Chereads / Pokemon trainer in DXD / Chapter 88 - 88

Chapter 88 - 88

Chapter 88.

(Play New Bark Town Remastered - Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, looped.)

A few days passed by after the Peace Treaty and things have been busy for all of us, starting with me working with Gabriel in the making and creation of the Pokémon Trading Card Game for this this world.

When I proposed the idea to her, it turns out that she had no clue as to what a Trading Card Game was, so she was confused when I asked her if se wanted to help with it.

So after explaining a bit of it and telling her that I wanted her to draw the images in the cards, she grew excited and was very happy as well, she practically whooped and hugged Serafall hald to death.

The Pokémon Cards were really popular back in my world and I thought it would be a good idea to try and bring them in this world, I wanted to see if it would get as popular here as well, of course we will start selling them in the shop only at first.

Unlike in my world were Pokémon were already very popular by the time the Cards came out, in this world only Kuoh, Kyoto and to some extent the Underworld knew about Pokémon.

The shop and the Pokémon roaming around was a big reason for their popularity in Kyoto and Kuoh while Serafall's show where she shows a Pokémon in every episode or so has made them very popular among Devil children as well.

So I had the idea to bring the Card Game to this world a while ago bit i just didn't have a clue as to how to get started with that, so Gabriel's sketches and drawings pushed me to go ahead and give it a try.

On Gabriel's part, she was of course very excited about drawing the official images of the Pokémon cards and already had some very cute or cool ideas for them already.

Plus this way she also got to get up close to the Pokémon and see them in action so she could draw them in all sorts of poses or doing their moves, Kunou and Wiene even took her around to meet all the Pokémon.

Kunou taught the Archangel about Typing match ups and the Pokémon Move's effects plus what they did, Wiene taught her about the Pokémon's biology and environment which would help her draw all kinds of backgrounds for the Pokémon Cards.

Needless to say that Gabriel was super happy and having a lot of fun was an understatement, Serafall even bought her a computer and a Drawing tablet, so she can draw and modify her drawings however she wanted and then I can use the done drawings to make the Pokémon cards using my Power of Creation.

It might take a while for her to finish the first batch of drawings and have everything set up as a Pokémon Card, but we weren't in a hurry right now so I told her to have fun with it and to take her time.

I also began to make new Pokémon Plushies for the store, as well as the girls Plushies too, Asia and Rayne the Archne were enamored by the new plushies and I even made some of the Xeno too.

Little cute Chibi plushies with all sorts of outfits for everyone, from the Moon Festival Maid Uniforms to even the Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny Uniforms as well, just to make them extra special I made them with a small Pokémon partner at their side.

The girls immediately fell in loved with the Plushies and agreed for them to be sold in the shop, I of course Enchanted them just in case any pervert thought to do something untoward to the Plushies.

If they did then their genitals will get a nasty electric shock for being dirty assholes, though I don't think I need to worry to much since I believe these plushies will be rather popular with the girls rather than the boys.

Ravel has gotten used to life with us and has been a great help for the Shop and the overall management and finances, sure we never have to worry about running out of money, but having someone to organize and make sure everything is running smoothly us a big boon to us.

She really is a dedicated and hard working little Phenex, so I gave her a few new assignments since I've planning a few new things as well and her savvy mind for business will come in handy.

So I asked her to get me in contact with a few small companies, that I plan to use for some of the ideas I have to bring Pokémon into the spotlight of the world.

But those are long term ideas and plans and I still have quite a lot to take care of before I can even begin to work on those, but getting everything ready for when I am is a good idea.

Besides all of that, I've been focusing on a few other projects that I have to take care of, research on the Gate to connect the world of Danmachi to mine is going slowly.

It not a matter of just simply punching a hole through dimensions, I can do that easily enough, the problem is having to create a bridge between worlds and keep it stable and permanent so the portal is can be safely used from both sides.

The hard part of all of this, is connecting both worlds since the dimensions themselves reject any link I create between them, the link would stay but deteriorate rather fast and that was very dangerous, not only for both worlds but to the people using the portals and I wasn't about to risk Bell, Hestia and the others.

