Chereads / Deomon trigger / Chapter 8 - Deomon trigger ch8 The Crimson lady pt1.

Chapter 8 - Deomon trigger ch8 The Crimson lady pt1.

Feeling the gaze of the man-no boy before all, all Viole felt was seething rage.

Her reason was rather simple, the boy was a traitor to her kind and had banded with their enemies along four other to fight them.

"Don't you feel shame?"

Her tone displayed absolute disbain as she spoke.

All devils where prideful creature even if the ended up losing to the sin of pride, they still abolished shame.

A devil that betrays their kind was the epitome of shame and the devil that sat before her was one of those.

The traitorous king Envy, the greatest enemy of gehenna.

Envy knew of this but had learnt to accept such stigma.

"Why should I?"

Hence his words had been uncaring.

"You chose to live by Wraths creed and I don't, I neither question you for why to kill so many humans so why not keep the feeling mutual and not question me on why I choose to protect them!"

"I see." Viole chuckled.

"Good. Now enough of trechany and tell me were Rogue is."

"The boss lady...." Her lips creeped into a wide grin.

"Yes the boss lady or what every you call her. Tell me where she is, I have a score to settle with her!"

"Why should I?"

Using his own words against him she glance up to observe Envy frustrated expression but having anticaped this he quickly regained his composure and narrowed his eyes.

"In case you aren't aware of you situation, you currently looked upon up devil stronghold hundreds of feets underground. You restrained and left at the mercy of the association."

"So!" She tilted her head giving him a nonchalantly look.

"Azazel will be visiting in a week just for you, need I say more!"

Violet expression sudden shifted into a horrified one as the name Azazel rang in her mind.

That fiend was an enemy of all devils due to his unethical experiment and research he carried out of them. The mere mention of that fallen's name sunk fear into the hearts of many including her.

In her eyes the torture the chief had been giving her the past week was mere child play to the degenerate Azazel.

Seeing the fear she was exhibit, Envy give a wicked grin and pinched closer to the glass.

"Help me and I kill you before he gets his hands on you!" He suggestion.

Violet give him a strange look after his suggestion, then glancing at her ceil, the chains that bind her hands and the rather bleak abyss nod abielt with reservation.

"....I will speak on the condition I have a rather brief chat with you."

Envy furrowed but gestured for her to go on.

"I might not look the part but I'm responsible for devil mental health within the facility, so what do you want to yap about!"

Heaving a sigh of relief at having her request accepted she took inched closer and clasped her chained bounced hands together.

"Wrath..." She began with a rather bleak smile,"...what do you think of them?"

"Don't know, never meet them!"

His answer was brief.

He had lived for a rather long time but with a case of memory loss he didn't particularly remember meeting the sin of Wrath.

A certain kind of emotion stired in his heart when he heard of them but that was all.

Even among the sins, he had personal met only three namely;sloth,lust and glutton with a brief encounter with greed abliet his memories of that day was foggy.

"So you still didn't remember?"

Envy shook his head.

He had a faint idea of how to regain his lost memories but he didn't particularly need them. He currently enjoyed the cluesless life he loved with his wife.

And nothing else mattered.

"Just like the boss said you extremely one noted."

The sudden shift from wrath to Rogue left him slightly stunned but viole didn't give him the time to process it all as she eagerly continued.

" You've let the humans brainwash you to become nothing more than a guard dog for them, at this rate you might never gain that spark you so seek?"

"You're simply become a machine at their beacking with their sole use being to shield them from us!"

The sheer spectacle was so pathetic to her she couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

A devil as power and ruthless as Envy has been merely reduced to a hero seeking fanatic.

The ones king she admired had lost his glory and she couldn't help but laugh.

It was disappointing, pathetic but more importantly hurtful.

Her words seem to stir up something in the devil because he began to clenched his fist and grit his teeth as if surpressing the bubbling rage growing within him.

"Hahaha.. youre grow so pathetic you can't even allow an outburst..ohhh...what a truly pathetic being you have become my liege!"

Sound of laughter resounded within the abyss a stage other prisoners overseers to their conversation also burst out laughing.

"You washed up little rival!"

"Now,now Bale it you don't have to state the obvious!"


"Shut it crazy I'm trying to get my beauty sleep!"


"I'm bored!"

Each of the even prisoner within the abyss displayed their own level of mockery cauisng the build rage within Envy to countuinously fire to astronomically height.

Watching the sight unfold, Viole grin widden even more but....

"....I'm washed up, that you're right but..."

His anger seems to vapoure as he stared at her with a focused gaze.

"..this washed up fellow fucking decked the hell out of you!"

Now realizing his caming here was for naught he rose up and began to leave.

Promising in his heart to inform Azazel to intensify what even fuckary he was going to perform on viole he decided not to look back but....

"About my boss location!"

Her words caused him to break that creed and he turned and found viole pointing upward.

Suddenly his pupils diluted a she realized what she meant he quickly tried taking out his phone to warn the association but....


A violent eruption shook the whole structure followed by a massive blackout.

"Noir was the signal!"

A invincible force crashed into him causing him to fall asleep a pair of deep violet eyes seething with killing intent was directed at him with the dark.

No that wasn't all, multiple eyes casted down at him like a myraid of Stars onto a heavenly body but this stars sort not to illuminated the body but kill it.