Chereads / Pokemon trainer in DXD / Chapter 90 - 90

Chapter 90 - 90

Chapter 90.

Some time later in the day, Yoji got together with Kurata again and both received a new uniform to wear, after changing Yōji inspected himself in the new uniform "hmm? is this?...".

The guy handing out the new uniforms responded right away "yes, it's the Type Four uniform we were provided with recently".

Kurata smiled and continued on "in according with the Recon unit's investigation, we'll be changing over to these".

The JSDF soldier handing the new uniforms nodded "even though we have plenty of funding, it might take a while to get them out to all units".

Yōji hummed again and stared at the sleeves of his uniform, suddenly he grew curious about something "huh? then why did we get ours first then?".

The JSDF soldier stared at Yōji in silence for a little while "if I had to guess... it's because of that".

But Yōji didn't get what he was saying "what do mean by that!?"

But the JSDF soldier seemed to want to joke around a bit "I mean that, of course".

Yōji sighed "I don't get it".

The JSDF soldier however just continued on "I'm saying...the things you don't want to happen, Second Lieutenant, are happening".

Yōji frowned but didn't say anything, it seems that once again, he's going to be dragged into something troublesome and he wasn't looking forward to it.

A few days later.

A official statement from the Prime Minister Houjou Shigenori was being released at this momet, stating the current state of the events that happened after the Ginza attack and the citizens of Japan watched the televised event with rapt attention "Naturally, this land doesn't appear in any map, we don't know what lies beyond the GATE, and what is it like... everything is a mystery".

The Prime Minister had a small pause before continuing "there weren't many survivors among the attackers, but we were able to apprehend a few who seemed to be of high rank.

But these individuals are no better than criminals who have broken the law, in other words were considering them terrorists as of this moment".

On the streets of Akihabara, many citizens of Japan stopped walking and looked up towards the giant screen also showing the official statement "destroying the Gate won't solve this problem... we fear it would lead to the opening of another GATE somewhere else in Japan".

The citizens listen intently to what the Prime Minister was saying and explaining, though many had concern evident in their faces "thus, we have decided to consider, the land beyond the GATE, the Special Region a part of Japan".

Yōji was also watching the news in his room inside his apartment "and in order to learn what's on the other side, as well as to bring any forces there to the negotiation table, we have determined that it is necessary to go beyond the Gate, even if it's dangerous".

Yōji's eyes slightly narrowed as he heard that "for the purpose of investigating the Special Region, apprehending the ringleader of the Ginza incident, and securing compensation by force, the Japanese Government will dispatch the Self-defense Force to the other side of the GATE".

Yōji closed his eyes and lifted himself from the chair he was sitting on, he then tiredly threw himself onto his bed, he opened his eyes and sighed "I wonder if I'll get time off for the winter event...".

Yōji turned his head and stared at the few Doujinshis he was able to procure, he softly grabbed one and stared at it with a frown in his face.

Soon after many other countries also began to make official statements supporting Japan, but many knew the real reason for them wanting to send personal aid to them and founding.

All of these countries just wanted access to the possible resources that could be found beyond the Gate, however, thanks to a secret benefactor, Japan was able to refuse any help.

It took time but the Japanese Government and the JSDF worked hard to prepare to investigate the Special Region by the time current Prime Minister's term was over.

3 Months later.

The JSDF was finally ready and so was the Japanese Government, so as the JSDF gathered and formed lines in front of the GATE, the new Prime Minister, Motoi Shinzou gave a speech "this bill was passed, thanks to the efforts of former Prime Minister Houjou and the officials of all political powers, and now, at last, we are ready to dispatch our men into the Special Region.

All of you, the mission with which you have been charged of, is of great importance".

Serafall and I stayed above the JSDF, floating in the sky while being invisible, as we heard the new Prime Minister give his speech.

After we left with the JSDF General and were questioned about what had happened during the Ginza attack, me and Serafall decided to stay and help a bit.

So I helped the JSDF and the Japanese Government with what was practically, infinite funding, though we did have to answer some questions.

But since they asked politely we decided to tell them a few things, we told them that we're visitors of another world and that we were here to attend an Otaku Event.

Serafall wouldn't stop laughing at the Government official's faces for a long while, I didn't blame them for being flabbergasted about our reason to bein this world but it was funny, we of course didn't explain what we are, but we did told them that we we're Supernatural beings of great power.