Not until I was sure that they can cross over safely to my world, so that might be a long ongoing project, hopefully I might get some ideas or clues in other worlds but that's for later.

Next is creating a Wish system or rather a way for someone to summon me to grant a wish, at first I thought about creating something like the Dragonballs but that didn't really fit me to much.

So instead I began to try and create Elemental orbs, one for each Pokémon Elemental Type, sure some might wonder why 18 Orbs? but I thought about it and decided to make the rules like this.

You don't need to collect all 18 Orbs to summon me, you need only 9 but summoning me with 9 only gets you one wish! if you collect the 18 then you get both wishes.

So with that idea in mind I began to create my Orbs, first I created a special crystal clear mineral with my Power over Creation, in fact I created a whole Mine in our backyard and among the rocky Mountains me and Serafall made for the Rock and ground type Pokémon.

Within this Mine I created a special type of spawn system with Gaea's help, this Mine is not only its own dimension but it was filled with all sorts of gems and minerals.

Things like Gold, Silver, Platinum, Rubies, Sapphires, Emeralds and even Diamonds can be found in this mine and be obtained if you have a Pickaxe and lots of muscle!.

This Mine is enormous and everything found here is constantly spawning so we'll never run out of materials for Alchemy, Forging and Enchanting or even if we need it for something else as well.

Yasaka immediately asked me, if I was willing to allow the Yokai Faction to mine in there once in a while, I of course told her that I didn't mind as long as they stay away from the Crystals growing in there as well.

Yasaka agreed and immediately organized a few groups of Yokai to go mine once a week for precious gems and minerals, it seems that with extra revenue Yasaka will be able to move her plans for constructing Temples and Shrines for the Legendary Pokémon even faster.

Meanwhile I've been mining a lot of the special crystal for my orbs, though I really should come up with a name for it, but for now I have no idea want to name it.

This crystal is special, because it can absorb an element along my Stardust Energy safely without both energies collapsing and destroying half the world, this why I created the crystal with my Power of Creation.

I needed something to be able to contain both a Pokémon Elemental Aura and my Stardust Energy, I already saw what happens when I used it on a low Level Fire Type Move like Ember.

So I didnot want that to happened by accident, but for now I'm just mining and thinking about how I'm going to get the instructions about how to use them known.

I will also add all sorts of Enchantments into the Orbs that will prevent people with evil and ill intentions from even being able to touch the Orbs, I really don't want to waste my time with people like that or those who have stupid and silly wishes.

Besides all of that I'm was also working closely with Mew in creating the Tree of Beginnings, this was a little bit more complicated, because it not only has to be compatible with Mew, we have to also make sure it doesn't register everyone as an intruder and begin a Genocide in the middle of Kyoto.

So both Mew and I have to be careful with this and patient as well, this definitely is something that we can't rush or do half assed, but we should be able to get it done nonetheless.

So that's what me, the girls and my daughters have been busy with this couple of days, of course the girls and I still take breaks and have fun all the time or I spend time with me daughters too.

In my home, Family always comes first and that will never change, we will always be there to help or lend an ear to each other and of course the Pokémon will also help us, after all they're Family as well.

A couple of days later.

Today I'm on my Workshop together with Charizard as I was slowly and carefully carving runes and Enchanting an Orb, this is a Prototype of course but if it works wel,l I will be able to go ahead and begin to create the Orbs.

Charizard was looking over my shoulders, both of us were wearing black goggles and an a black leather apron, because I was carving the runes on a red hot Orb I just heated from Crystal to take the shape of it.

We're both fire resistant so we can be this close to something this hot without any problems and we don't really need the black googles and aprons per say, but they do makes feel professional so whatever.

Charizard softly growled to which I nodded to "yeah~ this Enchantment will make the Orb teleport at a random location if the one who found it is down right evil".

Charizard nodded and then softly growled, I hummed a bit "well, I did thought about adding a kill switch but that might scare others from looking for the orbs".

Charizard seemed to agree and grinned at me, I smiled already knowing wha was going on in his head "yeah I know, I'm having to much with this, but you must admit, it is funny".

