Chereads / Pokemon trainer in DXD / Chapter 69 - 69

Chapter 69 - 69

Chapter 69.

Kunou looked up and watched as dead Fallen Angels began to rain down from the heavens, she turned her head towards Mewtwo and Gardevoir who were close to her "can you guys make sure none of thoses bodies hit a house or someone?".

Both Psychic Pokémon nodded and teleported away to make sure that no one gets a dead Fallen Angel on their windshield or roof, while Kunou looked in front of her as an army of Stray Exorcists teleported into town.

They immediately froze as they heard screams of horror and pain all over the place, all of them looked up only to gape at the fact that the massive army of Fallen Angels that were supposed to help them attack the devils living in Kuoh were being massacred by a bunch of creatures.

No one could recognize any the creatures besides the fact that some of them looked similar to others Supernatural creatures seen around the world, a voice snapped them out of their shock "you aren't welcome here".

All the Stray Exorcists turned their head towards where the voice had come from and watched as very young Kitsune walked up to them, some of the Older Stray Exorcists notice that it was a nine tailed fox so they grew weary of the young Kitsune walking up to them.

The younger ones however grinned and some even laughed at the Young Kitsune, one such young and cocky Stray Exorcist began to walk up to the Young Kitsune "and what are you going to do about it little Yokai?".

Kunou frowned not liking the way the guy in front of her just talked to her and how she called her so her eyes glowed blue as she used Psychic and crushed the young Exorcist in front of her into a small ball of flesh and gore.

The Stray Exorcist didn't even get to scream as he was violently turned into a ball and then drop on the floor, he died almost instantly but he was dead now and no longer had to worry about what was about to happen to the rest of his comrades.

Who were now terrified at the display of power and brutality showed by the Kitsune before them, some even tried to activate their magic circles to escape but Kunou snapped her fingers and created a ward preventing any Stray Exorcists from escaping.

Kunou then shook her head and frowned " we don't take kindly to unwanted visitor here, especially ones that are trying to destroy the peace of our home".

The Exorcist were very scared right now but one thing stood out the most out of everything the little Kitsune just said, the word 'we' alerted everyone to the fact that the Kitsune was alone and each and every Stray Exorcist began to panic.

Even more so when Pokémon began to step out of the shadows and growled at them, Kunou suddenly got on all fours and growled as well letting the Stray Exorcist known that they weren't going to be coming out alive from this.

At the time they thought that helping Kokabiel with his plans would net them some good money and a good time but now, now they were regretting ever agreeing to help the crazy bastard.

But they didn't get to ponder or regret things for long because the Pokémon roared and along with Kunou they all launched themselves towards the Stray Exorcists who weren't ready to face such force.

Kunou disappeared in a blur and appeared above group of Stray Exorcists and then dropped fist first in the middle of the group "Eruption!".

Magma exploded out of the ground and right below the group of Stray Exorcists, the evil and corrupt men were killed almost immediately as then were showered by red hot magma.

They only had time to scream in horror and pain before dying, this was the signal the Pokémon were waiting for and all them launched themselves to attack and get rid of the unwanted intruders on their turf.

Yuki was the first one to follow up Kunou's initial attack and blasted a groups of Stray Exorcists with a Sheer Cold, the attack hit quite a few of them who dropped on the ground frozen solid and dead, their frozen bodies shattered on impact against the ground.

Jolted used Wild Charge and crashed against a few Stray Exorcists who died screaming while being electrocuted while Leafeon ran around with Leaf Blade and quickly cut as many Stray Exorcists in half while moving in high speed.

Vaporeon blasted Stray Exorcists with Scald, these Stray Exorcist died screaming their lungs out as they were boiled alive by the super hot Water Type attack.

Flareon just bathed Stray Exorcists with Flamethrower leaving them to roll around in the floor while screaming until they died a few seconds later and then turned into ash.

Glaceon barraged Stray Exorcists with Icicle Crash impaling them through their chest or head with her Ice Type attack, Espeon would blast her targets with Psybeam while Sylveon used Moonblast.

Their targets were lucky because they died quickly unlike Umbreon's targets, the Dark Type Pokemon would use Faint Attack to appear behind his targets and hit them on the back, he would then use Bite and mercilessly bite their throats out.

As always Dark Type Pokemon showed how vicious they can be, Zacian rushed forward with Greninja and Sceptile running to her sides, all three Pokemon blurred as they zigzag around groups of Stray Exorcists who would scream in pain a few seconds later their bodies exploded in cuts and blood.

