Chapter 56 - 3.5

Hannah finishes transcribing documents and puts them aside when a woman working at a neighboring desk asks her to brew coffee for her. The girl knows that this is a good opportunity for her to prepare it for herself as well.

In response, she smiles at the blonde.

She can't say a bad word about this place. The people working here are close-knit and nice to each other, which is rare in the company. Usually, everyone competes and it's difficult to maintain camaraderie.

No one chases Hannah away, although there are times when she accidentally runs into Chloe — a nasty babe who sticks her nose in every day and considers herself the best in every way. At all costs, she tries to make the girl realize that as an intern, she is the least important person here and if she doesn't prove herself, she won't get a chance to renew her contract.

The girl tries to ignore her words every time.

She prepares two coffees and then leaves the room, but her gaze is caught by a woman who greets everyone as if she knows them perfectly well. It seems that only Hannah does not know who she is.

All the attention of the staff, at this point, is focused on the young woman with lips painted blood-red.

— Lana, when did you come back to town? You look stunning.

There is no end to the praise, and it appears that everyone is trying to get into the girl's ass, which makes Hannah realize that she must be someone significant in this company. And that's precisely what happens because a moment later the boss shows up, which is when she greets everyone with a stern look.

— Lana, don't drag them away from their work. I'll see you in my office in a minute.

The woman rolls her eyes, regretting that her mother has her own rules and, at least for a while, can't let the employees take a short break.

— What do you say when I take you out for delicious chicken and beer in the evening?

People seem delighted with her proposal. Lana smiles broadly, and her eyes seem much bigger when she accidentally finds Hannah with her eyes.

She looks confused.

— Are you a new employee? — She turns to her, to which the girl nods her head.

— I recently started an internship in the accounting department.

The young woman walks closer to her, looking curious.

— I'd shake your hand as a greeting, but I see you're busy with both hands. Well... I'm Lana. Nice to meet you, intern.

— Hannah — the brunette responses, having the strange feeling that the older girl's gaze is a bit scowling.

The employees are discussing the evening among themselves, considering which restaurant they should go to, while Hannah feels uncomfortable to see that the boss's daughter is interested in her.

— Forgive me for looking at you like that, but I think it's because I envy your beauty — she says in jest, waving her hand. — Never mind. I hope I can establish as good a relationship with you as I have with the other employees. How about going with us in the evening for beer and chicken?

— Of course. With pleasure — she replies humbly.

— Great. In that case, I'm not stopping you. Your coffee is getting cold.

Hannah smiles nervously as she recalls the cups she holds in her hands. She bows slightly, then hurriedly walks away toward her desk.

Lana pulls her phone out of her purse and dials her friend's number. A mocking smile appears on her face as Danielle's voice rings out on the other end.

— Who would have thought that life could be such a perfidious bitch? — she says quietly, not taking her eyes off Hannah, who puts the cup on the desk of the blonde-haired woman.

— You don't have to tell me this every time. I know my life sucks.

— This time I was referring to your sister. Did you know she's an intern at my mother's company?

Danielle laughs into the receiver.

— Of course I do, that's why I told you many times that I would destroy her perfect, arranged life. I was also referring to work. I know you won't let me down, Lana.

— Of course you won't. I have to repay you for what you did for me in the past. Don't worry. I'll take care of your sister.


Hannah has some doubts when Lana pours her another shot of alcohol. The girl realizes that it's not good for her health, but she can't say no to her boss's daughter. She is dumbfounded, since no employee has yet objected. How can she do this, being on an internship? Should she miss her chance?

She puts the glass to her lips and drinks a small amount, having had enough.

— Intern, I guess you don't have a day to drink today? You're doing poorly — John speaks up, making the whole company laugh.

— Apparently. Sorry — replies the brunette, feeling embarrassed.

Lana does not take her eyes off the younger girl. She surreptitiously laughs at her.

— Don't drink more if you can't.

— Excuse me. I have to use the restroom.

The girl leaves the table, feeling her head spinning. She enters the bathroom and faces the mirror, leaning against the sink with her hands.

She is tired and feels like going home.

— Don't trust this whore. — Her breathing speeds up when she sees Solar standing behind her in the reflection. — Recall where you saw her before.

She wrinkles her eyebrows, pondering her words.

— The first time I met her was at the company today — she replies, feeling chills throughout her body. She is disturbed to see the illusion again. Can she blame it on alcohol?

— Too often you block your mind, letting me keep your memories. You can't do that, Hannah. You can't protect yourself that way.

The brunette closes her eyelids.

— You are trying to harm me. You want me to go crazy again, but I won't let you. I have a boyfriend that I love. I got a good internship, and I'm not going to give it up. Leave me alone.

