Chereads / Pokemon trainer in DXD / Chapter 86 - 86

Chapter 86 - 86

Chapter 86.

After Ravel introduced herself I couldn't help but sigh a bit, I knew she was bound to arrive at some point but I didn't expect her so soon and just a few days before the Peace Talks too, but either way it feels weird to me for her to call me Lord Hayashi especially since that title belonged to my asshole Grandfather.

Even weirder was the intense look she was giving me right now "errr well its nice to meet you Ravel, but can you not call me Lord Hayashi? someone I hate used to go by that and I don't want to be called by title of someone like him".

Ravel nodded "of course Lord Rean!"

I stared at her for a few seconds " just call me Rean... the Lord isn't necessary".

The young Phenex the violently shook her head in denial, which in an all honesty it scared me a bit with how fast she shook it, Ravel then stopped "I can't do that Lord Rean! someone of your power and status deserves nothing but respect!".

I deadpanned at Ravel *just what exactly did she see? I knew she was watching me and the girls via her Familiar for a while but what could she had seen for her to respect me this much?...* "... alright... in any case I have a couple of things to do here".

I chose to ignore all of that for now and do what I came to do here in the first place, so I turned my head towards Rika "Rika, do you know where Asia and Yunyun are?".

Rika looked up as she pondered my question "I think they mentioned something about going to Rias's ORC, something about meeting another member of her Peerage or something like that".

Rika turned her head towards Koneko who nodded at her and then turned her head towards me "today were trying to help a useless bat how to be strong and manly... I don't think it would work though...".

I raised an eyebrow towards Koneko until I realized what she was talking about, it seems that Gasper the cross dressing Vampire has been released from the room he was sealed in.

If I remember correctly then that means that Issei is trying to help him along with Saji, plus Asia and Yunyun decided to either go see or help "alright, I have some things to talk about with both Rias and Sona and their Queens, so I'm going there, what are you guys doing?".

Rika smiled "I was going to go help at the shop but since your here, I'll tag along and spend sometime with you~".

I nodded at my sister while Koneko spoke next "I'm going too... I was going to go check on the useless bat anyways...".

*Damn, Koneko has no chill jeez* " Alright, that's cool".

Ravel suddenly spoke up "I'm going too!".

Rika and Koneko winced at the sudden raise of volume while Ravel looked embarrassed and quite nervous, I kinda feel bad because she must have felt left out "okay... you can come too though I'm only going to have a talk with them, nothing too serious".

Ravel smiled and nodded "it doesn't matter Lord Rean! I have to always be close to you in order to offer the best help I can!".

I stared at Ravel for a few seconds in surprise, I knew she was very dedicated but wow this is a whole different level "sure, okay...".

I nodded at the three girls and then began to walk towards the ORC building, Rika suddenly grabbed my arm and happily hummed as we walked, it always amazes me just how much she has changed, especially after the Hayashi came to bother us.

Koneko then grabbed my other hand which really surprised me, Koneko has been a sort of friend lately, especially because she's always in the shop eating sweets but this is the first time she did something like this.

Then again Serafall has been telling me tha she's been doing good in her therapy and has began to open more, especially with those she feels safe with, in fact Akeno and Kiba have also been doing good with their therapy as well.

So I just smiled at Koneko and let her do whatever she feels comfortable with, Rika seemed to have noticed it and smiled at me, though Ravel seemed to be glaring and Koneko while the Nekoshou grinned at her.

I just shook my head and headed towards the ORC building to speak with both Sona, Rias and their Queens, I do need to tell them about what has happened to both the Himejima Clan and Shinra Clan.

It didn't take us long to reach the ORC building but as we approached it, we came to a very peculiar sight, it seems like in the Anime, Azazel thought it was a good idea to show up here to ask about the Sacred Gears in both Peerages.

This has Issei ,Gasper who was hiding behind Issei's legs and Saji very nervous, while Asia and Yunyun stared at the leader of the Fallen Angels with caution.

Azazel however was grinning and seemed to be having fun, so I decided to change that and so I summoned Groudon right behind him.

He immediately sense something was very wrong when Groudon's shadow covered a large area of where everyone was standing, so he immediately turned around and slowly looked up only to gape as Groudon stared down at him.

Mentally I told Groudon to scare the Fallen Angel and he immediately did so, Groudon glared at Azazel and used Scary Face, which made the Fallen Angel stand up straight and begin to sweat in fear.