Charizard happily growled letting me know he agreed with me, I then finished carving the last rune and put down my heated magical carving tool, which steams and hisses, as it begins to cool down now that I'm not running my energy throught it.

I lift the Orb and inspect the Enchantments to make sure they're good, I then nodded and showed it to Charizard who stared at the Orb "okay, it seems like it's ready, so let try to fill it with our energy and see what happens".

Charizard nodded and placed his claws over the Orb which is the size of a softball and began to channel his Fire Type Energy into it, the Orb immediately began to glow red and it stayed like that for a few moments.

The Orb then stopped glowing and a bright red and blue flame could be seen dancing within the Orb, it looked at if it was a real living flame.

Both me and Charizard stared at the flame until I nodded and I then spoke up "now it's my turn... this is where things might dicey buddy, so be prepared to use Protect okay?".

Charizard nodded and got ready, while I took a big breath and began to channel my Stardust Energy into the Orb, the Orb began to suddenly glow brightly in a deep purple colored light.

Me and Charizard stared at it trying to see if anything would go wrong, but luckily nothing did and the Orb stopped glowing.

I immediately began to inspect the Orb to see if everything went alright, I noticed that the Flame inside the Orb took on a light Purple tinge, it still looked red but it would flicker into a bit of purple once in a while.

The runes around the Orbs also began to glow Purple giving it this sense of Mysticism and awe to the Orb, though I frowned a bit ad I inspected "damn... it's leaking energy... well it's a good first try but I can't have my Orb leaking Stardust Energy and whatever Elemental Aura is inside, who knows what sort of effects, it might have if it mixes with something else".

Charizard nodded while I out the Prototype Flame Orb into my inventory, Charizard then growled "hmm good question, just what went wrong? it was leaking a little bit of energy so perhaps I carved the runes too deep?... or maybe I didn't heat the crystal enough and made it to brittle?".

Charizard watched his Trainer think about the problem for a little bit, I then got up and headed to my forge "we used regular fire, so maybe we should try other kinds? well try Soul Fire next time, if that doesn't work well give Holy Fire a try, afterwards we'll see... maybe have Ho-oh give us a bit of his Sacred Fire?".

Charizard growled and I nodded "yeah I should write all of this down, so I don't forget and make some plans too".

Charizard nodded, while I sat down and began to write some notes, meanwhile Charizard began to clean up the workshop, he knew we were done for the day since we been at this for hours now and we needed a break.

Suddenly Serafall came into the Workshop and groaned, I noticed she was wearing her regular clothes which were a green long dress, green blouse and a green beret, this told me she must have been in a meeting of sorts "Rean! I'm borrreeed!".

I smiled and finished taking my notes, I then put them inside my inventory, Serafall immediately ran towards me and sat on my lap facing me, I smiled at her and held her by the waist "your bored? don't you have some work to do for the Peace Treaty?".

Serafall nuzzled my neck and shook her head in defiance "yes... but that's boring! they want me to get contact and arrange a meeting with Asgard, but they're all a bunch of jocks and Odin is a perverted old man!".

I chuckled and hugged Serafall tightly "I see, then what do you want to do Sera?".

Serafall pushed her face away from my neck and gave me a smile "you would play with me? aren't you busy too? everyone in the house is".

I raised an eyebrow at that "everyone is busy? what are they doing?".

Serafall smiled, showing me that despite everyone being too busy to hang out with her, she wasn't mad at them from being busy but rather just feeling a bit lonely and very bored.

Serafall then began to explain "well Sakuya, Ryuu, Wiz, the twins and even Ravel are busy with the shop~ its been getting more and more popular lately, especially because Ravel created a website and began to advertise its location and merchandise, so even the Xeno, Ophis, Asia and Yunyun have been busy helping around as well".

I nodded, I knew about this since I've seen we were getting even more clients than usual, it's gotten so busy that we had to expand the inside of the shop with magic in order to cater more people.

Not only that, thanks to Ravel creating a Website, things like Plushies and other things we sell have been selling very good online, Mew is the one who makes the deliveries so we even have a good, fast and safe delivery rating online.

