Plains outside of Durendall, Myria's P.O.V.
My patrol is almost over, soon I can go back to camp, I hope someone has word about Klein. We haven't heard anything since he left for Illium, it's not like him to not send word. Even if he can't send a message he can have one of the goddesses pass a message through Leyla.
Yet we haven't heard a peep from them either, the silence is driving all of us nuts. The others except for Leyla have been taking it out on the enemy soldiers, and I admit I have done the same. I'd be at the city now if Mercy hadn't sent Mericel and me out on patrol.
I don't see the need for these patrols, any reinforcements that were coming have already come and been wiped out. It should only be a few more days before the city falls too. Maybe then we can all head to Illium and look for Klein, he deserves a good beating for making us worry.