Chereads / Pokemon trainer in DXD / Chapter 55 - 55

Chapter 55 - 55

Chapter 55. Truths and Revelations.

Loki was very stressed and quite unhappy as she spoke with Finn who was sitting behind his desk "what do you mean we can't leave Orario! why!?".

Finn sighed and then shrugged "it was a direct order from the Guild, it came for lord Ouranos himself too so we can't really disobey though he hasn't informed anyone of the reasons as to why this order was issued".

Loki frowned not liking what she was hearing, the fact that Ouranos was the one who issued the order to not leave Orario meant that whatever is going most be pretty serious "but what about the Quest on the docks?".

Finn shook his head and shrugged "it's going to have go wait until the order is rescinded".

Loki sighed and scratch her head in frustration, she really wanted to see her girls in bathing suits but it seems like that's a dream that won't become a reality anytime soon, but then she stopped what she was doing and stared seriously towards Finn "do you think Rean has something to do with this?".

Finn closed his eyes "it seems like it, there's a few reports of a few people watching him leave Orario early in the morning some days ago but no one is sure, the Hestia Familia isn't talking either".

Loki crossed her arms "tch! that annoying shorty... what about the girls?".

Finn shook his head "they aren't talking either... in fact they been spending a lot of time with the Hestia Familia too".

Loki frowned not liking what she was hearing but she was also very aware that she can't cause problems with the Hestia Familia either, not only would her girls hate her for that but that might also bring Rean's attention to her and her Familia and that's something she doesn't want at all.

Asfi was sitting in front of us while she gave me, Artemis and Ryuu a report of what's been going on inside one of the tents they set up "things are only getting worse... whatever is causing everything to die is slowly spreading out along with the monsters that seem to just multiple non stop, the neighboring towns have already been wiped out...".

Artemis sadly frowned while Ryuu narrowed her eyes "what about your efforts to reach the ruins?".

Asfi shook her head "failing... we haven't been able to even reach past the doorway".

I sighed knowing that more than likely they have been failing to make any process because Hermes's Falna is gone "there's a doorway?".

Asfi nodded "yes and it the only thing stopping us to from reaching the monster known as Antares, we can't even open the door...".

Asfi then sighed and shook her head "in any case this area is safe but the corruption can reach at anytime, we've been using it as a base camp to launch our attacks... why don't you rest up here for a while, there's a spring not far from here where you can clean up and refresh yourselves".

Ryu and Artemis nodded and Asfi lead them to the spring while I stay behind, not wanting to wait inside this tent I stepped out and headed towards where Lugia was roosting to rest.

She immediately sensed me as I got closer to her and turned her head towards me, I smiled at her and as soon as I reached her, she leaned her head towards me and I immediately began to rub her chin "hey girl".

Lugia softly let out one of her melodious growl and I couldn't help but to smile at her "were fine, you know that attack was no where near powerful enough to even crack your Protect much less hurt me and Ryuu and we would have protected Artemis".

Lugia nodded but then a voice caught my attention "you would have protected me?".

I turned around and saw Artemis standing a fair distance away from me, she seemed so sad and tired right now "of course I would Artemis".

Artemis then walked up to me and then stopped right in front of me "even though I'm not the real Artemis?".

"Your a part of her and that makes you real, Artemis you might not have every experience and memory from the real Artemis but your still you".

Artemis looked down and then reached one of her hands towards me face an gently caress it "... I wonder how the old me would have reacted to you Rean? would she feel what I do?".

I smiled at Artemis "she would probably shoot me with her bow and arrow for being so daring, for speaking to you like this if Hestia's stories are anything to go by, what was it? miss president of the no sex before marriage club?".

Artemis giggled "then you're a lucky man Rean...even God's can change a lot, this is something I learned during my small time with you, even Hestia has change, she used to be so lazy everything was such an big effort to her".

I couldn't help but chuckled a bit "that hasn't changed a lot, she's still lazy as all hell but she's someone you can rely on too".

Artemis smiled and let go of my face and began to pet Lugia who was enjoying the attention "hehe, she used to hide a lot in her temple, she would always get so excited when I would visit, running around like a excited puppy wanting to play".

I chuckled imagining Hestia of all people being a Hikikomori of all things " I can actually picture that so clearly that it's a bit disturbing but I also know that she's very kind... she has become a Goddess I can believe in, one I would even pray to".

