Chereads / Potential Man (Megumi SI/JJK/WC Fic) / Chapter 47 - The Battle of Today's Strongest

Chapter 47 - The Battle of Today's Strongest

Third Person P.O.V.

"A fight?!" Tsumiki turns to ask in shock.

"Yeah, between Megumi and Gojo-sensei." Mai answers, a letter in hand. That's how they are communicating, through Mei Mei's crows. After they added the rules to open the Barriers

"But why?" Tsumiki is still confused

"Who knows? They are two weirdos." Mai shrugs "Anyway, ignoring that…

"Are we really gonna ignore that?"

"...ignoring that this is more like a call to us to reunite again." Mai stands up "Let's start moving to Shinjuku."


"Fushiguro-kun will be there?" Kurusu Hana, aka Angel, asks looking over Maki's shoulder.

"Can you back down? Damn mosquito…" Maki glares at the flying Hana with her sharp eyes.

"I'm not a mosquito! It's just that you're tall and-"

"If you say anything about macho woman, I'm cutting your little wings."


The two look at each other, Maki daring her to say anything… Suddenly Takaba lands close to them "I'm back!" He strikes a pose.

He is coming back from a full kick from Maki that sent him to the horizon. She learned that she can't hurt him so sometimes she kicks him away to gain some moments of reprieve.

"..." She debates with herself if she should kick him again and run away, but in the end, she sighs and shrugs "Whatever… If you guys want to follow me, this whole fiasco is kinda over already."



They ask in shock

"Yeah, apparently Megumi dealt with the mastermind, we just need to destroy the game now…" Maki says already turning around to go away. 

"Wait!" Hana suddenly calls her

"What now?" Maki turns around annoyed.

"There's something I still need to do!"

"Then do it."

"Eh… I… I was kinda hoping that I could ask for your help…" Hana blushes while joining the tip of her index fingers, avoiding eye contact.


The blonde girl fidgets under Maki's gaze "I have a deal with Angel… I need to find a certain bad guy and…" 

She was suddenly interrupted by a more mature and serene voice "I can explain, Hana. "Says the mouth that opened on her cheek.

"I say this shit before…" Maki comments

"I'm the real and original Angel. I accepted the deal with Kenjaku in the past to follow and deal with a certain sorcerer, here in the modern era."

"You didn't take over her body?" Moki raises an eyebrow

"That would be unfair… Hana and I made a deal."

"Hm, you are really going all out with that whole angel image, huh? Acting all holier than thou or some shit like that… " Maki scoffs but she can respect the attitude "Shoot then… Who do you want to deal with that made you make a pact with the devil and accept being trapped in a silly girl's body?"


"I can ask my people if they knew, or maybe even already dealt with the guy…" Maki adds

"It is the Disgraced One, but you must know it as the King of the Curses, Sukuna." Hana reveals dramatically

"..." And Maki's eyes widen at her words…

She looks at the mouth on Hana's cheek and then at Hana's eyes… Then at the mouth again and repeats the comical gesture a couple of times before asking in a trembling voice "Are you for real?"

"Yes, that would be the era where the King of Curses would return and…" As the Original Angel was saying…

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Maki suddenly burst out laughing

Hana and Takaba look at Maki's outburst strangely.

"I know that I tried to make you laugh, but now that you did it, it feels somewhat wrong somewhat…" Takaba comments

"What is so funny?" Hana asks, frowning. What does Maki know that she doesn't? She already considers Maki a rival, so she is obviously uncomfortable in being in a disadvantageous situation.

"HAHAhaha… Oh my~" Maki wipes a tear from her eye "No, nothing… This is too good to talk now. Come, let's go meet everyone, even Megumi." Suddenly Maki is very helpful.

"..." So helpful that Hana is suspicious "Do you know where Megumi is right now?"

"Either doing something really important or something really useless… There's no middle ground with him." Maki says nonchalantly.


"Hmm~ Not bad." Megumi leans his head back while enjoying Kenjaku's, in Kaori's body, blowjob. "Itadori Jin was a lucky man… Well, before you killed him."