But that means we've been extra busy lately, everyone helps and thank Astraea and Gaea the Xeno help us, otherwise we would be overwhelmed, we didn't want to use Shadow Clones because they're sometimes very rebellious or rude.

We couldn't risk our Shadow Clones mouthing off at our clients, so we decided to handle everything ourselves.

Serafall then went on " Artemis is going around Tokio Hunting down a few High Class Stray Devils, Ya-Chan told her they were attacking humans, so she's going to be busy for a while too and Ya-Chan is busy building the Temples and Shrines in Kyoto".

I nodded "well she does wants to have most of them finished before Amaterasu wakes up and recovers, she thinks she'll show up again and this time she want to declare the Yokai Faction's independence from the Shinto Gods when that time comes".

Serafall nodded "I know, I know! I'm happy that she's finally getting what she has been wanting for a while now, but everyone so busy! even Gabriel is busy drawing nonstop! though she does seem to be having a lot of fun".

I chuckled, if Serafall is complaining that Gabriel is too busy to hang out with her then she most be very bored indeed, Serafall then sighed "even Kunou and Weine are too busy...".

I raised an eyebrow "oh? what are our adorable daughters doing that keeps them so busy?".

Serafall smiled at the fact that I called Kunou and Weine our daughters, Serafall then giggled "well they have been going to Gaea's Labyrinth almost everyday and clearing out Fortresses in the first floor, I honestly feel like little bad for all those monsters".

Ah that's true, but Kunou and Wiene are like Hurricanes when they're down in the Labyrinths, even Kaede was gaping at the sheer destruction both little girls could cause in seconds back when she was going with them during her training.

We can technically go to the second floor since we found the floor boss, which was a very powerful Goblin King, but the girls and me killed him, but Kunou and Weine wanted to clear the whole floor.

According to them, there could be some secret that unlocks once the floor is cleared 'something Gaea confirmed to me' so we let the girls go crazy in the Labyrinth to clear it.

It was good training and the monsters are significantly powerful too, so they're getting all kinds of experience, so that's what my adorable daughters have been doing lately.

Serafall then hugged me tightly, I smiled at her and hugged her back just as tightly, Serafall was prone to feeling a bit lonely at times and when she does she tends to get clingy.

This is why she would got to Sona before, but now that she has me and the family so she can go to anyone whenever she feels lonely, but when everyone is too busy that feeling of loneliness increases, which is why she's here right now.

Despite having gotten so much stronger and the things that have changed in her life, she's still the same Serafall I met that day on that park on Kuoh "... Sera?".

Serafall hummed for a little bit but then responded to "yes?".

I smiled as I listened to her hum "do you want to go to another world with me?".

Serafall quickly pushed herself off me and stared into my eyes "really?".

I smiled at her and nodded "yeah? I did promised you that I would take you to another world with me back when I made my first world jump remember, just the two of us, I already spoke with the girls about this and they all agree to let you have some alone time with me in another world".

Serafall's eyes teared up a bit "you guys are best! remind me to do something nice for the girls, okay Rean?".

I smiled and nodded, I had planned to take Serafall with me to another world to spend sometime with her for a while now and since this world would be frozen in time, no one would notice, so the girls didn't mind if I took her with me somewhere.

Though I did promise to take some with me the next time as well, I turned my gaze towards Serafall's eyes "so what kind of world do you want to go?".

Serafall hummed but then grinned "oh! we could go to one that's having some kind of anime convention or something like that! I've been wanting to go for a while, but there not any going right now".

I sweatdropped because that is such a Serafall thing to ask for, but I didn't mind, this is just how Serafall is after all "okay, I think if I set the parameters to look for a world with some kind of Otaku convention going on, we should arrive in one but be ready for anything".

Serafall nodded and got off of me, I stood up and turned my gaze towards Charizard "let the Pokémon know to go My Pokéhome and let the Xeno know we're world jumping".

Charizard nodded and immediately went to the backyard to let Pokémon know of my plans, they'll quickly spread the word throughout all my Pokemon, so it won't take them long for all of them to go straight to the My Pokéhome.

Serafall smiled and waved at Charizard goodbye, I then opened my In-Game menu and began to start the World Jump system, I then chose to only take Serafall with me when I was prompted.