Groudon then leaned his head down towards Azazel who couldn't move out fear and then roar right in his face, before he did so I covered everyone with a barrier so they wouldn't be affected by Groudon's scare tactic.

Azazel paled and dropped to his knees while holding his ears in pain, meanwhile the Saji, Issei and Gasper gaped at the whole event.

Groudon soon finished roaring and sat down in front of Azazel while still glaring at him, I let go of both Rika and Koneko who were still holding onto me and walked up Groudon's side.

Once there I patted his leg and smiled at him "good job Groudon, that was an amazing roar".

Groudon smiled at me and nodded while I walked up to Azazel who was still shaken about what just happened, he looked up as soon as I got close to him "what are you doing here? I'm sure Serafall only gave you permission to enter Kuoh during the Peace Talks but that's it".

Azazel sighed and seemed to be trying to recover from the fright he just got "I just came here to check out the Sacred Gears, maybe even offer some tips thats it...".

I narrowed my eyes at him "you and any other member of the Grigori will stay away from any Sacred Gear user living in Kuoh".

Azazel raised his hands in a sign of surrender "come on, we'll becoming allies soon! let's just help each other and get along okay?".

I turned my bracelet into Excalibur in her Tachi form which caused Azazel to panic and jump back "let's make this perfectly clear Azazel... you being in Peace with Heaven and the Devil Faction has nothing to do with me, were not allies nor friends and if you think you can come to my town and do whatever you want then you have another thing coming!".

Excalibur began to let out a massive amount of Holy light and Purple Stardust Energy, Azazel immediately panicked and back pedal "alright! alright! sorry! I'll leave now!".

Excalibur stopped flexing her power and I glared at Azazel "then get going and I don't want to see you or even sense you around Kuoh until the Peace Talks...".

Azazel frowned and seemed upset but I knew he was also afraid, the sweat running down his forehead was proof of that, he then nodded and began to walk towards me.

As soon as he besides me I decided to make sure he wouldn't try this again, so I whispered something so only he could hear "... if I catch you around here I'll make sure to really destroy the Grigori this time and not only destroy your base...".

Azazel's eyes widen and he turned to stared at me for a few seconds while I just glared at him "I see... so that was you...".

Azazel looked down and nodded, he then silently walked away and left the area, I payed attention to him via Aura Sense until he disappeared letting me know he teleported away.

I sighed in annoyance, Azazel really is one fearless fool, I turned around and nodded at Issei, Saji and Gasper "are you all okay? he didn't do anything weird right?".

Issei grinned "Senpai! yeah he didn't do anything bad, he just said something about Saji's use of his Sacred Gear and about Gasper's, other than that he was just being a weirdo".

Saji nodded while Gasper was gaping at Groudon who was now laying on his belly and being petted by Rika, meanwhile Asia and Yunyun ran up to me and hugged me tightly making me chuckle "hey girls!".

Asia looked up and gave me a pout "Rean! I missed you a lot!".

Yunyun also gave me a pout and nodded in agreement to Asia's statement "we all missed you a lot Rean! you took too long! but I'm glad you're finally back!".

I smiled at them and hugged them tightly "I missed you all too".

Issei groaned and looked down "dammit Senpai! I'm both proud and so jealous of you!".

Saji nodded and seemed to be also jealous, I just shrugged and laughed "sorry about that Issei, anyways how have things been here while I was gone?".

Issei and the girls began to tell me how everything seemed to be pretty much calm here, except for when a massive Dragon appeared out of nowhere.

Asia, Yunyun and Issei gave me a knowing look to which I just smiled and shrugged, suddenly Rias came out of the ORC building with Akeno following her close behind.

She saw me and immediately walked up to me and the group, as soon as she got close to us with a smile "Rean your back!".

I nodded to Rias "I am though I won't be coming to school for a while longer, I have somethings to do before I do".

Rias nodded "so I take it you didn't come here to visit right?".

I grinned at Rias and nodded "that's right, I actually came here today to talk to you and Sona, or rather Akeno and Tsubaki".

Rias tilted her head while Akeno looked very surprised, Groudon suddenly growled I turned around to see Ravel rubbing his belly and making the big Legendary Pokémon smile.