And it was true, our time with Hestia has shown me that she's really a kind and caring girl, her domain all centered around family and home so even being around her gives you this sense of comfort and ease that even I can feel and enjoy.

Artemis nodded "I've always envied her... the way she can cry with people and share in their joy... the way Hestia makes people smile and shows them affection".

I smiled and looked up "she's like a fuzzy mom that cries with you when you fail or feels frustrated and laughs and smiles with you and your triumphs... don't tell her I said that though, she might really adopt me ".

Artemis smiled and then looked down "I'm sorry for mixing you up with all of this Rean... I'm forcing you to do horrible thi-".

I cut her off since I knew why she was apologizing and I didn't like it "you don't need to apologize Artemis, I chose to help you so don't worry I'll make sure to save you, all of you".

Artemis turned to her head towards me and stared into my eyes, she then gave me a small and soft smile "you sound a bit like a Hero Rean".

I huffed and shook my head "not really... I'm a very selfish person Artemis, I would do anything to protect the ones I love... I would drench my hands in blood without hesitation if it means the my friends and family are safe".

I looked up and begin to think about the reasons I'm so desperate to protect the bonds I have... the last memories of my last life before becoming Rean still hunt me, the loneliness I felt as I slowly died, that suffocating feeling that come from all the regrets I had.

Those last moments when I found myself in my bed dying in my dark room alone with no one there to give me comfort as I died is something I never want to experience ever again.

At first all I wanted was to get strong to defend my freedom, to be able to live in peace with my Pokemon and go on adventures with them but all of that changed when I met Serafall and my goals and wishes changed as well.

Now I continue to grow stronger and stronger to protect what I have, to protect them for they're my hoard, my treasures and no one or nothing will ever take my family away from me.

Artemis walked up to me and grabbed my hand "I think I get it now...".

I turned my head towards her "hm?".

Artemis just smiled and stared into my eyes "why all of those girls seemed so happy to be around you, I know for a fact each and everyone of them love you Rean, it was something I could never understand before... I am a Goddess of chastity so I forbade romance between man and woman... I loathed the mere thought about it but one day a child challenged those feelings... he told me that love was a beautiful thing and right now... I think I understand what he meant".

Artemis then tighten her grip on my hand, I was a bit surprised with what she said to me but I guess watching how Ryuu acts with me gave her an idea of what love is "Rean... would you dance with me?".

*Dance huh... boy I'm a glad mom taught me how to dance when we left the Hayashi compound so long ago... it was one of the first things she taught me before she became too busy with work*.

So I smiled at Artemis and let go of her hand for a few moments, I then stood before her and liike my mother taught me I placed my hand on my chest, right over where my heart is and took a bow.

Artemis smiled as I straightened up, I then grabbed her hand again while I used my other one to grab hold of her waist, I'm sure that if Rika or mom would see me doing this they wouldn't let me live it down since I wasn't a big fan of dancing but Artemis asked me to dance and dance I shall.

Lugia began to let out a soft and slow melodious sound, I realized she was singing and I smiled at her in gratitude as I began to dance with Artemis, just to make thing more special I began to let my purple Stardust energy softly dance around us as we danced under the moonlight.

I then noticed Ryuu watching us dance from a distance away with a victorious smile on her face and I knew then that I was not only going to have to take her dancing but the rest of the girls as well, within my soul I could heard both Astraea and Excalibur giggle in amusement while Gaea loudly snored which almost made me laugh.

As me and Artemis danced she softly began to speak to me "Rean.. did you know? God's who decend to the lower world can experience 10,000 years worth of love?".


Artemis smiled "this new warmth I discovered shall stay with me forever, Orion... no Rean I'm glad that I met you".

I closed my eyes and smiled at Artemis though inwardly I had come to a very important decision *Astraea, tonight well be doing Raid Mode until its time... I'm not going to let Artemis die*.

[Of course Rean, I'll support you all the way.]

*Thank you Astraea* tonight with all my Pokemon I'll be going into the my Instant Dungeon Raid Mode and under Time Dilation to finally get everything ready to ascend, it was time for a new Dragon God to be born.

Antares won't know what hit it.

The next morning everyone woked up early and no one even noticed what I had been doing all night, I spent a total of 13 months in Time Dilation inside Raid Mode with my Pokemon, All of them and I have reached even higher levels of power.

