clear his head.
"Yeah, I'm coming!" he called back, but paused for a moment longer at the mirror. "A choice," he whispered, remembering the dream's words. Something told him that choice would be coming sooner than he thought.
The mechanical genius in him wanted to dismiss these dreams as nothing more than an overactive imagination fueled by too many late nights tinkering with hydro bikes. But another part of him, a part that felt older than his fourteen years, knew better. These dreams were a calling, and sooner or later, he would have to answer.
Max finished washing up and returned to his room, settling on his bed as he tried to properly wake up. A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts, followed by a familiar voice.
"Big brother? Are you awake now?"
It was his younger sister, Mist. Max smiled and waved for her to enter, unsurprised when she was accompanied by both Tokyoheim twins and Colbert. Mist Dragonblade, with her fuchsia-purple hair, was the youngest of the three Dragonblade children at age 12. Though she'd mostly outgrown her childlike way of speaking, traces remained—likely due to the soft spot she held for her eldest brother. The twins with her, Hoko and Honoo, were both 11 years old.
"I was beginning to wonder when you'd ever wake up," Colbert said. As the middle child of the Dragonblade siblings, Colbert's comment made Max wonder just how long the four of them had been awake.
"How long have you guys been awake? And... when did Hoko and Honoo come over?" Max asked, his voice still groggy from his sudden awakening.
The four younger kids exchanged uncertain glances before Mist finally answered, "Well... We've been awake for at least a few hours while you slept. You were pretty tired so we didn't want to wake you so early."
This caught Max's attention. "Wait... so if you don't mind me asking... How late is it anyways?"
Before Mist could answer, Colbert cut in. "Say bro, I have to get going now. I promised to help mister Smith with some errands today, so I'll catch ya later." He headed out as the other three kids waved goodbye.
Max cleared his throat, drawing the attention of Mist and the Tokyoheim twins. "Well?" he pressed.
The three children shared another look, seeming to come to a silent agreement. Mist decided to be as direct yet polite as possible, though sweat ran down the back of her head as she spoke.
"Well... I think it's about 11 a.m. right now. So... I believe we woke up at around 8:30 give or take?" She could already anticipate how Max would respond to this news.
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" Max exclaimed, tumbling off his bed onto the floor. The twins winced at the impact. While his comical overreaction to oversleeping was amusing, the fall looked painful. His panic was understandable though—he'd promised his best friend Skyye he'd visit her around 12:30.
"Shoot! I have to get ready, so uh... Wait downstairs will you? I'll be as quick as I can!" Max hurriedly announced.
Before heading downstairs with the twins, Mist hesitated. "Look Bro, I know it's your birthday and all but I was wondering..." she trailed off.
"Yes?" Max replied while frantically gathering his things.
"You think I could come with you when you go and visit Skyye today? You did promise me last time," Mist asked.
"Sure you can come with," Max answered. The twins opened their mouths to ask, but Max beat them to it. "And don't worry, Hoko and Honoo, we've already got permission from your folks to take you with us." Both twins smiled and fist-pumped before following Mist downstairs.
Five minutes later, Max was ready, and the four of them headed out. They made their way to the docks to find a spot for Max's hydro bike he'd been fixing. It would get them to Kratos Island much faster than a boat. After confirming they had enough fuel, all four hopped on, holding onto Max as he started the bike and sped off toward the island.
As they took off, Mist remembered they hadn't picked up anything for Skye. "Don't worry Mist, we'll pick up some things once we get to the island alright? It shouldn't be that long anyways, we'll be there in like 20 minutes," Max assured her.
Mist had gotten Max a present too—he was turning 15 today, after all. Though she was clearly a girl at heart, Mist wasn't interested in typical feminine pursuits. She enjoyed shopping occasionally, but dresses, makeup, and most feminine things didn't appeal to her like they did to most girls. She attributed this to growing up on their somewhat remote island, which lacked the fashion and feminine offerings of larger countries. People considered her a tomboy, mostly because she spent so much time with her brothers.