Snorlax would roll into groups of Stray Exorcists and then began to punch all of them with Ice, Fire and Thunderpunches.

The Stray Exorcist were completely blindsided by the high speed this heavy looking Pokemon was capable of moving with, meanwhile Wigglytuff would sing around and leave a bunch of sleeping Stray Exorcists for the Ghost Type Pokémon to finish off.

Mismagius would use Dream Eater and absorb the Life Force of any sleeping Stray Exorcists she found, these Exorcists died peacefully in their dream while Chandelure would cremate her sleeping targets with Flame Burst.

Cofagrigus would use his four arms and Shadow Claw to slash his targets throats opened to finish them off, while Gourgeist used Hex which engulfed her sleeping targets in the corrosive force of her Ghost Type Energy killing them instantly.

Suicune loudly howled and then began to blast Stray Exorcists with Ice Beam, many of them tried to run away from the majestic and beautiful Pokémon but she was too fast for them and were flash frozen before they could take a step.

Ariados and Leavanny would wrap Stray Exorcists with String Shot while Scizor and Tyranitar finished them off with either Tyranitar stomping on their head or Scizor crushing their heads with his Pincers.

Venusaur and Liligant fired storms of sharp leaves together that would slice Stray Exorcists into pieces, Blastoise would Hydro Pump his targets while Ampharos Thunderbolt hers.

Their targets died crushed or electrocuted in seconds, Tyrantrum chased his targets who screamed and tried to run away as soon as they saw the massive dinosaur like creature.

The Dragon Type caught up to them rather quickly and used Fire Fang to kill his targets, luckily for Tyrantrum his Fire Type Attack was so intense that the Stray Exorcist he bit down on incinerated in seconds, though they did leave a ashy taste in his mouth.

Delphox used Psychic hold down groups of Stray Exorcists for Nidoking and Lucario to finish off, Nidoking used Poison Jab and Horn Attack against the defenseless Stray Exorcists.

The lucky ones died right away while the unlucky ones died being horribly poisoned or bleeding out on the ground.

Lucario just Force Palmed them on their chests causing his target's hearts to explode inside their chest, these Stray Exorcist died with a grunt of pain before they felt no more.

The Legendary Pokémon stood around and kept an eye out for any surprises, though they still took down any Stray Exorcists that tried to flee the area, Groudon, Kyogre, Solgaleo, Diancie and Latias knew they weren't really needed since these Stray Exorcist were just humans.

So they opted to keep an eye out for everyone, this mean that no matter what the Stray Exorcist tried to do they would all died by the end of this whole ordeal.

Kunou watched as the Pokémon moved out together to protect their home and the citizens that accepted them, it made her smiled to see all of them working together.

Suddenly she felt something approaching Kuoh Academy at high-speed, she looked up with a frown on her face "what is that?... I better tell mama Yunyun so she can tell daddy".

Kokabiel growled and began to feed the combined Excalibur his corrupted light, the sword began to let out a horrible screech which made all of us frown.

Kokabiel then began to cackle "I'll show you just who exactly your messing with! I'll show you just how I survive the Great War! hahaha! I'll destroy this town and start my war!".

Kokabiel then raised the Combined Excalibur into the air and then proceed to try to stab it into the ground but a few inches before the Combined Excalibur touched the ground it shattered into pieces.

Kokabiel's eyes widen in shock as he watched the Combined Excalibur fall apart before his eyes "w-what?".

I reappeared behind him while holding the three cores of Rapidly, Nightmare and Transparency "did you really think I would stand there and let you do whatever you were planning? this isn't a TV show idiot".

Kokabiel tried to turned around but Tiona appeared in front of him and grabbed him by the throat and began to repeatedly punch him in the face, oiona grinned "you shouldn't take your eyes off your enemies".

Tiona pummeled Kokabiel's quite a few times until he flared his wings out and flapped hard, Tiona let him go and he took off into the sky but before he could reach too high ten silver energy arrows flew at him at high-speed and crashed against his ten black wings.

His wings exploded in gore from Artemis's arrows, Kokabiel let out a horrible scream of pain as he fell to the ground back first, he ragdolled on the ground a couple of times from the speed he was using to get away.

Tione appeared in a blur in front of Kokabiel as he ragdolled and hit him with a Liarat, the Fallen Angel crashed against her arm chest first with wide eyes and a expression full of pain.

Tione growled and then swung her entire body, she then threw Kokabiel into the ground where he violently crashed and created a crater with his body.