Surprisingly they accepted all of this rather easily, if not a bit reluctantly but after the attack of Ginza they were more prone to believing us, they did see Wyverns, Orcs and other kind of monsters after all.

After that I even showed them a few of my Pokemon, it didn't come to a surprise that Pokemon exists in this world and they immediately recognized them.

That did shocked them, in fact it left them speechless to see real, breathing Pokemon but my Pokemon being as awesome as they are, quickly won them over.

The Government officials and the high ranking officers of JSDF, now knew about us and the Pokémon and that were were willing to aid us in anything, in exchange for our aid with the Special Region.

We already had decided to stay and help, so we agreed and the first thing I did was give them all sort of Gems and precious Metals, this helped them get the funding they needed to prepare and for the repairs in Ginza.

They did ask us if we knew anything about the Special Region, Serafall told them that we didn't and then explained that even if the creatures seemed similar to some we have seen, they might just be too different in the end.

They understood that and accepted our reasoning, I on the other hand and even though I've seen the anime, it had been a long time ago since I did, so I don't remember everything clearly.

So I thought it was best to keep quite and see what happens, after all, things might just end up very different because of our interference, instead I told them that Serafall and I would go with the JSDF beyond the GATE and provided help.

They quickly agreed to this, having magic users and very powerful individuals was a very good out come from our little meeting.

As all we had to do was wait for things to move, meanwhile Serafall and I went traveling around Japan to see the differences between this Japan and the one in our world.

One big difference was that Kuoh town didn't exist here, it surprised Serafall a lot but I just told her that changes were expected, we moved on and went to Kyoto.

We didn't find any Yokai there, we searched everywhere and even sneaked inside Temples and Shrines, but no Yokai or even Gods.

It was surprising but it didn't affect me too much, it did however confused Serafall quite a bit, she wondered just how are the Leylines maintained without Gods or Yokai.

Turns out that this world didn't even have Leylines, the Planet didn't have one speck of Supernatural Energy, there was nothing magical in this mordern world.

After that we just decided to sightsee around Japan while we waited for, Japan as a whole to be ready and today was that day.

Suddenly, one of the Commanders of the JSDF who was aware of me and Serafall stepped forward, he discreetly looked up and stared towards our general location.

We had told them where we would be watching and it seems like he was checking, so Serafall made her hand visible and waved at him.

I chuckled at my girlfriend's antics while I saw the High commader of the JSDF, closed his eyes and sighed, he then turned his gaze towards the JSDF, standing at attention in front of him " I'm Hazama, your Commander, many scouts have entered the GATE in the past month, but no one knows what will happen to us in the Special Region .

Thus you must be prepared for combat to begin the moment we cross the GATE" I looked down towards Yōji, I noticed him in the file of JSDF soldiers a while ago.

So I kept an eye on him, I saw his stare at the offering to the dead in Ginza by the side of the GATE.

Despite our interference, there were still some deaths, not as many as in canon but quite few anyways, we did feel a bit sad, but both Serafall and I knew, that you can't save everyone.

Nor should you aim to do so, besides we aren't heroes anyways, we're a Dragon and a Devil just having some fun, but at the very least, there were way less deaths than in canon.

Still it seems that Yōji was concerned, he shouldn't have since he did the best he could already, but that's just his nature I guess, he's just a cool dude.

Commander Hazama suddenly announced "we will crossing the GATE shortly!" the JSDF began to load their rifles and got ready to cross the GATE.

Serafall and I floated down and sat on top of a Tank and heard someone inside say that they were ready and to watch their vision blocks like their life depends on it.

Soon the Tank was turned on and few moments later someone yelled to move out, the Tanks and LAVs began to move forward and head towards the GATE.

Meanwhile, I was inspecting the GATE with my Akashic Dragon Eyes *hmm, I see, the GATE of this side acts as an Anchor to the other world, becoming the bridge, the GATE also acts like I punchwhole, as long as both GATES have energy its will continue to be open".

Soon we crossed the Gate and then ended up in the Bridge Between worlds created between GATE, Serafall seemed enthralled by the sparkling lights found everywhere, but I was too busy thinking right now.