She'd remembered to bring Skyye's present that she and Max had made together, much to Max's relief. He increased the hydro bike's speed as they continued toward the distant island. The journey was mostly quiet except for the twins' occasional chatter. Finally, they reached the shores of Kratos Island. The twins gazed in amazement, having never visited before.
"Welcome to Kratos Island, Hon'oo and Houkoh," Max announced.
Max and Mist waved the twins over, and together the four of them walked toward the island's center. As they made their way to the epicenter, a lone ship materialized in the distance—a Sylverant airship on a reconnaissance mission.
Inside, soldiers paced back and forth, performing various maintenance duties while the pilots and captain oversaw operations from the cockpit. A tall, imposing figure approached—clad head to toe in steel gray and black armor, his face concealed behind a helmet that disguised his true voice. This was Toshimori Torrah, Emperor Tenguu's General of the Right and former member of the 6 Great Clans.
As he reached the cockpit, his attention caught on four figures visible through the ship's surveillance scopes. An eyebrow raised beneath his helmet.
"Captain... Who are those four brats there?" Toshimori asked.
The captain nervously brought up a screen before the general. "The taller two are Maxwell Dragonblade and Mist Dragonblade, eldest son and youngest daughter of the Black Demon Hunter and the Crimson Maiden respectively."
Toshimori seemed to mentally file away this information before nodding. "And the other two?"
Following the same sequence, the captain pulled up what information he had on the twins. "The other two are twins, in fact. Hoko and Honoo Tokyoheim."
"Tokyoheim? Ah... I see... So they're Reynar's children?" Toshimori mused. The captain nodded as Toshimori swiped the information screens aside, then settled into a chair that rose from the floor. He reopened the screens displaying the children's information.
"Continue to monitor the island with your drones out of sight. I want to see what these brats are made of. If they are who I think they are, I'd like to test their strength," Toshimori commanded.
"Yes, right away General!" the captain responded, prompting a dark chuckle from Toshimori.
"Well, well... It looks as if we've finally found you, Dragonblade," he thought aloud. "I wonder... Just how strong are you really?"
Back on the island, the four made their way into the small town to pick up supplies for their visit to Skyye. While it was primarily a grocery run for their meal at the Blacksmith's home, Mist and the Tokyoheim twins couldn't resist browsing the various shops. The stores' close proximity allowed Max to keep watch over the younger adolescents from a central spot—he took his role as the eldest seriously.
The three younger kids marveled at the size of Guerinville. Though it couldn't compare to the cities they'd heard about, it was impressively large for what was supposed to be a small island village.
Mist offered to help her older brother with the shopping. While Max was initially reluctant, his sister's mischievous "proposal" quickly changed his mind.
"Maybe I should tell Skyye how you really feel about her... Hmm?" Mist teased, catching the Tokyoheim siblings' attention.
"Max, you like Skyye, don't you?" Honoo asked with a knowing smirk.
Oblivious to the implications, Max answered honestly. "Well yeah, of course I like her. We wouldn't be as good of friends as we are otherwise."
His naive response earned mischievous grins from both Mist and Honoo. A nervous bead of sweat rolled down the side of his head as he began to realize what they were implying.
Hoko looked at Max with genuine curiosity, not quite catching on to what his sister and Mist were suggesting.
"Oh, big brother doesn't just like Skyye, he *really* likes her. As in he has a crush on her," Mist explained with a mischievous chuckle.
Hoko raised an eyebrow, looking to Max for confirmation. He began to sweat, coughing nervously several times.
"I'm sure I have no idea what those two mean. Me and Skyye are just best friends, we're not... like that. It isn't like what they're saying," Max protested, his slight perspiration betraying his discomfort.