Ravel noticed me looking at her and blushed "ah! sorry... he just looked cute when Rika was petting him and I couldn't help but want to play with him too...".

Groudon growled at Ravel because she stopped which made her do it again, it made me laughed a little because my Pokemon are all suckers for a good headpat or belly rubbing.

I blame Kunou, because she's always doing that to them and they just got used to it, in any case I didn't mind so I let Ravel know that "it's okay Ravel, I don't mind that my Pokemon get attention from others, as long as they allow said person to do so to begin with".

She smiled and then happily continued which Groudon seemed to enjoyed a lot, I then turned my head back towards Rias "oh! can we go talk in your office in private, I rather have only you four hear what I have to say first".

Rias nodded "sure, I'll send Kiba to go inform Sona to come here with Tsubaki, now come on, we can have some Tea while we wait".

I nodded and turned my head towards Asia and Yunyun "I won't take long so if you want, you can wait for me and we can go to the shop together afterwards".

Both Asia and Yunyun smiled and nodded, I then turned my head towards Rika, Koneko and Ravel who was still busy rubbing Groudon's belly "You guys can wait for us too and Ravel?" Ravel turned her head towards me "I want to have a talk with you so wait for me okay?".

Ravel smiled and nodded, I then turned my head towards Issei, Saji and Gasper "I'll see you guys some other time and it's nice to meet you".

Gapser jumped and hid behind Issei after I addressed him, but he still decided to talk to me "I'm Gasper and it's nice to meet you too Senpai...".

Koneko sighed "scary cat bat... how useless".

Even I winced at Koneko's harsh words while poor Gasper slumped in defeat "I'm trying my best...".

I just ignored all of that and begin to follow Rias and Akeno back to the ORC building to have a conversation.

We arrived at Rias's office and we sat on the couches she had in there, Akeno immediately served us some tea while I took out some snacks from the shop and put them in the table.

Rias's eyes sparkled when she saw the Jigglypuff mochi cakes and Snorlax Poundcake I brought out, Akeno giggled watching Rias become excited about the Pokémon snacks.

Akeno then sat besides Rias and decided to speak with me while Rias enjoyed the snacks "Groudon was the one who just roared outside right?".

I nodded at her "ah yes! sorry if that scared you guys".

Akeno shook her head "we got used to the Pokémon doing things like that once in a while so we don't mind, though we were curious as to why he suddenly roared like that".

"I see, that's why you came out of the ORC building" Akeno nodded, she seems a little cautious about speaking with me.

It's not a secret that I'm not her biggest fan but that doesn't mean I'm going to be an asshole to her, though she didn't know that, so I don't blame her for being cautious.

I took a sip of my tea and then told them what happened "Azazel was here, so I decided to give him a warning, I know for a fact that he isn't permitted to be in Kuoh for anything other than for the Peace Treaty".

Rias stopped eating and stared at me "the governor of the Grigori was here? and we didn't sense him?... what did he want or rather what was he doing?".

"Appearantly he came to check out the Sacred Gears belonging to members of your Peerages, I found him speaking with Issei, Saji and Gasper just outside of the building though I doubt he would have done something stupid, Asia and Yunyun were there after all".

Rias looked down "still... for him to nonchalantly walked into Kuoh and approach members of my Peerage, I don't know whether to be angry or worried...".

Akeno frowned, but she didn't seem to carry that same hatred she used to have for Fallen Angels, since she isn't reacting to the news of Azazel being here like I thought she would.

I nodded to Rias "he seemed to be under the delusion that, just because the Devils, Angels and Fallen were going to be in peace, that he was allowed to do whatever he wanted".

Akeno then looked towards me "ah so that's why Groudon roared, he scared him didn't he?".

I nodded "Serafall had asked the Pokémon, or rather she asked me to ask them not to attack Azazel for a while, so he took advantage of that but that's doesn't mean they like him going around town, I'm pretty sure they were aware of him but didn't do anything because he's expected to be here so I taught him a lesson".

Both Rias and Akeno nodded, Rias then bit a Jigglypuff mochi and swallowed "I see... I bet he's not going to be showing up around here like that again".

I nodded, suddenly the door to Rias's office opened and both Sona and Tsubaki walked in, both of them excused themselves as the did so and immediately walked into the office.

Sona sat on the couch besides Rias while Tsubaki closed the door and then quickly sat besides Sona, the Sitri Heir sighed and then spoke "hello Rean... I see your back from doing whatever your supposed to be doing, are you coming back to class tomorrow?".

