Chereads / Pokemon trainer in DXD / Chapter 47 - 47

Chapter 47 - 47

Chapter 47. The Dungeon's Call for Help!.

It's been a few days since the Freya Familia had been completely and utterly destroyed, only two members of the Freya Familia were alive but one had lost his memory and somehow lost all of his accumulated Exelia and abilities, right now the Adventurer known as Allen Fromel was nothing more that a weak civilian.

He is been taken care of by his sister and now works in the Hostess of Fertility learning how to cook, the other survivor is Heith Velvet the healer of the Freya Familia and the second most powerful healer in Orario is missing and no one has been able to find her, the only reason she's been confirm as a survivor is because she presented herself to the Guild to tell of what had happened.

The rest of the strongest and one of the biggest Familia in Orario are dead, the people of Orario townspeople and Ad had found out that they had found gruesome ends by the way they found their bodies.

Burned alive, sliced to little bits, crushed, drowned and so on and on, the sheer brutally brought down upon the Freya Familia has had the Entire Familia community of Orario full of anxiety, even the most arrogant of Gods and Adventurers were visually nervous, not that it lasted long, arrogance is an addictive poison after all.

The regular townspeople of Orario were set at ease by the Guild who had explained that all of this had happened between two Familias after the Freya Familia had done wrong on another one.

Of course most townspeople didn't really care about what had happened to Freya and her Familia, after all no one besides her and her group were hurt and there was no damage to anyone's home.

Besides to the townspeople, this wasn't the first time something like this has happened and it won't be the last, it is one of the quirks of living in a town of Adventurers so they're used to this sort of thing.

Freya herself is gone and no one knew what had happened to her so given with what happened to her Familia everyone thought she was dead or worse, though not many cared since Freya had made a lot of enemies and now that she was gone along with her Familia many were able to express their hate towards her.

Still this entire situation has begun to make many of the Gods that operate in Orario very nervous and many had gotten together to once again speak to Ouranos about it.

So the old god sat there as the Gods of Orario bickered and complained about the fact that some one was allowed to hunt down Familias and now kill Gods which is supposed to be taboo in Orario.

Ouranos tiredly sighed and then rose his hand causing everyone quiet down "this is exactly why things like the recent events have been happening lately, instead of the deities you are, you act like children".

Everyone flinched upon hearing Ouranos's words while the old god continud " did all of you really think that you could continue to do and say whatever you want whenever you want and not reap the consequences of those actions? are you all so foolish to think, that no one would ever rose and make you all pay for your awful behavior and sins? because your Gods?".

Most of the Gods nodded in agreement with Ouranos while others gritted their teeth and fist in anger, these were the Gods whose Familias deal in the dark side of Orario and they knew that Ouranos was referring to them.

Meanwhile the old God continued on "life doesn't work like that children, you all have lived long and seen enough of the world to know that no one can escape Karma, specially Karma brought about by your very own action and decisions".

Everyone just silently stared at Ouranos, Loki however spoke "still... two Familias, big ones at that have been destroyed and Freya is apparently dead! Soma is lucky that he was able to recover a bit with the help of his remaining Adventurers but are we forgetting about the fact that his main domain skill was taken away? who or what is Rean Hayashi? how is he able to do all of this? and why are you protecting him".

The old God stared at Loki and to the surprise of everyone present he began to chuckle "ah Loki, it surprises me to hear you talk of Rean like that when four of your Adventurers are great friends with him and are currently enjoying the benefits of that friendship, you should feel lucky Loki because Rean is helping those four girls be strong enough to survive anything".

Loki flinched and then look down, now she knew where the girl's new strength and stats had come from, the same with those beautiful crafted weapons of theirs, Rean Hayashi had helped her girls and they refused to even tell her about it.

Ouranos shook his head "as for you questions, Rean is a kind and caring young man that has no qualms about destroying an entire Familia along with killing any God if they so dare harm someone he cares about... I warned all of you to leave him and the Hestia Familia alone but what does Freya do? she endangers Bell Cranel by having the King Ottar train a whole herd of Minotaurs to the point that they all became Red Enhanced Monsters and one a Black Monster Rex...".

The Gods gasped at the severity of Ouranos words, Red And Black Monsters are very powerful and dangerous, everyone knew that and the fact that Freya's Level 7 Adventurer had trained a whole herd to that level was terrifying to even think about.

Ganesha suddenly asked "we must go and hunt them down! if we leave them down there they'll just get stronger and many of our Adventurers are going to die!".

