Chereads / Cherries in the Desert / Chapter 1 - Cherries in the Sand

Cherries in the Desert

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Chapter 1 - Cherries in the Sand

Being in the desert is not fun.


Especially in the heat.


A "normal" day for the crusaders consisted of this: Driving around for a couple of hours, stopping to eat at a restaurant where then they would be attacked by a stand user. Ect ect they defeat it blah blah blah it's done, another one of Dio's minions gone yay whoo-hoo!! The group finishes that, they find their way to a motel and rest.


Today was not a normal day. 


Everyone was in a particularly foul mood, even Joseph seemed a little down today. The sun was beating down on them and even the AC in the car wasn't enough to uplift their spirits. 


Polnareff was acting stranger than usual, he'd gone through half a pack of cigarettes since they had started driving, he was probably bummed out because of Avdol's "death". But they didn't really need another hunky man taking up space in the car.


Not to say Avdol wasn't a dear friend of theirs, he was a nice man. But since today's weather was in record highs, it was nice to not be crammed in between two big hunks.


Well, to Kakyoin at least.


Kakyoin was in the backseat, behind Polnareff, trying to concentrate on the book in his hand. His mind was fuzzy and the sweat that dripped onto the pages didn't help.


He shut his book about God knows what abruptly and sighed, what was he to do? He couldn't think, he could barely see either. His own sweat dripped into his eyes every once in a while and that hurt like a bitch. The smell of smoke was also unbearable. Since everyone around him, except Avdol, smoked, the smell never left his nostrils and gave him constant headaches. But for one second, would it be too hard for them to stop?


His patience came to a wits end when he rested his head in his hand and a flick of ash flew into his face.


A flurry of sneezes and coughs came forth as the ash assaulted Noriaki's nostrils and lungs. The car swerved slightly as Joseph looked back to see what all the ruckus was about. "What in the world is- ah." He dug into his pant pocket and soon pulled out a red handkerchief. He pushed it into Kakyoin's hands as best he could and turned his attention back to the road. 

"There- that should help at least a little!" Kakyoin sneezed once more and wiped his face desperately with the handkerchief, tears threatening to spill as the ash had gotten into his eyes as well. After he had gotten most of the ash off his face, he muttered a soft "thank you" to the older man and tried handing the handkerchief back.


Joseph waved his hand and shook his head. "No no, keep it! Consider it a gift of charity." A smile broke out on the redhead's face as he nodded. His intentions turned sour as his attention shifted from the kindhearted man to the other man right in front of him.


Jean Pierre Polnareff. He gritted his teeth as he (as best as he could) kicked the back of Polnareff's seat. "Quit-" Kick. "Fucking-" Kick. "Smoking already you stupid bastard! I'm sick and tired of it! Give me a break!" And some more kicks to the poor seat. Polnareff winced everytime Noriaki's foot made contact with his seat. Kakyoin was mad.


 He took one last drag of his cigarette before crushing it in his hand and tossing it out the window. "There, happy? That's my last one for the day." Polnareff grumbled, and Kakyoin grumbled back.




A bitter silence fell over the car as it dragged its wheels over the sandy road. Kakyoin sighed and slumped in his seat. His eyes wandered around the car until they fell to the thing his hand was gripping. Joseph's handkerchief. A strange thought crossed his mind, "What does Mr. Joestar smell like?" It was a brief thought, but still, very embarrassing. Sure, he'd been attracted to the man, and had.. fantasies. But nonetheless, he wasn't that perverted.. right?


Noriaki glanced around the car, Joatro had his back towards him and was "sleeping", he could really tell. Polnareff was staring out the window, probably thinking about his dead boyfriend, and Joseph was, of course, driving. So he has his eyes on the road. He looked down at the handkerchief once more, was this okay? Probably not. But he brought the piece of fabric to his nose anyway, and inhaled deeply. He shuddered. Who knew a man could smell so intoxicating? A mix of musk and the thick smell of cigar went from his nostrils straight to his cock, which in turn twitched in his pants. He whimpered, only slightly, but that was enough to turn Joseph's attention to him.

"Everything alright back there, Kakyoin?" Kakyoin swiftly shoved his hand holding the handkerchief in-between his thighs and glanced up nervously. 


"Oh- erm.. I'm just a little tired.. ya know, the weather and all.." He squirmed a bit, trying not to look at the rear view mirror as he was sure that Joseph was looking at him through it. 


