Chapter 74 - 3.23

Hannah sits on the bed with her head lowered, sadly staring at a mug of hot tea from which steam is rising. In her mind she keeps repeating Joseph's words, his confession, when he unexpectedly grabbed her in his arms and declared her to be his choice. Her heart beat harder then, she didn't expect this from him, especially since he is not an effusive person.

He surprised her.

She would have been happier if it weren't for the fact that she is worried about her mental health, as well as the disturbing threats of Mr. Scott. He has already managed to prove that he is a ruthless man, ready to do anything to remove her from her son's future.

Hannah loves Joseph and can't imagine life without him, but on the other hand, thoughts run through her head more and more often that it would be easier for him without her. He could easily inherit the family fortune and have power, since she is his greatest obstacle. Disgusted by his father, with mental problems.... can only drag him down.

So why was he so hasty in deciding that will affect his future?

— I'll order food — Joseph says as he stands in the doorway. Hannah doesn't lift her face, doesn't even look at him, only shakes her head in response. — Do you eat anything at all? It won't be long before a spider drags you behind the painting.

— Stress feeds on me, I have no appetite.

— You are not hungry, but it seems to me that the spider has a giant appetite for you.

The brunette doesn't understand his words until she glances to the side, where she spots an enemy walking along the wall.

Overwhelmed by panic, she throws her mug filled with warm tea and hurriedly hides behind Joseph's back, looking to rescue him from the monster.

The boy massages her forehead, being amused by her hysteria.

— I beg you, get rid of him. — She was not so terrified even during her meeting with Mr. Scott.

— Provided you eat everything I put under your nose.

— Joseph... don't try to force food into me.

— In that case, I'll feed the spider.

It is only a moment when he stands behind her and lifts her up, directing his steps towards the spider. She screams shrilly, promising to eat anything he puts under her nose.

— And that's how I'm going to get you cleaned up, little one — he turns to her as she flees to the threshold of the door, watching as her boyfriend puts his hand to the wall, trying to play with the spider.

Instantly, she gets weak.

— Why don't you stroke it some more? Kill that monster!

He looks at her with offended eyes.

— How can you kill such a cutie? — The girl gets dizzy. — Sit down at the table. I'll take care of you shortly.

He doesn't have to tell her twice. The brunette hastily retreats from the bedroom to avoid looking at the hideous spider any longer.

Another moment and she's sure she'll pass out from fear.


Joseph rests his cheek on his hand, not taking his eyes off his beloved. Her bites are so forced that she looks as if she is about to cry. He has no mercy and gestures her to continue eating.

— Why are you so suddenly interested in me? Before, you didn't give a damn about me and even regretted that I appeared in your life. — Again she has to attack him, reminding him of how painful his words were, even though they were not entirely true.

— I have changing moods because I am carrying your child. Eat — he says, rushing her with his hand. — Don't take everything I say to heart. I don't understand myself lately. It's because my father leads me out of my mind. It's solely his fault that I grew up to be an asshole. He didn't raise me as he should have.

— Do you realize that he won't let go until he separates us? See how he mixes things up. Things are getting worse between us since he knows we are together. He will try to destroy me at any cost.

The brunet tightens his lips, looking upset.

— I won't let that happen. The moment I said I was choosing you, I indicated that I was starting a fight with my father. I won't let him hurt you, Hannah. I won't let the past come full circle. He already took away one woman I loved. Then I couldn't do anything because I was a child. Now I won't allow it. He can take everything from me, but not you.

Hannah feels a pleasant warmth around her heart. She can't believe Joseph is talking about this so openly. This is unlike him.

— What if you lose to your father? I'm sick, I don't know what will happen to me in the future. Do you want to risk it for me by renouncing the family inheritance?

— You may be mentally ill since I possessed you so easily, but I'm real, moron! Two in one, you feel or not!!!?

The girl opens her eyes wide, watching as a framed photo flies between them. She doesn't look at Solar because her attention is immediately drawn to Joseph.

— You didn't say the apartment was haunted.

— It's not the apartment that's haunted, it's me. — Hannah puts her hands to her mouth — Oh god, Joseph, you really saw it?

