Chapter 29: Sponsorship and Choices
Alex followed Nurse Joy to a small conference room at the back of the Pokémon Center. It was a functional space, sparsely furnished with a table, a few chairs, and a whiteboard that was currently blank. The room was quiet, a welcome change from the bustling activity of the main area.
"Please, have a seat, Alex," Nurse Joy said, gesturing towards one of the chairs. She sat down opposite him, a warm smile on her face. "Before we get into the details of the sponsorship, I realize we haven't properly introduced ourselves. I'm Nurse Joy, of course, but my given name is Sarah. Sarah Joy."
Alex blinked, slightly surprised. "Sarah Joy?"
Nurse Joy chuckled. "It's a family tradition, you see. In this region, many of the nurses at Pokémon Centers are from the Joy clan. We've been caring for Pokémon and trainers for generations. It's… well, it's in our blood, you could say." She smiled again, a genuine, warm smile that put Alex at ease. "And the Officer Jennys you see around? They're from a similar clan, the Jenny clan. They're dedicated to law enforcement and keeping the peace."
"I… see. That's… fascinating," Alex said, still processing this new information. Another way this world was different, another layer of complexity he hadn't anticipated. He subtly used Observe on Nurse Joy again.
[Name]: Sarah Joy
[Age]: 24
[Profession]: Pokémon Nurse
[Emotional State]: Calm and composed
He was glad that the system interface was quick to adapt.
"Now, about the sponsorship," Sarah continued, her tone shifting to a more professional register. "As Professor Oak mentioned, the Viridian City Pokémon Center is willing to sponsor your journey. This is a partnership, Alex, a way for us to support promising trainers and, in turn, benefit from their success."
She opened a folder and slid a digital document across the table towards Alex. "This outlines the terms of the agreement. I'll walk you through the key points."
Alex leaned forward, scanning the document. It was surprisingly straightforward, written in clear, concise language.
"First, the financial assistance," Sarah began. "The Pokémon Center will provide you with a monthly stipend of 50,000 ₽. This will be deposited directly into your Trainer ID account at the beginning of each month. It's not a fortune, of course, but it should help cover some of your basic expenses – Poké Balls, Potions, food, that sort of thing."
Alex nodded, impressed. 50,000 ₽ a month… that was more than he'd expected. It wouldn't make him rich, but it would definitely make things easier.
"Second, you'll have access to certain resources here at the Viridian City Pokémon Center," Sarah continued. "This includes a discount on all goods and services. It starts at 5%, but it increases as you earn more Gym Badges in Kanto. It goes up to a maximum of 25% once you've collected all eight Kanto badges."
Alex raised an eyebrow. "That's… very generous."
Sarah smiled. "We believe in rewarding success. The further you go, the more support we'll provide." She tapped another section of the document. "You'll also have free access to our Pokémon storage system, both here in Viridian City and at any other Pokémon Center in Kanto. That means you can keep more than six Pokémon with you, switching them out as needed."
That was a significant benefit, Alex realized. He'd been wondering how he'd manage a larger team. This solved that problem neatly.
"And," Sarah added, "we'll be happy to provide you with guidance and advice whenever you need it. I have a lot of experience with trainers, and I'm always happy to share what I know."
"I appreciate that, Nurse Joy… Ms. Sarah," Alex said, correcting himself with a slight smile.
"Of course, there are some responsibilities that come with the sponsorship," Sarah continued, her tone still friendly but firm. "We expect our sponsored trainers to represent the Viridian City Pokémon Center in a positive light. To uphold the highest standards of conduct, to treat Pokémon with respect, and to avoid any… illegal activities."
Alex nodded again. "Of course. I wouldn't dream of doing anything to… tarnish the Pokémon Center's reputation."
Sarah studied him for a moment, her gaze assessing. "Professor Oak spoke very highly of you, Alex. He seems to think you have a… natural talent. A spark, he called it." She paused, then added, "And, of course, there's the matter of your… unique circumstances. Your amnesia. We're hoping that, through your journey, you might… recover some of your memories. We'll do whatever we can to help with that."