He couldn't understand why everyone seemed to think he and Skyye were an "item." In his mind, they were just best friends—nothing more, nothing less, despite what others said. If anything, he thought, it might be the other way around... but he quickly dismissed that notion. There was no way Skyye viewed him that way.
Refocusing on their task, he told them to drop the topic so they could finish getting what they needed. Once their shopping was complete, they headed out toward the Blacksmith's house.
Ten minutes later, they arrived at the Blacksmith's house. After leaving Skye's repaired hydro bike on the porch, they knocked and were greeted by Skye's parents and grandfather. The four apologized for their tardiness, explaining their delayed departure from home.
Moments later, Skye entered the room in her wheelchair. Her auburn hair flowed to her mid-back, complementing her orange-hazel eyes and darker tanned skin. She wore a violet long-sleeved shirt paired with blue jean shorts. Bandages wrapped around her legs and neck—a reminder of her accident from a few months ago that caused everyone's eyes to soften. Her face lit up at the sight of the Dragonblade and Tokyoheim siblings.
"Max, Mist, oh and you brought Hoko and Honoo too!" Skye exclaimed excitedly.
Mist hung back shyly—this was her first time meeting Skye in person. The Tokyoheim siblings shared this first meeting, though they displayed considerably less nervousness than Mist.
"Mist, this is Skye. And Skye, this is my youngest sister, Mist," Max made the introduction. The fuchsia and violet-haired girl's nervousness was understandable; she'd rarely met anyone outside her usual circle of family and the Tokyoheims. After what felt like an endless moment of awkward silence, she finally spoke.
"I-It's nice to m-meet you Skye," Mist stammered.
Skye responded with a warm smile. "I've heard your brother talk about you, but it's a pleasure to finally meet you Mist. And can I just say, you're even more adorable than I thought you'd be?" She turned to Max with a playful look. "You never told me that your little sister would be this cute."
Max merely shrugged, unsure how to respond. Despite concerned looks from the Blacksmith family, he assured them Mist would eventually warm up to them. His assurance proved unnecessary—Mist took to them immediately. She had always been a good judge of character when meeting new people, and though initially shy, she became more comfortable as the day progressed. She found herself engaged in pleasant conversations with the elder members of the Blacksmith family, much to Max's relief. He had worried she might remain quiet and awkward around Skye's family the entire time.
Even Hoko and Honoo found their place, getting to know the Blacksmith family better through their conversations. The initial awkwardness of new meetings had given way to the warmth of budding friendships.
Lunch and The Great Bacon Battle
A short while later, everyone gathered for the meal and cake, with even the Tokyoheim siblings eagerly anticipating lunchtime. Skye's Grandfather led them in prayer.
"Elohim, our Lord, savior, and provider, we thank you for the abundance of food prepared before us. We count ourselves fortunate to be among family and good friends as we bless this food, as well as our time together in celebration. To you be honor, thanks, and glory in how we conduct ourselves and how we live our lives... Amen."
"Amen!" the group chorused.
Needing no further encouragement, everyone—particularly the males—dove ravenously into the food. The celebration was filled with stories and laughter, until it devolved into an all-out race for the remaining portions. Several tug-of-wars broke out over the last bits of meat and potatoes, initiated, unsurprisingly, by the males.
Then came the battle for the **last** pieces of bacon.
Max, Hoko, and both male Blacksmiths locked eyes in a fierce standoff.
"Excuse me young man, who said you could have that?" Skyye's dad challenged with a glare.
Max responded with a smirk. "Forgive me, sir Blacksmith, but I believe this bacon your wife so carefully made was fair game, was it not?"
As they glared at each other, two more hands reached for the precious remaining strips, redirecting their attention to the new challengers. Words were abandoned in favor of intense glares.
While the Blacksmiths treated it as amusing entertainment, Max and Hoko took the matter with deadly seriousness. Skyye watched nervously, a bead of sweat rolling down her face. She knew what was coming but was powerless to prevent it.