— Yes, because he was supposed to see it, you damn sleaze! — Solar folds his arms over his chest, then snorts furiously. — I've had enough of your grousing! Girl, he finally came to his senses and chose you. Together with him, you can fight against his father. You are not alone, now you have an opportunity before tragedy strikes. Don't let this man kill you too. You have an opportunity that I did not have. I was not protected by Joseph from his father. You are special, since he can renounce all property for you.

The brunette's blood drains from her face.

— This is impossible. It's raining on my head too — mutters the boy, not intending to accept the fact that just now the photo frame flew before his eyes. — With whom you accede, such you become. Too many crazy people have appeared in my life — he whispers under his breath.

— Solar, what do you mean? — Hannah turns to the phantom, having more and more confusion in her head.

— I thought that at the worst moment he would leave you alone, but he proved that you mean the most to him. Don't let go of his hand, Hannah. It is not the money but you who are his future. — A slight smile creeps onto her face. — Should I tell you the biggest secret? — Hannah looks at her with wide-open eyes. — I'm the one who put you two together.

— Joseph, did you add something to the food?

— The man who brought us the grub looked like a drug dealer. — He shrugs his shoulders. — I think he added variety to the rest of our day.


— Let's forget everything for a while at least. I've had enough of the last few weeks. — Joseph leans with his back against the bench, opens a can of beer and lifts his face to the sky, looking at the starry sky. — Maybe, in fact, if I leave my father, life will finally become easier? He is the main reason for these misfortunes. It all started with him.

Although it's cold this time of year, evenings are the best to breathe by the Hudson River.

Hannah corrects the silver watch on her wrist, all the while pondering Solar's words. The phantom has finally confessed to her that Joseph's father is connected to her death. Just why? What was his involvement? What really happened eight years ago at the Horace Mann boarding school?

The girl is unable to tie it all together. Why would Mr. Scott want to kill Solar — a teenager who had been friends with his son since childhood?

Has she learned something that should never see the light of day?

— Are you really ready to give it all up? Your father is one of the richest men in the country.

— That's why I thought I was someone better all along. However, now I understand that it was the money that took away my father's soul. I would rather not become like him. There have already been times when I started treating you terribly. I behaved like he did towards my mother. I shouldn't be like that, having seen what tragedy it led to in the past.

The brunette rests her head on his shoulder and smiles slightly.

— So you want to take care of me because I have the same problem as your mother?

— My mother was not sick — he says, although his voice sounds uncertain. — It was my father who brought her to this condition, and I started doing the same to you. Why? Because my father messed with my head. He stated that because of you, I would suffer as much as my mother did, that I was in for a repeat of the past. — He tilts the can to his lips, then rests it against his knee. — What I saw today... I don't know how it happened, but I think I'm beginning to believe you that Solar exists.

Hannah lifts her face and looks at him for a moment.

— Do you believe me that I am not sick?

— Maybe you are not 100 percent healthy, but there is a small chance that Solar actually possessed you. — The boy crinkles his eyebrows. — Holy shit, how absurd that sounds. I can't believe I'm saying this.

The girl starts laughing.

— Agree that you are no longer the dangerous guy from Horace Mann.

— What do you mean I'm not? All the employees in my father's company are afraid of me and avoid me by a wide margin. When I look at them, I seem to hear puppy whining. It has even bounced off my ears that secretaries call me the cookie monster.

A grimace appears on her face.

— I understand that since you are separating from your father, you are not returning to the company tomorrow?

— That's not for you to decide, shithead.

It is barely a moment when Joseph is captured by his father's bodyguards. They lead him to the car, disregarding his threats.

— Leave her alone, don't you dare lay a little finger on her! — he shouts in his father's direction. The man ignores him, focusing all his attention on the girl.

— You were given one chance. You wasted it. Now I will not sit still.

— Will you kill me like a wife? — The brunette crosses her arms on her chest, boldly looking into his eyes. — Will you remove me quietly, like a certain Horace Mann student, Solar?

His gaze pierces her to the core. If there was such a possibility, lightning would have just appeared in the sky.

This war is only now about to begin, and the end will come in a big way.... and soon.