I shook my head "no yet, I have some things to prepare before the Peace Treaty, so I won't be going back to class for a while".

Sona frowned but nodded nonetheless "then mind telling us why you called me here? Kiba didn't say much, but only told us that you wanted talk to us".

I nodded "well its more like I have somethings to tell to both Tsubaki and Akeno, but you and Rias being their Kings I thought you should be here to listen to what I'm about to say".

Both Akeno and Tsubaki looked very surprised, it's a well known fact that I don't go out of my way to speak with either of them, so they were both very curious and surprised about what I wanted to say to them.

Sona and Rias just nodded, both seemed thankful that I was going to include them in whatever I was going to say to Akeno and Tsubaki, meanwhile I continued to speak "Yasaka asked me to help protect the daughter of a high profiled politician by the name of Isamu Nakashima".

Rias nodded but Sona raised an eyebrow "Isamu Nakashima?... that's a very important Politician, he is said to have direct connections to the Prime Minister and could move around any Laws and Regulations as he sees fit".

I nodded "yes, Isamu does have that much leeway and power within the Prime Minister's office but because of that he became a target, or rather they targeted his daughter in order to get control of him".

The four Devils frowned not liking what they were hearing, Rias then spoke "... then if you were asked to help then that means something Supernatural was involved right?".

I smiled at Rias "that's right, you see Isamu Nakashima is actually an exile of the Nakiri Clan, and the Nakiri Clan wanted him back inside the Clan because of his connections and power within the Prime Ministers office".

Akeno and Tsubaki widen their eyes in both worry and anger, they both knew what it means to be an exile of one of the Five Great Principal Clans, meanwhile I went on "now typically this would all be kept hush, but I believe both of Akeno and Tsubaki deserve to know what happened, I won't give too many details though, okay?".

The four Devils nodded and understood that this was something that was happening between the Japanese Government and the Yokai Faction, the fact that Yasaka and Rean are involved in a big hint that this situation is something that happened between a foreign Faction.

So both Devil heirs knew that normally they wouldn't be told anything, while they thought about that I continued on "now that I'm back that should tell you that I'm done protecting the Nakashima, the end result of all of this was that Isamu created and presented a few new laws that would allowed authorities to investigate the Great Five Principal Clans with the help of the Yokai Faction.

They might be able to escape normal persecution from some of the things they've done but with the involvement of Yasaka, they will all pay for the crimes they committed".

Everyone gaped at me, I don't blame them though, the Five Great Principal Clans were well known to be very powerful and influential in Japan, so to hear that the law came down on them is a shock to them.

Sona looked down "the new laws... they allowed the Japanese Government to involved themselves in the Supernatural World... they're now allowing authorities to act against Supernatural beings".

Rias gaped "but isn't that dangerous? theyre still human after all".

But Sona shook her head "this why they involved the Yokai Faction... with Lady Yasaka acting in the name of the Japanese Government, they can actively go after any Supernatural being breaking the law".

I nodded to Sona "that's right, Isamu Nakashima's law revolve around a peaceful coexistence with the Yokai Faction, meaning they're fully aware of everything Supernatural but that's not important right now".

I turned my head towards Akeno "the Himejima Clan along with the rest of the Five Great Principal Clans have suffered a big hit to their standing, they have lost their status as an Elder Clan and lost a lot of power but they also made one mistake".

Akeno was now giving me her full attention "they went after the Nakashima while I was there, as of now, along with the new laws in place, the Himejima have lost over 75 percent of their members and I personally killed the Elders along 50 percent of Himejima Clan".

Akeno's eye widen in shock "you killed half the Himejima Clan? and then Elders?".

I nodded "that's right... everyone who ordered the attack on you and your mother, those that exiled you as well, are now either dead or under arrest in Kyoto, they have payed for what they have done to you and other Halfbloods".

Akeno stared at me, it looked like she was trying to register what I just told her until she began to cry, Rias immediately hugged her Queen in an effort to console her.

I then turned towards Tsubaki who was stunned "the Shinra also took a big hit and lost about 35 Percent of their members when they were arrested, all the Elder were also arrested and will be executed by the Yokai Faction as well, so those who were against Halfbloods and Sacred Gears are gone now".