In fact all of my battle Pokemon have been evolved or leveled up to high level catching up to the rest while I myself finally reached Level 100 but I haven't evolved yet.

No I plan to do so after I rescue Artemis to deal with Antares who will go berserk when I do , luckly my ascension to Dragon God won't be like when I became a Heavenly Dragon when I had to wait 24 hours to transform in to a full Dragon from Dragonoid.

But according to Astraea it will still be an expectacular show, which is one of the reasons I decided to do this far away from Orario, this morning Hermes's Familia left knowing that they're weren't going to be any help without Falnas, though they told me that they wanted to go look for Hermes and that they knew I would take care of this.

That left me, Ryuu and Artemis to deal with Antares, I also told Ryuu of what would be happening so she wouldn't be caught off guard when I become a Dragon God.

She smiled at me and then caressed my cheek "do save Artemis Rean, Serafall has already chosen her as the one Goddess of this world to join us".

I just shook my head in amusement, it seems like my devilish girlfriend was still choosing harem sisters "it almost seems like she's building her own harem instead of mine".

Ryuu giggled and the gave me a soft kiss on the lips "she is the head harem sister after all we just follow her lead and that includes you Rean".

"You guys haven't even asked Artemis about all of this, how do you know she will feel the same after she merges together again?".

Ryuu giggled and shook her head "Rean, you made all of us fall in love with you with your wild and caring personality, the promise of a loving family and a caring man is what drew us to you, well all know that Artemis will still feel the same no matter what".

I sighed and closed my eyes "alright, anyone else you guys are planning to add to the harem?".

Ryuu softly laughed and then began to walk away "Tione and Tiona have been already accepted as well, in fact Serafall and the others are more than likely talking to them about this".

I opened my eyes and stared at Ryuu as she continued to walk away "... I'm not complaining or anything but I would at least like to be informed about all of this beforehand".

But Ryuu just giggled while a huffed but I still couldn't help the smile that grew on my face in amusement to my situation.

The three of us then spent a few minutes to get ready while I mentally prepare myself for what's about to happen today *I'm counting on you Excalibur*.

*Leave it to me Rean! we'll save Artemis! she is one our treasures now after all!*.

I smiled and nodded to myself as I walked up to the girls who seemed to be ready now and together we left the area to head towards the ruins.

As we walked towards the ruins Artemis began to explain a few things to us " the area around the ruins have become a nesting ground of monsters now... Antares is storing up power inside the ruins as we speak, I fear that it has become even more powerful than before... with all of those monsters roaming around the outside of the ruins is going to be difficult to reach the ruins themselves...".

I hummed as we continued to walk, I had already sent Lugia home since she wouldn't be able to comfortably fight in the forest or assist us from the air since Antares will just try to shoot her down "a monster nest huh? leave that to me Come! Charizard! Blastoise! Venusaur! I choose you!".

The Kanto Starters appeared besides us in flashes of white light and roared loudly, Artemis eye's widen in surprised while Ryuu smiled seeing my Pokemon.

My Pokemon finished roaring and turned towards me and expectantly stared at me, I smiled at them and walked up them "alright guys, let's show that monster whose boss okay?".

Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur softly growled and nodded to me, Artemis stopped gaping and walked up to us "Rean? are these more Pokemon like Lugia?".

During our flight here I had explained to Artemis what Lugia is and she had expressed the desire to meet more Pokemon though more than likely she thought she wouldn't have the chance to do so which is why she looks so surprised right now since she didn't know I can summoned them to me "yes, the Dragon like Pokemon is Charizard, the big Turtle is Blastoise and the plant one is Venusaur, say hi to Artemis guys".

The three Kanto starters softly growled at Artemis and the moon Goddess smiled at them and proceeded to pet them, I smiled as I watched my Pokemon enjoy the attention "leave the monsters to them Artemis, they can clear out the area quickly enough".

Artemis smiled and nodded, we then continued on our path but this time with Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur in our party, which seemed to have helped Artemis relax "as soon as you and your friends clear the area we will then storm the ruins and deal with Antares".

The Pokémon, Ryuu and I nodded in agreement while Artemis continued to speak "leave the gate to me since it can only open with a touch of my divinity".