The Gods nodded in agreement but Ouranos spoke up "there's no need... those red Minotaurs are dead, the Hestia Familia with the help of the Loki Familia took them down".

Everyone turned their heads towards Ouranos in shock while Loki frowned and looked down *what? so the girls got involved in all of this too? tch! I'm going to have a long talk with Finn and Riveria about this*.

Ganesha then sighed "well then... that's good but what about Ottar? where is he anyways? his body wasn't found among the ones found around the Tower of Babel".

Ouranos softly smiled "Ottar the King is dead, Rean Hayashi ripped his throat out and left him to die on the floor of the Dungeon where his body became food to the monsters there".

Everyone winced while Ouranos continued to speak "I'll say it again just in case any of you still think is a good idea to antagonize Rean, leave him and the Hestia Familia alone we of the Guild will support any decision or action he takes against any of you, do I make myself clear?".

Many Gods glared at Ouranos but in the end all of them nodded, Ouranos then stood up and walked up to the door but stopped before opening it "as for what Rean is... he's a person far beyond the understanding of us Gods, don't go poking your noses where it doesn't belong, that's the only other warning I'll give to everyone here".

With that's said the old God left the room leaving a bunch of frustrated and scared deities but no one had the courage to say anything and so everyone left soon after Ouranos was gone.

(Play Ecruteak City: Remastered Pokemon Gold Heart and Soul Silver.)

Kunou Hayashi was peacefully sleeping on her bed while cuddling one of Yuki's soft white tails, when suddenly she felt someone softly poke her cheek with a cold and wet something causing her to giggle and open one of her eyes to see who it was that wanted her to wake up.

She smiled as she saw Yuki poke her cheek with her wet nose again "hehe that tickles mama Yuki~".

Kunou then sat up and stretched while Yuki jumped down the bed and sat on the floor on her hunches to wait for Kunou to get out of bed.

Kunou finished stretching and then jumped out of her bed, she smiled at Yuki and then shook her entire body fluffing her hair and fur, she then brushed it with her hands and a few minutes later she was all ready to start her day.

With a smile on her face she quietly got dressed while Yuki sighed at the fact of how Kunou fixes her hair, the little nine tailed fox was so excited to have another adventure filled day that she just refuse to take so long to get ready.

This vacation has been the most exciting thing to her ever! but right now she was a little hungry so she got ready in a hurry and ran out of her room with Yuki following close behind her.

As soon as she arrived into the kitchen she found her mommy Wiz baking and the sweet and delicious smell of what whatever she was baking filled the kitchen, Kunou smiled as she saw Sylveon, Gardevoir and Froslass helping Wiz bake.

Gardevoir was mixing more cream for the cakes while Sylveon was pounding the dough with her ribbons while Froslass was trying to stick her finger on the cake mix but Wiz was dodging her easily with a kind and soft smile on her face.

Kunou giggled when she notice that Gardevoir had cream on her face and had a look of pure concentration on her eyes as she mixed the cream as fast as she could, everyone heard her giggling and turn towards her to wishe her a good morning.

Kunou stepped inside and waved at everyone with a bright and cheerful smile, Wiz then made sure Kunou had the best breakfast ever, every morning was like that for Kunou and while she ate she watched her Mommy Wiz and the Pokemon bak some very delicious looking pastries.

After breakfast and waving goodbye to Wiz, Gardevoir, Froslass and Sylveon, Kunou left to see what everyone was up to this morning, first she went to check on her mom Serafall.

She was still amazed that Serafall one of the maou had become her mother, Serafall would often come to visit her mom and play with her so she already liked her a lot plus the fact that she had her own TV show was just too awesome to Kunou.

But now that she has became one of her mommies Kunou could honestly say that everyday was fun for her with her around, so the little nine tailed kitsune ran up the stairs and went inside Serafall's room.

She wasn't surprised to find her sleeping and hugging poor Wigglytuff tightly in her sleep, luckly for the Pokemon she didn't have any bones otherwise she might have not survived being Serafall's body pillow.

Kunou giggled at how funny Serafall looked sleeping like that but then she quietly closed her door and let her sleep, she knew how busy most of the time Serafall was in their home world so even Kunou knew that Serafall deserve her sleep time.

Kunou then decided to go see what Sakuya was up to so she then took off running towards where she sense her.