"They're not seriously going to—" her thought was cut short as Max and Hoko erupted into a comical skirmish over the final piece of bacon.
The battle devolved into a cartoonish dust cloud, causing everyone to burst into laughter at the absurdity. When the dust settled, Max emerged victorious, triumphantly devouring the contested meat. After the two combatants were made to clean up the aftermath of their "Bacon Scuffle," it was time for the main event: cake and gifts. Fortunately, everyone had their fill of cake without any further battles, and then the presents were brought out.
Skye's parents were first to present their gift, asking their daughter to close her eyes and hold out her hands—a familiar birthday tradition. "Okay Skye, you can open your eyes now," they said softly.
When the auburn-haired girl looked, she gasped in awe at the new clothes before her. The significance of this gift wasn't lost on her; her parents' poverty meant new clothes were a rare luxury. Knowing they had sacrificed something in their own lives just to see her smile moved her to tears. She embraced them, crying tears of joy.
"Th-Thank you, mom and dad! You two are the best! I love you both so much..." Skye managed through her tears.
Her grandfather stepped forward next, presenting her with new shoes, a bracelet, and ruby-shaped earrings. "Thank you, Grandpa!" Skye exclaimed, elated. He responded with a warm chuckle and embraced his granddaughter.
Honoo and Hoko's gift came next—hair ties crafted from seashells they'd discovered on the beach days earlier. Skye marveled at their beauty, thanking the Tokyoheim twins sincerely.
Finally, it was Max and Mist's turn. "Here, Skye. This is from both Mist and myself. To be honest we weren't really sure what to give you so uh... We decided to make something instead," Max said, handing over their present.
Skye's anticipation mounted as she unwrapped the gift from her **best friend**. She gasped with delight as she revealed a beautifully crafted homemade necklace. The seashells adorning it particularly caught her eye—Max knew well how much she loved the beach. At its center hung a locket, perfect for holding a picture of someone special to her.
Unable to contain her joy, she wheeled over to both siblings and pulled them into an excited embrace. "I love it! Thank you both!" she exclaimed, her happiness evident in every word.
The scene opens with Mist having fallen asleep, leaving Max and the Tokyoheim siblings alone with Skye and her family. During their conversation, Max compliments Skye's necklace, immediately becoming embarrassed afterward. His face turns red as he frantically apologizes, thinking he'd said something inappropriate to his friend.
Skye laughs at his behavior, assuring him, "Max, you can calm down already. You didn't say anything weird, just chill out okay?" She notices his flushed face and asks with concern, "Are you sure you're okay, Max? You're a little red in the face there."
Max nods frantically, trying to avoid further questioning about his reddened face. Meanwhile, Hokoh and Hon'oo snicker knowingly, earning a glare from Max who warns them through clenched teeth, "Not. another. Word." Despite being wheelchair-bound, Skye remains skeptical and seems determined to uncover what Max is hiding.
About two hours later, Mist awakens from her nap. "Brother, how long was I... (yawns) asleep for?" she asks. Max informs her it's been about two hours but assures her it's fine, acknowledging that as his younger sister, she needs more rest.
Mist apologizes, "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep like that on you all brother." Max affectionately ruffles her hair, responding, "Hey no worries, little sis. You couldn't help it if you were just tired, so it's fine."
Just as Mist begins to thank everyone, something extraordinary happens – her body starts to glow as another soul possesses her. She levitates into the air, surrounded by bright light. "Mist!!!" Max cries out in panic, drawing the attention of the Tokyoheim twins and Skye's family. Despite everyone's efforts, including Skye's, they fail to calm the hysterical Max.
Then, a voice speaks through Mist – one that's older and more mature than his sister's. The voice calls out "Chosen Hero..." It's familiar to Max, reminiscent of voices from his recent dreams. Confused and wary, Max responds with uncertainty, "Uh.. y-yeah?"
