Chapter 36 - The Demon Unleashed

As Atenzi rose to face Khan again, something changed in him.

The flow state's calm focus vanished. In its place, something raw and primal emerged.

Perhaps, his true nature?




This thought drowned out all else in Atenzi's mind.

Gone was his calculated precision. Now, he fought with raw, unpredictable ferocity. Atenzi lunged at Khan with impossible speed.

His katana blurred, striking from unbelievable angles. Khan, surprised by this shift, found himself retreating.

"What manner of demon are you?" Khan growled, barely deflecting a lethal strike.

Atenzi didn't answer. He focused solely on winning at any cost. Each swing was fueled by a desperate need to survive, to conquer.



This drove Atenzi to new heights of fury.

He ignored his wounds, fighting through the pain as Khan's hammer found its mark.

Blood flowed from cuts on his arms and chest, but Atenzi pressed on, his attacks growing wilder.

Khan, despite centuries of battle experience, struggled to keep up.

Concern crept into his face as he fended off Atenzi's relentless assault.

"You fight like a man possessed," Khan panted, swinging his hammer in wide arcs. "But fury alone won't defeat me!"

To prove his point, Khan brought his hammer down hard.

Atenzi, lost in battle frenzy, barely dodged. The impact shook the ground, making Atenzi stumble.

Khan seized his chance. His free hand shot out, grabbing Atenzi's throat. With immense strength, the centaur warlord lifted Atenzi off his feet, squeezing hard.

"You fought well, little demon," Khan growled triumphantly. "But in the end, strength will always prevail over-"

Atenzi's katana plunged into Khan's shoulder, cutting off his speech. The warlord roared in pain, his grip loosening just enough for Atenzi to break free.

As Atenzi fell, gasping for air, a memory surfaced.

A technique he read about in his past life, created by Hattori Hanzo, legendary ninja and master strategist:

"When facing a stronger opponent, victory lies not in matching their power, but in turning it against them. A thousand small cuts can fell even the mightiest oak."



Atenzi changed tactics.

He abandoned wild attacks for quick, precise strikes.

Each cut was shallow but placed with surgical accuracy.

At first, Khan seemed amused. "Have you lost your nerve, demon? These love taps won't save you!"

But as the fight wore on, Khan's amusement turned to concern.

The many small wounds took their toll.

The warlord's movements grew sluggish.

His attacks, while still strong, became easier for Atenzi to predict and avoid.

"What trickery is this?" Khan bellowed, his hammer missing Atenzi by wider margins. "What have you done to me?"

Atenzi allowed himself a cold smile. "No trickery, Khan.

Merely centuries of martial knowledge. Allow me to educate you."

He continued his relentless assault, finding weak points in Khan's armor with unerring precision.

"This technique," Atenzi explained calmly, "was developed by Hattori Hanzo, one of the greatest ninjas to ever live.

He called it the 'DEATH BY THOUSAND CUTS.' "

Khan's eyes widened in fear and recognition. "The legendary shadow warrior? But he lived centuries ago, in another world!"

Atenzi's smile grew colder. "Indeed.

His knowledge, and that of countless other masters, flows through my veins.

You face not just one opponent, Khan, but the accumulated skill of ages.

I come from your world, but I am the future.

I know who you are, your tactics and techniques.

And many others..."

Atenzi launched into a series of strikes so fast they blurred together.

Khan, his reflexes dulled by pain and exhaustion, could only endure.

When Atenzi stepped back, Khan was a bloody mess.

His armor hung in shreds, blood flowing from dozens of cuts. He breathed heavily, his proud stance now hunched and pained.

"Do you yield?" Atenzi asked, katana ready.

Khan roared in defiance.

With his last strength, the warlord charged, hammer raised for one final, devastating attack.

Time slowed for Atenzi. He saw the attack coming in slow motion. In that moment, he made his choice.



As Khan's hammer fell, Atenzi moved into the attack. He let the weapon strike his shoulder, feeling bones shatter.

But this brought him inside Khan's guard, and Atenzi seized the opportunity.

His katana flashed three times in rapid succession.

Each strike found a vital point – the junction of Khan's human and equine bodies, a major artery, and finally, a thrust through the heart.

For a moment, both warriors stood frozen.

Khan's eyes widened in disbelief, his hammer slipping from limp fingers.

Atenzi, his left arm useless, held his stance through sheer will.

Then, slowly, Khan began to fall. The great warlord, Scourge of Civilizations, toppled like a mighty oak, crashing down with an impact that shook the ruined castle's foundations.

But Atenzi couldn't stop.

His body, pushed beyond its limits, continued to fight. He slashed at unseen enemies, his movements growing frantic and uncoordinated.


The thoughts that drove him began to fade, replaced by encroaching darkness.

Atenzi's vision blurred, the world becoming a patch of colors.

Still, he fought on, driven only by a primal instinct that refused to acknowledge the battle's end.

Báthory watched with awe and concern.

She had seen many great warriors, but never one who pushed themselves so far.

"Enough," she said softly, stepping forward. "It's over, my champion. You've won."

But Atenzi didn't hear. His movements grew more erratic, his swings wild.

Blood flowed from his wounds, staining the ground.

Musashi moved to intervene. But before he could reach Atenzi, the self-proclaimed demon's legs gave out.

Atenzi collapsed, his katana clattering beside him.

Even then, his body twitched, trying to continue the fight.

As Báthory and Musashi rushed to Atenzi's side, silence fell over the battlefield.

Vampire and centaur alike stared in stunned silence.

Genghis Khan, the seemingly invincible warlord, lay dead.

And beside him, battered and bloodied but victorious, lay Atenzi – the mortal who had done the impossible.

Báthory knelt, cradling Atenzi's head. "Foolish, brave little demon," she murmured affectionately. "What manner of being are you, to push so far beyond mortal limits?"

Musashi's face was grave as he examined Atenzi's wounds. "He lives," the swordmaster announced, "but barely. His recovery, if he survives, will be long and painful."

Atenzi's eyes fluttered open, briefly blazing with that primal fire before awareness returned.

"Did I..." Atenzi whispered. "Did I win?"

Báthory laughed like shattering crystal. "Win? My dear Atenzi, you've done far more. You've become a legend."

A small smile tugged at Atenzi's lips.

As healers rushed to tend their fallen champion, the centaur army stood in confused disorder.

Their leader was dead, and their invasion failed.

Many began laying down their weapons, honoring the duel's terms.

Báthory rose, scanning the battlefield. Her voice carried to every corner of the ruins.

"Let it be known," she proclaimed, "that today, Oni no Atenzi, champion of Bloodmire and Ruler of The Sovereign Lands, has defeated Genghis Khan in single combat.

The invasion is over.

The war is won."

Cheers erupted from the vampires. The centaurs bowed their heads in grudging respect. As the sun set, casting the battlefield in shadow, all eyes turned to the unconscious Atenzi.

In that moment, friend and foe knew they had witnessed something extraordinary.

A mortal had challenged a god of war and won.

The balance of power in Naaim had shifted, with a human of immense potential and terrible unpredictability.

As night fell on blood-soaked Bloodmire, one question laid unspoken:

What manner of demon had they unleashed upon the world?

The answer, like Atenzi himself, remained a mystery.

But one thing was certain – nothing in Naaim would ever be the same again.