Kunou arrived to one of the far off rooms of the Hearth Mansion and looked inside, in the room Cofagrigus one of the new Ghost Type Pokemon was lifting furniture with his four shadowy arms while Liligant sweeped the floor with a small broom.

Delphox was helping by dusting around the room while the super maid herself seemed to be folding the bed covers.

Kunou smiled, out of all her new moms Sakuya was the most responsible one, she took gretat care of the house and kept everything working perfectly, everyone loved her for it since they didn't have to worry about the house with her around.

She also had a very sweet and carings side that she only showed to them and she would always give her candy too.

Kunou not wanting get in the way shen quietly left leaving Sakuya to do her work as always, she can play with her later when she was done and she was not too busy, perhaps even have a tea party with her and the Pokemon!.

Kunou then went to the living room and took a look inside, there she saw both her momma and Hestia talking with each other while petting Umbreon and Espeon who had their heads on their laps.

Kunou smiled at how happy and relaxed her momma is, something she had never seen back in Kyoto, she was happy for her and glad that her daddy came into their lives because everythinghad changed for the better because of him.

She looked around and saw the rest of the Eeveelutions laying all over the living room and lazily resting while listening to Hestia and Yasaka gossip the day away.

With a small smile on her face Kunou then took off running and went outside to see the Pokemon and what the rest of the family was doing while Yuki ran after her as always.

(Play Cherrygrove City: Remastered Pokemon Gold Heart and Soul Silver.)

Kunou smiled and stretched as she felt the warm sun's rays and the wind caress her skin, she then brightly smiled as she watched Asia not that far off taking care of the Miltanks, Shuckles and Wooloo.

She already had a few buckets full of Moomoo Milk and Berry juice, Scizor and Sceptile were carrying them for her as she worked with a big smile on her face.

Kunou giggled when the Wooloo started to roll around them while making noise to make Asia laugh which worked since the ex nun let out a small laugh in amusement.

Then YunYun appeared from the forest with Rimbombee on her head and Ivysour following close behind, her and the Grass Type Pokemon were holding buckets filled with Berries so teh Shuckle could make more Berry Juice.

Kunou's eyes sparkled in happiness, a few days ago noth daddy and Hestia decided to plant a few Beryy Trees in their back yard, the Grass Type Pokemon help them grow and care for them which resulted in very delicious Berries growing fast and often.

So Kunou and yuki ran inside the forest intent on having some Berries for a snack.

It didn't take them long to find the Berry patch and watched as some of the Pokemon were already enjoying the Berries.

Kunou ran up to Nidoking and then ran up his tail and back to jump into the tree which caused Nidoking to softly growled in amusement and Yuki to sweatdrop.

Suddenly Kunou jumped down the tree which startled Yuki but luckily Kunou landed on top of Snorlax's belly who was peacefully sleeping below the tree.

Kunou chucked a few Berries into his mouth and then jumped off his belly and onto the ground where she immediately walked over to Yuki who was deadpanning at her for having done all of that.

Kunou just grinned and then gave Yuki a Peacha Berry or rather shoved it into her mouth which just make the Alolan Ninetails sigh and begin to eat the Berry while both Kunou and her walked away to check on both Lili and Bell who were more than likely training already.

(Play to Viridian forest Remastered: Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver)

While on their way Kunou smiled and waved at all the Pokemon who were happily spending their morning having a bit of fun or just being lazy.

Kunou even threw a few Berries towards Lapras and Milotic who immediately caught them in mid air and happily chirped their name at Kunou who was standing by the shore of the lake.

She did the same for Pidgeot and Dragonite who were flying in the sky, the Pokemon twirled in the air and caught the Berries while Kunou smiled and clapped in excitement.

The little nine tailed fox then continued on her way while biting into a Oran Berries and enjoying her snack, as she walked to the clearing she happily gave berries to all the Pokemon she found on the way even the Legendary Pokemon stopped and smiled at her in gratitude.

This was the main reason the Pokemon loved Kunou, she treates them like Rean treats them, like family plus she always plays and cares for them and that has made her very well loved by all the Pokemon.

Kunou finally reached the clearing and stepped inside the wards into the training area and immediately began to hear the sounds of battle.

She followed those sounds and eventually reached where both Bell and Lili were sparring or rather where Charizard was using Lili to beat Bell like a baseball.

Kunou laughed at a little with how funny it's was to see Charizard wield Lili like a bat and smack Bell around , her laugh caught everyone's attention and made them turned towards her, Kunou gave them a smile and a wave.