Tiona jumped up and flipped in mid air a few times before dropping on Kokabiel's chest knee first, Kokabiel gasped in pain as both Tione and Tiona jumped back.

The ex Ten Winged Fallen Angel rolled on the ground whole coughing blood and holding his chest in pain, I just glanced at his flailing body and put the Excalibur cores in my inventory for later.

I began to walk towards Kokabiel while turning Excalibur back in to her Tachi form this time she was sheathed inside Avalon while I carried them in my hand.

But suddenly Yunyun's voice began to resound in my mind *Rean, Kunou just told me that she sensed something coming our way and fast*.

I couldn't help but frowned in confusion until I remembered who else was supposed to show up here *is that so? let's wait and see whoever is coming and what he does".

*okay! I'll let you know what happens when whomever is coming arrives, it shouldn't take long though*.

*Thank you Yunyun* I could feel Yunyun smile through our mental connection, I then approached Kokabiel who was still coughing and gasping for air "I really would like to know how someone so old can be so arrogant to think that he could get away with all of this? did you really think you would have won your so call war?".

Kokabiel glared at me as he coughed out a glob of blood "you don't know anything!... what would a child such as yourself know of war!... we Fallen Angels had to fight to survive from both sides!... not wanted by heaven and hated by hell!.. but we were winning! WE WOULD HAVE BECOME THE STRONGEST FACTION IN THE WORLD!... but Azazel just gave up... you have no idea of what we lost! of what we sacrificed!...".

"... Your right, I don't know anything of war nor I could ever understand what you Fallen Angels went through back them but I really couldn't care less... most of you Fallen Angels were kicked out of heaven for being bloodthirsty mongrels like you and that doesn't give you the right to drag others and the mundane world into your pitiful conquest for war".

Kokabiel growled "shut up!... I know people like you!... your the sort who would watch the world burn for his loved ones!... fucking hypocrite!".

I grinned at him and chuckled "oh definitely... I would engulfed this world in flames if it meant saving my loved ones but make no mistake asshole, I would only do so if I'm pushed into doing it! I more than content to live in peace as long as I can plus unlike you I don't go provoking things to happen without a reason".

Kokabiel cackled and got onton his hands and knees, he them pushed his body up and kneeled in front of me to glare at me "it's only a matter of time!... the world will know about you and come for you!... hahaha!... you will see hypocrite! you won't be able to keep your beloved peaceful life for too long!".

"Maybe but at least you won't be there to see that day but don't worry! I'll make sure to send plenty of company to whatever hell your kind goes too when they die!".

I drew Excalibur from Avalon so fast that Kokabiel didn't even see me move, the only thing he saw was his vision shift and fall to the ground before darkness claimed his sight and he knew no more.

I stood there's and watched as Kokabiel's head fell to the ground and I twirled Excalibur a couple of time before resheathing her into Avalon, by the time Kokabiel's head stopped rolling on the ground I was already walking away.

Suddenly Yunyun's voice echoed in my mind a *Rean, the thing Kunou mentioned was approaching our location is here and it started to punch the barrier, it definitely wants to go inside but I can't imagine why*.

I hummed *what does it looked like?*.

*It's looks humanoid and it wearing some kind of white armor too, I'm also sensing Dragonic energy!*.

I nodded to myself and sighed, it seems like Azazel sent Vali after all *thank you Yunyun, give me a few seconds and then I'll tell you what we'll do*.

*Okay! oh! Kunou and Wiene are done dealing with Fallen Angels and Stray Exorcists, all targets have been eliminated and no civilians were hurt though were going to have to do a lot of cleaning before the morning arrives!*.

I smiled *gotcha!* I approached where Gabriel, Serafall and Yasaka were waiting for me while Tiona, Tiona and Artemis walked up to my sides.

I smiled at them "good job girls, sorry that it was kind of fast and boring"

Tiona grinned "nah! it was fun to punch that guy in the face!".

Tione nodded "I go to admit that it felt rather good to hurt him, I wonder why?".

Artemis smiled and then giggled "it always feel nice to punish idiots and arrogant fools".

The girls nodded and shared a laugh while I smiled at them, soon we arrived where Serafall and the others were "all done but it seems we have an unexpected guest, does anyone know anyone who wears a white dragonic armor?".

Serafall frowned while Gabriel gasped, Yasaka furrowed her eyebrows as she spoke up "that sounds like the White Dragon Emperor..."

Serafall sighed and shook her head "it seems like Azazel sent him or her to deal with Kokabiel at the last minute" Serafall then scoffed in annoyance at the fact that Azazel decided to do something about all of this at the very last minute.