*There's a issue though... this Gate was forced open and spread bigger by forcibly pushing Mana and Divine energy through it, it will eventually grow unstable and the Energy will run out, meaning the GATE will close at some point.

Maybe not soon, perhaps in a few years but it will close, I only watched the Anime till the Second season and never got to read the Novel or Manga, so I don't know how the series ended but with the information I just gathered I can take a guess.

However, this GATE gave me some ideas as to how to create my own GATE to connect the world of Danmachi to mine, it didn't give me all the answers but showed me the right path to take*.

I happily smiled, it made me happy that I was able to find some clues about my dilemma with connecting my world to Danmachi, Serafall suddenly leaned her head on my shoulder and I gave her a kiss on the crown of her head.

It seems like she's enjoying the trip and I can admit that the sight was beautiful now that I was paying attention to it, though it looked familiar for some reason.

But I decided to ignore it and just grabbed Serafall's hand as we waited to arrive on the other side of the GATE.

Meanwhile Yōji was riding on LAV with some members of his unit, he of course was feeling a bit nervous and restless, a sentiment he noticed everyone else in the LAV seemed to share.

Kurata who was sitting in front of him gulped and then looked up towards Yōji "hey, Second Lieutenant Itami..." Yōji raised an eyebrow towards Kurata "huh?".

Kurata nervously smiled and then leaned forward towards Itami "think theres any catgirls on this side?".

Yōji stared surprised at Kurata but then smiled and responded "why wouldn't there be?" both laughed a bit and were grateful for the small distraction the jus got.


Serafall and I stood up on top of the Tank we have arrived on and stared at the new world around us, we then floated up to the sky to get a better view of the area.

Despite it being night time, I could perfectly see the big ass army that awaited at the edge of the hill where the GATE lead the JSDF to, Serafall suddenly giggled catching my attention "hm?".

Serafall laughed for a bit and then shook her head "sorry, I just realized that we world jumped inside of a World Jump! double World Jump! I thought it was funny~".

I chuckled, she's right, this whole GATE thing is practically a double World Jump, Serafall stopped laughing and took a big breath "the air and Mana here is so clean!".

I nodded, since I had noticed it as well, this world had a lot of Mana in the air, and being a world without any technology or modern commodities, it made it a very clean world.

Serafall then stared at the big Army downhill "should we help?".

I shook my head "Commander Hazama told is to not intervene unless necessary, besides I doubt the JSDF needs our help, with their modern weapons its going to be a massacre".

Serafall nodded, both of us stayed high in the sky as we kept an eye on everything going on and watched over the JSDF.

Suddenly the army downhill lit up torches and the Tanks immediately centered and aim at them "well, they just gave away their position".

Serafall shook her head "we can't really blame them for lighting torches, unlike the JSD I doubt they have the means or gadgets to see in the dark or from long distances".

I nodded in agreement, since I knew she was right, I then watched as the JSDF soldiers began to jumped out of the LAVs that they arrived in and began to take their positions around the top of the hill.

The Empire were about to learn, how foolish it was to attack Japan, as the sun raised behind the mountains far away for the GATE, I couldn't help but say "welcome to modern warfare...".

It was a massacre, the Imperial Army numbered to the hundreds thousands and they were completely devastated by the JSDF, I mean, nothing else could have happened in this battle.

Not when the Imperial Army attacked the JSDF with Sword, Spears, Bows and Arrows, these normal types of weapons were not a match to Machine Guns, Assault Rifles, Grenades, Tanks and whatever piece of modern weaponry the JSDF had access to.

The Imperial Arm was engulfed in a storm of fire and lead, nothing they did prevented them from dying.

It was kinda sad, but I knew they had asked for it, despite not having had any clue just the sort of beast they were about to just poke, they still attacked and tried to invade Japan.

They would have done the same thing the JSDF is doing to them at this moment, perhaps even worse things would have been done to the people of Japan given how the Imperials likes to act.

The battle 'if you can even call it that' ended in a couple of hours and soon enough the JSDF moved out to clean up the remaining survivors, which meant finishing off some of them and taking a few as prisoners of war, though I'm sure the Imperial Army wasn't done yet, I saw them retreat for now after all.

Serafall and I, watched everything go down from high in the sky, Serafall sighed and shook her head "well, that was quick and quite bloody... what's next Rean?".