Kenjaku removes her mouth from Megumi's member with a *pop* "I did not mistreat him…" She defends herself while stroking the big dick in front of her "And why are you bringing him up now? Are you getting off on it? Do you have a netori fetish?" She asks before starting to lick the tip of Megumi's cocky

"Hm, no… Maybe. It's my destiny to go from Potential Man to Netori Man." Megumi says calmly "Maybe I should experiment… Do you have a picture of him? I wanna make you squirt over it…"

"You are really the villain here…"

"Less talk and more use of those milkers" Megumi admonishes her.

Kenjaku does as she is told, grabbing her soft orbs of fresh and wrapping around his shaft, even though they are not as big as her previous ones they are still capable of doing this much. Her warm mouth engulfs his cockhead while her tongue encircles it, she makes extremely lewd noises while servicing him.

Megumi can't say that she is super experienced and skillful, maybe he was expecting too much because of her age but she is still incredibly good just because she is completely unashamed of debasing herself to give him a sloppy blowjob.

She is not a soul-sucker succubus but it's enough to make him just lay there and do nothing, at her mercy.

"Yes, just like that…" He closes his eyes to feel her tight lips bobbing up and down on his cock.

He doesn't feel like holding it. Why should he? To impress her by showing that he can last for a long time? He is beyond that at this point and she is his pet.

The only warning that she receives is the iron grip his hand gives at her scalp, holding her in place with his penis in her throat before spurting directly into her gullet.

Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!

Kenjaku was able to take everything without wasting a drop, the stream of cum filling her belly, while she held her breath for enough time to make her think she was gonna faint, Megumi finally releases her from his grasp.

"Haah~ A blowjob is always welcomed." Megumi sighs contently

Kenjaku seals her lips with two fingers while still making some effort to swallow all of his load. She really already understood her place.

"Not bad…" Megumi praises, his wet and slick, but still rock-hard, dick twitching in the air because of the show.

He pauses for a second, considering if he should give her backshots or not… But decided against it, for now, he can have his "mature women orgy" later, during his victory party.

Now he wants to make her serve him.

"Hop on." He grabs the base of his cock and points it at her

"From behind?" She asks, standing up and turning around to present her ass to him. Her soft asscheeks trapped his dick between them.

"Nah, I want to see those Mommy Milkers bouncing."

After a small smirk she turns around to straddle him, without much teasing, she grabs his cock and points to her surprisingly tight entrance before sliding down.

"Hmmm~" She moans to the feeling of being stretched out "So much bigger than my husband~" She says sultrily as a service to him.

"Hmpf" Megumi scoffs and rolls his eyes at her. And at himself that he can't deny that it feels good to hear those things… Men are such simple creatures.


He slaps her butt, making it jiggle and leaving a red palm print that gets more discernible after each second.

"Move that ass, woman."

And she does just that, bounding her ass on his lap, her cheeks clapping every time it hits his muscled thighs. 

Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap!

"Ahn~ Wow, the best I ever had~~ Hm~" She says with hearts in her eyes, hugging his head and burying his head on her breasts.

The thing is that he knows that she is not lying.

"You've seen nothing yet…" He smirks, his voice muffled by her mammaries.

He then grabs her small waist as leverage and starts thrusting upwards. Time for the dicking of her ancient life.

Despite all the assurances of the Stamp, this woman was his enemy some days ago, so he needs to tame her. And the Contractor's way is to do it through the power of the D.

When he is done with her, she will be calling him Master.


The day finally arrived.

Everyone of importance slowly moved to Shinjuku, new and old companions meeting again.

"But, seriously, why are they fighting?" Panda asks with a claw over his mouth

"I think Megumi has this bet with Gojo…" Maki answers

"And he just gained Sukuna's powers… So now is the time to decide who is the strongest" Hitomi adds.

"They are so dumb…" Utahime sighs, shaking her head.

"Huhu~ It doesn't matter who wins… The bets are already on and I'm gonna transmit everything." Mei Mei chuckles while checking her laptop. "So many subscriptions! Haha! Thank you Kenjaku for making Jujutsu public!"

