Zack looked at the red haired girl with confusion as hunger overpowered common sense his ability to talk just disappeared for moment.
Zack struggled to speak and the red hair girl looked at zacks perfect face struggling to talk it was truly a beautiful sight that had her star struck as her face turned red as a Tomato as if processing why suddenly a supposedly 20 year old guy is struggling to talk and the bad part is he is drop dead gorgeous!
Zack still couldn't utter a word the only words that came out of his mouth in rumbling thoughts were
"I- m- food!"
Zack was embarrassed at this terrible remark of grammar,the girl was just standing their looking terribly confused but still star struck at his gorgeous appearance struggling to speak basic words.
Zack calmed him self down and hit himself in the head a few times and as the pain slowly ticked him back into reality.
"Hmm can we share the food? I am really hungry"
The girl snapped back into reality as the man only wanted the dead boar something she killed!
She was almost willing to share it with him due to incredible structure but she realised if she simply he gonna become a pimp and follow her wherever she goes and cling to her in the name of an adventure.
The girl said as she took her bow and shot it at Zack aiming for his leg.
Now Zack managed to dodge it ever so slightly and quickly managed to hide behind a tree that didn't hold up long as she shot an another time.
Zack jumped and hit his head on a rock barely not being hit by the tree that almost fell on him.
Zack saw a another arrow about to be launched towards his direction. He quickly ducked him self behind a rock.
Zack called the system to which it quickly responded.
'i am afraid I can't just give it to you, unless you do an quest I am incapable of granting you anything.'
The girl headed slowly towards him.
"oh come out and stop being a coward!"
Zack panicked at her footsteps being heard closer and closer...
The system displayed a quest which to Zack sighed it was very rewarding and may give him the strength to defend him self.
The girl charged up a arrow ready to shoot him as she drew nearer.
Once she was close as hell Zack raised his hands and shouted.
The girl scoffed at zacks weakness and patheticness.
"Pft you are only brag no skills come out!"
Zack came out from his little hiding place trembling from the hit.
The girl pointed at his heart if he did anything funny.
She ordered him to come to a different side.
When Zack was close to her defenseless she lowered her bow clearly trying to decide what to do with him.
Zack seeing this opportunity immediately LUNGED AT HER! AND! Wait kissed her?
The girl froze her face turned red.
*The system*
'quest completed!
'kiss a girl 0/1'
'rewards:50,000 exp points and ability obtained! "Kiss of death..."
Zack rushed off into the distance taking the dead boar with him as the girl just layed there in confusion her face red as hell she didn't know what hit her.
She just saw a gorgeous defenseless man who was asking to share the boar she hunted down for herself.
He escaped with the boar and he escaped with her heart.
Although it was just a fraction of second she felt warmth she had never felt before...
*The girls pov*
It was just a fraction of second..... Just a fraction of second he stole away everything of my worries now even though I have the food problem to worry about... Wow what an dangerous thing emotions are... The funny part is he looked really genuinely scared! He was pretty cute...
*Narrators pov*
The girl lied their for about 45 minutes lost in thoughts love...
She didn't realise yet that she was going to have no food for the night!
Zack was on the fun and luckily found a little hut that seemingly looked abandoned. He settled in and put the dead boar next to the fireplace.
Panting alot.
"A-hu... Damn my first kiss was life threatening very explosive..."
*The system*
'now that you calmed down I have notifications!'
'level up! 1-17'
'stats increased tremendously!'
STR-12 To 46
STA-18 To 67
AGIL-8 to 32
INT-102 to 126
BAT IQ-2 to 2.2
"Well that explains how I ran so far and how my legs are still attached to my legs.. what about the ability what was it called again? Kiss of death right? Does it like alow me to execute any one I kissed or something?
'kiss of death-abillty description: allows user to know the location of the women he kissed if they are within 5 km of radius and also makes the women he kissed to be attracted to him about 25% increase upon every 5 kisses the first ever kiss on a women is exceptional as it gives the added 25% on the very first kiss only applies for the first kiss on a different women once the user kissed a women one time they need to kiss them 5 times to get the 25% love buff.'
'Increases upon ability tier.'
Current ability tier: tier 1 (mortal)
Buff:love buff by 25%
Ability rank: C+ tier
Ability effects increased upon abilty tiers.
(Only can view stats for next tier)
Tier 2:(cultivating mortal)
5 kisses = 25% love buff ----> 4 kisses =27% love buff.
Location tracker 5 km radius ----> 7 km radius
"Damn that's broken now I got to eat the boar."
Zack went to search for firewood and those weird flint things to light wood in fire and yes he is going to cook the boar at the fireplace where else?
*Eflaya's pov*
I eflaya-fregmen will find the man who kissed me...
*Narrators pov*
Eflaha set on a journey to find Zack .