Sacred Gear

Sacred Gear:Heavenly Crown

It is a longings tier Sacred Gear which was undiscovered until Felix awakened it. This Gear is the prison and contains the soul of YAHWEH the God of the Bible. During the great war after Yahweh sealed Trihexa wearing down his powers and descended to the battlefield to seal the Heavenly dragons Ddraig and Albion to save his angels. After sealing them into their gears Yahweh fealt his life nearing his end so he called the Seraphs and made Michael the leader of angels and vanished into golden light.The 3 factions thought that the god had died and ceased conflict due to their respective leaders passing. But what no one knew was Yahweh had foreseen this years ago due to his clairvoyance and had sealed himself in a longinus in the shape of a Crown waiting for a perfect weirder to emerge and defeat Trihexa once and for all.


The balance breaker of Heavenly Crown is an armor appearing on host's body. It is silver armor with golden touch and patterns appearing with the golden wings of Yahweh. It grants the user to access to Yahweh's powers.


I, who is the mercy of the sky above,

Am the God and the Lord in Heaven.

Should the end come, I am the beginning.

Should the dreams wither, I am but the dream,

Should the stars burn away, I am the sun.

May my Holy path embrace you, the price I pay alone.