"You're so smart, sister. You can benefit from any situation~" Ui Ui glazes her big sister while she teleports cages upon cages of crows.

Everyone is there, from the students to Principal Yaga, from the recently awakened sorcerers to some captured and reincarnated sorcerers. Even Hakari and his femboy girlfriend appeared after everything was over.

They walk to a big room filled with TVs, the screens all conglomerated in a big pillar in the center, cables and wires come from all directions to power them up.

"Shouldn't we be focusing on how to end the Culling Game?" Nobara asks while she sits down.

"The Game is on hold now… Apparently, Tengen-sama is checking on a way to finish it for good." Principal Yaga answers. "But even so, it is still occupying huge areas and stagnating society… We need to reclaim the colony so that the people can go back to their lives."

"The Culling Game used Tengens barriers to establish itself so it should be possible." Utahime explained in her teacher's voice "It would be enough to at least weaken it and then create a rule to end things."

"This shitty game is not fair and its only objective is to run forever. There's no winning prize." Maki says in disgust

"Then we could create a rule that…" Yuta speaks

"Like the first that accumulates 300 points wins." Mai gives a suggestion.

"Or give a time limit…"

While they are talking about the future steps, Mei Mei interrupts them with some words.

"They are here…" 

She makes them turn to the TVs to see what is being shown on the screens, through the eyes of the crows they see a shadow pass above them.

The image trembles and spins before other crows from below look up and show what happened.

"That's Nue, albeit a little different…" Maki comments, seeing the sharp masked shikigami bird fly like a jet.

"Oh! Did Fishiguro-kun arrive?" Hana perks up, watching the screen attentively.

"We can't see who is on its back, but it should be him." Maki confirms. Nue flew faster than expected, from their low angle they only saw that it's carrying someone "I think it was more than one person…" Maki's sharp eyes saw better than most.

"Oh my god! He is here! Does my hair look good? And my clothes??" Hana goes into full panic mode, passing her hand through her hair and body to smooth any wrinkle or imperfection.

While Takaba is giving her a thumbs-up and holding a mirror that he took from god knows where, to her, Nobara looks at the scene strangely.

"I didn't ask because she was with you, Maki-senpai… But who the heck is this girl?" The brown-haired first-year looks at Hana with judgemental eyes

"Apparently Megumi is her first love or something… When he saved her when she was a child… And to her misfortune, she still has feelings for him and entered the Jujutsu World.

"...." Many girls in the room turn to look at Hana with eyes full of scrutiny.

"...what?" The blonde girl pauses what she is doing and looks around scared

"Poor girl…"

"Should we warn her?"

"How does that guy do this?"

"Was it on purpose? Was he like that since he was a snotty brat?"

"Megumi was a good kid…"

"Maybe we should put him under house arrest or something?…"

"Or put him down for good."


"He is too dangerous."

The women, his victims, all talk between themselves without hiding their despise for Megumi's womanizer ways.

"Oh, they separated…" Kusakabe says, attracting the attention of everyone.

They saw clearly how two silhouettes jumped from Nue's back but then immediately another bird appeared under their feet and started carrying the two in their overall direction.

"Is that…" Utahime narrows her eyes

"A cursed spirit." Hitomi completes a playful smile appearing on her patched face.

It didn't take long for them to confirm their suspicions, Yuki and an unknown woman suddenly appeared at their door… But the woman has a very distinct characteristic that everyone recognizes… Stitches and a scar that circles her forehead.

It doesn't need to be a genius to understand who this is, Kenjaku jumped bodies again.


One second later everyone moved and they were already circling the woman, weapons in hands and cursed energy ready.

"Geez~ Calm down people… I give up already." Kenjaku, in Kaori's body, raises her hands in surrender. She gives Yuki a look, but the Special Grade Sorcerer cleans her hands and walks away.

"You're on your own." She says before sitting down in a chair loudly

"What are you doing here?" Principal Yaga asks

"How are you still alive?" Maki asks back.

Even Angel is serious.