Lucario and Greninja stepped forward towards everyone while Kunou and Yuki ran up to them "good morning guys!".

Bell sat up from the ground and waved "good morning Kunou!".

Lili who was still on Charizard's claw smiled and waved a Kunou "morning miss Kunou!".

Kunou soon reached everyone and cheerfully began to speak "seems like you can't match up to Charizard yet but it looks like you guys can take more punishment than before! that's pretty neat!~".

Bell chuckled and nodded "yup, since I'm a Level 3 and Lili a Level 2 now I thought I could pull off a better fight against Charizard but as you can see we're still not even close!".

Charizard happily growled and let go of Lili who crashed against the ground "ouch! ugh... Lili thinks that it wasn't necessary for Mr Charizard to use Lili like a club...".

Charizard just grinned while Kunou giggled "I don't think any Level will let you fight Charizard with ease guys! he's daddy's oldest Pokemon and one of his strongest that isn't a Legendary Pokemon".

Bell nodded but smiled at Charizard "yeah... I still can't believe the ease the Pokemon dealt with the Freya Familia, as a matter of fact I think all of Orario I still in shock but thankfully the Guild have been helping a lot to keep everyone calm, Eina even told me that the Guild began to post all the things Freya had done even the fact that she had practically raised a herd of enhance monsters and set them free on the Dungeon".

Lili grunted and then sat up "miss Eina scolded Mr Bell for an hour! Lili thinks she got really scared when she found out that Mr Bell fought the red Minotaur herd on his own".

Bell sighed and scratched his cheek "she really let me have it though she did calm down when I explained why I did it and that I had help from our friends in the Loki Familia and Rean".

Kunou smiled "I think Eina liked you a lot Bell! you should add her to your harem~".

Bell flushed and stuttered a bit "I-i noticed but I have to talk to Hestia about it first! plus we've been busy staying out of sight while things cool down a bit, Orario was in a bit of a panic after Rean killed the Freya Familia and lots of Gods are very scared too".

Lili nodded "yeah.. Lili thinks we're lucky the wards around here kept everyone away and that we can Teleport directly into the Dungeon and Guild so we don't have to deal with people pestering us!".

Bell nodded while Kunou just smiled, she didn't much mind nor cared what was going out of the mansion since she was happy just spending her time with the Pokemon and training with them but she was glad her friends and family weren't being bothered after her daddy had dealt with the bully that kept going after Bell.

However Kunou had one important question that needed answering "has anybody seen daddy? I checked all over the mansion but I haven't seen him nor sense him all morning".

Bell hummed "I think he went down into the Dungeon like he's been doing a lot lately, he's been grinding Exelia non stop but I'm not sure why".

Lili nodded "Lili thinks that perhaps he just feels like he needs to get stronger? two times has Mr Bell been placed into danger... Mr Rean and the girls might be scarily powerful but Lili, Bell and Hestia aren't and that might be a big worry for him, Hestia has even told Lili that he's Leveling up a lot lately, I think he's a Level 5 Adventurer now".

Kunou frowned a bit, her daddy cares a lot about his friends and family but because of that he has always worked himself to the bone to get stronger, of course all of them continue to get stronger as well but her daddy was always working really hard "... we can't let daddy do all the work! let's all get stronger so we can help him and set his mind at ease too!".

Bell and Lili smiled at Kunou while Lucario barked out his name and Charizard roared, Greninja just nodded and grinned at them, everyone wanted to help Rean and if that meant getting stronger and stronger then they would give it their all.

Just outside of the Hearth Masion, on top of a building stood Hermes who was intently staring into the mansion grounds, after what had happened to the Freya Familia, Hermes began to fear for all the plans he had for Bell.

Not only was Bell far more powerful than he should be but he also had very powerful Familia members and that made it dangerous for him to make any moves against Bell.

He didn't want to risk his life and his Familia against those strange and powerful creatures that live with Hestia plus he still had no clue what had happened to Freya but he was sure that Rean had done something awful to her and he didn't want to share her fate.

But that left him with a the question of what to do, Bell was supposed to be the Hero that would bring about another era of Heroes like in the good old days but without any challenges or battles to the death Bell might stagnate and become the same as any other Adventurer in Orario and he didn't want that to happened "but what to do?... I can't get close to him and Hestia has been on edge when around other Gods...".

Suddenly he heard a giggle and that made him turn around in a panic, only to come eye to eye with a pink floating cat that was giggling at him "err... good kitty?".

