Given the contract, one might wonder what all this money is actually for Rosia. A simple question with several equally simple answers.
The first expense is for Annie's mercenaries. The second is for Lucian, to purchase a large number of slaves. And finally, it is used to buy plants with Naturia, whether for the animal garden or all the other gardens.
Yes, the money helps us become stronger! While also serving later as food for our two nests!
Basically, Isolde is almost begging us to get stronger so we can invade her kingdom later! Thank you, Isolde ~
As for the exclusive financial rights over the kingdom granted to Isolde, it doesn't change much for our own plan. On the contrary, it will be even more useful to us later!
Time passes as I stay by the merchant's side. While the percentage increase of the servants progresses rapidly, for Isolde, I'm literally doing a yo-yo in terms of percentage! As an experienced merchant, she loves anything that can bring her profit or strengthen her kingdom's plan. This forces me to use hallucinogens on her, making her see countless opportunities. But once she returns to normal, she is unhappy with the actual purchases, causing the percentages to drop!
At this point, I wonder if finding her a lover would help increase the percentages more easily! Yes, finding her someone is much simpler than making her happy with purchases! Good god… Or rather, good Zerg!
Fortunately, I continuously receive information about what's happening on Rosia's side thanks to my slave concubines, who come to me… or rather, to Isolde's main store. Since no one knows these three, they can come to talk to me secretly without anyone suspecting anything.
Today, Mirelia has come. As a former herbalist, she often comes to buy plants to make healing potions, which she resells.
Yes, she wants to sell them to help us. In exchange, she simply wishes for Rosia or me to save other people from slavery by offering them the possibility of becoming our slave concubines. We promised her, and since then, she has been fully devoted to her role as a concubine. She has completely abandoned her humanity for me.
Ironically, she believes the Zergs are better than humans! Even though she has seen us eat humans and animals, she still believes it! Why? Simply because once we choose someone, even if we may harm them a little, in the end, we never abandon those we love. Especially with our high libido, where we have a lot of sex, even though it's mostly for laying eggs.
Although I haven't taken any more slave concubines, Rosia, on the other hand, has taken plenty! And since Zergs don't seek "traditional" beauty but rather their own kind of beauty, someone considered ugly can become incredibly beautiful in the eyes of a Zerg. To put it simply, as long as a person makes us want to reproduce and lay more eggs, they are considered beautiful.
In reality, it doesn't even have to be a human to trigger this reproductive urge. But since Rosia was human and I love human women specifically, we focus on them. However, it is possible that, later on, we may have something other than human women as concubines.
Back to Rosia, if we put aside the fact that she automatically parasitizes all her concubines, she has quite a number! All have become her personal servants, and she even asked Lucian to set aside all female slaves before selling them so she could pick first.
Thanks to this, my three concubines and Rosia's concubines are trying to get closer to us to no longer suffer as slaves! To the point where I wonder if parasites are even necessary anymore. Rosia, on the other hand, has no doubts whatsoever. Giving parasites to every creature seems completely ingrained in her now.
"My dear, Rosia asked me to tell you that the plan with Naturia is almost complete. But for some unknown reason, after 95%, the percentage increase is becoming extremely difficult."
I thought about it for a bit and understood that it was the world's spirit blocking the progression as much as possible. It is likely that the world believes the prince's ongoing plan might lower the percentages and allow him to slowly regain his heroine.
I simply chuckled. It seems the world's spirit can see the grand plan but not the details.
"Thank you, my beauty. Tell Rosia it will get easier after this plan and that she shouldn't stress too much."
"Alright, my dear."
Mirelia looks around, checking that no one is watching, then approaches me and places a kiss on my carapace. In return, I rub my horrible head against her face. She seems completely used to my ugly appearance!
"Tell my other babies that I miss them."
"Of course, my dear."
"And also, when I return, I want to see you all in beautiful outfits!"
"Hihihi ~ We'll all dress up just for you!"
"Tell Rosia that I order her to give you all the money you want for shopping! And guards to protect you!"
Mirelia rubs her cheek against my face to thank me, then leaves after one last kiss. As for me, I continue dealing with this stubborn merchant! Why does she have to make her parasitization so complicated! Can't she just let it increase easily? I swear, some women really want to be spoiled!
[Host, I don't believe Isolde actually wants to be spoiled by you.]
"Shush, system! You know nothing about women's hearts! I am 100% sure she's playing coy just to get more attention! My attention!"
"Once she's mine, and when I have a more human-like body, I'll have so much sex with her that she won't be able to walk for weeks! That will be her punishment!"
Naturia – 95%