I turned my head towards where I sense Commander Hazama "now we wait for the JSDF to get settled and then report to Commander Hazama, after that, our work will begin".

Two days later in the Imperial Capital.

The Senate of the Imperial Capital had gathered to speak of the battle that took place two days ago, Marquis Casel a member of the Senate stood before his Majesty " it was an embarrassment, Your Majesty.

We lost 60 percent of the Empire's military might, what would you have us do?" the rest of the Senate began to nervously mutter among themselves.

Marquis Casel, however ignored all of that and continued speaking "how would you guide the state?".

The Emperor Molt suddenly spoke up "Marquis Casel, think about how the people must feel, it is true that our current losses have cost us our military advantage".

Emperor Molt covered his face as he continued to speak "they worry that Vessels of our State and others may revolt and attack the Imperial Capital itself".

The Emperor uncovered his face and smiled "how pathetic" this response surprised Marquis Casel but the Emperor just went on "everytime our Empire is in danger, the Emperor, the Senate and the people become one to face the danger and bring even about more progress.

No war is won without loses, therefore I will not hold anyone accountable for our recent loses... to think another Nation dares surround the Imperial City...".

The Emperor gave Marquis Casel a condescending smile " I trust none of you will waste time in court" everyone present nervously laughed and looked at each other not knowing what to say or do.

Marquis Casel frowned "to pass over all the responsibility...".

Suddenly, a voice called out "but what should we do?" and Elder step down and approach Marquis Casel to stand besides him "the army we sent was defeated in two days... the first day was the most devastating one too".

Everyone gasped and grumble at the reminder of their failure, while the Elder continued speaking "and now the Gate has been captured and the enemy is attempting to set up base around it".

The Emperor just leaned back on his seat while the Elder went on "of course we attempted to take back the Hill, but the enemies in the distance...".

The Elder shivered as he had a flashback of the flashes of fire before the Imperial Army was taken down from a far "I have never seen such Sorcery".

But the Elder was suddenly interrupted by someone who yelled "we ought to fight them!".

The Elder, Marquis Casel and the Emperor turned their heads towards who had spoken out "if we do not have enough men, we need only to recruit them from our tributaries! aattack the other side of the GATE once more!".

Another man stood up and yelled out as well "what would brute force accomplish!?".

Another man immediately joined in the argument "it will just be another massacre!".

"Yeah!" and so the meeting descended into chaos, Marquis Casel could only watched all of this happen with a frown.

The Emperor suddenly raised his arm stopping everyone from speaking and pay attention to him "I do not wish to sit idly by, therefore we must fight".

Everyone was shocked at the decision the Emperor just made, while he just continued on "send delegates to our tributaries and neighboring states! ask for help in defending this continent from these men from another world!".

The Emperor then stood up and loudly proclaimed "we will lead the Allied Army of Godu Rino Gwaban in an attack on Alnus Hill!".

Everyone present felt reassured and confident upon hearing the Emperor's words and cheered, Marquis Casel however walked up to the Emperor and looked up at him "your Majesty, it will be a bloodbath".

The Emperor just gave Marquis Casel an arrogant smile and a chuckled.

High above the room of the Senate, invincible to everyone, floated Mew who was watching the silly men speak nonsense, to her it was funny how these men were worried about the green wearing men she'd been watching over for a while now.

After all, it's not them, these silly people should be concern about, but rather her super friend Rean and Sera, so Mew just shook her head and giggled while teleporting back to base.

Some time later.

Lord Duran, one of the lords of the neighboring states of the world, stared down towards the marching army moving towards Alnus Hill with a concern look in his eyes, suddenly he heard someone call out to him "your Majesty!.

Duran turned his head to his side and watched a young soldier approach him "we have spotted what appears to be two enemies scouts two hills ahead!".

Duran nodded and turned to leave "leave them be! we must hurry and go meet the kings!".

That evening and after getting together with the other kings, Duran waited with them for the Imperial Army Commander to begin the attack, but instead a young soldier came with a message that shocked him "the Imperial Commander isn't coming?".

The Soldier delivering the message shook his head "the Imperial Army is busy fighting off the enemy on the other side of Alnus Hill, the Commander can't leave right now".

Duran grew suspicious "that makes no sense... I did not see many enemies on the Hill on my way here".