Mew tilted her head and smiled with a scary glare on her eyes which made Hermes panic "please don't hurt me?...".

Mew then pointed her tail toward Hermes and then trapped him in a pink pubble which Mew slapped away sending him flying into the sky until he was gone.

Mew fist pump and then giggled for a little bit until she suddenly vanished with Teleport, Ouranos who was watching this happening from his chambers sweatdropped "and he got blasted away... I don't know what your planning Hermes but your wrong if you think that you can get away with it".

In the Hostess of Fertility in a room upstairs and sealed off to anyone in the building except Mama Mia layed a very human and weakened Freya who was blankly staring up at the ceiling.

She's been like this since a couple of days when she woke up after what Rean had done to her, she didn't know how or what he did but she was human now, a weak and powerless human.

She didn't mind that much but the pain she was feeling right now was because the fact that she had lost all of her Familia which had left her very emotional unstable and depressed even the two that had survived didn't help.

Allen had lost all of his memories and abilities, he didn't even recognized her and that had broken her heart more than she thought it would, apparently Anya had asked Rean to let her brother live which is the reason as to why he was alive and working as a cook for Mama Mia.

The other survivor Heith Velvet took care of her but didn't speak to her anymore, Freya knew that she blamed her for what had happened which is fair, it is her fault what had happened to her and her Familia but it still hurt to be ignore by her healer.

At least Mama Mia was still speaking to her and had decided to help her even if she had done it out of a sense of gratitude to her but that left Freya at a loss on what to do now?.

She has lost everything and didn't know what to do with herself anymore but suddenly the door of her room opened and in came Mama Mia who frowned at her "for how long are you just going to lay there and feel sorry for yourself Freya?".

Freya couldn't but to laugh at the way Mama Mia just spoke to her, it was one of the reason she loved Mia Grande "I don't know what to do anymore Mia... I lost everything, Allen doesn't remember me and Heith hates me... what else is there for me?".

Mama Mia frowned and sighed "if you have time to wallow in depression then you have time to help around the tavern, I know you remember how to work as a maid Syr".

Freya flinched and then turned to look at Mama Mia "you knew?... since when?".

Mama Mia grinned "you might have been able to hide everything about yourself Freya but your horrid cooking revealed you right away hahaha!".

Freya sweatdropped but then began to softly giggle "ah so you came to kick me while I'm down but your right, I might as well make myself useful, do you have an uniform in my size?".

Mama Mia nodded "of course I do! and make sure you speak with Ryuu she's been worried sick about Syr and for the love of Tenkai! stay away from Bell and Rean!".

Freya sat up and then stood up from her bed "yeah, yeah... I learned my lesson, don't worry about that Mia, no come on there's adventurers to serve and the Hostess of Fertility always tends to its customers with care".

Mama Mia laughed and then slapped Freya's back causing her to grunt in pain and lurch forward but she had a little smile on her face, it seems like she still have something to live for after all.

It might take a while but eventually Freya will be able to heal from her mistakes.

Hephaestaus has been standing in front of her forge glaring at the spear and sword in front of her like they were insulting her, she had been trying to replicate what Rean had done to create these weapons for a few days now but she hasn't had any success.

That on itself was very surprising and exciting for her, as a Goddess of Blacksmithing she welcome the challenge but she just couldn't replicate whatever Rean did to create the weapons, she could forge the weapons sure but the enchantments and special effects had been difficult for her to to understand much less replicate.

Hephaestaus sighed and looked up "my poor pride hurts... I can't even understand half of the enchantments Rean placed on this weapons and much less the special attack he said he had added, it's almost like what Welf can do but it's far more advanced and more importantly the weapons don't get destroyed either, honestly these two weapons are already amazing enough but the fact that these are early work projects really surpasses anything my Familia can make".

Hephaestaus then walked back to his office and looked out her window towards the sky "it's almost as if Rean is a God of Blacksmithing too... the quality of his weapons and their rank is on par with what I can do if I were to use my divinity".

Hephaestaus then watched as Pidgeot flew past the clouds and she couldn't help but smile at the Pokemon "I'm going to have to go and visit Hestia more often and hopefully see him there to ask him about his forging process, it's too bad he's been busy in the Dungeon lately though".

Hephaestaus smiled and then sat on her desk to work on some paperwork, her Familia had been extra busy with moving everything back to the Tower of Babel after it had been cleaned and fixed up.