Gabriel sighed "Heaven did hear the White Dragon Emperor was allied to the Grigori but to think that brother Azazel would sent him here...".

I just shrugged "too bad he sent him too late, what should we do about him?".

Serafall frowned "we might as well let him take Kokabiel's body, one less corpse to deal with that way".

Yasaka nodded "yes I think that's for the best but let's keep an eye out just in case he or her tries to do anything stupid, I heard rumors of how this generation's White Dragon Emperor is quite the battle junkie".

I nodded and I then Telepathically told Yunyun to let the barrier dissipated which she did right away, the White Dragon Emperor who I knew was Vali flew down and landed on the ground while looking around.

He noticed Kokabiel's headless body and walked up to it, he looked down and shook his head "it seems you finally got what you deserved Kokabiel...".

Vali turned towards us and stared at all of us, especially towards Serafall and Gabriel "so it was Maou Leviathan and Archangel Gabriel that killed Kokabiel, seems like he chew more than he could handle".

Gabriel tilted her head while Serafall just huffed in annoyance "what is it with teens now of days? not a shredd of respect or common sense, why are you here White Dragon Emperor?".

Vali stood there for a few seconds as he looked around as if looking for something, he then spoke p to Serafall to answer her question "Azazel sent me to make sure Kokabiel didn't start a war but it seems like it was unnecessary... but this town seems to be very interesting, I can sense multiple powerful energy signatures".

Serafall glared at Vali "I hope your not thinking about causing trouble here on devil territory, my territory".

Vali didn't respond and continued to looked around "Azazel told me that my rival was here in Kuoh, where is he?".

Wow this asshole just ignored Serafall and I can see she isn't happy about it, now that I think about it Serafall is completely right about what she just pointed out about young people being so disrespectful lately especially in this world.

Serafall sighed "... leave now White Dragon Emperor, I don't want you or any member of your Faction here to cause trouble here".

Vali turned his armored head towards Serafall "oh? fighting a Maou sounds like fun, tell me lady Leviathan... what would you do if I chose not to leave?".

Goddamn I can feel the smugness on this guy's voice and it annoyed me to no end, I certainly didn't like that he was speaking to Serafall like she was nothing to worry about..

Serafall herself looked pissed now, even Gabriel looked annoyed, Yasaka was also glaring something fierce but then her eyes widen which I noticed right away.

It didn't take me long to see why, right behind Vali stood Mimikyu and she looked rather angry right now, it seems like she heard how Vali spoke to Serafall and she did not appreciate it.

Vali hasn't even noticed her standing behind him as he waited for Serafall to say anything, I then saw Serafall suddenly grin so maliciously that it sent a shiver down my spine.

Serafall suddenly shrugged and shook her head as she answered Vali's question "what would I do? well... I would only say two words".

Vali tilted his head and even with his head covered by the armor of his Balance Breaker I could see that he seemed confused "yeah? and what would those two words be?".

Serafall grinned and then said "Play Rough~".

Vali stood there in silence for a few seconds but then Mimikyu hissed at him alerting him of her presence but it was too late for him, Mimikyu stretch out her pitch black claws and grabbed Vali.

She then pulled him to her and then proceed to beat the ever living shit out of him with her Fairy Type move, throughout the ass whooping Vali was receiving he screamed in agonizing pain.

Eventually a second voice joined his screams and I'm pretty sure that was Albion who was also feeling the full force of Mimikyu's Play Rough.

Eventually his screams drew the attention everyone who was outside the barrier and all the Devils, Exorcists and Yunyun arrived only to see someone getting the ass kicking of the century by Mimikyu.

Issei actually shivered in fright as he watched someone getting pummeled by Mimikyu, the Ghost and Fairy Type Pokemon finally got tired of beating on Vali and threw him towards Serafall who caught him by the throat.

As Serafall smiled I stared at Vali's condition and I could see the damage Mimikyu's Fairy Type attack caused to both his body and his soul was quite severe, even Albion's soul within Vali was utterly beaten and heavily damaged and his armor was utterly destroyed.

Serafall stared at Vali as she held him by the throat and grinned at him "not so cocky now are you little White Dragon Emperor?".

Vali groaned in pain and glared at Serafall "... what have you done to me and Albion!... I can't hear him anymore!".

Serafall dropped Vali on the ground and then stomped on his back, she then grabbed his Sacred Gear wings, and began to pull causing him Vali to scream in pain once again.

