Chereads / Cyberpunk 2021 / Chapter 21 - Chapter 16

Chapter 21 - Chapter 16

April 15, 2021. 04:25. Vancouver.

"MOVE!" I shove Remi out of the way just in time as Blake barrels forward. I launch myself to the right while Remi sprawls to the left. The ground trembles with thundering steps. Cybernetic fists slam into the empty air. 

The MC's voice thunders over the chaos. "Ohhhh, what a dodge! Lily and Remi showing some serious reflexes out there!"

The crowd erupts in laughter, some jeering at Blake for missing. "C'mon, Blake! What are you doing?" someone shouts. Another chunk of the crowd chant our names while others just scream.

Blake skids to a halt and sand sprays up in all directions. He straightens up, shaking his head with a low chuckle. "That's it? Where's all that bravado, you two? Hope you're better at coming up with plans on the fly, you're gonna need one."

I scowl, backing away slowly. My mind races as I read his movements. "Yeah, well, give us a sec." Sarcasm oozes from my voice. 

Remi cracks his neck and circles Blake's rear. His eyes focused on Blake's large backside. 

Except, he's not so stealthy with it, especially in the open. Blake's eyes glint with amusement, his head swivels to Remi, and he suddenly swings one of his padded arms. "You're gonna have to try better than THAT!" Blake swings his arm and it slams into Remi's side, sending him flying into the sand.

The crowd cheers and winces as Remi crashes into the ground. He groans on the floor. "Oh, fuck..." He rolls onto his side, curling himself up into a ball. 

"OHHH! That's gotta hurt!" the MC yells. "Twenty seconds in, and Remi's already eating sand, folks!"

"Remi, what the hell?!" My jaw drops in surprise. 

He stumbles to his feet, legs trembling madly. "Aight… warm-up is over, bro." He gasps for air and coughs twice before standing upright. 

Blake smiles and plants his fists on his hips. "Take five, rockerboy. I'll give you two a moment to figure something out—" 

I charge forward, leaping onto Blake's back. I'm not letting this opportunity go to waste. 

Blake laughs and swings wildly behind him. "Oh?" I cling to his upper back, slipping past his arms and evading his grasp with subtle movements. Every so often, I shift myself onto another part of his shoulders, just staying barely out of reach. He nearly yoinks me off several times, but I keep holding. Let's try something else.

I lock my arms around his neck and yank with an aggressive chokehold, but then feel his armoured plating effortlessly resist. Fuck, should've known it wouldn't be that easy. Just as his attempts get a little too close for comfort, I flip off his back and onto the sand. I need a new plan. The crowd cheers and I sprint toward Remi, who's groaning and coughing. "Alright, tough guy, we need to move!" 

Remi nods and points at a nearby ruin of bricks and stone. "There!"

"Screw it! Go go!" 

We run toward the makeshift building. Blake trudges to us, slowly, but nonetheless entertained. Must be nice being the boss battle, huh? Each step he takes is the equivalent to a damn elephant and part of me regrets signing up. But at the same time, Remi would've been doing this alone and I wouldn't be gaining anything either. 

Blake chuckles and calls out to us. "You think hiding in a corner is gonna save you? Come on, show me something real!"

I growl and bite my lip, pride fizzling under my panic. If I just had access to my armoury or even Azure and Shock, I'm confident it would be easier. But instead, I get nothing but myself and Remi. We duck behind the wall. 

"I'm not sure how long Blake plans on giving us mercy, but we need to make this count." I glance at the debris around myself and Remi—broken cars, chunks of stone, scattered junk. "Direct combat's suicide," I turn back to Remi. "He's faster than I expected, but he's still just a padded bulldozer. We need precision."

Remi wheezes, leaning against the wall. "What now?"

I look around frantically for a solution and then spot it, a four-door red sedan. "We'll use that car over there."

"What?!" Remi's voice cracks. "You're insane! What if there's no key?"

"Trust me, they don't leave cars around for a reason, they probably left the keys," I shove him toward the car. "Get it running and ram him. I'll keep him busy."

Remi hesitates. "This is a terrible idea."

"Just do it!" I sprint back out as Blake rounds the corner. 

His red eyes curl, and he licks his lips. "Hope you got a plan!" He then swings his massive fist, narrowly missing me as I duck and weave. "Don't hold back either! The crowd gets bored easily!" Sand clings to my hair as my hood falls off, but my eyes maintain contact with Blake's. Oh, trust me, I won't. Another mechanical kick comes flying my way. I drop down to the ground, rolling behind and staying within my opponent's blind spot. 

Finally, I leap onto his chest, wrapping myself around him like a gorilla. I rip off my hoodie and pull it over his head. Blake laughs, thrashing and stumbling as I relentlessly punch his face, landing blow after blow. I can feel my fists collide against flesh more than metal. Finally! 

