Chereads / The Divine Tower / Chapter 11 - Predators vs Prey

Chapter 11 - Predators vs Prey

A.N. Thank you all for 100k views! Also happy New Year to all of you.


In the Sand region on Yautja Prime, the people from the DxD and HxH worlds quickly noticed that they couldn't mobilize their supernatural powers and that their physical bodies were weakening. The First ones to see were those from the DxD world, who felt weakened because they couldn't access their magical energy. 

" Well this is quite the predicament, it seems like all of our magical abilities have been sealed and our Physical strengths have been lowered to that of an average human." Micheal frowned as he felt the glaring heat from the two suns in the sky.

" Hohoho it would seem like for this floor we would have to rely on our skills and resources found here. Would you like to work together with me and my group Mister?" Netero walked up to Micheal, and behind him were Ging, Botobai, and Bisky.

" I think it would be safer for our two groups to join forces. I'm Micheal, and who might you be?" After pondering it for a little while, Micheal agreed.

" I'm Issac Netero, Nice to meet you, Micheal." The two shook hands and began to make plans, they decided it was important to find a water source and temporary shelter due to their average human physiques. As they moved North the group had a strange sense as if they were being watched. Their years of experience could sense the Hostile and inquisitive gaze on them but couldn't pinpoint where they were. 

" Look over there! There's a lake and a cave over there!" One of the members of the church exclaimed, and a few members ran towards the lake. Their outfits and the glaring heat had made the weaker members dehydrated and burning hot, as they ran they failed to notice bones littered in the sand. Micheal, Ging, and Netero noticed something off, a water source in this large desert and there wasn't a single sign of life. Before they could say anything they witnessed one of the church members suddenly get impaled through his chest by 2 long blades. Then suddenly the air slightly distorted and a 7-foot-tall being appeared wearing high-tech armor and holding a long spear. Not long after him, 8 more similar figures appeared all holding different weapons and different sizes. 

" How did they appear out of nowhere?" Ging asked, more curious than worried about the newly appeared Predators. In their world, high-level technology was on the level of the Yautja(A.N., that's the name of the predator race if you didn't know). Ging realized they were at a huge disadvantage, so he set out to gather information, then recklessly and foolishly died. He conveyed his intentions to the group, and they all agreed to gather information. 


Tropical Jungle Region Loki Pov

" THIS PLACE IS HELL!" I'm feeling extremely upset, first, I found myself falling from the sky, then after landing I realized I was reduced to a mere mortal, and now lastly as well as my idiot brother I was stuck in the jungle with a man calling himself Daredevil, a man calling himself Batman, and a Woman called Wonder Woman. What made It worse besides the Alien dogs he, Thor, and Wonder Woman were struggling against the 2 regular humans who were insignificant because they both had no powers were fighting the two large Aliens and were doing well.

Daredevil noticed the two Aliens first and was able to alert the group of their presence Batman threw 2 bombs shaped like bats that suddenly appeared but one of them used his shield to cover himself from the explosion while the other used threw an explosive and had it collided with the other bat bomb. Honestly, how the hell are these regular mortals doing better than me a god?

3rd person pov

Matt was using his billy club to fight one of the Yautja who mainly used a spear, while they were fighting Matt took the time to carefully analyze everything that happened after they landed. The first thing he noticed was that his super senses were greatly weakened but were still there and after listening to the complaining god over there he realized that this floor didn't allow any supernatural powers and limited a person to the strength of an average human. This was an inconvenience due to his weakened body but all of his training and effort to strengthen all of his other senses gave him a better chance at fighting than others like Loki, Thor, and Diana who relied on their supernatural abilities. The last thing he noticed was the Yautja he was fighting seemed at first reluctant to fight him until Matt landed a hit on his right arm.

Batman on the other hand besides adjusting to his weakened body and a slight worry for Robin and his group the Teen Titans didn't feel an Inconvenience. While on the first floor, he and the Justice League had taken a backseat due to the unknown but he was determined to be more active and try to receive more rewards to not only protect his world but to improve his strength and make Gothom a crime-free city. 

" Now!" Loki yelled signaling toward his brother who threw Mjolnir hitting the Predator Hound in his head then Loki and Wonder Woman lunged at it stabbing it with their sword and daggers. Managed to kill it but as they were about to relax their guard Loki saw in the trees there was another Yautja. Unlike the other two, this one was much larger than the other two, his mask also resembled a lion, and instead of fighting he was watching them as if he was assessing them. 

" There's another one?" Matt and Bruce both thought as they saw the larger one standing on a tree branch with his arms crossed. Bruce noticed the way he was standing and how the two smaller Predators seeing him slightly tensed up as if they were nervous. 

" He's testing them." Loki came to the same conclusion as Bruce, this made them both realize that the two were probably junior members in their clan or tribe and the fact they were outmatched with their current capacity. 

Diana went to assist Bruce after she adjusted to her weakened and relied more on her combat skills. Thor went to assist Matt but Loki stood there analyzing what to do. He came to the outcome it would be better to watch and wait instead of fighting but what he didn't know was the Yautja Elder standing on the tree thought Loki was afraid to fight so he used the Plasma Caster on his shoulder to shoot at Loki. 

Loki felt danger behind him but he couldn't dodge it and in the next moment the Plasma Caster attack went through Lokis's chest, killing him and turning him into a donut. Thor seeing his brother's death became distracted and felt extremely angry but the predator he was fighting took that chance to pierce him in the chest and kill him. Matt tried to stop the attack but was too slow, the predator fighting him punched him in the face with his left arm and then with his right used the wrist blades to stab into his stomach and finish him off by cutting his head off.

On the other side, Bruce and Diana were being overpowered by the Preadtor they were fighting. They mostly avoided his attacks and attacked when they found an opening but as the fight dragged on their stamina was running out. Diana was the first to be taken out as she couldn't conserve her stamina as well as Bruce, shortly after Bruce was also killed. 

The challengers were confronted with a brutal reality upon reaching the second floor of the tower. Although the enemies were not overall stronger than the enemies on the first floor their weakened states and the unfamiliar extreme terrain Made the second floor much more challenging. 

Also the Yautja, with their advanced weaponry, ruthless cunning, and predatory instincts, turned the second floor into a battleground of slaughter. Reduced to human-level strength and agility, the challengers found themselves outmatched at every turn, their best efforts undone by the Yautja's mastery of this environment. They would not only need to improve their skills but they would need to uncover the 3 secrets of the second floor to pass it, but how long would it take for them to start uncovering the secrets and benefit from them? 

A.N. Sorry for the late and short chapter, I had an insane case of writer's block and had to rewrite this chapter so many times until I was okay with it. Also as for thanks for 100k views, I will upload 5 chapters next week. Thanks for reading, leave comments, suggestion, and critiques to improve my writing.