Alex felt a slight unease at the mention of his amnesia, but he kept his expression neutral. "I appreciate that, Nurse Joy."
"So," Sarah said, closing the folder, "are you ready to accept the sponsorship?"
"Yes," Alex said, without hesitation. "I am."
Sarah smiled. "Excellent. Just sign here, and we'll make it official." She indicated a space on the digital document, and Alex quickly added his signature.
"Excellent," Sarah said, smiling. "Welcome aboard, Alex. I have a feeling this will be a very beneficial partnership."
She paused, then added, "Now, there's one more thing we need to discuss before we move on to your new starter Pokémon. What would you like to do with the Rattata you caught on Route 1?"
Alex blinked, momentarily forgetting about the small, Normal-type Pokémon. "Oh, right. It's still unregistered, isn't it?"
"Exactly," Sarah confirmed. "Since it's not officially registered to your Trainer ID, you can't use it in battles. So, you have a few options. First, we can keep it here at the Pokémon Center for up to a week – six days now, to be precise. You can try to find another trainer who might want it, either through a trade or as a giveaway. If you can't find anyone within that time, you'll have to either release it or sell it to the League."
"Sell it to the League?" Alex asked, tilting his head.
"Yes," Sarah explained. "The League is always interested in acquiring Pokémon, for various reasons – research, conservation efforts, sometimes even for redistribution to new trainers in other regions. It wouldn't be a fortune, of course. The price depends on several factors. Rarity is a big one – we generally classify Pokémon as Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, or Mythic. Obviously, the rarer the Pokémon, the more it's worth. Then there's the species itself, its level, its overall condition, and even its individual potential – some Pokémon are just naturally stronger than others, even within the same species. The League has ways of assessing all of that." She gave a small shrug. "And, of course, current demand plays a role. Right now, your Rattata… well, it's a Common Pokémon, and a low level at that. I'd estimate the League would offer somewhere in the range of 1000 to 2000 ₽."
She paused, letting the information sink in. "Of course, selling to the League isn't the only way trainers make money. Most earn their living through trainer battles, challenging other trainers and winning prize money. But selling surplus Pokémon is also a common practice, especially for those who focus on catching a lot of different species."
Alex considered this, his mind ticking over the options. Keeping the Rattata and trying to find it a home felt… right, somehow. But it also felt like a hassle, and time was something he didn't have a lot of. Releasing it was an option, but… he needed the money. Every little bit helped.
"I think… I think I'll sell it to the League, Nurse Joy," Alex said finally. "I need the funds right now, and it seems like the most practical option."
"Very well," Sarah said, nodding. "A sensible decision. I'll take care of it for you." She reached out, and Alex handed her the Rattata's Poké Ball. She placed it on a small tray and pressed a button on her console. "The funds will be credited to your Trainer ID immediately. Let's see... 1250 ₽. Not bad for a Level 4 Rattata."
Alex felt a tiny pang of… something. Not quite regret, but… a slight unease. He'd caught that Rattata, even if it was just a brief encounter. But he pushed the feeling aside. It was the logical choice.
"Thank you, Nurse Joy," Alex said.
"You're welcome, Alex," Sarah replied, smiling. "Now, then… let's move on to something a bit more exciting, shall we?As a special welcome gift, and as a way to… supplement your team, the Viridian City Pokémon Center would like to offer you a choice of one of our Regular Set Starter Pokémon."
She gestured towards a nearby table, where four Poké Balls rested, gleaming under the soft light of the conference room.
"These Pokémon are carefully bred and raised here at the Center," Sarah explained. "They're not as rare as the Kanto starters, but they're all strong and have excellent potential."
She walked over to the table, picking up each Poké Ball in turn. "We have a Nidoran♀️, a Nidoran♂️, an Abra, and a Machop. Take your time, Alex. Consider your options, and choose the Pokémon that you feel the strongest connection with."
Alex stood up and approached the table, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Four Poké Balls. Four potential partners. Four different paths. He looked at each one, his mind racing, weighing the pros and cons, the strengths and weaknesses, the possibilities…
Which one would he choose?
Chapter End