"Alright but stay behind us and only provide long range support with Ryuu, leave the front lines to me and the Pokemon".

Artemis smiled and nodded "thank you Rean, for helping me protect this world and for protecting me".

I nodded to Artemis as we continued to head towards the Ruins while we all mentally prepare ourselves for what's about to happen soon.

On our way to the Ruins we were attacked by a lot of the Scorpion Monsters but Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur quickly took care of them so we didn't have to worry much about them, I didn't even need to do anything since they were very weak.

Eventually we reached the ruins, I looked around for a bit surprised and a bit awed at the sheer size of the Ruins "this place is massive...".

Ryuu nodded "I've never even heard of a place like this existing...".

Artemis looked up and stared at the Ruins for a bit before she softly explained a bit about the ruins "a temple built to honor the Gods of old and forgotten by everyone, even history...".

I sighed as I stared at the ruins it certainly is a very impressive temple now that I have to seen it so close and personal but I also noticed the disturbing silence around the whole area " it's too quiet".

Both Artemis and Ryuu nodded while the Pokémon softly growled not liking the lack of sounds but not wanting the tension to grow so much I decided to continue onwards and so we stepped inside the Temple.

I stared at the wall in curiosity since it is glowing with a soft blue light, I couldn't help but admire and like the effect it had on the atmosphere but Artemis most have noticed me staring at the wall because she explained why the wall was glowing like that "that light is the energy of the seal, the spirits that placed it here were much like myself... like ancient ancestors one might say".

"This temple must be very old then... just how old is this world I wonder?".

But before Artemis could even try to answer my question we arrived at the gate and we all stopped talking in order to inspect it, it was a very old and simple gate but my Luminous Dragon Eyes showed me that it was sealed by very ancient and powerful magics, Artemis frowned "this is the sealed gate that Asfi and the Hermes Familia couldn't go through".

I stared at the gate and looked around "looks like there's not going back, everyone after going through well be facing who knows what, so stay sharp and be careful".

Artemis and Ryu nodded and the Pokémon growled their names letting me know that they understood my words, Artemis then walked forward and place one of her hands right on top if a sigil of an arrow and moon right in the front of the door.

Her entire body then began to let out a soft blue light and the sigil slowly spun around, the gate then unlocked itself, the gates then immediately began to open as we silently watch them do so.


It was the only thing I could say at the moment, what was on the other side of the gate was not only creepy but downright horrible, the entire area was full of eggs, eggs that looked like the goddamn eggs from a Xenomorph Queen and it was very unnerving to see this many and even more so when we began to walk forward to take a closer look.

Artemis was stunned at the severity of the situation "I-I never imagined that it would be on this scale...".

Suddenly a pink like flesh substance sprung out of the floor and blocked the gate in an instant but we ignored that in favor to paying attention to the eggs which were starting to hatch, Scorpion Monsters began to drop from the ceiling and walls.

The monsters began to squeal aggressively towards us, Ryuu narrowed her eyes at the monster "this is very disturbing...".

More and more monsters began to hatch and aggressively begin to squeal and snap their pincers at us " Charizard! Blastoise! Venusaur! break through them!".

Charizard roared and launched himself towards the Antares, his claws lit up in Dragon Type energy as he began to use Dragon Claw to quickly kill any Scorpion Monster in his way.

Blastoise hid his limbs inside his shell and used Rapid Spin to bulldoze his ways through the monsters while Venusaur used Vine Whip to whip any Scorpion Monster off the walls and ceiling.

All the monsters instantly turned into black dust not able to take the attacks of my Pokemon whose power and strength far surpass them while Artemis, Ryu and I watched over them and moved forward as my Pokemon opened up a path.

But more and more monsters continued to hatched from the eggs which spawned them at a very high speed rate which was starting to get annoying*its almost like when Gaea issues a challenge... at this rate these monsters will surpassed whatever the Dungeon can produce, especially since this monsters are capable of self regeneration and reactive evolution... we're lucky they're too week to survive my Pokemon's attacks*.

"We have to hurry and deal with Antares otherwise this won't ever stop, let's hurry!".

Everyone nodded and continued forward as the Pokémon mow down monster and after monster.

Meanwhile in Orario, Adventurers began to run out of the Dungeon in a panic which alerted everyone that somethings was very wrong, the monsters inside the Dungeon were acting up and spawning at an accelerated rate.