"YES! This is what we wanted!" Blake bellows, his voice muffled under the fabric. HOW THE HELL IS HE ENJOYING THIS? "Great usage of your clothing!" This guy is a total fucking maniac. 

"Yeah, it looks good on you!" I quip and tighten the fabric, gripping it like reins. I slam my free fist into his temple, over and over. Each hit makes him stumble, the force finally starting to show.

The sound of an engine cuts through the chaos. The crowd gasps, spotting Remi behind the wheel of a car, his face pale but determined. He screams at me as he speeds toward Blake. "MOVE, CHOOM!"

The car crashes into Blake, the force pushing him against the stadium wall with a deafening crash. I leap off Blake just in time to avoid the collision, and I land hard, rolling across the sand. My muscles scream in protest and I spit sand out of my mouth.

The crowd loses its collective mind. Some cheer wildly, chanting, "Lily! Lily!" while others scream in disbelief. The MC practically loses his voice. "ARE YOU SEEING THIS?! THEY JUST RAMMED BLAKE INTO A WALL! THIS IS INSANITY!"

For a moment, silence hangs over the arena, broken only by the sound of creaking metal. Then, Blake's maniacal laughter returns. Slowly, he pushes the car away, the tires squealing as they scrape against the sand. The hoodie still blinds him, and he struggles to yank it off with his padded hands.

"Is he… lifting the car?!" the MC exclaims, the crowd gasping in awe.

Blake doesn't just tip the car onto its side, no, he grabs it with one hand and is about to throw it. Remi scrambles out just in time, clutching his arm as he collapses in the sand. The car is then thrown across the other side of the arena. We're so screwed, if this was serious, he could easily kill us. 

My chest heaves as I watch Blake rip my hoodie off his head. His face is a mess of blood and sweat. He grins and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "What's next?" His chest rises and falls with an amused huff. 

The crowd explodes into chaos, the MC's voice booming over the speakers. "One minute and twenty seconds left! Lily and Remi are putting on a SHOW, folks! Can they actually pull this off?!"

I pull myself up, my body battered and bruised. I lock eyes with Blake, his face is a bloodied mess, but his smile is wide and manic. 

"Feeling the fun yet?" I smirk and raise an eyebrow. 

Remi collapses nearby, gasping for air. "Bruh, I can't take this anymore." 

I rush over to Remi, helping him sit upright. I analyze his convulsing form, eyeing his limbs and torso. "You're not okay, you just took a bad hit." 

"Nah. What's the plan now though? The car is gone."

"Dude, you're not in good shape." I glance around, spotting a nearby stone structure. "Hide under the rubble. I'll keep him busy."

Remi protests weakly. "That's a dumb plan. What if he crushes you?"

The idea of using Remi as a distraction or meatshield crosses my mind, but I decide to not endanger him any further. "Then you win by default. Congrats," I snap back, and drag him toward the debris. "Just stay down." 

Blake shakes his head in amusement, quickly looking at the MC and then back at me. "Got another plan?" 

I face him with clenched fists. The caffeine in my bloodstream keeps me awake, but I know I'm running on fumes. "I got plenty."

The screaming of the crowd is deafening. This damn gauntlet is getting to me. The MC shouts, "WHOA, folks, this is it! Lily versus Blake! No tricks, no backup—a pure, one on one! Is Remi down for good!?"

Blake's voice echoes through the arena as he wipes the blood streaming from his nose, but his grin remains. "Please tell me Remi is alive, at least."

The MC's voice cuts through the chaos. "Sixty seconds left, folks! Can Lily survive, or will Blake take her down for good? Clock is ticking!"

I try stepping forward, but my legs shake more than I'd like. I kneel on the sand, gasping for air as the overexertion kicks in. "Ugh…" Sixty seconds left, c'mon! Damn it! My head feels like it's spinning and my muscles ache. 

Blake steps closer, shaking his head in mock disappointment. "Guess you weren't cut out for this after all." He launches forward with a padded fist, preparing to end the fight.

I dodge, but it's not fast enough. The edge of his padded fist clips my side, and I wince in pain. Pain explodes through my ribs as I'm violently launched into the sand. FUCK, I AM NOT LOSING LIKE THIS. 

The crowd erupts into wild applause. "Lily's down!" the MC shouts. "But is she out?!"

My body twists and I plant my hands in the sand, pushing myself with everything I have.

Blake casually walks over to me, his shadow swallowing my battered form. "You put up a good fight," he says, raising his foot. "But this is where it ends."

I roll at the last second, Blake's foot stomping into the sand beside me. Sand shoots up in front of me and I waste no time scrambling to my feet. But then I feel Blake's hand latch onto my arm, mid-dodge. NO. He lifts me by the arm, like a rag doll, and then slams me into the ground. I cough violently, wind knocked out of me, and hear the telltale pop of dislocation before the pain kicks in.

The audience screams and the MC's voice rises with excitement. "LILY IS TAKING A BEATING! CAN SHE EVEN STAND AFTER THAT?!" 

