Chereads / The Tides of Gears and Universe / Chapter 10 - Chapter 8 - Jester's Story (4)

Chapter 10 - Chapter 8 - Jester's Story (4)

I remember it like it happened a moment ago on a beautiful day when the sun was shining and all kinds of creatures Danny Kept were making their usual noises and then BANG!

An explosion was heard from Danny's Alchemy Lab and as soon as I heard it I ran towards the alchemy Lab but everything was in flames. The entire Lab was burning and then I was Danny… She had fallen to the ground and she was burned to the core. I couldn't approach her because of all the flames so I decided to run away because I could hear sirens from the Kalter Police. As soon as I heard them I ran as far as I could and then hid myself in all kinds of alleys for days. But then after a fight broke up in an alley I was in. I ran a few blocks away and hid myself underneath a lot of garbage. I was scared at that moment but then a crane came and picked up all the garbage that was around me and that included me. I felt scared but on the other hand relieved since I was about to get away from that planet which was getting too dangerous for me.

But then I arrived here and felt a familiar feeling. This feeling was the same one I felt towards Danny, And it was coming from a boy with Orange hair, it was coming from you…

[Back to the Current Story]

Amabell: So you just followed him here without knowing if he's your enemy or not?

Jester: Well he seemed Trusting Enough…

Amabell: After All you've been through you would still trust a stranger like that…?

Jester: Well…

Ryn: Amabell Stop, You're Making him Uncomfortable again.

Amabell: Well, He went through so much and he still did something so stupid!

Ryn: Amabell That's Enough!

Ryn: You just met him and you're already calling him stupid!

Jester: It's Okay I did do a stupid thing…

Jester: I shouldn't have followed you buts that's why I tried to be sneaky…

Ryn: It's Okay… I'm sorry for how Amabell here acted.

Ryn: You told us this entire story, because you had a feeling we're good people and I hope we are.

Ryn: But we didn't even get an opportunity to introduce ourselves… My names Ryn and that there is Amabell we are Scavengers on the planet Spike. Our goal is to leave this planet and Travel thought the entire Universe… You wanna Join us?