The voice identifies itself: "My name... Is Esther and I've come to help you." Still concerned about his sister's wellbeing, Max demands, "Where's Mist? Is my sister alright?!"
Esther responds carefully, "Do not worry, young man. I can assure you that your sister is quite safe. She is... merely sleeping at the moment." This explanation helps calm Max down. Though initially skeptical about trusting Esther, Max feels an inexplicable inner sense telling him to trust this being, and ultimately decides to do so.
As if she read his thoughts, she then continued. "Chosen hero… Maxwell Dragonblade, you must protect the earth and its people. A great and ancient evil has returned to the earth and threatens to destroy the planet.," Esther warned him.
Max was a little bit puzzled at the news. A "great evil"? What did she mean by that? And.. What about protecting earth and its people from this evil? It didn't quite make sense to him. Almost as if she sensed what his question would be, she answered it. She continued.
"The evil I speak of is a hybrid fusion of a Demon Lord and a human being in human form. The Demon I speak of is the reincarnation or the vessel of Hades himself, Tenguu Sylverant.," Esther answered.
After he heard Esther's answer, it occurred to him that he'd heard that particular name somewhere before. It was then that the boy realized that Tenguu was the one responsible for the 'coup d'etat' which brought him to power 10 years ago. Tenguu was the reason why they had to flee Sylverant a decade ago and why in a single night so many people were hurt and killed during that attack.
Esther seemed to have picked up on the fact that Max remembered where he'd heard the name Tenguu before. It was evident due to what she said next.
"Young heroes… the time has come for your latent abilities to be reawakened.," She said.
Skye's family was a bit concerned about that and asked Esther what exactly she meant by her words .She told them it wasn't anything bad and not to worry so much about it.
"I am merely reawakening the latent powers within these young men and women.," she said, reassuring them. This brought Skye's family a bit more comfort, but they were still just a little bit concerned.
Out of curiosity they asked: "What do you mean by latent powers and abilities?" She immediately answered.
"Max, Skye, Hon'oo, and Hokoh aren't normal humans, their powers were sealed when they were young. Their abilities have remained dormant inside of them, until the moment they would need them. That moment is now.," Esther told them.
Max's mind raced with memories of that fateful night a decade ago - the screams, the chaos, the sudden darkness that consumed their homeland of Sylverant. Now Tenguu Sylverant, the very architect of that destruction, had returned. And somehow, he and his companions were meant to stop this threat.
"Wait," Max interrupted, his voice trembling slightly, "You're saying we have... powers? Sealed powers?"
Esther nodded, her silver-streaked hair catching the moonlight that filtered through the window.
"Not just powers, Maxwell. Ancestral abilities passed down through generations. Abilities that have waited precisely for this moment."
Skye, who had been listening intently, stepped forward. "What kind of abilities?" Her eyes gleamed with a mixture of fear and excitement.
"Each of you carries a different elemental essence," Esther explained. "Hon'oo embodies the sea spirit, Hokoh channels ice or Frost, Skye represents wind or Storm, the very wrath of the heavens themselves, and you, Max, are connected to the rarest of elements: The Holy/White or Plasma element itself."
Hon'oo, a lean young girl with sharp features, crossed her arms. "This sounds like something out of a legend. How can we be certain?"
Esther's eyes flickered with an ancient wisdom. "Because Tenguu's return is not just a threat to our world - it's a prophecy that has been waiting to unfold. The seal on your powers was not just protection, but preparation."
A shadow passed over Esther's face. "Then the world falls. Tenguu will consume everything - not just land and life, but the very essence of existence itself."
The room fell silent, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air. Max looked at his companions - Skye, Hon'oo, and Hokoh - and saw the same mix of uncertainty and resolve reflected in their eyes.
Their ordinary lives had just been irrevocably changed. The journey to understand their powers, to confront Tenguu, and to save their world was about to begin.