Tsubaki teared up, I knew for a fact that both her and Akeno were always worried that their so called Clans would eventually come after them, it wouldn't have happened because despite the Five Great Clans being so arrogant they weren't stupid.

Both Akeno and Tsubaki are protected by both the Gremory and Sitri Devil Clans, that and both Serafall and Sirzechs would have gone after them if they tried anything.

This why Kaede and that Nakashima were the perfect targets to the Great Five Principal Clans, they didn't have the protection or support of a powerhouse, or so they thought.

Little did they know that Isamu is like a little brother to Yasaka and that he would ask her for help, sending me to protect them, that little well kept secret resulted in their downfall.

Seeing that both Akeno and Tsubaki were overwhelmed by the news that the Clans and the people that made their lives miserable were now either dead or locked away, I decided to take my leave.

So I quietly stood up and headed towards the door, Rias saw me and sent me a thankful smile which I returned with a smile of my own and a nod, with that done I left Rias's office and headed outside the ORC building.

Hopefully both Tsubaki and Akeno can find some peace after everything they went through, having met some of the Onmyōji from the Clans made me realize that they must have lived a rough childhood.

After I came out of the ORC building I told the girls that we were going to the shop, Groudon stayed right where he is and took a nap while Issei, Saji and Gasper continued to train the little cross dressing Vampire in how to control his Sacred Gear.

Meanwhile Asia, Yunyun, Rika, Koneko and Ravel left with me to go to the shop, I wanted to talk to Ravel there so we can do so in peace, while the rest of the girls were going to help around the shop.

Well except Koneko, she was just going there to eat and what not, still while walking to shop I held both Yunyun's and Asia's hands as they told me what they have been up to in class while I was gone.

It seems they had quite a bit of fun hanging out with their friends and going to classes, that made me happy to hear since, Yunyun and Asia only ever wanted, was to have friends.

Now they do and they're very happy, both have come out of the shells and become cheerful and bright girls, I still remember how shy and insecure they used to be.

It seemed so long ago now and that thought made me inwardly chuckle, in reality not a lot of time has passed in this world, but a lot has changed already.

Soon enough I arrived to the shop and was immediately greeted and hugged by the girls who were helping right now, Ryuu, Sakuya, Tione, Tiona even Ophis looked happy to see me.

It seems like I was really missed by the girls, both Wiz and Artemis came out of the Kitchen to greet me as well, I gave them all hugs and a kiss, though I gave Ophis a headpat instead.

To my surprise she seemed a bit pouty when I did so, but ignored that for now and spent some time with all my girlfriends, meanwhile Rika, Yunyun and Asia went to get changed into their maid uniform to help around the shop.

After a little bit everyone got back to work, we will have more time to speak and hang out after closing and going home after all, in the mean time I had Ravel to talk with.

So I walked up to her and signaled her to follow me to the kitchens, she nodded and followed me and after taking a seat on the break room table I decided to speak first "okay, sorry about that, it's been a couple of weeks since I've seen the girls and we all miss each other".

Ravel nodded "it's no problem Lord Rean, I have met all your intended before, Rika introduced me so I'm very well aware of how much they missed you".

I nodded "ah so you already met them, that's good, I'll have to do something nice for Rika for introducing you... now I'll be honest with you Ravel, I have no idea what to do with you".

Ravel winced at my honesty but didn't protest and let me continue "I know of your talents and what not from Serafall but I'm not sure exactly what the Sitri, Gremory and your parents want".

Ravel looked up "they just want to offer their aid so we can keep a friendly relationship with you... sure they do it so you wouldn't automatically killed all the Devils if one of us angers you or at the very leat you would spare the Gremory, Sitri and Phenex Clans, but that's just it".

I raised an eyebrow "that's... actually a very honest answer, so they're just ensuring I don't go after them by aligning themselves with me?".

Ravel nodded "there no point in lying or keeping things from you Lord Rean and yes that's the general idea though the lords of the Gremory, Sitri and my parents really just want you help you too, they're very impressed and fond of you".

I sighed and shook my head "you Devils are so weird... I can understand the Sitri, they're going be my parents in law in the future, but the Gremory and Phenex?".

Ravel fidgeted a bit at being called weird by me but then explained a bit "I think the Gremory are happy with you because you stopped the wedding and show them that they were making a big mistake, my parents respect power and you showed plenty of that when you fought Lord Lucifer".