I turned my head towards Serafall and smiled "okay, get ready, it might be modern times when we get there or a world similar to this one because of the Otaku Convention parameters, but it is a random world and who knows what we'll find there".

Serafall nodded and began to excitedly hop from foot to foot "this is exciting Rean! this is my second world I'm visiting so I'm curious what it'll be like!".

I chuckled and gently caress her cheek which made her close her eyes and enjoyed it "it's going to be fun and I think we both deserve a break, though now I have to choose who to take with me next time".

Serafall giggled but nodded "you should take Tione and Tiona with you the next time you world jump, those two love you a lot but you hadn't had the chance to spend so much time with them, I'm sure they'll love to go adventuring with youin anothr world".

I smiled and nodded, that was a great idea so next time I'll take the twins with me so we can spend some time together, I then grabbed Serafall's hand and grinned at her "I'll do that! so are you ready?".

Serafall nodded and gave me a bright smile, I then clicked on the random world jump and the air around us cracked like glass until it shattered.

Time completely stopped as soon as the world fixed itself but both Serafall and Rean wouldn't be there to see it, right now they were on their way to another world.

Yōji Itami a 33 year old guy who happens to be a proud Otaku, would proudly state when asked 'if I were to choose between my hobbies or duties, I would definitely choose my hobbies!' this was the sort of man Yōji is.

Though despite that mindset, behind that aloof and Otaku mentality is a very well trained and smart individual, a soldier through and through, though he would deny it if asked.

Nonetheless that wasn't important right now, no to him, at this very moment the only thing that mattered was reaching one of the biggest Otaku event of the year, one that happens once a year and he wasn't going to miss it!.

He already has some many plans to get so many Doujinshis and Anime for his collection, and not even bumping against a cement pillar would ruin his day.

However when that accident happened and he was in the floor twitching in pain, everyone was too distracted by his accident and thus missed as the air cracked some distance away and the shattered like glass.

Both Serafall and Rean had arrived to this world and they quickly left the area, so no one would get suspicious or see anything, luckily for them the World Jump System would block any technology from registering their arrival.

So they didn't have to worry of something or someone recording their arrival or take a picture, though that didn't do anything if they were seen by people, but without evidence no one would believe them anyways.

This was another safeguard Astraea created for Rean's Gamer system, for when they were in a modern world where cameras were the norm, but in any case both Rean and Serafall left and went into the streets to see where they were.

Serafall looked around and seemed to recognize the area "this is Ginza isn't it? and I think I heard someone speak Japanese too, so we must be in Japan as well, then are we in another version of Japan?".

I looked around and payed attention to my surroundings, I then nodded "yeah, that seems to be the case, it's not surprising though, Japan is a Nexus for strange things happening plus you did want to go to an Otaku event so it makes sense that it's in Japan".

Serafall nodded and smiled "that's true! should we ask around and see where the event is?".

I hummed a bit "well were in Ginza, and there's only one event around here where an Otaku event could be happening".

Serafall nodded "ah! your right! then I know where to go! let's go Rean!".

Serafall grabbed my hand and immediately began to drag me towards where we think the even is happening, we weren't worried about tickets or anything because we can use magic for that.

So I just decided to have fun and enjoy my time here, however as we began to get close our destination, we both suddenly felt a surge of both Mana and Divine energy that alerted us that something was happening.

We both paused and looked around, Serafall narrowed her eyes in suspicion "Rean did you feel that?".

I nodded "yes... that was a massive amount of Mana and Divinity... it felt like it was punching a whole through something but, I couldn't detect what it was either".

Serafall clicked her tongue "so much for a relaxing time huh? oh well! this might be exciting too~".

I chuckled and both me and Serafall began to walk towards where my senses were telling us where the anomaly was, suddenly we heard a roar and we both looked up.

I raised an eyebrow as I watched a bunch of flying lizards roaring while having some kind of Roman soldiers riding on their backs "are those Wyverns?".

Serafall narrowed her eyes as screams and chaos began to take over the streets of Ginza "yeah... but those feel different, it's like... they don't belong? it's hard to describe what I'm sensing right now".

