STEPHEN FOUND HIMSELF in a desolate and melancholic landscape. The sky was a dull grey, with clouds that seemed to be heavy with rain. In the distance, he saw a structure that looked like an abandoned building.
His eyes fixed on it, and as he drew closer, he saw that it wasn't a building at all; it was a skyscraper.
He walked inside and noticed that it had no floors, no windows, and no visible roof. The only thing that existed was an endless expanse of air, with no signs of habitation.
As he walked further down, he heard someone's footsteps.
He calmly turned around, and that was when he saw a girl. Her face was covered in light, so he couldn't make out any defining features. She spoke in a soft, melodious voice, "This is Sky Tree Tower."
'Sky Tree Tower?' he repeated in his head.
It looked a lot different than what he remembered from the video presentation. But what was he doing here, of all places?