I huffed but nodded nonetheless "I didn't even go there to help Rias, all I wanted was to beat the shit out Sirzechs for being a dumbass, in any case I also heard that you have been spying on me, what exactly do you know?".

Ravel at first sweatdropped at the casual way I just spoke about Sirzechs, but then got nervous when I questioned her about her peeping "errr... I saw you and your girlfriends defeat the Hero Faction and save Kyoto... I also saw your Pokémon's true power as well, other than that all I saw is your everyday life for a while...".

I nodded and closed my eyes and thought about all of this, Ravel fidgeted with her fingers for a little bit "umm?".

I opened my eyes and stared at Ravel "I'm sorry for spying on you Lord Rean... it's just.. I was so impressed by your power and abilities that all I wanted was to keep watching your exploits, I knew you were powerful and when you showed up in the Underworld I was both excited and terrified.

But then you showed me a bit of your true power! and I was once again left in awed, you showed the entire Devil Faction your not one to mess with... it's too bad that everything had to be kept underwraps to avoid drama within the Devil Faction...".

[Looks like you have a fan Rean!.]

I sweatdropped because yeah not only does Ravel seem to be my fan, Astraea was getting to much fun out of this situation for my taste *still... what I am supposed to do with her?*.

[Well Serafall did say she was very smart and business savvy, so why don't you ask your new cute little fan, how can she help you?.]

*Your not going to let that go, aren't you Astraea?*.


I sighed and shook my head head in amusement, I then turned my head towards Ravel who was looking down "what did you tell the Gremory, Sitri and Phenex Lords about me?".

Ravel looked up at me "I just told them you were really powerful and dangerous and that your Pokémon aren't to be understatimated either, I didn't give them to many details as well...".

I raised an eyebrow "why didn't you? shouldn't you prioritize your Faction and Clan? information about me is scarse so I know plenty will want to know about me".

Ravel nodded "I know... but I just couldn't betray you like that I-I respect you too much for me to just go around, divulging what you're obviously trying to keep a secret...".

I sighed and stared at Ravel for a little, despite coming off as a bit pompous in the Anime and the Manga, she really is a loyal and good girl, we never met but she was already very loyal to me.

So I nodded "alright, Ravel where do you stay?".

Ravel looked up to me "I um... stay with Rias for now, why?".

I smiled at her "well you're going to be moving in with me in my home, if your going to be the liason between me and those three nosy Devil Lords then you might as well stay close".

Ravel brightly smiled at me and nodded, I then continued "but before that, I want you to keep everything you'll learn a secret okay? some of the things you'll see, are going to be pretty big so until I say so you can't tell anyone, agreed?".

Ravel nodded and gave me a serious look "I'll keep your secrets a secret Lord Rean! I promise".

I nodded to her "now Serafall informed me that your have quite the mind for business right?".

Ravel tilted her head and nodded "yes, I do help mom and dad with their businesses in the human world, I even have some small companies under my name and control".

[Wow, that's impressive! we knew she was very smart and talented but to this extend?.]

I inwardly nodded to Astraea, in all honesty Ravel is pretty impressive "that's great, so can you do me a favor and take over the finances of the shop? Wiz does it but she rather spend her time baking and cooking, Arty and I help but we're sometimes too busy".

Ravel widely smiled and nodded "I would be honored to take care of the business! this shop is amazing as it is! all of you have done a great job in making it so successful!".

I smiled at Ravel, I of course completely agreed with her, the shop is a very successful one because we all work really hard on everything we do to make it so.

We all do our part, whether that be working on the floor, in the kitchen or making thing for us to sell, we have all done something to make it one of the best shops in Kuoh.

We're getting so popular that we're even getting visitors and costumers from other areas of Japan, I mean Isamu a high end Politician came here just to buy our plushies for Kaede.

Ravel then sheepishly raised her hand "umm can I also wear a maid uniform though... they're really cute...".

I stared at Ravel who began to sheepishly fidget in her seat until I began to chuckle "sure Ravel, I'll make you a maid uniform".

Ravel smiled and then began to mutter something about 'how lucky she was to be wearing something made by my hands' but I decided to ignore that and just watched her speak to herself in amusement.

Looks like a little Phenex will be living with all of us from now on, I just hope she's ready for all the craziness that will eventually befall her life.