I nodded "no, I understood you, the world is somewhat rejecting them but it lacks the power to do anything... I think this world doesn't have a Supernatural side Sera".

Serafall raised an eyebrow "then what about those guys" Serafall pointed a hand towards the Wyverns and some kind of pig humanoids that began into march in the streets.

I shook my head "like you said, those don't belong here Sera".

Serafall frowned and turn to stared at the strange creatures "world jumpers? like us?".

"I don't think so, I doubt they have a System but they must be from another world, one connected to this one and given the expression of the people... they never seen them before either, you know what that means right?".

Serafall glared and nodded "an invasion..." suddenly someone screamed and we watched as one of the Pig like creatures lunged itself towards a woman, who screamed terrified.

Serafall tapped her foot on the ground and the Pig like creature was impaled by a massive spike of ice, this had the affect of making everyone and everything freeze in surprise (pun not intended).

I smiled and shook my head "looks like we're getting involved huh?".

Serafall giggled and began to walk forward "why not? this isn't our world so why should we care about keeping our abilities and what we are a secret? besides these people look like they're in need of a Magical Girl!".

Serafall let her energy flare from her body, carefully so it wouldn't harm any innocent civilians, though this made frost to begin to spread around her and the temperature to drop.

Her clothes glowed as she took out the staff a made her a while a go, a very powerful Legendary level weapon, forged out platinum and gold, encrusted with Sapphires and a massive water Orb blessed by Kyogre.

This beautiful staff not only increases all of Serafall's stats but it also doubles the damage of all her spells can do, she named the staff, Sea's Choir.

This staff was enchanted and created by me so it had the standard Indestructible, Self Maintaining, Regen, and Mana Restoration enchantments among other things.

But I made it for two reasons one, this will give Serafall higher abilities with Water, just like any other member of the true Leviathan clan, in fact with the staff her abilities with the element of water are as high as Wiz's who is a Goddess of water.

And Second, to give Serafall a legit Magical Girl transformation, one she's using right now as she walked over the Pig like creatures and the Roman soldiers that appeared some time later.

As Serafall's clothes began to glow blue, water droplets began to surge beneath her and begin to engulf her, she then suddenly twirled around and the water dispersed around her.

This revealed her in her new Magical Girl outfit, one made by me and designed by her, she used Lugia as a inspiration and the fact that she now lives in Japan

She was now wearing a short silver white sleeveless Kimono, the sash was deep blue along with the folds inside the Kimono, she also had deep blue knee high boots and elbow high deep blue fingerless gloves.

Her hair was tied into a ponytail leaving her bangs to hang on the side of her face, the bow in her hair resembled Lugia's blue flaps as well, over all she looks beautiful and very powerful.

Serafall smiled and then struck a pose "Serafall Levia-Chan! Guardian of the Sea Mode!".

I couldn't help but smile at the fact that Serafall was enjoying herself right now, the Japanese people around her were staring at her in awe and amazement.

Meanwhile the creatures and Roman soldiers looked at her with caution, it seems they're aware of what Magic is and are naturally wary of it, that made me realize that there's magic users from whenever they came from.

Well, in any case, I'm not about to stand here and do nothing, so I lifted my arm up and transformed Excalibur from her bracelet form into her Bow form "I'll take care of the Wyverns! you take care of the ground units! keep an eye on the civilians though okay?".

Serafall nodded and began to twirled her staff and got ready to attack, I then turned to look at the bystanders standing around in shock, I don't blame them for being shocked and surprised right now.

But I needed them to go, so I stomped on the ground hard enough to crack it "All right people! get the hell away from here and run!".

This snapped the people out of their shocked state and they began to run away, some yelled a thank you, to me and Serafall which made us smil meanwhile the enemy noticed that people were getting away.

So they charged forward, Serafall grinned and began to gather her Mana, meanwhile I pulled on the energy string on Excalibur's Bow mode and pulled as I began to aim at the Wyverns who were roaring.

It took me a while the recognized the situation we were in, but I finally remembered, it seems me and Serafall landed ourselves in the middle of the anime named Gate thus the SDJF fought there and a part of me couldn't help but smile in excitement.

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