Serafall grinned "I can't really kill you since Azazel more than likely will whine and complain about it but what I can do in cripple you for a bit, maybe you'll learn some humility after this little White Dragon Emperor!".

With one strong pull Serafall ripped Vali's Sacred Gear Wings shattering them, the Sacred Gear will recover in time but since its connected to Vali's and Albion's souls they're going to be feeling a lot of pain for a long while.

Vali let out a howl full of pain as Serafall threw his Sacred Gear wings to the side, Issei walked up to me and then spoked "man... your girlfriend is scary Rean".

I nodded "yeah... I'm both scared and aroused...".

Issei just nodded, his Boosted Gear suddenly manifested and Ddraig spoke up "please remind me to never pisssed off Maou Leviathan Rean".

I nodded not that I think I ever have to do so since both Issei and Ddraig are very polite to Serafall and the rest of my girlfriends, it seems that their instincts tells them to behave around then which is good.

Mimikyu waddle her way to where Serafall was standing above Vali who was still screaming in pain, Serafall smiled at her and then picked her up in her arms and hugged the little Fairy and Ghost Type Pokémon "thank you Mimikyu! your the best~".

Gabriel looked like she wanted to hug Mimikyu too but Serafall just grinned at her letting her know she wouldn't let her which made the Archangel pout at her, Yasaka just shook her head in amusement "he's making a lot of noise and it's hurting my ears...".

Mimikyu hissed and the outstretched one of her pitch black claws, she made a fist which then exploded with Fighting Type energy.

Mimikyu then harshly brought a Drain Punch right on top of Vali's head finally shutting him up as he fell unconscious from the blow..

Yasaka nodded in approval and then outstretched her arm towards Mimikyu and gave her a headpat which made Mimikyu softly hiss in happiness "thank you Mimikyu, he was getting annoying~".

Everyone except me sweatdropped at the ruthlessness of the whole situation while both Yasaka and Serafall filled Mimikyu's heart with praise.

I smiled and then looked at Vali and couldn't help but to shake my head "this is what happens when you get too arrogant, one should be proud of how strong we become but we should never let it get to our heads".

The young Devils even Sona nodded in agreement while the Exorcist looked down, suddenly both Wiene and Kunou dropped from the sky and landed on top of Vali.

Both fist pumped and cheered "we finished all the Fallen Angels and Stray Exorcists! yay~".

I sweatdropped at the insult added to injury that my daughters just delivered onto Vali and even I'm starting to feel bad for the guy, Serafall smiled at both Kunou and Wiene "good jobs girls! now stepped down from there, you shouldn't step on garbage sweeties".




Wow Serafall just left Astraea, Excalibur and me speechless (hey guys I'm back~.)

*Oh! hello Gaea, are you done with the Battle Dungeon?*.

Gaea giggled (nope! sorry Rean, I know your looking forward to it but I'm still building the whole Dungeon and creating a spawn system, I will be done with the first ten floors soon though!.)

*it's fine Gaea take your time and it's good to have you back for now, I take it that your taking a break right?* Gaea sent me an image of her nodding in my mind letting me that she indeed was taking a break.

I watched as both Kunou and Wiene jumped down from Vali's unconscious body and sheepishly smiled at Serafall who just grinned at them while hugging Mimikyu with one arm and slapping Gabriel's hand away whenever she tried to pet Mimikyu (yup! now what's going? it looks like I missed some fun stuff!.)

I chuckled in amuse*You don't know half of it but I have to deal with all of this so have Astraea and Excalibur tell you what has been happening*.


I walked up to my daughters, Serafall, Gabriel and Yasaka while the Devils, Exorcists and Yunyun stay behind them.

Both Kunou and Wiene smiled at me as soon as they saw me approached them and I smiled back at them, as soon as I got close to Serafall I smiled at her "so, what do you want go do with Kokabiel's corpse and the unconscious kid?".

Serafall hummed for a little bit "let's just send it to Azazel and let him deal with it, maybe he'll think twice about keep sending idiots to my territory".

Yasaka huffed "I wouldn't hold my breath, that man is as irresponsible as he's perverted".

Serafall shrugged "then we'll keep sending his people back to him dead or crippled, he's bound to learn or run out of minions, whichever comes first".

I chuckled and nodded "either way, he was warned the last time he was here so he can't blame anyone but himself and if he complains just tell him I did it, since I'm not a member of any Faction he can bitch and moan all he wants he won't be getting anything out of this".