One of the Kings there spoke up "Lord Duran, the Imperial Army is holding back the enemies at bay in our place!".

Duran however, wasn't convinced "Lord Rigu...".

Suddenly the Soldier delivering the message spoke up again "we would like your armies to attack the enemy at sunrise tomorrow".

Another king stood up and nodded "understood! my army will take the frontline".

Suddenly, the kings began to argue about who would take the Frontline while Duran just look down and closed his eyes, to him, nothing about this made sense and he had a bad feeling as well.

Soon after the Soldier delivering the message left, telling everyone that they would meet tomorrow on Alnus Hill.

The kings stood up and began to gathered to talk amongst themselves about the upcoming battle tomorrow and boast about their armies, everyone was very excited about the upcoming battle.

King Rigu looked down in shame "my army is too small to take the frontline...".

Duran sighed "there a fewer of 10,000 enemies, our army is 300,000 men altogether, do you believe the only path to glory is to be at the forefront?".

Lord Rigu then leaned closer to Duran "then why don't you wish to be at the front?".

Duran shook his head "I do not like the look of this battle...".

Lord Rigu just heartily laughed "apparently even Duran, Lion of the Erbe Clan, is no match to the passing of time!".

But Duran ignored his fellow Lord's laughter and instead, he tried to push away the feeling of Dread that was growing inside of his heart.

A few hours later, sunrise arrived and the armies began to move out to begin war, Duran walked out of his tent and looked up at the sky "is this really the best time to attack? it's very bright out right now...".

Suddenly one of his soldiers ran towards him and yelled out "notice!".

The Soldier soon arrived in front of Duran and bent a knee "the Alguna and Mudwan armies, 10,000 in all have approached the hill! the Army of the Principality of Ligu follows... theres no sign of the Imperial Army near the Hill".

That surprised Duran "what?!".

Meanwhile the Armies were all also wondering where the Imperial Army was, many like King Rigu were now beginning to become worried as the approached Alnus Hill, however it was too late.

All they could do now is continue forward and fight the enemies on their own.

I was above in the sky right now as I watched the approaching armies March to their deaths, Mew had told me what the Emperor and the Senate decided to do "but still... to think they would use the JSDF to get the other Kings killed, Emperor Molt is one cold hearted bastard".

Soon enough the armies crossed the line of sight for Mortars and JSDF wasted no time to unleash hell upon them, starting with firing Mortars at the frontline.

The Army was completely caught off guard and devastated by the explosions of the Mortar shells, only screams of pain and horror could be heard as the Mortars violently exploded.

I shook my head "damn, this is worse than those two first days, at least they tried to attack at night, not in the morning...".

I sensed the rest of the armies approaching and even from high in the sky I could clearly see their shocked faced upon seeing the aftermath of the first round of attacks by the JSDF.

After that, the battle continued on, the armies tried to reach Alnus Hill by any means and even to the JSDF, but they just weren't a match against the advance Weaponry of Japan.

More than 40,000 soldiers died without ever been able to reach Alnus Hill, the only thing they achieved was death and soon enough evening arrived.

I watched the Armies retreat and I couldn't help but to frown "this is stupid... by now the should have figured out that they can't do anything".

But I also knew that they wouldn't stop, they can't and thus they would be back at night, only to fail once again.

That evening the remaining Kings gathered again, this time however, they were all clearly afraid and on the verge of despair, one of the Kings spoke up "we have less than half of the 100,000 men we set out with! how could this have happened!?".

Duran sighed and looked around, there were only four kings left for the dozen that were present last night, another king suddenly raised a question "where's the Imperial Army !?".

Another king shook his head "no, even with the Imperial Army we wouldn't stand a chance against them... should we not retreat?".

Duran closed his eyes and crossed his arms "we can not run off now... not before I repaid them with an arrow..." Duran opened his eyes and stared at the helmet of King Rigu, it was heavily damaged and showed the fate that befell King Rigu.

Of the Kings spoke up "but Lord Duran! we hardly have any might left!".

Duran looked up and then said "perhaps a night raid... tonight is a New Moon, in this darkness, we should be able to make it to the other side of the Hill and ambush the enemy".

Me and Serafall were back in the sky, she suddenly pointed to the other side of the hill "oh! there they are! an ambush during the darkness of the night! very smart~".