Joseph tapped his fingers on the wheel with his free hand and adjusted the mirror back to its place with his other. "Ah! Well, that's understandable.. it's getting late anyways. Why don't we stop for the day, alright? It's getting pretty late, so let's just find us all a nice hotel.." He nodded eagerly, and Polnareff just grumbled a small "Sure." 


"Alrighty! Let's get going.." 




2 hours later.




The moon was high up in the sky and the stars were beautiful against the various blues and purples of the night sky. But everyone was too exhausted to admire the sky, and all the hotels they found were completely booked. This shabby little motel was their last chance.


Joseph parked the car as best he could in one of the "parking spaces", the paint was so old you could barely even see it. "Alrighty everyone, come on, up! Let's try our luck with this one." Everyone collectively groaned, but complied. 


As they stepped in, the atmosphere was okay. It wasn't off putting or anything, just slightly.. strange. Kakyoin looked around, examining the place somewhat. The lobby was small, the "front desk" was straight ahead, and two halls were on either side of it. There was a table to the left with a few chairs around it, and near the front desk was a sad, wilting potted plant. It looked like it was supposed to be some sort of leafy plant, but it was just brown and rotting at this point. There was nothing interesting to the right, just a dusty, old couch. The lights were yellow, and flickered occasionally. Not very welcoming.

Polnareff clutched onto Kakyoin, trembling slightly. His mood had changed significantly since the little "incident" a few hours back. "Uuu.. Kakyoin.. I don't like the feeling of this place. We should probably get out of here.." 


Kakyoin tried to shake him off as best he could, thoroughly annoyed. "God- get off of me! You're a fully grown man- quit latching onto me!" Joatro sighed, he just wanted to get some rest. He adjusted his hat a bit and plopped down into the creaky wood chair near the table, not very sturdy.


"Nhn.. come on! Let's get out of here..!" Polnareff pulled Kakyoin into an unwanted embrace, stuffing Kakyoin's face into his.. chest.


"Mph-?!" The smaller boy wriggled and squirmed to try to at least get some air, but was met to no avail. Although his air supply was cut off, he did like the feeling of being squished into Polnareff's chest. It was embarrassing, yes, but it was also kind of a turn on. An absolutely bad turn on in a place like this. He whined, softly, and glared up at the frenchman. 


"Hm? Oh, my! You're practically turning blue! Gosh, I'm so sorry!" Polnareff released Kakyoin and gently patted his head. "There, all better?"


 Kakyoin shot a dirty look up at Polnareff once more, a soft blush creeping up his face. "Hah.. ugh.. don't - don't ever do that again." 


"Awhh.. why not? You look so cute when you're all flustered! Just look at you, your face is so pink!" Polnareff laughed slightly and pinched Noriaki's cheeks gently. "Hehe, so cute!" 


Before Kakyoin could respond, Jotaro cut him off. "Hey. Quit flirting over there, Old man has scouted us some rooms." "Finally.." Kakyoin thought, shoving Polnareff's hands away from his face. "Yeah.. about that." Joseph hesitantly came up to the group. "They only have two rooms available, so we're gonna have to share."


 "Oh! Oh! I wanna share with Joatro!" Polnareff exclaimed excitedly. "We haven't shared a room yet, right?" 


"..i guess." Jotaro mumbled, he didn't really care at this point, he was just tired.


"Alrighty then! It's settled, me and Kakyoin," He draped his arm around Kakyoin's shoulders. "Will share a room, and you two will share the other! Sound good?" More soft mumbles of agreement. "Great. Here are your keys, Joatro. And I've already gotten mine. Your room will be in that hall," He pointed to the left hall. "Room 117. And ours will be in this one!" He gestured to the right. "Room.. 129! Just come over if y'all need anything, okay?" 

As they headed off to their rooms, Kakyoin was getting more nervous by the minute. Sharing a room with Mr. Joestar? It was practically a dream come true! He clutched the handle of his suitcase tightly as he followed the older man, so lost in his own thoughts that he bumped into Joseph when he stopped abruptly. 


"Watch where you're going, Kakyoin!" He chuckled, seeing the embarrassment on Noriaki's face. "Here's our room though.." Joseph struggled with the lock for a bit before practically breaking the door open. He stepped in, and Kakyoin followed.


The room in itself was alright. It was freezing though, it was as if Kakyoin had stepped into the North Pole. He looked around, examining the room. A small bathroom in the left corner of the room, and a small desk with a small office chair across from it. To his right, practically right next to the door was a single bed. On the left wall was also a small box television. Not so shabby, it looked clean at least. 