She puts her purse on the countertop of the sink and spills all the contents from it, with trembling hands trying to find her phone. She is alarmed when she realizes she doesn't have her cell phone with her.

— Stop being weak, Hannah. Come to your senses. Start fighting back. Fight back against your sister, since she is attempting to destroy your life. Attack first before she does damage to you. Have strength in yourself. You know I will help you...

The girl clenches her hands into fists.

— You are the one destroying my life! — she exclaims and nervously brushes the strands of hair away from her face as an elderly woman emerges from the cabin. She glances at her fleetingly and hurriedly washes her hands, then leaves the bathroom, guessing that the girl is not of sound mind.

Hannah forces a crooked smile.

— She's the one who took away your phone so you couldn't contact anyone.

The brunette grabs her favorite lipstick in her hand and throws it at Solar, who melts it into the air.

— Are you all right? — Asks Lana as she peeks into the bathroom. — You've gone pale on your face. Are you feeling well?

— I can't find my phone. — She tries to keep a pleasant tone in her voice, but the older girl can see that something is wrong. — I remembered something and I have to go home.

— Would you like to use my cell phone?

— Thank you, but first I have to find my phone. It's impossible for me to lose it. This has never happened to me before.

She leaves the bathroom, and Lana raises an eyebrow.

— There's always that first time — she mutters under her breath, taking Hannah's cell phone out of her pocket.


— Have another drink, and we'll let you go home — John urges her, pressing a glass into her hand. — Here's to the health of your co-workers.

Hannah has been nervous ever since she realized she didn't have her phone with her. She keeps wondering where she might have lost it.

They don't have to ask her as she tilts her glass, trying to control her nerves.

— It seems that our intern has regained the desire to drink.

— That was the last glass. Unfortunately, I have to go home currently — she replies, getting up from the table. — I'm not feeling very well today.

— Wait! — shouts Lana, walking towards her. — Is it perhaps your phone?

The brunette wrinkles her eyebrows when she notices the blue smartphone in the older girl's hand.

— Where did you get it? — She asks suspiciously, taking the cell phone from her.

— It was lying on the sink. — A friendly smile adorns her face. — Actually, you must have enough alcohol for today, since even the phone escaped your attention.

Why does the thought come over her currently that she should not trust Lana? Especially when she sees her co-workers making fun of her. Is it actually so funny that she drank too much and panicked because she thought she lost her phone? It happens to everyone.

Nevertheless, she's still sure the phone wasn't in the bathroom.

— Fatigue probably contributed to it. Whatever. All the luck you found it — she says, forcing a smile. — Thank you for inviting me. — She slings her purse over her shoulder and, saying goodbye to everyone, goes outside.

With her arms crossed over her chest, she walks along the sidewalk, looking for the nearest cab stand. It has already managed to get dark outside.

She walks closer to the curb of the street and, to her surprise, a passenger car that looks exactly like hers stops next to her.

It's her car, and in it sits a smiling Danielle!

The redhead opens the window, and Hannah's ears are filled with the sounds of electronic music.

— Hi, sis! — She lifts her hand, then pats the seat next to her. — Get in. I've got to give you this baby. I'm not a thief, but twins should sometimes exchange their things. What runs in the family does not perish.

— Are you following me? — There is no other explanation for Danielle's appearance here, exactly at the same time as she did. It can't be a coincidence.

— Do you think I don't have other activities? I just read your mind. — Hannah is not at all to laugh and feels like pulling her out by her hair. He hates her with all his heart. — Then do you want the car or not? You're drunk, so I'll drive you home.

— To find out where I live? No way.

— I know where you live. You won't hide anything from me. — She shrugs her shoulders.

— What do you want from me, Danielle? Give me a break.

The redhead rolls her eyes theatrically, fed up with her gawking.

— Get in, damn it, or I'll drag you inside by your hair!

She's capable of it, and she proved it last time.

The brunette obediently sits down in the passenger seat and turns down the loud music that is starting to rumble in her ears.

— What did the text message you sent me at the bar last time mean? What are you playing at, Danielle?

The twin smile's fleetingly.

— Well what? I don't like the fact that you are flying on two fronts.

— What's puzzling is that you're the only person who sees it.

Danielle sighs loudly.

— I heard that your guy is the son of an influential businessman in New York. I know that he's quite a top. A millionaire, hm? — The redhead moves her eyebrows unequivocally. — Nothing like setting yourself up well for the future.

If only she knew that this millionaire gave her to an orphanage....