I smiled at Serafall and gave her a headpat "but ultimately completely useless".

Serafall smiled at enjoying my headpat and nodded "it's too bad, the JSDF have equipment to battle in the dark! but hey! at least they tried".

I nodded and we both watched as the JSDF suddenly fired flares into the sky, not only lighting the area but revealing the armies location.

The armies got startled and began to panic, suddenly I watched a man on a horse in red armor suddenly took off in high-speed.

Serafall raised an eyebrow "wow, is he seriously rushing forward?".

I nodded "yup, that there, is either a brave man or a reckless one".

Serafall hummed "I don't know... it think it's pretty cool of him~ even if its a little silly to think he could actually do anything to the JSDF" suddenly explosions went off as Tanks began to fire at the army.

Screams of pain and horror once again filled the area, I just watched at the JSDF quickly destroyed the enemy's armies while Serafall was cheering for the red armored man.

We were eventually surprised that he reached the barbed line put by the JSDF, but his horse didn't see it and ended getting caught in the barbed wired.

The red armored man was sent flying forward and crashing against the ground, we then heard the soldiers that followed him scream his name. Serafall tilted her head "oh! his name is Duran~ sounds like a fruit!".

Serafall giggled, while I watched as the Soldier used their long shields to push out of the way the barbed wired, they reached Duran and immediately tried to help him up.

But he suddenly began to push everyone away while yelling at them to get away "huh? it looks like he has an idea what the barbed wired is for".

Serafall nodded "well, its not hard to figure it out, that barbed wired serves to slow the enemy down so the JSDF can shot them down".

I nodded and then watched as the JSDF fired and began to mow down the army, chaos unfold and the army was devastated in a matter of seconds, they tried to protect themselves with their shields.

But that did nothing to stop the bullets from the Assault Rifles of the JSDF and soon fell dead, Serafall suddenly pointed at Duran "Rean! look, he's still going!".

I turned my head towards Duran and indeed, he was still going forward, he eventually picked up a bow and arrow.

He quickly took an arrow and pulled the string on the bow, he then let the arrow fly and we watched it go through the air and land in front of a JSDF soldier who blinked at it for a second before going back to shooting.

Serafall clapped and cheered for Duran, while I watch him stand there with a lost look on his face " looks like he finally lost it".

Serafall nodded "I don't blame him though, to be betrayed by the Empire and the Emperor like this" Serafall shook her head.

Duran suddenly began to cackle as everything that was happening around him finally overwhelmed him, I fronwed as I watched him "you did your best Duran...".

Suddenly, a Mortar landed closed to him and he was engulfed in an explosion, soon after the battle ended and me and Serafall watched as JSDF began to move forward to clean up again.

I turned my head towards Serafall "where you in the morning?"

Serafall blushed and began to nervously laughed "err... I might have tried to take a LAV and Commander Hazama caught me...".

I deadpanned at Serafall "Sera...".

Serafall began to fidget "... okay! I know! is just... they're so cool!".

I just sighed, for some reason, despite having told her I would buy her one later, Serafall instead wanted one from this world but then I chuckled in amusement "he put you to wash dishes didn't he?"

Serafall began to let out waterfall tears "yes!... stupid old, grumpy, jerk! it's just one LAV!".

I just shook my head in amusement, it was always funny to see Serafall get scolded by Commander Hazama, who had had taken a liking to catching Serafall in the act.

A bored Serafall, means pranks and other kinds of things happening at the base, there's even rumors going around about the campsite being hunted or something like that.

Obviously it was Serafall who was behind all of those Supernatural events, so Commander Hazama has been on her case ever since.

My little Maou girlfriend sure likes to act like a devilish imp towards the poor JSDF soldiers, but at least the Commander is there to stop her a bit, because I wouldn't be able to resist her if she hits me with a puppy eye technique.

The next morning there was an official count on the opposing army soldiers, more 60,000 soldiers were killed in the Battle of Alnus Hill, add the 60,000 killed during the Attack of Ginza and thats 120,000 dead people.

It was a devastating hit to the armies of this world. but I knew this was just a plot from Emperor Molt, one to destroy the rest of the Kings and armies of the Continent and leave them weak for them to absorb them to the Empire.

Like I had said before, Emperor Molt is one cold hearted bastard.