Kakyoin did a double take. ..what? A single bed..? A single bed? Oh no. Oh no no no no no no. Sharing a room was one thing, but sharing a bed? He stood in shock for a few seconds before turning his head to Joseph, who was also looking at the bed.


"Ah.. that lady didn't say anything about one bed." He gave a nonchalant shrug. "Looks like we're gonna have to share the bed. It looks big enough anyways." Joseph glanced at Kakyoin, seeing the strange look on his face. 


"Oh- unless you don't want to, then that's -" Kakyoin shook his head a little too quickly. 


"No no-! It's fine, I.. erm, I really don't mind." 


"Great! Then I'll head on over to the shower." Joseph grabbed the bag he kept his.. luggage in and quickly headed off to the bathroom, leaving Kakyoin alone.


He sat on the bed and fell back, the mattress was kind of stiff, but it was okay. Kakyoin dug into his pocket and pulled out the handkerchief, he held it up to the light and gazed at it for a few seconds. Ba-thump, Ba-thump. He felt so giddy, like some sort of schoolgirl with a huge crush. He brought the handkerchief to his nose once more, inhaling deeply. God, he felt like such a pervert. But even perverts have desires too, right? He glanced at the bathroom door, perhaps if he was quick, Joseph might not catch him? He found his hand moving down his torso to in between his legs, rubbing his half-stiff length in his pants. He started to whine, his own hips grinding against his hand. Even though Joseph had never touched him in such a way, he yearned for it.


He moaned softly as he tugged his pants down, his cock springing out. The sudden rush of cold air that struck his cock made him shiver. His breaths became ragged as he started to stroke faster, his mind flooding with more and more erotic thoughts. How would Joseph touch him? Gentle, rough? How would it feel to have Joseph so deep inside him? What would the older man even say? Would he be a good kisser? Surely he must've had some experience at least. Oh god, he could barely take it. He needed Joseph. 


More pathetic whimpers and whines escaped his mouth and he was right at the tipping edge. "Ah- ah- fuck.. Joseph-!" He moaned helplessly into the handkerchief, trying as best he could to muffle his own noises as splurts of his own warmth spilled out into his hand. He lied there for a few moments, panting softly. It was only a few moments, though. Because as he lay there, in the strange silence, that's when he realized.


The shower was not on. 


He scrambled to get up, panic slowly taking over. "Oh no. Oh no no no no no." He pulled up his pants with his free hand and grabbed a tissue from the conveniently placed tissue box on the desk. He wiped the cum off his hand and crumpled up the tissues, throwing it into the small office trash can rather violently. He crumpled up a few more tissues and threw them in there as well. Hopefully to make it look like he was rather blowing his nose than jerking off to his own perverse fantasies.

 He put his hands on his head, a flush of embarrassment taking over his face. Had Joseph.. heard? Oh god, what if he'd heard him moaning his name so shamelessly? As if almost right on queue, he heard the bathroom door open. 


"Ahh.. what a refreshing shower! Hm? Kakyoin, why are you hunched over like that?" Kakyoin tensed up slightly and turned around.


"Oh- me? It's nothing really.. i just- really need a shower, you know? Refreshing and such.." 


"I see, alright then. Sorry for taking so long." He patted Noriaki on the shoulder, flashing a cheeky grin. Kakyoin simply nodded and grabbed his suitcase and shuffled into the bathroom. 




About 30-ish minutes later, when Kakyoin was all done showering, brushing his teeth, ect. He finally stepped out feeling quite refreshed, but still mostly embarrassed. 


Joseph was seated a great deal away from the TV in the office chair, in only a white tank top and boxers. He looked awfully bored, practically half asleep. Perhaps Kakyoin could change that? 


Once Noriaki had put his suitcase up, he decided to make his move. He sat himself down in the older man's lap, pressing his back against Joseph's chest while a sly smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. 


"Ah.. you don't mind if I sit here, do you, Mr. Joestar? It's rather quite comfortable.." He wiggled his hips just a bit, grinding against him only a little. Joseph was rather taken aback by Kakyoin's actions, yet he decided to play along. He thought the boy was quite cute after all.


"No, no. I don't mind at all, not if it's an adorable little redhead at least." Kakyoin flushed at the words. "Adorable? He thinks I'm adorable?" The words only fueled his desires. He took one of Joseph's hands in his own, tracing small circles on the back of it. 


"Mm.. your hands are nice, Mr. Joestar. Surely they must be capable of alot things..."