The redhead curses loudly and viciously honks at the man who drove out in front of her very hood. Finally, she can't stand it when she sees him waving his arms, telling her to back off, so she opens the window to teach him a lesson.

— Who gave you a driver's license, you inflated idiot!

— What did you call me?

Hannah puts her hand to her forehead as a powerful man with a not very friendly face gets out of the car. Despite everything, Danielle does not let go.

Is she afraid of anything at all?

She opens the door and gets out of the car with a combative attitude, too aggressively slamming the door. She faces the man, boldly driving a thundering gaze into him.

— Does your mother know that you consume steroids for breakfast?

Although Hannah is not in the mood, and she finds Danielle's behavior pathetic, she can't contain her laughter after hearing this sentence. She puts her hand to her mouth when she sees the confused look on the man's face.

— What did you say to me?

— Well, yes... there are negative effects of taking this pork, so you can't even defend yourself. Come on... say something with which you will hurt my heart. — She provokes him, and Hannah reads a message from Joseph, who informs her that he will soon leave the company and call her.

— What's wrong with you, girl?

— I'm at a loss for words. Never mind. I already thought you were some bad guy who would spill my ass, but nothing. I'm not interested in chatting further. Unless you feel like it, but I warn you that the camera in the car recorded your pirate exploits on the street.

The man is breathing a sigh.

— Let's forget about it.

He gets back in his car and hurriedly drives away, and Danielle shows the middle finger to all the people who honk while waiting in traffic by her.

— Eventually there will be someone to wipe that sly grin off your face — says Hannah, meanwhile replying to her boyfriend's message.

— I wonder who it will be?

Hannah knows you don't have to look far. It's just a matter of time when Joseph won't stand for it, and Danielle will begin to realize that she has a worthy opponent.


— Get out of here! I have no intention of hosting in my apartment a person who is trying to destroy my life. — Hannah points her finger at the door.

She is indignant that Danielle had the audacity to push her way across the threshold and enter without even asking her permission.

— It's cozy in here — she says, settling comfortably on the couch. — Mommy must love you very much.

— And you envy me at every turn.

Finally, Hannah manages to wipe the smile off her face.

— It's true. I guess that's the main reason why I want to destroy your life. I can't stand the thought of you living a good life while nothing is going well for me.

— And you think whose fault is that? Mine? You run your life yourself. You have a mother, but you voluntarily cut yourself off from her. You had a boyfriend, but you contributed to the fact that he now hates you. You could have been happy: graduated from college, already had your apartment, found a job and been around the boy you love. Why should you take all this away from me? It is solely your fault that you made bad decisions in life.

— Are you going to play my psychologist? — If Danielle had powers, she would undoubtedly hurl lightning bolts at her sister.

— I'm just trying to understand what's in your head, if your only goal in life is to destroy people.

The redhead bursts into artificial laughter, but Hannah can see that her eyes are glazing over.

— I think you know very well what's in my head, since you yourself can't think in a healthy way. I, at least, do not see the phenomena.

Hannah swallows her saliva harder as she recalls Solar.

— I may have had mental problems in the past, but now everything is fine and at least I am not a threat to others.

— Keep talking like that, and you'll end up cutting your veins in the bathtub. — She looks at her nails painted in a glaring color, making strange faces.

Her heart comes to Hannah's throat when Joseph appears on the doorstep. The boy at first looks surprised when his attention is caught by Danielle, but this state does not last long because Hannah is well aware of the smile with which moments later he honors her twin.

— Weren't you supposed to call me after you left the company?

She feels that trouble is coming.

— I'm glad I didn't because you gave me a giant surprise. You would probably chase your little sister out of the apartment, and I would love to meet her — he announces, pulling off his jacket. He rolls up the sleeves of his white shirt and walks closer to the girls. — I'll get to know her first, and then I'll be happy to murder her. Don't you think that since she's considered dead, it's not a problem?

Danielle crinkles her eyebrows, having a bad feeling for a moment as she looks into his eyes. This is the first time Hannah sees that she looks concerned.

— Go away — she says to her, pointing with her hand to the door.

— It's dangerous to send your sister home at this hour — Joseph speaks in a soft voice, and this, as usual, heralds trouble. — Brew your sister a cup of tea, and I'd love to splash this boiling water in her face. — He squats down on the table, facing Danielle, not taking his eyes off her. — Someone finally needs to get control of this psychopath.

Hannah puts a hand to her forehead, then combs her hair, looking nervous. She realizes that this night will be a nightmare.

What would it be like if life had turned out completely differently and the three of them were siblings? As an angelic child, Hannah would undoubtedly be involved in a constant war between two devils.

And that is precisely what awaits her tonight.