The blinding light slowly receded, and Max felt a surge of energy coursing through his body. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced - a connection to something ancient and powerful, like roots digging deep into the earth, drawing strength from the ground itself. Max was surprised at the power he felt coursing through his body. Though this was his first time consciously feeling such power, it somehow felt.. oddly familiar. It was like… he'd known this feeling before…
"Is.. this.. My power?,"Max asked slightly stunned.
Esther watched intently, her expression a mixture of satisfaction and concern.
"The element you possess young one is quite rare, be sure to nuture and Strengthen it as the power grows with you."
Hon'oo stepped forward, her body glowing a faint blue hue as Esther repeated the action with her. While this was happening, Max was still reveling in the power that now coursed through him.
"I feel like I could do anything with this!," Max said excitedly.
Skye had a sinking feeling that Max was about to do something really dumb, considering how excited he was about his new power. Sure enough, her gut feeling was spot on. Max tried to test the sturdiness of the floor… only to break the floor, and proceed to fall through to the basement with a giant thud. Everyone winced as he landed with a "BOOM!" in the basement.
"I'm alright…,"He called back up.
The shockwave however caused a giant wave taller than the trees to wash over their beach house, soaking everyone and shooting out of the other side of the house. If one was watching outside it would have seemed to be rather comical. Max somehow was the only one not to get soaked by the giant water wave. As he climbed back up from the basement,he reached the top floor only to be met by an irate Skye.
Unnoticed by the furious girl, Max lost his balance as she yelled at him making the unfortunate boy tumble all the way back down into the basement… again.. After seeing him fall through the floor and into the basement again, Skye couldn't help but to laugh. This in turn, caused everyone else to laugh as well.
Hokoh, whose powers were based on Ice and Frost, tried to maintain a serious expression, but even he couldn't help but chuckle at Max's misadventure. Hon'oo was practically doubled over, tears of laughter streaming down her face.
"Well," Esther, currently possessing Mist's body, said while clearing her throat and attempting to regain some semblance of dignity, "I see we have quite a bit of training to do."
Max, whose Holy/Plasma-based abilities were still new to him, crawled back up the stairs, his face a mixture of embarrassment and confusion. "I thought my powers meant I'd be more... controlled," he mumbled.
Skye, with her Wind/Storm elemental powers, was still giggling as she helped him up. "Apparently, new powers don't automatically mean perfect control," she teased.
Hon'oo, wielding the Water/Sea element, wiped away a tear of laughter. "I can't wait to see what happens when you try to use your powers in an actual serious situation."
Later after everyone was dry, it was now Skye's turn. She knew what to do after watching Max and the twins in the interim as everyone was drying the water from their clothes from earlier. After Skye had her forehead touched, a violent wind swept through the house and subsided shortly after. Skye looked at her hands, but also noticed something else… she could stand on her own two feet!
"I'm better?," She asked, surprised and happy.
"Yes child, it was never meant for you to be crippled.Your latent abilities have restored your ability to walk.," Esther informed the girl.
The Blacksmith family was overjoyed at this revelation, their daughter had been crippled since a near fatal accident half a decade ago took her ability to walk away from her. But now, she could walk and run again!
"I can see what you mean by what you must have felt, Max! This power… is incredible!," Skye said elated.
After Skye had gotten used to power flowing through her being, Esther spoke up again. She reminded Max about what he should do next. He had to assemble a team of fellow Demon Slayers to stop Tenguu and his dark army's plans.
"What you ultimately decide to call yourselves is up to you. I would advise you to pick a name that helps you to stand out. A name that will distinguish you from the other guilds of individuals like yourselves.," Esther told them.
Max took everything Esther had said into consideration. After he'd heard Esther through, he asked her if she could return his sister to them.
The soft groan from the corner drew their attention. Mist's physical body was there, but her spirit remained asleep while Esther's essence currently inhabited it. Her eyes - currently reflecting Esther's ancient wisdom rather than Mist's own spirit - slowly opened.