"Why shouldn't I be alive? Damn… Don't worry, I gave up on the merging. I lost. That's it. Relax." Kenjaku says, despite being surrounded she looks completely calm

"As if we would trust you." Nobara exclaims

"But my plan already fell flat." Kenjaku shrugs her shoulders "What can I do anymore? By the way, I'm under Fushiguro Megumi's jurisdiction, with Tengen's approval, so don't touch me, please."

"And you gave up just like that?" Mei Mei asks with a raised eyebrow

"I had a heart-to-heart talk with Fushiguro-kun and he showed me the errors of my way, now I can walk in the light and work hard to gain redemption." Kenjaku puts a hand over her chest and declares righteously, her eyes shining with an innocent light.


"Seriously, how does he do that?" Mai finally turns around to ask for the room.

"Maybe he has some sort of pact with the Devil or something?…" Nobara thinks hard about this issue

"Maybe he is the Devil." Momo, the broom girl, scoffs.

"Megumi is not the Devil." Tsumiki defends his brother, unaware that she is kinda wrong.


"...well." Kenjaku starts talking again "If you guys are not gonna do anything… Can I sit?"


It leaves a bad taste in their mouth, but what can they do? The fact that Yuki is not attacking Kenjaku is already enough proof that Kenjaku is not bullshiting them.

In some way, Megumi was able to stop Kenjaku, and even without knowing how… They can't argue with the results.

"We are gonna keep an eye on you." It's all that Maki can begrudgingly say before taking away her weapons, the rest following suit.

"Okay~" Kenjaku doesn't call her in her attempt to keep a superior ground and just goes sit down close to Jogo and Hitomi "Sup."


"Weird, huh?"

"Yep, weird."

"..." Jogo does his best to ignore the two weird women at his side, suppressing his murderous feelings too.

"It's starting for real now." Mei Mei's voice attracts their attention again.

Looking at the screen they see Megumi jumping from Nue and landing on a street, using his own strength to cushion the fall. He is wearing a black turtle-neck shirt that hugs his body tightly and above it, he is wearing a white Gi with a black belt and boots. And above all that he has a black kimono draped across his shoulders.

At the same time, Gojo suddenly appears in the air above them and allows gravity to bring her to the ground, where she lands loudly.

She starts walking at Megumi with a huge smile that he instantly matches. She appears to also be wearing a "battle uniform" in a different style but also black and white.


In the room where everyone is watching the showdown, Mei Mei smiles

"Now I can even capture their talk, this transmission will be Ultra High Quality, 4K… Fufu~ I should've charged more." She will not say it out loud, but this little improvement is thanks to her being part of Megumi's retinue.

She hasn't had her perks for long, and her technique doesn't have that much potential that can be explored like that, but she can improve this much. She is also smart enough to understand that this sudden "breakthrough" must be associated with Megumi.

She remembers teasing Utahime in the past about her skin getting better saying "Did you finally get laid?" At the time, she let the matter rest after extracting some cute reactions from her colleague but after discovering that she, in fact, got laid and with Megumi… She can do a 2+2.

'My dear hubby is full of secrets…' She gives a sly glance to Kenjaku, her eyes covered by her front braid.

Back to watching the screen, everyone sees the two stopping more or less 5 meters from each other. There's no sign of aggression coming from the two beyond Megumi's activation of his "King of Curses" Mode.

Maki taps Hana's shoulder and points at the screen "There. That is your guy, Sukuna. Megumi ate him and became the King of Curses." She says with a smirk

Hana who was staring dreamily at the handsome youngster took some seconds to process what Maki said. Her face slowly fell into one of shock,

"No… How can it be?? Megumi? The King of Curses?" She covers her mouth with a hand while her eyes tremble in shock "This means… This means… That we are destined to be enemies…"

Seeing her shaken expression, Maki decides to throw a bone "Technically he just got the powers, he is still Megumi." She shrugs

But Hana does not hear her "What an ill-fated love story… Destined to be enemies even though we love each other… So beautiful~ Enemy to Lovers, my favorite Tag! Kyun~" Hearts appear in Hana's pupils and she blushes.

"..." Maki forgot for an instant that she was a weirdo, her mouth hung open in shock watching how this woman's brain works. "She tricks herself into liking him more… Hopeless." She gives up.