"Hmm?" Joseph simply raised an eyebrow.


"Do you-" Kakyoin swallowed. Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump. His heart was beating like crazy as he peered up and over his shoulder at Joseph. 


"Do you think they can make me feel.. pleasure?" 


"Oh? Is this an invitation?"

 Kakyoin nodded meekly. He was trembling, only slightly, as Joseph pressed his lips against his own. They were soft, plump. It was apparent that Joseph had lots of experience kissing. He tasted faintly of rich tobacco and dark chocolate. Kakyoin loved it, and he wanted more.


Joseph's hand moved itself from Kakyoin's hands to the redhead's chest, groping it. He gasped and whined, and Joseph took the opportunity to turn the kiss into a sloppy, needy french kiss. Noriaki grinded harder and harder, his whole body trembling so nervously now. The sounds spilling out of his mouth and into the other man's were absolutely filthy.


Joseph broke the kiss, but before he could catch his breath the smaller boy was already whining and begging for more. 


"Please- hah.. please-! Touch me more, I'm begging you, M-mr. Joestar!"


"Mmm, no need to be so formal, Kakyoin. Call me Joseph." He murmured softly against Noriaki's neck, starting to fondle his chest with both of his hands now.


"So needy.. so shameless. Just like how you were earlier, right? Don't think I didn't hear all your adorable noises, but you sounded so cute, so I didn't complain." Kakyoin's face and neck burned red. So he had heard! Yet he didn't have time to worry over that, he shivered as the cold air hit his bare chest. Turns out Joseph has been working on stripping him of his shirt while also stripping him of his dignity.


"Fuck.. I need you on the bed, now." Joseph mumbled softly in Kakyoin's ear, and Kakyoin complied. They both got up and stumbled onto the bed in a tangle of limbs, Joseph finally getting to admire Kakyoin's rather soft chest.


"So cute, so soft. I could admire your beautiful body anyday, cutie." He gently kissed and sucked at the younger boy's chest, earning soft whines and pleads.


"No- not there.. I'm - gh?!" He was cut off by the unfamiliar sensation of a tongue lapping at one of his puffy nipples, a hand gently pinching the other.


"I can't help myself.. your body- it's so tempting. Especially that adorable little ass of yours." He let out a low hum of amusement at Kakyoin's flustered noises.


"Mh.. there have been times where I just wanna pin you down and fuck you on the spot. It'd be so cute to see the others watch as I pump you full and mark you as mine. Wouldn't that be a treat, doll? Shit, that's just what I'll do. I'll fuck you so hard that you won't be able to think about anything else but me, okay?"


Kakyoin stumbled over his words, simply nodding instead. He didn't know one could talk as filthy as Joseph just had, yet he liked it. Soft whines escaped his mouth as Joseph descended his torso, leaving light kisses in his way. Once he got to the waistline of Kakyoin's Pj pants, he looked up, as if asking "May I?"


"Yes- yes, please.. i need you." Joseph chuckled lightly, tugging down the redhead's pants and softly stroking the tip of Kakyoin's cock.


"Look at you, so excited already. Makes me wonder, what other sounds can you make?" He ran his finger over Kakyoin's tip, earning a high gasp.


"Gah- n-not there! Please- I'm sensitiv- ah!" He was cut off once more as Joseph flicked his tongue over his slit, it felt amazing.


"Hmm.. I suppose I should stop teasing, although your sounds were so nice." He got up and went to his bag, digging around in it. Using this time to his.. "advantage", Kakyoin quickly kicked off his pants, discarding his undergarments as well. Joseph found what he was looking for soon enough; a small bottle of lube. Not the cheap, watery kind either. He, too, shed his remaining clothing as he returned to the bed, gently spreading Kakyoin's legs open.


"Come on, don't be shy all of a sudden." The Joestar coated three of his (human) fingers in the slick lube, prodding at Kakyoin's tight ring of muscle. A shiver went up Noriaki's spine as he felt a finger being pushed into him, then another, and another. Joseph's hands felt so much better than his own, it's like he was dreaming. He whined and tried to close his legs, a pitiful attempt as Joseph's free hand kept a firm grip on one of his thighs. More whines and more noises escaped him as Joseph moved his fingers around, poking and prodding his sensitive spots. 

After Joseph was done "prepping" Kakyoin, he poured a generous amount of lube onto his own cock, prodding softly at Kakyoin's hole. Joseph was huge, much like his muscular build, his cock was thick and girthy, it had some length as well. "He's too big- it's never gonna fit..!" He thought, well, there was only one way to find out.