Serafall nodded and brightly smiled at me, Yasaka giggled while Gabriel stopped trying to get to Mimikyu and then spoke up "are you sure your okay taking responsibility for all of this Mr Rean?".

I shrugged at her and nodded "it doesn't matter to me really even if someone in the Church, Heaven and the Grigori come to me to annoy me about all of this I'll just deal with them plus after today I'll have the Pokémon keep a closer look on the town they'll make sure to deal with any fool who dares come here to cause any trouble".

Serafall nodded "make sure to let Heaven and the Church know that Gabriel, any who dares come into Kuoh to cause trouble will be dealt with extreme prejudice".

Gabriel nodded "I'll make sure to let everyone know" Gabriel then starter to fidget "...but I can still visit right Sera-chan!".

Gabriel then used the Puppy eyes technique on Serafall who deadpanned at her "that won't work on me Gabriel... Kunou's puppy eyes technique is far more powerful than yours!".

Everyone turned their heads towards Kunou's who smugly smiled and waved at them, Gabriel then teared up "b-but you wouldn't deny your best friend to come a visit you to play right?".

Serafall winced upon looking at Gabriel's tearful expression and could tell she was starting to crack "err... were rivals Gabriel! you can't just come here, in a town on Devil Territory! your an Archangel!".

But Gabriel then looked so sad and depressed that even I flinched, Serafall physically had to hold herself up, Gabriel looked down "... I don't care about all of that... no one wants to play with me in Heaven or even joke around... all everyone sees is silly Gabriel the most beautiful woman in heaven... but you don't care about that... you treat me like normal person...".

Ah damn, even I feel bad for Gabriel now and so does Serafall if the trembling in her hands is any evidence.

It seems that like Serafall, Gabriel despite being very popular and well known feels lonely but unlike Serafall she doesn't have anyone to be with her and spend time with her.

Serafall had her sister and her show to keep her anchored after the Civil War but Gabriel most likely didn't have anything and has spent all of this time since the Great War feeling sad and lonely.

I turned my faze towards Xenovia and Irina who were gaping at Gabriel, I bet that they're shocked at the fact that one of their leaders feels like this.

Serafall stared at Gabriel for a long minute until she suddenly sighed "fine... you can come and visit whenever you want though I don't promise to be always available to spend time with you, okay?".

Gabriel looked up at Serafall and then smiled so brightly that even I had to looked away from that smile to avoid being blinded, Serafall gasped and then covered her eyes with her arms "dammit Gabriel! don't smile like that! agh! my poor eyes!".

Being blinded by Gabriel's smile allowed the Archangel to catch Serafall in a tight hug, luckily Mimikyu was able to jump away from Serafall's arms and land on Kunou's head.

While Serafall gasped and kicked her little feet in the air "gack! Gabriel let me goooo nooo!".

I bet that at this very moment Serafall was regretting all of her life choices, Yasaka walked up to my side and grabbed my hand and giggled "well looks like Serafall has a great friend huh?".

I smiled as I watched Serafall cursed out while trying to push Gabriel's face away from her but even I can see that spark of happiness in her eyes, she can denied it to everyone but I know her well enough to know that she cares about Gabriel.

So I smiled and nodded to Yasaka "looks like it, it seems like we're going to have to add Gabriel to the wards".

Yasaka smiled and nodded, I turned my head towards Kunou who still had Mimikyu on her had and Wiene, both of them were poking Vali's unconscious body with a stick.

I frowned as I stared at Vali with my Akashic Dragon Eyes, the Damage to his body was pretty bad but the damage to his Soul, Sacred Gear and Albion himself was far more intense.

Albion and his Sacred Gear might recover in time but his soul and body might not, Fairy Type Energy can damage Dragons at a Conceptual level especially when it comes from one of my Pokémon.

Even I doubt Vali will be the same after this, Azazel will have to waste a lot of resources in order to help him recover and I can't help but wonder if that will affect his plans with the peace treaty he has been working in secret with Michael and Sirzechs.

Well either way that's not my problem and I couldn't care less if the three Judeo Christian Factions ever go for peace, I'll just continue to do what I do best.

Live freely, protect my home and my family, I turned my gaze towards Kokabiel's corpse and watched Tiona kicked his head around while Tione laughed, Artemis was a fair distance smiling at Tiona's antics.

Tonight is going to be busy for me since I'll have to do a little bit of clean up around town and make sure Azazel gets Kokabiel's dead body and whatever is left of Vali, honestly I kinda want to see his face when he sees the condition of these two when he see them and perhaps I might even send a message as well.