She still remembers the mess she walked up to just outside the Tower and she was still rather disturbed about the brutally in which Rean destroyed the Freya Familia with but at least he helped with the repairs which allowed her and her Familia to move back in quickly.

But all of that had kept both Rean and her busy so she hasn't had a chance to visit and ask Rean about his weapons but now she had time, she only had to be patient and catch him when he isn't too busy "maybe I should push Welf in his direction too... he might be able to learn a lot from Rean".

Today I got up early to go into the Dungeon to grow stronger and finally break through the Heavenly Dragon rank into Dragon God, sure its a slow process since I need a lot of Exp and Exelia to Level up but the Dungeon has been helping with this by sending monsters and more monsters my way.

After I dealth with the Freya Familia I received a Quest notification letting me know that I had completed the on going Quest I had, I received three Common Pokemon Tokens which now brings up my total of 9 Common Pokemon Toke and one Mystical Pokemon Token, I saved the Common Tokens but I summoned a Latias with the Mystical Token.

Latias has been been following me everywhere since I summoned her, and it's honestly quite adorable, so I've been taking her with me along Lavitar, Wartortle and Celebi into the the Dungeon in order to level them up.

As for the Secret Objective, I failed it completely since it was to kill every Adventurer and Freya but since I let two of them and Freya live I didn't fulfill the objective but that was fine, I'm sure there will be more Secret Objectives later on and besides I couldn't say no to Anya and Mew.

But today the Dungeon has been acting rather strange since I've arrived I just didn't know why, we weren't being attacked by any monsters and some walls in the Dungeon would lit up and show us some kind of secret passages.

Astraea had told me the Dungeon was calm so I was sure we weren't being led to a challenge or something like that but we did remain cautious and alert.

Eventually while being deep into the Dungeon we were lead into a hole hidden by a tree and curious about why we were led here we all decided to go inside and see what we would find in there.

To my surprise what we found was something I had completely forgotten about but I immediately recognized the beings before us.

The Xenos the reincarnated sentient monsters, the Dungeon led us to the these very same Xenos and I can see they weren't expecting me at all with the way they seemed very scared and panicky, the fact that I had two Legendary Pokemon with me today must have made them even more afraid since even though they can't sense the nature of their power they still feel that they were extremely powerful.

I sighed and then raised my hand letting my Pokemon know to relax which they did, Celebi flew up to my head and layed on top of it belly first.

Wartortle and Lavitar sat by my sides while Latias just lazily floated by my side, the Xenos must have noticed that I meant them no harm but none of them approach me until a Siren suddenly walked up front and shakly smiled "h-hello, Adventurer umm please don't hurt us, we mean you no harm I promise".

I felt bad for these guys, I know that some of them have been here for a very long time and that at most they get captured or killed on the spot by Adventurers and it shows with how afraid they seem to be about me.

Though they might be just afraid of the Pokemon but that really didn't matter right now "hello, umm the Dungeon seems to have guided me here but I'm not sure as to why".

The Xenos all seemed to relax at the mention of the Dungeon and the Siren actually smiled "oh! mother brought you here? but why? I'm afraid that I don't knew the reason as to why she would bring you here... this is a Hidden Village and a sanctuary to us the Xenos".

*Mother? so the Dungeon is female? that would actually make a lot of sense now that I think about it*.

I nodded and looked around, it seems like there's quite a lot of Xenos here which is surprising since from what I remember they usually spread apart in small numbers "hmm the Dungeon tends to act very strangely around me so even I don't know why she does the things she does".

The Siren suddenly smiled "ah! your the one who has been giving a lot of attention and fun to mother! because of you she's been very happy lately!".

I raised an eyebrow but smiled at the Siren, suddenly the walls around this chamber began to glow and rumble but it was a gentleband soft rumbling, the Xenos looked around and smiled as they watched the Dungeon act to my presence.

[Rean! the Dungeon is trying to communicate with you! she's trying to let you know something!.]

*Oh! can you hear or understand what she's trying tell me? I'm sure it has something to do with the Xenos*.

[Your right! she's asking you to help her children! she wants you to help the Xenos!.]

*Hmm is see.. but how to help them? from what I remember all they really want is to be in the surface but if I bring them up then what happened in the anime might happen... that was horrible and lot of the Xenos died because the Adventurers of Orario hunted them down*.

Suddenly I got an idea, a very crazy idea! but one that might just work *Astraea... can I take the Xenos to My Pokehome?".