"Mou, Megumi-kyun~ I leave you alone for just a few days and you become a delinquent." The watchers start ignoring the heavy-breathing Hana and start paying attention to the screen again after hearing Gojo's voice.

"Believe it or not, it's not a phase." Megumi jokes while running a hand through his hair, slicking it backward.

"Was it beating Sukuna that is giving you the confidence? You know that you still had all of your High School life to challenge me, right?" Gojo asks while tilting her head

"No need for that, I can't get much stronger than this…" Megumi says, but this is not completely accurate.

He still hasn't reached the peak of power with his Templates and he can buy more. With the extra years, he would be capable of easily, and effortlessly, dealing with Gojo. But he is already planning his Travel to the next world, no point in wasting time here.

"Oh, eager for that reward then?"

"Kinda yes." Megumi agrees

"I'm still thinking about what I'm gonna ask you…" Gojo taps her chin with a finger "And you?"

"So the two have a bet…" Utahime shakes her head "They should be aware of the time and place… So childish."

"The two being the users of the strongest Inherited Techniques of the Great Greats, it's only natural that they are destined to be on top." Kusakabe comments

"Yes, but it's childish to fight to see who is stronger." Utahime still thinks they are two idiots. "And Gojo made a bet with a child? Ugh."

"This is very in character." Mei Mei giggles

"I'm not surprised either. She probably thought that it would be a good incentive." Principal Yaga says.

"I remember that Megumi was not into training that much when he was a kid." Tsumiki says lightly

"That Megumi?" Nobara points at the screen. She is a victim of his harsh training methods together with others "Can't imagine…"

"Yeah, I remember Gojo-san appearing and taking him during the weekends, he always came back grumpy…" Tsumiki says

"In one of those times we met." Hana comments from the side.

Tsumiki continues "I remember Megumi complaining about being left alone in the woods, being thrown into a lair of curses, having to fight hand-to-hand with Gojo-san… I don't think he liked it very much." She comments while resting a cheek in her hand, reminiscing about her past.

"....." Everyone looks at her strangely… it's not for nothing that Megumi disliked training! Ignoring the child abuse, only the fact that he had to spar with Gojo since he was a kid is enough to create serious PTSD!

It's a miracle that he overcame that.

Back to the screen, they watch Megumi scratching his chin "What I'm gonna ask you? Nothing much…" He rolls his shoulders and lets the kimono fall on the ground "I will just ask you to marry me." He says very casually.

"................" A pin drop silence falls on the room, only cut by the sound of falling jaws.

"I give up on him. He is irredeemable." Maki throws her arms in the air in resignation.


On the soon-to-be battlefield, Gojo widens her eyes at Megumi's declaration but she controls her features fast enough, after all, there are people watching… She needs to keep cool.

"*Ahem* A-All for this? D-Don't tell me that you have a childish crush on me or something?" She coughs on her hands to hide the blush.

"Yes." Different from her, Megumi is very direct and unashamed in expressing his feelings. After all, how can a Harem master be shy of getting girls? It will be a huge hindrance.

'~~~~~~~~~~~' Despite squealing inwardly Gojo continues to play the mature teacher act "*Ahem* And you need to go through it with a fight? You could have asked me out…" She says in a joking tone.

"Nah, it needs to be this way." Megumi denies it easily "This relationship would be born flawed if started normal… There's nothing normal here."


"You are seen as a monster by everyone, even in the mirror. So I will beat you till you are human again, a woman…" Megumi raises his fists, entering a battle instance, at the same time a wide toothy grin appears on his face "...then I will make you my woman. Perfect plan."

"Pffft! Hahahaha! It makes sense in a weird way!" Gojo laughs loudly before removing the upper part of her kimono, revealing her loose cargo pants and tight shirt "Then come, Big Boy! I will accept your confession~" She gestures to him to come with her hand.

The battle between the strongest of the modern era is about to begin.


Author's Note:

Hello there, one more chapter and it's over.

But don't worry, I plan to make some extra side chapters of him going arouch catching the neglected girls. A guy needs to do the sidequests after finishing the Main storyline, after all.

Till next time~