Blake drops me and then turns to the crowd. "Is this the best they've got?! Aren't you all disappointed?!" 

The crowd roars in agreement, chanting our names. For a moment, I notice a hint of concern on Blake's face. But it disappears once he notices that I'm still breathing. 

I groan and hug my dislocated arm. "Motherfucker…" The pain is intense—but it's nothing I haven't learnt to handle before. I grit my teeth, keeping my jaw locked in place. 

I shift my weight, planting my knee into the sand. Son of a bitch. I brace my forearm against my thigh and control my breathing. Then I drive my shoulder forward and twist. 

A fresh wave of pain shoots through me, but the relief that follows is almost dizzying. "FUCK!" I gasp for air, my breath ragged. The joint is back in place, though I know it's still weak. 

All eyes are on me as I flex my fingers, testing for any sharp pain while the nausea disappears. Good enough. I roll my neck, shaking out my good arm. I look up at Blake, teeth bared. "That all you got?"

The audience goes feral.

Then suddenly, the nearby rubble shifts. Remi bursts out, gripping a jagged piece of debris. His eyes lock onto me. Don't do it. I meet his gaze with a massive look of disapproval. 

"EY, BOSS MAN!! My turn, choom!" Remi slams it against nearby stone, the clang echoing through the arena.

The crowd erupts into cheers, their energy surging back. "Remi's back! He's not done yet!" the MC yells. 

Blake freezes, his fist still raised. He turns toward Remi, his grin widening. "You two got guts and bravado. I respect that."

With Blake distracted, I make a mad dash for another car. Desperate and weak, I dive into the driver's seat. The key is on the dashboard, thank God. The adrenaline masks my pain and I start the ignition. The car roars to life, and I plant my head against the wheel. "C'mon, girl, I need to survive this."

"We're down to the final seconds, and it's anyone's game!" The MC yells into his mic and the crowd is losing it. 

As Blake pivots around to notice me, Remi lets out a battle cry. He runs at Blake, pouncing onto his legs and then climbing up, repeatedly bashing everywhere with his pipe. Blake snorts, trying to get Remi away from anywhere close to his face. 

I press my foot onto the pedal, driving forward. Blake raises out one arm and stops the incoming car while the other poorly attempts to get Remi off. 

Blake stumbles through our combined efforts, his coordination and footing shaky as he tries to deal with both attacks at once. The tires screech and then I feel the car tipping over. 

"C'MON!" I repeatedly slap the steering wheel. 

"TEN SECONDS!" the MC yells. The crowd is on their feet, screaming as the timer ticks down.

Remi successfully climbs onto Blake's back, swinging the pipe with all his might. The blows bounce harmlessly off Blake's padded chest and back, but each one edges closer to his head. "Alright, playtime is over," Blake smirks, swatting Remi aside. Remi crashes into a nearby wall, coughing and groaning. But his concentration is shattered—for a fraction of a second, he shifts his weight. And that's all I need.

"FIVE SECONDS!" the MC shouts. The crowd is on its feet, screaming in anticipation.

The car goes further, slamming into Blake's side and disrupting his stance. He grunts and the car regains its hold on the ground, pushing Blake into nearby stone. The crowd loses their minds, and Blake thrashes wildly, surprise written on his face.

"THREE SECONDS!" the MC yells.

Blake spins, his mechanical body twisting to escape, but his movements are too slow. His footing slips, and he falls over from the awkward balance, crashing onto the ground as the car pushes him. He raises out his free arm and shields his head from incoming debris. 

I scream and jam my nails into the steering wheel. "YEESSSSSSS!" Smoke envelopes the area as Blake is rammed into stone ahead of me—but then I feel the car being lifted, and a red mechanical glow cuts through the grey haze. "NO NO NO!" 

The horn sounds, cutting through the chaos. "TIME'S UP!" the MC shouts, his voice cracking with excitement. "WE HAVE A TIE!" 

Time slows down for me, my mind barely registering the MC's words. Is it finally over?

The car is gently lowered, and then I hear Blake's laughter booming. The smoke clears and he sets my ride down carefully, shaking his head with a grin. "Damn, Lily. Not bad."

The crowd explodes, chanting their names as the MC continues. "WHAT A FIGHT! Lily and Remi may not have taken down Blake, but they've done something not many can do—survive! Let's give it up for these legends!"

Medics rush into the arena as Blake waves to the crowd. His face is a bloody mess, but his grin remains. He makes his way over to Remi, patting his beaten and bruised body. "Not bad, Kid. Not bad at all."

I stumble out of the car and spot Remi cracking a faint smile, his voice hoarse. "You hit like a truck, dawg."

Blake chuckles. "And you're damn a tank. Welcome to the family."

I watch the medics check on Remi first, and then spot a few more running to me. I sit down on the sand, letting gravity do the rest, and flop onto the ground. 

It's over. Finally.