"Your powers are raw, untamed," Esther spoke through Mist's body, her voice carrying a weight that didn't quite match the young girl's appearance. "Each of you represents a different elemental essence, and each will require precise control and understanding."
The others exchanged glances - Max with his Holy/Plasma abilities, Hon'oo with Water/Sea, Hokoh with Ice/Frost, Skye with Wind/Storm, and the currently dormant Mist, whose Crimson-based powers remained a mystery.
"When will Mist's true spirit awaken?" Max asked, still brushing debris from his earlier mishap.
Esther's eyes - Mist's eyes - seemed to look far beyond the room.
"Soon," she said cryptically. "Very soon."
Esther, having nothing else to say to them agreed of course. As promised Esther closed her eyes and returned Mist to the other teens. Before Esther left, she reminded Max that he'd have to pay a little trip back to his Master, the twins' father, Reynar. Like the teens themselves were now, he was also a Demon Slayer. Just like a cloud, the light faded and Mist was indeed herself again. Mist was confused as she looked kind of.. lost.
"Uh… brother, what.. Happened to me? And why are my hands tingling?," She asked.
Mist obviously didn't even remember what happened to her. Max filled her in on what happened and that somehow Esther had unsealed and reawakened her dormant Demon Slaying abilities.
"So.. in other words, I'm just like you guys are now?," she inquired, curiously.
Max , Skye, Hoko, and Nizumè all nodded in response to mist's question.
"Yeah, pretty much 'lil sis,''Max replied with a smile.
Just then the shadow of a large ship passed overhead. It was so loud, it very easily could've been heard from over a mile away. Skye saw the ship and her blood froze. She called out to her other friends inside the house to come outside.
The teens ran outside, just as Colbert and Nizume arrived. The teens' faces went pale at what they saw, it.. Was a zeppelin from Sylverant. Colbert asked what was going on, only for Max to touch his brother's forehead. Colbert felt kinda odd as power ran through his being now, however Max had no time to explain things right now.
The massive zeppelin loomed overhead, its dark metallic hull casting an ominous shadow across the beach house. The aircraft's engines hummed with an unnatural, almost menacing resonance that seemed to vibrate through the very air around them.
"That's a Sylverant military transport," Nizumè said, her lightning-based powers causing small electrical sparks to dance around her fingertips.
That Zeppelin was headed for Guerrinville, and that was not good.
I'll explain later, Coby. We need to get to town before that Zeppelin does!,"Max said.
Colbert nodded in understanding.
"Mom, dad, Grandpa! We're headed into town to warn everyone, Sylverant's here!,"Skye called back towards the house.
Her parents came out and nodded.
The group sprinted across the landscape, each using their unique abilities to gain speed. Max's plasma energy created a light trail behind him, while Skye manipulated wind currents to push them forward faster. Hon'oo's water-based powers seemed to reduce friction, allowing them to move more swiftly, and Hokoh's ice abilities created momentary smooth pathways beneath their feet.
Nizumè's lightning abilities gave her an extra burst of speed, while Colbert's Celestial/Starlight powers created brief moments of accelerated movement, like sudden bursts of cosmic energy propelling them forward.
"We need to split up!" Max shouted over the rush of wind. "Cover more ground, warn more people!"
Skye quickly divided them into teams. "Hokoh and Hon'oo, take the northern districts. Nizumè and Colbert, take the eastern sectors. Max and I will handle the central and western areas."
They could hear the distant hum of the zeppelin's engines growing louder - a menacing sound that seemed to promise destruction. The race was on, and the stakes couldn't be higher. Every second counted, and the fate of the town hung in the balance.
The teens knew that Tenguu Sylverant's forces were not just coming to attack, but to potentially annihilate everything in their path. Their newly awakened powers were about to be tested in the most crucial moment of their young lives. Would they get to town and warn everyone to evacuate, or… would Sylverant's air ship get there first?
End Chapter