"Shit.. now remember, relax, okay? Tell me if something doesn't feel right and if I should stop." 


"Ah- yes sir.." 


Noriaki was nervous, he could barely even think straight, and the tip wasn't even in! He felt his own cock twitch and leak as Joseph pushed into him. It felt so big, like he was being all the way stretched out. Joseph stopped every few seconds, giving Kakyoin some time to adjust properly. It wasn't until Joseph poked a particular spot that Kakyoin cried out, a moan of pure pleasure escaping from his throat.


"Looks like I hit a good spot, hm?" He eased in the rest of his length, watching the smaller boy whine and tremble beneath him. He leaned down and peppered the boy's face in kisses, moving down to his neck and gently biting and sucking. 


"Nghh.. move.. please." Noriaki's half lidded eyes were full of pleasure, he needed more. Joseph nodded, slowly moving his hips back, practically pulling out of the boy, before snapping them back. Kakyoin let out a choked out moan, gasping and gripping the sheets. Yes! This was exactly what he needed. Seeing the absolute pleasure on Kakyoin's face, Joseph sped up his pace a bit, trying to be as "gentle" as possible. He didn't want to accidentally hurt the boy. 


Incoherent phrases fell from Kakyoin's mouth, yet Joseph figured out the word he was trying to tell him.




"Faster? Sure, I'll give you faster, I'll get you anything you want, doll. I'll spoil you rotten." A smirk tugged at Joseph's mouth, what a cutie. He promptly sped up his pace, making sure to hit Kakyoin's point of pleasure as best he could. Noriaki desperately grabbing at the hands holding his waist in place, whining and moaning loudly.


"Ah- ah-! Joseph-! H-hand- please!"

He could barely speak a coherent sentence, his mind fuzzy. Joseph looked at Kakyoin curiously, his hand? He released Noriaki's waist with one hand, holding it out palm first to him. That's exactly what Kakyoin wanted. With a trembling hand, Kakyoin intertwined his fingers with Joseph, holding onto his hand tightly. It was a very intimate gesture at most, making Kakyoin wonder why he even did it in the first place. Hand-holding was for lovely couples and married people.. not- this. 


"Mmn, you never cease to surprise me, doll." Joseph roughly pressed his lips to Kakyoin's, making the redhead's complexion match his hair. It wasn't a kiss for very long, for Kakyoin's mouth fell open, various moans spilling out of it. Joseph sucked on the younger boy's tongue, making his mind go berserk. He couldn't handle all the pleasure at once, it was simply too much.


He gasped as Joseph pulled away, the older man moving to attack his chest with hickeys and bruises. Joseph groaned, he felt Kakyoin's hips moving desperately in sync with his own, how eager.


"Jo- ah! Mmn-! Please- please keep hitting- hitting that-! I'm- I'M-!" He threw his head back in pure ecstasy, his orgasm hitting like a tsunami. It. Was. The. Best. He felt his own lewd warmth spill out onto his lower abdomen chest as he squeezed Joseph's hand, tears of overstimulation and pure bliss spilling down his face. He couldn't think, and he could've sworn he saw stars. 


One, two, three more thrusts and he could feel Joseph finishing in him. A shiver went through his body as he felt Joseph's cock throb inside him, painting his insides white. He whimpered, breathing shakily at the unfamiliar sensation. Unfamiliar yes, yet it felt strangely erotic and good. 


"Nhn.. hah.. Joseph- came so much.." His hips twitched, just slightly though. As he looked at Joseph through heavy lidded eyes, he brought his face down towards his for a kiss. He smiled slightly as the taste of rich tobacco and dark chocolate spilled into his mouth. 


They stayed like that for a little bit, needy kisses and handholding, before Joseph sat up. 


"Come on, doll. We have to get you cleaned up, wouldn't wanna leave you here like this, right?" He flashed a cheeky grin before picking up the smaller boy bridal style and carrying him off to the bathroom.



After their late night bath, Joseph helped Kakyoin settle into bed and turned off the lights, pulling the redhead close. 


"Mm.. I was lucky to bring that lavender soap, it smells quite nice on you, Kakyoin." 


"Does it..? Well, thank you, Joseph."


"Mhm, no problem doll.." He heard the older man yawn before feeling him nuzzle his hair a little. 


Yet, when he was sure that Joseph was asleep, he pressed a kiss to the man's knuckles and uttered a soft:


"I Love You."





end lol