It became so bad that many Adventurers began to run for their lives towards the surface, luckly for all of them Bell and his party were on a upper floor looking for an specific monster drop when they noticed a bunch of Adventurers screaming and running pass them.

Which both startle and surprise them but then they immediately saw why, Bell raised an eyebrow as a bunch of monsters appeared before them "huh?... looks like Rean was right to ask us to stay".

Bell got into his stance along with his party ready to face against this giant horde of monsters, Lili frowned "Lili wonders what's going? Barrier! Sharpness! Witchcraft!".

As Lili called of the names of her Buff spells, Bell, Welf and Mikoto felt as their strength, defense and magic was bolstered by Lili spells.

Welf clicked his tongue in annoyance "looks like were going to have a rough day guys!".

Mikoto nodded and got into her Quickdraw stance while holding Manahimeko's hilt ready to go on the attack "well this will make for good training at least!".

Bell chuckled and grinned at everyone "I think Rean is corrupting us but I don't mind! let's see who can kill the most!".

Everyone grinned and nodded in agreement to Bell's challenge, with a roar of defiance the Hestia Familia launched themselves towards the hoard of monsters.

Meanwhile the Adventurers who ran away from the Dungeon immediately rant to the Guild to let them know what's going so they can send reinforcements as soon as possible.

Eina who was the supervisor the Adventurers informed of the situation immediately issue and a emergency Quest and sent for all the high class Adventurers of Orario to go to the Dungeon and help with the monsters.

Thankfully with Bell and his party dealing with the bulk of the monsters everyone else was able to handle the rest with ease.


My Pokemon continued to bulldoze their way through the monsters while Artemis, Ryuu and I continued to follow behind them, we had tried to destroy the eggs but they would just regenerate soon after so we decided not to waste our time and energy with them and just continued onward.

Besides thanks to Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur we didn't have to worry too much about the Scorpion like monsters, even when bigger and stronger ones began to appear from deeper in the temple they weren't a challenge to my Pokemon.

As we ran forward a loud and creepy roar suddenly began to echo though the temple, Ryuu frowned not liking the sound of that roar "you hear that?".

I nodded "yes, It sounds like Antares is challenging us, we must be close".

Artemis frowned but stayed silent as we continued to make our way to Antares, she must be very worried about all of this and who wouldn't? if these monsters somehow made it outside the Temple it wouldn't take them to long to cause massive damage to this world and Artemis is fully aware of that.

However I also noticed that she seemed to be winded and pale, the fact that my Pokemon were doing all the fighting showed me that the divine energy that made her body was running low and that concerned me as well.

Eventually we reached the main chamber of the Temple and inside we found Antares a giant Scorpion like monster with glowing red like veins on it's s body, with my Luminous Dragon Eyes I could see it drawing energy from the moon itself.

An ability he got from absorbing the real Artemis when her and her Familia face off against it, this gave Antares access to her Divinity and her domain over the moon which is why it has grown very powerful in such a small amount of time, this monster has become a God.

Artemis suddenly dropped on her knees and Ryuu immediately went to her to help her up "Orio-no Rean... please shoot it with the spear, destroy it!".

Antares suddenly open up a part of his body and let out a big crystal like object connected to its body, Ryuu narrowed her eyes the moment she saw what was inside the crystal "I see... you mentioned it before back in the Hearth Mansion Rean but to see it?...".

Inside the crystal rested the real Artemis who looked as she was peacefully sleeping, suddenly Antares roared and let out a massive amount of energy as it drew in the power of Artemis's domain and began to once again rain down beams of light around the entire area..

This time however summoned Excalibur and in a single swing of her I destroyed each and every beam of light as my own beams of purple Stardust energy and Excalibur's Holy energy shot from her blade and crashed against Antares's beams of light "... there's no need for me to use the God Killing Spear Artemis nor do you need to die, just stay there's and rest and I'll have you join the rest of your body soon".

Artemis's eyes widen in shock at what I just said not expecting me knowing what the spear is and what she had been planning on doing.

However before she could eve say anything in response to my words, the force of our attacks destroyed the support within the temple and caused it to collapse, I immediately used Psychic to not only protect everyone from falling debris as we fell down but to slow our descent.

Antares just fell down roaring in anger and pain as we watch it crashes somewhere down below.

