Vacker says "Yes, what I have shown you so far are the basic moves that everything else is built on."
"Have you ever actually taught this to anyone?"
Vacker says "Nope. Until now I hadn't found anyone I thought would be capable of learning it."
"Wait, was that an actual compliment just now?"
Vacker says "Don't let it go to your head! Even if you have the potential you won't be able to learn what I am trying to teach you without pain and a lot of hard work."
"I'm not afraid of hard work, and I'm getting fairly used to the pain."
Vacker says "Well, then quit complaining and get back to work!"
The rest of the day aside for a break for dinner is spent in trying to learn the basics of this new movement technique. I end up taking more damage from falling while practicing than I did in the fight with the wolf. But I don't give up, I keep trying right until Vacker tells me to stop and get some sleep.