Soon we reached the bottom and I softly let everyone land on the ground, Ryuu gasped as soon as she landed and she looked around and noticed the dead bodies all over the ground "how horrible... who are they? why are the here?".

I already knew who these Adventurers are, they were Artemis's Familia whose bodies stay on the basement of the temple where we just landed, here is where they made their last stand against Antares and lost.

Artemis looked down and the walked up towards one of the dead Adventurers, she then kneel down and gently caressed her child's cheek "they're my Familia... they fought Antares and died in this spot trying to hold it back only to be killed and have their souls devoured by that monster".

She then sadly smiled at the dead Adventurer "I told you I would be back...".

Ryuu sadly looked down and then turned towards me "Rean... can you bring them bac-".

But I cut her off by shaking my head "it's been too long and my Resurrection spell wouldn't work, nothing would since their souls are gone... I didn't see any trace of them within Antares either".

It was why I was using my Luminous Dragon Eyes to see Antares, I was hoping to be able to see Artemis Familia's souls within it but no, either Antares completely absorbed them or the moved on, Artemis's body and soul are still intact inside the monsters because she's a Goddess and Antares has dragged her entire being from Tenkai into her body here in the lower world.

Ryuu sadly looked down and even Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur looked sad, I myself was disappointed of the fact that I couldn't bring them back, but I can't create souls, or even restored them if they're not there anymore there'snothing I can do about it, I don't have a single soul related skill in my arsenal and to make things worse Astraea once told me that those sort of skills are not only rare but I wouldn't be able to fully use them unless I was already a Dragon God.

But the least I can do is grant them a proper burial in the backyard of the Hearth Mansion where their bodies can rest in peace "Mew!".

Mew appeared in a flash of light and immediately looked around alert to her surroundings, she must have felt my tension and that made her prepare for anything, though I just smiled at her and called out to her "Mew, do me a favor? and teleport all the bodies here to the backyard and keep an eye on them, please".

Mew immediately looked around and noticed the dead bodies all over the place, she frowned sadly but nodded and immediately teleported all the bodies back home on with herself going right after.

Artemis teared up and then turned her head towards me "thank you Rean...".

I shook my head "don't mention it... I'm sorry I couldn't do more Artemis, I was seriously hoping to be able to bring them back".

Artemis shook her head and sadly smiled "no... it's okay Rean, you've done enough".

Back on Orario.

Antares using Artemis's divinity and her domain over the moon had caused an adverse effect throughout the world and everyone in Orario could see it, the sky had darkned and a second moon had appeared in the sky.

This of course made the townspeople and Adventurers of Orario panic, the fact that everyone was already afraid and tense about the monsters acting up in the Dungeon made everyone panic even more.

However what was on the sky wasn't a moon but a bow that was drawing energy from the moon itself to create a massive arrow of energy Ouranos who was watching this happening frowned "that's Artemis's Bow and Arrow...".

Fels who was with Ouranos looked down "that can't be, no God can use their divinity in the lower world, not without being struck down by the ancient rules of the world".

Ouranos however shook his head "I'm afraid that it isn't Artemis who's using her divinity, it's Antares... it seems that it was able to absorb Artemis and bend the rules...".

Suddenly Orario shook which made Ouranos sighed and Fels to panic "that's coming from the Dungeon! it's like it's afraid... but how, Gaea's soul isn't at the core anymore".

Ouranos turned his head towards Fels "but her body is, and it must be afraid... after all, if that Arrow hits anywhere on land nothing might survive in this world..".

Fels flinched while Ouranos looked down *Rean can you defeat a God? are you powerful enough to face and defeat Antares?".

Meanwhile down in the Dungeon, Bell and his party continued to face against the horde of monsters, however by now reinforcements have arrived and they found themselves fighting with their friends in the Loki Familia.

With Ais, Tione, Tiona and Lefiya bolstering their party the massive horde of monsters were no match especially since each and everyone of them were equipped by weapons created by Rean.

But Bell couldn't help but worry about their friends who were at this moment outside of Orario and he just knew that whatever is going on was the cause of whatever they were facing *Rean... I hope your doing okay... but don't worry me and the others will make sure to protect our home!*.

The Hestia Familia continued facing against the the massive number of monsters coming out of the walls of the Dungeon hoping Rean, Ryuu and Artemis are okay.